

May 26th, 2015
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  1. (16:58:37) SkyNet : Halogen- logs out of the Chat.
  2. (16:58:38) SkyNet : and laws are very nasally meticulous
  3. (17:00:34) MrPreggers: who the heck is poi
  4. (17:00:53) Onilateur: poi is sway
  5. (17:00:55) Onilateur: jousway
  6. (17:01:02) MrPreggers: thanks
  7. (17:08:13) Saphira: welp I'm gonna watch AN vids
  8. (17:08:14) Saphira: bai
  9. (17:08:15) SkyNet : how cud u say guu bai i say it
  10. (17:33:11) MrPreggers: what's up
  11. (17:49:18) SkyNet : Midigami logs into the Chat.
  12. (17:49:29) Midigami: [image load failed]
  13. (17:51:17) Midigami: uhhh, what the fuck did I just walk into?
  14. (17:53:06) Midigami: also, jello oni, jello jous, turtel pls and all that stuff
  15. (18:03:24) Onilateur: Hoi dimagi
  16. (18:03:32) Onilateur: you walked into nothing at all actually
  17. (18:03:45) Onilateur: since everything is already over
  18. (18:04:13) Onilateur: short version is, I mentionned that halogen was an arrogant prick with an ego
  19. (18:04:33) Onilateur: so he showed up, with saphira tagging along
  20. (18:04:52) Onilateur: and they put a trial on my ass, calling me a bad mod and a horrible person
  21. (18:05:07) Onilateur: telling me I'm the reason they don't come on the chat anymore
  22. (18:05:18) Onilateur: so I wished them all the best and they left
  23. (18:05:38) Onilateur: telling them it's a shame they don't come in chat more
  24. (18:05:55) Midigami: ah
  25. (18:07:20) Onilateur: and before you say I'm only giving one side of the story, all I've said is factually true
  26. (18:07:48) Midigami: I'm not saying anything lmao
  27. (18:08:07) Onilateur: oh I may have said halogen was only an okay-ish player
  28. (18:08:10) SkyNet : gusto logs into the Chat.
  29. (18:08:13) SkyNet : Saphira has been logged out (Timeout).
  30. (18:08:16) Onilateur: which might have sparked the whole thing actually
  31. (18:08:25) gusto: aaaaa im here ladies
  32. (18:08:31) Onilateur: Hello
  33. (18:08:31) SkyNet : Greetings Archlord Onilateur. Welcome to ThirdStyle chat!
  34. (18:08:32) Midigami: ah
  35. (18:08:38) Midigami: jello justo
  36. (18:08:45) Midigami: *gusto
  37. (18:08:49) MrPreggers: poopsto
  38. (18:08:58) gusto: MrPoopers
  39. (18:09:05) MrPreggers: grrrrrrr
  40. (18:09:10) Onilateur: apparently it meant him dropping by and telling me how he's spent 10+ years on rhythm gaming and has done a bunch of stuff and AAA'd abyssal et al
  41. (18:09:28) Onilateur: and afterwards he wonders why I said he has a huge ego
  42. (18:09:40) Onilateur: and why I said he's showboating
  43. (18:09:42) SkyNet : i said he's showboating
  44. (18:10:23) Midigami: and its pouring where I'm at wheeeee
  45. (18:10:26) SkyNet : shoes are like 1500 main kanji and like it and nothing came pouring out
  46. (18:10:26) SkyNet : you already said he's showboating
  47. (18:10:35) SkyNet : and just said he's showboating
  48. (18:10:41) SkyNet : His friend said he's showboating
  49. (18:10:46) SkyNet : you like it, and has good internets and a big snowboarding / skiiing town
  50. (18:10:47) gusto: skynet is a fucking snowboater
  51. (18:10:48) SkyNet : and a fucking snowboater
  52. (18:13:12) Midigami: huehue
  53. (18:14:20) MrPreggers: i have an erection
  54. (18:14:27) MrPreggers: not rhythm game related either
  55. (18:14:29) gusto: me too!
  56. (18:14:32) Onilateur: no hard feelings though
  57. (18:14:32) MrPreggers: first time in a while
  58. (18:14:39) Midigami: Preggers, is it longer than 4 hours?
  59. (18:14:43) Onilateur: the only thing that makes me sad is them criticizing my job as a mod
  60. (18:14:56) Onilateur: means I'm not doing a good enough job
  61. (18:15:27) MrPreggers: four hour erection no
  62. (18:15:37) MrPreggers: this place barely needs moderation anyway
  63. (18:15:47) Midigami: Hey, you are going a good job as mod. You only ban/kick when its needed, warn people on whatever they do wrong and you don't abuse your power as a mod.
  64. (18:16:16) gusto: S P A C E T I M E
  65. (18:16:30) Onilateur: no I'm not doing a good enough job if people question my quality as a mod
  66. (18:16:31) Midigami:
  67. (18:16:32) SkyNet : Greetings Beginner BIoodyy. Welcome to Paris"
  68. (18:16:41) gusto: gusto has been silenced for nonsense in #thirdstyle
  69. (18:16:54) Onilateur: I should just strive to get better
  70. (18:17:14) Midigami: Oni, AJ can't say that you're not doing a good enough job if he's never been in here before
  71. (18:17:17) Onilateur: whenever you catch me doing egomaniac nonsense and abusing my power, please do tell me, take me down a peg
  72. (18:17:29) Midigami: Sure thing
  73. (18:17:41) gusto: you're just a mod dude, just dont be an asshole and you are a good mod
  74. (18:17:41) Onilateur: I'm just a human being, I need other people to help me improve
  75. (18:17:42) SkyNet : Besides, leaving bright and light and have seen an A mod by like 3
  76. (18:23:16) gusto: woooooooaahahhhhhhahwhawa im green
  77. (18:23:31) Onilateur: good job man
  78. (18:23:41) gusto: im new to this chat
  79. (18:23:42) SkyNet : and amy and like 4 new dice roll with it
  80. (18:23:47) gusto: this is cool
  81. (18:24:17) Onilateur: if you need any help don't hesitate to ask
  82. (18:25:07) Onilateur: somehow gyazo is crapping out on me rn
  83. (18:25:13) Onilateur: I don't know why
  84. (18:27:58) SkyNet : Chapstick logs into the Chat.
  85. (18:29:23) poi: 10/10
  86. (18:29:25) poi: best read
  87. (18:29:27) poi: would read again
  88. (18:29:32) Onilateur: wb sway
  89. (18:29:36) poi: aj's arogant stupidity is amazing
  90. (18:29:36) Onilateur: you missed saphira
  91. (18:29:37) SkyNet : because saphira was gonna save
  92. (18:29:42) Onilateur: she deleted all her messages
  93. (18:29:43) poi: who
  94. (18:29:45) poi: aj's bitch?
  95. (18:30:06) Onilateur: dude don't be that rude
  96. (18:30:06) poi: the brain dead girl that acutally wants to suck his dick?
  97. (18:30:08) Onilateur: it's called a woman
  98. (18:30:12) poi: k
  99. (18:30:43) MrPreggers: (12:16:32) SkyNet : Greetings Beginner BIoodyy. Welcome to Paris"
  100. (18:30:44) MrPreggers: why ;w;
  101. (18:30:45) SkyNet : Greetings Beginner BIoodyy. Welcome to the space though, and just like
  102. (18:30:53) MrPreggers: skynet spacetime
  103. (18:30:54) SkyNet : and it might distort spacetime or maybe 3 is fking retarded
  104. (18:31:01) MrPreggers: skynet S P A C E T I M E
  105. (18:31:02) SkyNet : wow paradise on E has too little bass, remaster 2 is up
  106. (18:31:06) gusto: skynet S P A C E T I M E
  107. (18:31:07) SkyNet : That felt like you for S.Y.T.E.M. is in D2 for 3 full files for it
  108. (18:31:22) poi: aj is so arrogant and has shuch a big ego he doesnt even notice it
  109. (18:31:24) poi: 10/10 best read
  110. (18:31:42) MrPreggers: dang poi
  111. (18:31:47) MrPreggers: let's not go overboard here
  112. (18:32:15) gusto: skynet is so arrogant and has shuch a big ego he doesnt even notice it
  113. (18:32:17) SkyNet : barely even noticed
  114. (18:32:23) MrPreggers: skynet is a girl
  115. (18:32:26) SkyNet : and to feel about chicken, and the girl still has lingering affection for the chat, we are just my 2 good scores come then it depends if the chat
  116. (18:33:17) Onilateur: you missed saphira man
  117. (18:33:22) Onilateur: it was the best part
  118. (18:33:35) poi: :<
  119. (18:33:40) poi: what did the dumb bitch say?
  120. (18:33:52) gusto: what did the dumb skynet say?
  121. (18:33:53) SkyNet : is the beatles did to my wip
  122. (18:33:55) MrPreggers: S T O P
  123. (18:34:20) Onilateur: a lot of things actually
  124. (18:34:26) Onilateur: should have taken sceenshots
  125. (18:34:35) Onilateur: she mostly insulted me though
  126. (18:34:43) Onilateur: and praised haloge
  127. (18:34:48) gusto: skynet mostly insulted me though
  128. (18:34:48) SkyNet : and no you insulted him on
  129. (18:34:57) gusto: and praised skynet
  130. (18:34:58) SkyNet : it was praised most in is it
  131. (18:35:18) poi: doesnt suprise me, she always does that, if you insult aj, she always goes batshit stupid
  132. (18:35:37) poi: dumb people date dumb people herpderp
  133. (18:35:50) gusto: doesnt suprise me, skynet always does that, if you insult skynet, skynet always goes batshit stupid
  134. (18:35:51) SkyNet : I'd kill to survive, and to make such high standards he does"
  135. (18:35:58) MrPreggers: too much mad in here today
  136. (18:36:06) MrPreggers: this is flashflashrevolution-tier drama
  137. (18:36:10) gusto: too much skynet in here today
  138. (18:36:11) SkyNet : and a little too.... two dimensional
  139. (18:36:31) Midigami: pizza me
  140. (18:36:31) SkyNet : All pizzas mentioned in this chat rightfully belongs to Chapstick. MINE!
  141. (18:36:50) MrPreggers: sally me
  142. (18:36:50) SkyNet : MrPreggers logs out of the Chat.
  143. (18:37:18) gusto: soooo why exactly is everyone mad at halogen
  144. (18:37:24) gusto: i heard his side of the story
  145. (18:37:47) poi: there is no ffr tier drama here nor is anyone mad
  146. (18:37:51) poi: aside from aj probs
  147. (18:37:52) SkyNet : aj can you live in
  148. (18:38:01) poi: and his gf
  149. (18:38:29) Onilateur: one fine morning, I logged in very early like I usually do
  150. (18:38:36) Onilateur: and there was both him and her in chat
  151. (18:38:39) Onilateur: spamming like crazy
  152. (18:38:43) Onilateur: flooding the chat with caps
  153. (18:38:45) Onilateur: and dice rolls
  154. (18:38:50) Onilateur: so I told them to calm down a bit
  155. (18:38:57) Onilateur: and that I'd have to intervene if they didn't
  156. (18:39:00) Onilateur: so they insulted me
  157. (18:39:04) Onilateur: and told me they were with tiza
  158. (18:39:11) Onilateur: so it was admin approved flood
  159. (18:39:14) poi: gusto its mostly because he is an idiotic arrogant prick, like oni has other reasons, but most of the ssc and openitg crew finds his an annoying arrogant prick for arguing about a drama between midiman and saturn while he had no idea what he was talking about
  160. (18:39:37) Onilateur: which, just waking up, I didn't know
  161. (18:39:42) poi: if he "helps" other rythm games like he says he does
  162. (18:39:48) poi: I feel very sorry for those peoplle
  163. (18:39:48) Onilateur: but apparently this was enough proof for halogen to say I'm a bad mod
  164. (18:39:53) poi: that they have to deal with him
  165. (18:41:04) poi: oni, its a perfect example to show how closed minded he is, if you do one thing wrong, or get in his way he will look at you in a negative way and look as if your a bad "something" while in the same way he has done shit as a mod 200 times worse than anything you have done but in his eyes he is "perfect"
  166. (18:41:16) poi: he should be a politician he'll be great at it
  167. (18:42:23) gusto: well
  168. (18:42:36) Onilateur: well at the end of the day sway said much worse things about him than me and halogen went after me instead
  169. (18:42:45) Onilateur: because I seem like the easier target
  170. (18:42:52) poi: I guess
  171. (18:42:59) poi: mostly because when he shows up I just ignore him
  172. (18:43:00) Onilateur: he can just criticize me by telling me as a mod I should be setting an example
  173. (18:43:03) poi: czu I know what he is like
  174. (18:43:04) gusto: wait why were you even saying bad things about halogen?
  175. (18:43:14) poi: and its not useful to yell against a wall
  176. (18:43:25) Onilateur: gusto: who me?
  177. (18:43:28) SkyNet : Alright you know gusto -_-
  178. (18:43:51) poi: cuz I'm still kinda upset about how AJ handeled vyhd and just ignore the entire convo at the end and just ran away
  179. (18:44:00) poi: mostly annoyed
  180. (18:44:01) poi: not mad
  181. (18:44:02) SkyNet : Halogen- logs into the Chat.
  182. (18:44:03) poi: but annoyed
  183. (18:44:16) Halogen-: Looks like you guys can't keep your mouths shut, haha.
  184. (18:44:26) poi: k I'ma play some gundam breaker 2
  185. (18:44:31) poi: I'll read his shitstorm later
  186. (18:44:40) Onilateur: wb Haloge
  187. (18:44:49) Halogen-: I'm not here to shitstorm, lol
  188. (18:44:55) Halogen-: I'm just here to read more of what was said about me :p
  189. (18:45:04) SkyNet : MrPreggers logs into the Chat.
  190. (18:45:14) Onilateur: wb preggers
  191. (18:46:00) gusto: i like how everything gets quiet now
  192. (18:46:20) Halogen-: Of course.
  193. (18:46:29) Halogen-: Because it's not like I can't read chat further up anyway... :V
  194. (18:46:57) Halogen-: So?
  195. (18:47:00) gusto: got my popcorn for nothing
  196. (18:47:02) Onilateur: gusto: it got quiet because sway ran away
  197. (18:47:14) Halogen-: (12:43:51) poi: cuz I'm still kinda upset about how AJ handeled vyhd and just ignore the entire convo at the end and just ran away --> I actually can't quite remember what this pertained to...
  198. (18:47:15) gusto: is that poi?
  199. (18:47:20) Onilateur: he clearly doesn't like haloge very much
  200. (18:47:23) Onilateur: yes
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