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Aug 17th, 2015
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  1. >Leader's Name: Na'cal Mixtale
  2. >Leader's Fluff: Born Tle'aa, "Bark-Worm", this son of the Qinteca Na'cal led a relatively luxurious life. Or at least, as luxurious as any in the Makan are afforded. He learned to hunt and to forage, and developed a prowess for whittling wood in his younger years, living up to his name. However, the realities of life caught up to him in his 46th year of life. His mother, the Na'cal Petaali, had long urged him to become a shaman. But after her death in a war with the Yontec, it was Tle'aa who took the mantle. He gave himself a new name, in the fashion of chieftains before him: Mixtale, the Hungry Root. For he would take in the knowledge of shamanism, of war, of the world around him. He would not die in ignorance, he would master his surroundings with a fervor unknown in most elves.
  3. >The fervor of the Na'cal seemed a strange development to many. He had previously been reclusive and timid in the court of the chieftain. Some say he was merely biding his time, waiting for the moment of his ascendancy. Others claim it was by the gods that he became an apt and eager ruler, legitimizing his reign. Whatever the case, Mixtale intends to hold his throne for as long as he lives. And he plans to live for a long time.
  5. >Nation's Name: Apa Qinteca
  6. >Color: Light Green
  7. >Fluff: (Anotec Elves) - In the dense and ancient jungles of the Makan, life does not heed civilization easily. The elves that reside here have found instead that harmony works better than dominance. Their clans are numerous and many-titled, but as a whole they are known as the Anotec, the People of the Branches. Their own legends state that they are the first elves, and indeed the first sapient race on the planet. However, tales of them having arrived on "long boats from the northern heavens" suggest they may have been the result of an early migration.
  8. > The Anotec may worship varying gods and hold different rituals, but some things are held in common. Foremost is the belief in a founding deity, Zemya, the Living Earth. From her did all good life originate, and it was she who named the 5 Planes of Existence, as well as all their inhabitants. Common as well is the belief in a War God, alternatively called Undaal or Mardu. He wreathes himself in red paint and strikes unhindered at his enemies, and the warrior class often emulates this style by forgoing armor in favor of speed and savagery. Other gods are also worshiped, like Uzumenacan, the Laughing God; or Tlenat, the Brilliant Sun; and Xapa Xonac the Bloody-Handed, whose dire rites are spoken only in whispers.
  9. >Politically, the Anotec are tribal to the extreme. Every clan is made up of 5-6 family lines, each with clearly understood territory within and around the Makan. A clan is led by the Na'cal, the Chieftain, who is in turn advised by elders and the Huma, the clan's chief shaman. Dozens of such clans exist, but the largest are the Ximiche, the Me'bac, and the Qinteca. These build modest stone and clay villages in cleared swaths of jungle, the only permanent settlements beyond sacred sites. As well, they are the only ones known to practice some degree of agriculture, though like the other nomadic clans they still hunt and forage.
  10. >The Anotec are quite unaware of goings-on outside the Makan, and that is how they'd like to keep it. Their forest is verdant and prosperous, and they have worked hard to establish a balance. Interlopers would only bring disorder. While they fight among their clans (and quite often at that), several have allied before to head off a greater threat.
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