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Aug 28th, 2015
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  1. [2015.08.22 at 16:59:51] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{AIR x 0}'
  2. [2015.08.22 at 19:23:37] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{ARROW x 1}'
  3. [2015.08.22 at 20:22:21] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{PAPER x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=§7§l[§9§lGutschein§7§l], lore=[§7§l§n->Rechtsklick zum benutzen!, §a§lWert:§5 250, §9Typ:§3 GP]}}'
  4. [2015.08.22 at 20:22:40] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{GOLDEN_APPLE x 7, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=§a§lOP-APFEL, lore=[Notch Apfel]}}'
  5. [2015.08.22 at 20:22:56] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{AIR x 0}'
  6. [2015.08.22 at 20:23:19] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{NAME_TAG x 3, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=§4§lSpawn, lore=[§3§l[Fluchtticket], §7§l§n->Rechtsklick zum benutzen!, §a§lName:§r Spawn]}}'
  7. [2015.08.22 at 20:23:30] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{GOLD_BOOTS x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, enchants={DURABILITY=25, THORNS=25}}}'
  8. [2015.08.22 at 20:23:44] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{LEATHER_BOOTS x 1, LEATHER_ARMOR_META:{meta-type=LEATHER_ARMOR, enchants={PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL=15, DURABILITY=50}, color=Color:[rgb0x334CB2]}}'
  9. [2015.08.22 at 20:23:48] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{LEATHER_LEGGINGS x 1, LEATHER_ARMOR_META:{meta-type=LEATHER_ARMOR, enchants={PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL=15, DURABILITY=50}, color=Color:[rgb0x334CB2]}}'
  10. [2015.08.22 at 20:23:51] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{LEATHER_CHESTPLATE x 1, LEATHER_ARMOR_META:{meta-type=LEATHER_ARMOR, enchants={PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL=25, DURABILITY=50}, color=Color:[rgb0x334CB2]}}'
  11. [2015.08.22 at 20:23:53] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{PUMPKIN x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, enchants={PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL=10, DURABILITY=50}}}'
  12. [2015.08.22 at 20:24:02] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{ENCHANTED_BOOK x 2, ENCHANTED_META:{meta-type=ENCHANTED, stored-enchants={PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL=4}}}'
  13. [2015.08.22 at 20:24:08] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{ENCHANTED_BOOK x 1, ENCHANTED_META:{meta-type=ENCHANTED, stored-enchants={FIRE_ASPECT=2}}}'
  14. [2015.08.22 at 20:24:12] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{ENCHANTED_BOOK x 1, ENCHANTED_META:{meta-type=ENCHANTED, stored-enchants={DAMAGE_ALL=5}}}'
  15. [2015.08.22 at 20:24:15] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{BOW x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, enchants={ARROW_DAMAGE=5, ARROW_KNOCKBACK=2, DURABILITY=3, ARROW_INFINITE=1}}}'
  16. [2015.08.22 at 20:24:38] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{STICK x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, enchants={DAMAGE_ALL=10, KNOCKBACK=10, FIRE_ASPECT=10}}}'
  17. [2015.08.22 at 20:24:46] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{DIAMOND_AXE x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, enchants={DAMAGE_ALL=6, DURABILITY=3, FIRE_ASPECT=2}}}'
  18. [2015.08.22 at 20:24:55] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{DIAMOND x 10}'
  19. [2015.08.22 at 20:25:04] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{ENDER_PEARL x 8}'
  20. [2015.08.22 at 20:25:18] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{POTION x 2}'
  21. [2015.08.22 at 20:25:23] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{POTION x 1}'
  22. [2015.08.22 at 20:25:26] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{POTION x 10}'
  23. [2015.08.22 at 20:25:42] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{POTION x 7}'
  24. [2015.08.22 at 20:25:50] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{ENCHANTED_BOOK x 2, ENCHANTED_META:{meta-type=ENCHANTED, stored-enchants={DURABILITY=3}}}'
  25. [2015.08.22 at 20:25:57] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{GOLDEN_APPLE x 8}'
  26. [2015.08.22 at 20:26:24] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{IRON_HELMET x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=§3Platin Helm, lore=[§3Platin Kit!], enchants={PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL=4, DURABILITY=3}}}'
  27. [2015.08.22 at 20:26:26] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{IRON_CHESTPLATE x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=§3Platin Harnisch, lore=[§3Platin Kit!], enchants={PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL=4, DURABILITY=3}}}'
  28. [2015.08.22 at 20:26:28] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{IRON_LEGGINGS x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=§3Platin Hose, lore=[§3Platin Kit!], enchants={PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL=4, DURABILITY=3}}}'
  29. [2015.08.22 at 20:26:30] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{IRON_BOOTS x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=§3Platin Schuhe, lore=[§3Platin Kit!], enchants={PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL=4, DURABILITY=3}}}'
  30. [2015.08.22 at 20:26:33] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{IRON_SWORD x 1, UNSPECIFIC_META:{meta-type=UNSPECIFIC, display-name=§3Platin Schwert, lore=[§3Platin Kit!], enchants={DAMAGE_ALL=4, DURABILITY=3, KNOCKBACK=2}}}'
  31. [2015.08.22 at 20:26:35] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{INK_SACK x 4}'
  32. [2015.08.22 at 20:26:53] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{ENDER_PEARL x 2}'
  33. [2015.08.22 at 20:26:54] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{DIAMOND x 1}'
  34. [2015.08.22 at 20:26:56] <PowerPiet> Name: 'PowerPiet' || Item: 'ItemStack{MAGMA_CREAM x 23}'
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