
People: The Foundation

Jul 30th, 2017
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  1. People: The Foundation
  3. Just in case anyone gets a hold of this or any of my other journals I would like to clarify my intentions so I don't get accused of treason. I've kept journals like this for most of my life and it helps me collect my thoughts and unwind. If I were ever to leave the foundation I understand that these journals cannot come with me.
  5. Aliana: Concealment Specialist. Can't place the accent or dialect. A strange one but not in a bad way.
  7. Charles: A nice enough guy, even if he's a bit rough around the edges. Works in Object retrieval. Blew me up while fighting Godzilla. (Still a bit upset about that but there's no point in dwelling on the past) Insists on telling me to hold my revolver fire every god damn time!
  9. Buck: An artist with a southern accent. Seems nice but I haven't talked with him enough to know for sure.
  11. Cole: A grouchy medic. She does her job well and isn't a jerk. The reason I don't drink much anymore. (Note To Self: Avoid banana cocktails.)
  13. Fiere: Security officer. Nice guy with a fear of the ocean.
  15. Gabbie: Don't quite know what she does. She can handle herself in a fight though.
  17. Graham: A handsome man with a heart of gold. (If anyone reads this I swear this is a joke.)
  19. Kit(Anomalous): "Combat Engineer"(That means she blows shit up). Sometimes she's a centaur and sometimes she's not. Kicks ass with a sword. Scares me a little sometimes.
  21. Jacob: A fucking werewolf. That aside he is helpful in a pinch. Saved Charles from an alien.
  23. Janelle: Engineer. A delightful girl with a penchant for traps. Saved my ass more than a few times. Means the world to me.
  25. Loche: [There was text here but it has been scribbled out. Dried tears stain the page. Only one word can be read.] Hero
  27. Maple: Crass, loud, and supposedly good with an axe.
  29. Rolf(Anomalous): The less said about him the better. Eats sins. (Not sure what that means and frankly he kinda gives me the creeps.) Terrible self-esteem issues.
  31. Rose: Nice but a bit too flirty. Made me uncomfortable a few times. A thief plain and simple.(Not that i'm one to judge)
  33. Tennyson: Reserved but kind. He's patched me up once or twice.
  35. Tolly(Anomalous. Kinda.):A sweet girl with an eldritch monster for a pet. Can't say three sentences in a row to someone or else Asher
  36. (The eldritch monster) Can see them and messes with their minds. Got me involved in the investigation of the Factory and Karsten Moller.
  38. Vivian(Anomalous): Spider woman. Engineer with prosthesis. Willing to sacrifice herself without a second thought. Lost a third of her soul to a snake monster. (Spoiler Alert: We killed it)
  40. Karsten Moller(If he's not Anomalous i'll eat my shoe): An old man filled to the brim with secrets. Can't go two sentences without being cryptic. Killed a little boy who made a deal with the Factory. I really don't like him. Led us deeper into the rabbit hole to investigate the factory. Died after our most recent mission. I may not of agreed with him but he did not deserve death. I'm not sure what he was but he wasn't human.
  42. The Factory(Practically a God): A greedy entity with the power of a god. Makes deals with people that benefit themselves the most. Tried to commit suicide via the Patter Screamers. Was given the name Symfonia (By your's truly) to prevent this. Greedy bastard had us go into the pattern screamers dimension to get something. I hope he burns in hell.
  44. Niccolo: Assumed to be a nice man. Assumptions are often wrong. He has been re-educated so I must not be too hard on him for the past version of himself. It's appalling how different he is.
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