
S02E02 - Dogs to a Gunfight

Feb 17th, 2017
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  1. You told us the Irish were attacked by a whole gang of guys.
  2. I'm pretty sure the word you used was "army."
  3. You want to tell me why I'm now hearing this is all being done by one man? - Look, I didn't know you guys were - Who does he work for? - I got no idea! - Well, what do you know? I know he's a sociopath, that's what.
  4. I mean, yeah, fine I heard the rumors, okay, but I didn't think I thought it was ridiculous, okay? Ten, 20 guys could be mowed down at a time.
  5. And with precision? You know, tactically.
  6. Every hit was like some kind of SEAL Team 6.
  7. Then people started saying it was one guy doing all that.
  8. One man? I thought it was a ghost story.
  9. Some campfire shit you tell freshies to make 'em crap their pants.
  10. But now You saw.
  11. That guy was the Grim Reaper.
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