
Claming Ifrit

Jul 30th, 2019
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  2. [17:19] {NARRATION} Pursuing a rumor about a beast known as "Ifrit", the young Ichida ventured up a volcano, following a path filled with twists and turns, eventually leading to a cavern of sorts. The heat was high and sweat could be felt running down his whole body until he crossed the threshold of the aforementioned cave. The shadow cast upon him was... Refreshing.
  4. Deeper into the cavern itself a hooded man sat on a log before a fire. A small wooden bowl was held in his grasp. A blonde and white beard graced his face, yet the rest of his features was left mostly unknown save for the wrinkles on his hands.
  5. [17:27] Ichida traveled through the volcano with his Katana aimed in-front of him his only light source was the fire coming from his eyes. He noted a hooded figure standing like it was waiting for something, but out of respect for other adventures, the Samurai lowered his blade as well.
  7. "Hello, there I'm looking for a beast known as Ifrit as well the fire gem, and a gem of power. I know I'm not the only person looking for them, but would you happen to have advice for a fellow adventurer?"
  9. Ichida stood there with a small grin on his face; he didn't see a reason to engage in hostile intent. Though he was ready at all times to defend himself, should the time arise?
  11. He'd examine the area and begin to wonder why the man was here waiting in the first place?; It's not like he found the person looking for anything they were just waiting...he'd keep that in mind for now.
  13. He'd begin tapping the sheath on the stone in the area giving a small squint at the hooded figure. This was interesting, but what trouble would this bring for Ichida?
  15. He took a deep breath as he continued to wait.
  16. (Ichida Rikiya)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [17:34] {NARRATION} The old man brought the wooden bowl up to his lips, drinking ferociously from it, allowing some thick, orange soup to drip from the sides of his mouth and into his beard. It was clear the man had long since lost any sight of the word "etiquette". A loud exhale of satisfaction soon followed before he peered down towards Ichida, shaking his head.
  21. "You don't wanna find Ifrit, kid. That's the beast ruling over one of the elemental planes; he'll tear you apart. Searching for -that- treasure is foolish. Give up."
  23. By the looks of things the old man was not too friendly, although any further observation would reveal a large, golden and red door behind him. Something that shouldn't be in a normal cave.
  25. A blade laid by the old man's side on his log, its guard and handle matching the aforementioned colors.
  26. [17:42] Ichida noticed the blade, as well as the massive door behind the hooded figure who he assumes, was male. He aimed his sword at the man no longer smirking he didn't like people getting in the way of his plans to become stronger.
  28. He'd slam the Arcanium blade on the ground creating an Echoing in the area. Ichida was no longer in a mood for being held up by foolish people that wish to halt his progress.
  30. "If you're guarding the beast I suggest you move or I'll have to move you myself. I don't care how strong the creature my be I also command fire and hold a piece of the beast within me. If you don't move, I will be forced to unleash my blasts will upon you.
  32. I will burn you to a crisp and free you from the chains that hold you here. You seem like you don't want to do this so as my one act of kindness I'll set you free.
  34. Unless you move out my way, which I believe you won't, I'll cut you down."
  36. Ichida the stance that pulled forth the power of Ifrit even if it was a much lesser version of the beast power.
  37. (Ichida Rikiya)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [17:45] {NARRATION} "Ah... Youth. It's always the same, isn't it? You didn't even take the time to sit down and have a bowl of soup. Well, your loss."
  42. The old man slowly stood up, putting the wooden bowl on the ground as he did. A sword was brandished, unsheathed, and brought out towards Ichida. A stance mirroring his own was taken.
  44. ".. Still, you're not aggressive enough to use that stance properly." The man said, suddenly leaping forward and striking first!
  45. [17:53] {NARRATION} It was clear by the look of things that Ichida was far more skilled and youthful than the old, grizzled man. Along the way his hood was forced off his head and untamed blonde hair were revealed alongside an old face, one damaged by time. A few coughs were let out before the man spit out a wad of blood, wiping his lips with the back of his hand shortly after.
  47. "Well... aren't ya strong, kid. I didn't think anyone would actually dare to come and fight me for it. Findin' me up here was a challenge already, but you... you're after something I can't give you."
  49. The old man's right hand reached up to his chest, rubbing over one of the large gashes that Ichida had made, bloodying his palm in the process yet showing no pain.
  51. "I started those rumors about Ifrit 'cause I didn't want anyone to come up here and try to get this treasure. Agartha's kept its wars alive for over a century and if what I've obtained in my life were to be used in war, then... It wouldn't right, now, would it?"
  52. [17:58] Ichida begins to move around the field like a phoenix not holding anything back against the older male. He'd scream loud calling forward the power of Ifrit without holding anything back. Ichida flames would grow brighter causing the ground to melt beneath him, with each slash he'd send vast waves of fire to pushed the older man against the ground.
  54. "GIVE UP" he'd continue to strike the older man in a wild fashion using his flames to overtake the man.
  56. "YOU WON"T STOP ME I'LL CLAME THE CREATURE AND ADD IT'S POWER TO MY OWN!" Ichida was getting excited while using every inch of his being to force this man to his back.
  58. As Ichida went to land the killing blow, he came back in control of his flames, stopping himself from killing him. Ichida begins to listen to what the man said to him.
  60. "I don't care what you say old-timer I came here for my reward, and I'll destroy you and whateverelse is behind that door. I'm not leaving empty-handed not you either give me what I came for so I might make a legendary weapon.
  62. Or you give me a weapon that matches my skill those are the only two things I will accept."
  64. Ichida made himself painfully clear.
  65. (Ichida Rikiya)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [18:01] {NARRATION} And to think he was going to give this one a test to prove himself. It seemed like there wasn't much speaking he could do with Ichida, instead being met with a ravenous beast rather than a man. The old man's features grew into a light frown before he spoke.
  70. ".. Then so be it."
  72. Winds and flames overtook his frame as her pulled from the idol of the land of fire itself, drawing forth the same power as Ichida had displayed and engaging him in battle once more. This time far, far more serious.
  73. [18:06] {NARRATION} Roll for injury while you type
  74. [18:07] {NARRATION} 1 Day Temp
  76. Feel free to RP the finish while I dish it out.
  77. [18:09] ** Orange Orange has inflicted an injury upon Ichida Rikiya. ("Ifrit's Burn", "In a heated battle against another swordsman, Ichida received a rather nasty cut across his chest, leaving heat even in the midst of winter.", "Temporary", "Duration: Short (1 day)") **
  78. [18:15] Ichida was knocked down once, and that caused his rage to explode even more than what it already was. He'd scream as the beast Ifrit begin to appear on Ichida's face letting a beastly scream shake the area.
  82. Ichida threw the blade down and jumped on top of the man both hands now erupting flames. He'd begin to punch the old man causing the ground under them to shatter it seems like Ichida was in a berserker state.
  84. Flames erupted from his back as he begins to furiously punch the ground repletely. A few moments passed, and Ichida feels to the ground taking deep breaths it seems the injury was felt.
  86. He'd walk over towards the man and shoot flames over his body while holding his waist.
  88. "You aren't the only one who can inflict burns you fool, and this ismy will and don't you ever forget it."
  90. Ichida begins to retake heavy breaths.
  91. (Ichida Rikiya)
  92. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [18:21] {NARRATION} Ruthless. Relentless. Murderous. There was no way for an old man like this one to survive what had happened to him. He fell down to the ground not only from his body giving up on him, but also from the immense heat and monstrosity that Ichida had become. It's with wide eyes that he saw the orange flames rush towards him, his life flashing before his eyes. A few words were uttered.
  96. "... Kraus save this land."
  98. With his death the door behind him opened up, revealing a cache with rations, food, all rotten and nearly unedible. Scraps and torn pieces of cloth held two different artifacts together.
  100. One glistened in the dark, reflecting a red light, the other gave off heat.
  102. Through hyperviolence Ichida Rikiya had taken what he wanted.
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