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a guest
May 23rd, 2019
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  1. on skript stop:
  2. delete {moderator::*}
  3. delete {admin::*}
  4. delete {player::*}
  5. delete {owner::*}
  6. on skript start:
  7. delete {moderator::*}
  8. delete {admin::*}
  9. delete {player::*}
  10. delete {owner::*}
  11. on join:
  12. if player has permission "darkcheat.moderator":
  13. add player to {moderator::*}
  14. if player has permission "darkcheat.admin":
  15. add player to {admin::*}
  16. if player has permission "darkcheat.player":
  17. add player to {player::*}
  18. if player has permission "darkcheat.*":
  19. add player to {owner::*}
  20. remove player from {moderator::*}
  21. remove player from {admin::*}
  22. remove player from {player::*}
  23. on kick:
  24. if player has permission "darkcheat.moderator":
  25. remove player from {moderator::*}
  26. if player has permission "darkcheat.admin":
  27. remove player from {admin::*}
  28. if player has permission "darkcheat.*":
  29. remove player from {owner::*}
  30. if player has permission "darkcheat.player":
  31. remove player from {player::*}
  32. if {vanish.%player%} = 1:
  33. remove invisibility from player
  34. set {vanish.%player%} to 0
  35. reveal player to all players
  36. on quit:
  37. if player has permission "darkcheat.moderator":
  38. remove player from {moderator::*}
  39. if player has permission "darkcheat.admin":
  40. remove player from {admin::*}
  41. if player has permission "darkcheat.*":
  42. remove player from {owner::*}
  43. if player has permission "darkcheat.player":
  44. remove player from {player::*}
  45. if {vanish.%player%} = 1:
  46. remove invisibility from player
  47. set {vanish.%player%} to 0
  48. reveal player to all players
  49. on pickup:
  50. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  51. cancel event
  52. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not pickup items while in Staff Mode."
  53. on jump:
  54. if {} is true:
  55. cancel event
  56. teleport player to {_ss.coords.%player%}
  57. on inventory click:
  58. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  59. cancel event
  60. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not edit this inventory."
  61. on damage of a player:
  62. if {staffmode.%attacker%} is true:
  63. cancel event
  64. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not damage this player while in this mode." to attacker
  65. if {staffmode.%victim%} is true:
  66. cancel event
  67. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not damage this player." to attacker
  68. on build:
  69. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  70. cancel event
  71. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not build while in Staff Mode."
  72. if {} is true:
  73. cancel event
  74. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou are currently frozen by a staff member."
  75. on break:
  76. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  77. cancel event
  78. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not build while in Staff Mode."
  79. if {} is true:
  80. cancel event
  81. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou are currently frozen by a staff member."
  85. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[COMMANDS]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  86. command /list [<text>]:
  87. description: Detailed list of the players!
  88. permission: darkcheat.player
  89. permission message: {servername} &cYou do not have access to this command!
  90. executable by: players and console
  91. trigger:
  92. if arg 1 is not set:
  93. send "&7Players:" to player
  94. send "&7%{player::*}%" to player
  95. send "&7Moderators:" to player
  96. send "&c%{moderator::*}%" to player
  97. send "&7Admins:" to player
  98. send "&c%{admin::*}%" to player
  99. send "&7Owners:" to player
  100. send "&b%{owner::*}%" to player
  101. if arg 1 is "players":
  102. send "&7Players:" to player
  103. send "&7%{player::*}%" to player
  104. if arg 1 is "moderators":
  105. send "&7Moderators:" to player
  106. send "&c%{moderator::*}%" to player
  107. if arg 1 is "admins":
  108. send "&7Admins:" to player
  109. send "&c%{admin::*}%" to player
  110. if arg 1 is "owners":
  111. send "&7Owners:" to player
  112. send "&b%{owner::*}%" to player
  119. command /ss [<player>]:
  120. description: Freeze the player and send them a request to join TS!
  121. permission: darkcheat.moderator
  122. permission message: {servername} &cYou do not have access to this command!
  123. executable by: players
  124. aliases: /ss,/screenshare,/freeze
  125. trigger:
  126. if arg 1 is not set:
  127. send "&7[&c!&7] &cError: &7You must enter the name of the player for the command to be executed." to player
  128. if arg 1 is set:
  129. if {} is true:
  130. send "&7[&c!&7] &7%arg-1% &ais no longer frozen!" to player
  131. send "&7[&c!&7] &aYou are no longer frozen!" to arg 1
  132. set {} to false
  133. set the arg-1's walk speed to 1
  134. delete {_ss.coords.%arg-1%}
  135. stop trigger
  136. if {} is not set:
  137. set {} to true
  138. add 1 to {frozencounter.%arg-1%}
  139. send "&7[&c!&7] &cThis player has been frozen %{frozencounter.%arg-1%}% times."
  140. send "&7[&c!&7] &7%arg-1% &ahas been frozen." to player
  141. send "&f█████████" to arg 1
  142. send "&f████&c█&f████" to arg 1
  143. send "&f███&c█&0█&c█&f███" to arg 1
  144. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██" to arg 1
  145. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██ &eYou have been frozen by a staff member." to arg 1
  146. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██ &eIf you disconnect you will be &4&lBANNED&e." to arg 1
  147. send "&f█&c█&6█████&c█&f█" to arg 1
  148. send "&c█&6███&0█&6███&c█" to arg 1
  149. send "&c█████████" to arg 1
  150. send "&f█████████" to arg 1
  151. send "&cYou may not attack or get attacked by players whilst frozen." to arg 1
  152. send "&cYou may not disconnect. If you do, you will be permanently banned." to arg 1
  153. send "&cYou most likely will be asked to do a screenshare to prove you are not hacking." to arg 1
  154. send "&cFailure to comply will result in a permanent ban." to arg 1
  155. set the arg-1's walk speed to 0
  156. set {_ss.coords.%arg-1%} to arg-1's location
  157. stop trigger
  158. if {} is false:
  159. add 1 to {frozencounter.%arg-1%}
  160. send "&7[&c!&7] &7%arg-1% &ahas been frozen." to players
  161. send "&7[&c!&7] &cThis player has been frozen %{frozencounter.%arg-1%}% time"
  162. send "&f█████████" to arg 1
  163. send "&f████&c█&f████" to arg 1
  164. send "&f███&c█&0█&c█&f███" to arg 1
  165. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██" to arg 1
  166. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██ &eYou have been frozen by a staff member." to arg 1
  167. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██ &eIf you disconnect you will be &4&lBANNED&e." to arg 1
  168. send "&f█&c█&6█████&c█&f█" to arg 1
  169. send "&c█&6███&0█&6███&c█ &7%{teamspeak}%" to arg 1
  170. send "&c█████████" to arg 1
  171. send "&f█████████" to arg 1
  172. send "&cYou may not attack or get attacked by players whilst frozen." to arg 1
  173. set {} to true
  174. set the arg-1's walk speed to 0
  175. set {_ss.coords.%arg-1%} to arg-1's location
  176. stop trigger
  178. every 5 second in "world":
  179. loop all players:
  180. if {vanish.%loop-player%} = 1:
  181. hide loop-player from all players
  182. reveal loop-player to {admin::*}
  183. reveal loop-player to {moderator::*}
  184. reveal loop-player to {owner::*}
  187. command /staff [<text>]:
  188. description: Staff menu.
  189. permission: staff.moderator
  190. permission message: &7[&c%{servername}%&7 &cYou do not have access to this command!
  191. executable by: players
  192. trigger:
  193. if arg 1 is not set:
  194. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  195. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is currently &aactivated&7!"
  196. if {staffmode.%player%} is false:
  197. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is currently &cdeactivated&7!"
  198. if {staffmode.%player%} is not set:
  199. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is currently &cdeactivated&7!"
  200. if arg 1 is "reload":
  201. if player is op:
  202. execute console command "/skript reload staff"
  203. execute console command "/skript reload Players"
  204. send "&7[&c!&7] &aPlugin reloaded successfully!"
  205. if arg 1 is "on":
  206. if {staffmode.%player%} is false:
  207. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is now &activated&7!"
  208. wait 1 tick
  209. set {staffmode.%player%} to true
  210. set {save.helm.%player%} to the helmet of the player
  211. set {save.chestplate.%player%} to the chestplate of the player
  212. set {save.leggings.%player%} to the leggings of the player
  213. set {} to the boots of the player
  214. set {save.inv.%player%} to the player's serialized inventory
  215. set {save.lvls.%player%} to player's level
  216. set {save.lvls.%player%.progress} to level progress of the player
  217. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Inventory has been saved. You will now enter staff mode&7!"
  218. set {vanish.%player%} to 1
  219. hide player from all players
  220. reveal player to {admin::*}
  221. reveal player to {moderator::*}
  222. reveal player to {owner::*}
  223. clear player's inventory
  224. clear player's level progress
  225. clear player's level
  226. set player's gamemode to creative
  227. add a clock named "&6Random TP" to the slot 0 of player
  228. add a beacon named "&6Vanish" with lore "&bRight click to vanish from other players." to the slot 1 of player
  229. add a ice named "&6Freeze" with lore "&bRight click to Freeze the player." to the slot 2 of player
  230. add a wooden axe named "&6WorldEdit Wand" to the slot 3 of player
  231. add a compass named "&6Phase" to the slot 7 of player
  232. add a book named "&6Examine Player" to the slot 8 of player
  233. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is now &activated&7!"
  234. wait 1 tick
  235. set {staffmode.%player%} to true
  236. set {save.helm.%player%} to the helmet of the player
  237. set {save.chestplate.%player%} to the chestplate of the player
  238. set {save.leggings.%player%} to the leggings of the player
  239. set {} to the boots of the player
  240. set {save.inv.%player%} to the player's serialized inventory
  241. set {save.lvls.%player%} to player's level
  242. set {save.lvls.%player%.progress} to level progress of the player
  243. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Inventory has been saved. You will now enter staff mode&7!"
  244. apply invisibility tier 2 to player for 99999 seconds
  245. send "&7[&c!&7] &7You are now invisible !"
  246. set {vanish.%player%} to 1
  247. hide player from all players
  248. reveal player to {admin::*}
  249. reveal player to {moderator::*}
  250. reveal player to {owner::*}
  251. clear player's inventory
  252. equip player with chain helmet of protection 1000
  253. equip player with chain chestplate of protection 1000
  254. equip player with chain leggings of protection 1000
  255. equip player with chain boots of protection 1000
  256. apply night vision 2 to player for 100000 seconds
  257. clear player's level progress
  258. clear player's level
  259. set player's gamemode to creative
  260. add a clock named "&6Random TP" to the slot 0 of player
  261. add a beacon named "&6Vanish" with lore "&bRight click to vanish." to the slot 1 of player
  262. add a ice named "&6Freeze" with lore "&bRight click to freeze the player." to the slot 2 of player
  263. add a wooden axe named "&6WorldEdit Wand" to the slot 3 of player
  264. add a compass named "&6Phase" to the slot 7 of player
  265. add a book named "&6Examine Player" to the slot 8 of player
  270. if arg 1 is "off":
  271. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  272. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is now &cdeactivated&7!"
  273. set {staffmode.%player%} to false
  274. restore inventory of player from {save.inv.%player%}
  275. set the helmet of the player to {save.helm.%player%}
  276. set the chestplate of the player to {save.chestplate.%player%}
  277. set the leggings of the player to {save.leggings.%player%}
  278. set the boots of the player to {}
  279. set player's level to {save.lvls.%player%}
  280. set player's level progress to {save.lvls.%player%.progress}
  281. reveal player to all players
  282. remove invisibility from the player
  283. remove night vision from the player
  284. set player's gamemode to survival
  285. else:
  286. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is already &cdeactivated&7!"
  287. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[ITEMS]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  288. on right click with a beacon:
  289. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  290. if {vanish.%player%} is not set:
  291. send "&7[&c!&7] &7You are now in vanish !"
  292. set {vanish.%player%} to 1
  293. hide player from all players
  294. stop trigger
  295. if {vanish.%player%} = 0:
  296. send "&7[&c!&7] &7You are now in vanish !"
  297. set {vanish.%player%} to 1
  298. hide player from all players
  299. stop trigger
  300. if {vanish.%player%} = 1:
  301. remove invisibility from player
  302. send "&7[&c!&7] &7You are now visible !"
  303. set {vanish.%player%} to 0
  304. reveal player to all players
  305. stop trigger
  306. on right click on a player:
  307. if player's tool is a book:
  308. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  309. cancel event
  310. make player execute command "/invsee %clicked entity%"
  311. on damage of a player:
  312. if attacker's tool is a compass:
  313. if {staffmode.%attacker%} is true:
  314. cancel event
  315. make attacker execute command "/push"
  316. on right click with a clock:
  317. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  318. cancel event
  319. set {_randomtp} to a random element out of {player::*}
  320. teleport player to {_randomtp}
  321. send "&8[&c!&8] &7You have been randomly teleported to &c%{_randomtp}%&7!"
  322. on right click on a player:
  323. if player's tool is a ice:
  324. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  325. cancel event
  326. make player execute command "/freeze %clicked entity%"
  329. command /invsee [<player>]:
  330. permission: invsee.use
  331. trigger:
  332. if arg-1 is not set:
  333. send "could not do that"
  334. else:
  335. open the arg-1's inventory for the player
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