
Steamy Trottingham Nights: Chp 2

Sep 19th, 2014
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  1. >"Anonymous, the master is requesting your presence Mr. Anonymous."
  2. >You are waking up to the sound of a triangle being rung by the bosses' ponyservant. You scan your room, a small space, but you've always been one to make do, and stretch your legs for the day. You slick your hair back, put on your regal green cap and bellhop uniform and turn to the old stallion before getting ready for work.
  3. >You've been working under a Mister Shackles a good 10 or so years, you've done the dirtiest jobs, delivered bribes, restrained runaway mares and difficult stallions, worked during good times, bad times, without pay and kept a straight face about it for the entirety. Word had spread around Trottingham of Mister Shackles and his blank, ape enforcer, you didn't mind the intimidation, anything to help the boss.
  4. >You greet the house butler, Steward Tenorhooves. Steward was a faithful attendant to all the goings on in this little harem of a hotel. He was and had been since early in life, a eunuch. No, no, they don't geld horses here. That was the result of the stallion's mother, who was really enthusiastic and encouraging of the young choirboys vocal range. He now speaks in a squealing rasp, more like a colt's neigh than anything else. The patrons find this hilarious and tip highly to hear their favorite arias.
  5. >"Now, the master would like to see you in his office, and he would prefer you find something more suitable to wear."
  6. >You inspect you uniform, check for holes, tears, or uneven buttons, straighten the gold trim. You were sure you cleaned off the unicorn's marejuice last week.
  7. "Seems fine enough for a day or two of work."
  8. >"Well that, it seems Shackles is going to be taking a leave of absence, and he's looking for someone to take his place for the time being." Steward puts it delicately in his effeminate manner.
  9. "Oh, And who would that be?"
  10. >You'ld really like to hurry up and fetch the substitute owner, you're in quite the hurry to get on stable cleaning duty.
  11. >"If I've been told correctly, that's you sir. Now the master insists we get a move on, time is money."
  12. You mumble wordlessly.
  13. >How could you, a human, handle a harem of mares. It's always been your job to serve ponies, and to serve them to the rich patrons of the Chateau d'Shackles.
  14. >Tenorhooves grandly opens the office door and makes his exit silently. You are greeted by a well aged stallion wearing a rich playcolt-esque night-robe and slippers, expensive Saddle Arabian cigar hanging out from his stubbled snout.
  15. >"Boy-o. What's doing?" He greets you as he pulls out his bags.
  17. >You walk a bit down the halls and greet the open expanse of the grand hall. All types of ponies shuffle through to compare prices, gossip about their experiences, grab a drink, enjoy the scene. It's almost like you're running a legitimate establishment. Rich mares try to outdo last week's scandal, failed artists experiment with rare black market gems, and a crowd a stallions watch an eager young filly wet herself by the lobby's fountain.
  18. >"Now as you know, I've built my kingdom from the ground up, and established locations as far away as The Griffon Kingdom, Manehattan, Stalliongrad and HorsePunTropolis. This however, has always been the jewel of my empire. You know better than me it's workings, and considering your diligence I see fit to give you complete executive control, while I bargain with those snide Saddle Arabian bastards. Heed your duties well."
  19. "I- I don't understand."
  20. >"Well you see, the Saddle Arabians have a long history with whoring, it all goes back to Ibn al-Saddle who wrote a comprehensive-"
  21. "No, about the duties."
  22. >"What's there to say. You've always been there for me. You've always been my man. Now I've listed the week's most important dates and appointments on this list, but this shite be HARDLY exhaustive. One thing I forgot to put, there's a motivational speaker, room 17C. He wants at least 3 girls available at the ring of a bell in case he needs a sudden burst of, inspiration."
  23. "You mean Iron Will? Ponies or Minotaurs?"
  24. >"Actually, more in the line of goats."
  25. "I see, I'll stop by the local petting zoo."
  26. >"No, no, no boy. You're missing the point entirely. You get someone else to do it, or if the bull isn't worth your business you kick his ass out. You make all the decisions here."
  27. >The weight of those words hits you. You could never.
  28. "I don't think I can do that, sir."
  29. >"Why not?"
  30. "I'm only a human, and-"
  31. >"I'm gonna stop you right there kiddo. I can see where you're coming from. It's been unofficial policy to treat you like shit, and there's hardly been a pony who gave you more than a moments notice, but just between you and me," he lowers himself to a whisper now "I've never liked any of 'em. These ponies ya see, I don't care too much for. They certainly don't do anything for me sexually, and they all do nothing but take up space. Especially the poor grimy ones. But you, a human, can really separate the wheat from the chaff. Every facet of you is perfect for dominating the lesser creatures, and no matter what you've told yourself, you're not just following orders. You love to see this as much as I do."
  32. >He hands you a roll of keys of every shape and size imaginable.
  33. >"Be sure to visit the stable girls, don't touch them, that's my job, but enforce my presence. Let them know they're getting what they deserve, my punishment will be swift, all that good stuff. If you need relief, visit one of the broken in mares, but leave all the punishing to me."
  34. >He's nearing the exit now. "Don't worry about clothes, I delivered your new outfit to your quarters. Within two days, you'll be a bigger bastard than you ever knew."
  35. >Like that could happen. You say goodbye to Mr. Shackles, retire upstairs to collapse in your bed, and think over the weight on your shoulders.
  37. >It's been two hours and you're now on your way to bargain with a Mr. J. Orange on the price of his daughter. You've just now slipped into your new black business suit, but it falls on you perfectly. You greet the nervous stallion, go in to shake his hoof, and get down to business.
  38. >It seems he's even brought the girl with him, you've seen ponies desperate for quick bits but never this indiscreet about it. You spy the budding young teenage mallrat standing bored under his side, chewing on gum and wearing tattooed markings on her extremities you could have sworn you'd seen on a sailor. You greet her courteously but at a distance.
  39. "Now, what's the young mare's name?"
  40. >You are greeted to a pop from her gum and a bored, agape expression on her mouth. It's not like you're going let this ruin such a perfect gift of a horse, she's still presentable, and actually quite beautiful regardless. Her midsection is very femininely tight, she must have been wearing a corset since a young age, and her flank could be a very smart asset, outclassing even the top mares. The girl is very well made-up, and doesn't seem to be starving. You're wondering what money her family could ever possibly need.
  41. >"It's Valencia" the father says "Now curtsy Valencia."
  42. >The girl shoots her father a look which almost screams "seriously" and gives a little squatted bowwith her legs, while crossing one on top of the other. The act sounds horrible when you say it like that, but looks rather pleasant. Ponies are weird like that.
  43. >"Now, getting right down to it," Mr Orange adjusts the tie hanging from his loose collar, "what can I get for a week?"
  44. >Wat?
  45. "Excuse me sir, I don't think I understand."
  46. >"Valencia, how much would a week be for Valencia?"
  47. >Your face goes half contemplating, half stupified into your palm. Is he really asking you this?
  48. "You're asking... how much can you'll receive for 7 days."
  49. >"How much you'll pay, how much you'll charge, whatever. Her mother is away, and I'm not supposed to be doing this, but she's wearing my hooves to the bone." His voice is uneasy, almost desperate. It quiets down to an almost confidential tone. "I've also heard, that you are the simply the very best when it comes to discipline."
  50. "Yes, the best there ever was, but I can't really say we run that kind of business. Our mares stay with us for life, and we run a completely insular insitution. No family or friends allowed."
  51. >He looks kind of dejected and almost scared of the girl. You think you have an idea.
  52. "I'm still sure we can work something out, give her to us for... a month, and you'll have a perfectly groomed, respectfully polite young mare. We have top facilities to install respect, and those who go show top behavior can live in very great luxury. If you're not satisfied with her, we'll hand her back free of charge, but I think we have a fine opportunity with this girl, and we would love to have her as a full time employee."
  53. >The stallion quietly calculates the odds to himself through his sleepless drooping eyes, you can see Valencia is taking it with surprising gall. Nothing but a simple bored look on her face.
  54. >"I really don't know, the misses and all. How about two weeks?"
  55. >You crook your arm around his shoulder.
  56. "Listen, your wife. Does she like pearls?"
  57. >Damn, you're taking to this well, Anon.
  58. >"I... she does yes."
  59. "I'm sure we could manage a way to get your wife the finest pearls this side of the Sea Ponies. And I'm sure, you would appreciate this little gift package."
  60. >You clap your hands and in comes two of the finest escorts.
  61. >"Well, I could use a night or two of rest and... recreation. A month it is."
  62. >The stallion, walks away satisfied dropping you off with his young daughter. You've always found it strange why foals would so irritate those who care so much for them. Figures, you inexplicably never had any.
  63. >But still, what are you going to do with your little piece of property.
  64. "Have fifty bits kid. Be back by sundown."
  65. >The girl turns tail and goes out to do- whatever kids do these days. Next stop is the stables, you bring out the keyring handed to you and flip through them all. Thick, Chimera sized neck key, pair of small filly keys, horn bondage keys, wing bondage keys, this one probably goes to Shackles dresser filled with odds and ends of restraints and devices. But this last one, this one seems strange indeed.
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