
DGA: A lesson in positivity

Jun 23rd, 2016
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  1. By request, a short fluffy Dark Gate Academy OVA, featuring Raiden and Akemi. Probably Non-canon. Enjoy.
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. After the events during the Endless Night, Raiden was deemed to no longer be a danger to others, having focused his rage instead on wiping out every single within the Darkworld. He was released from the custody of Class 3 and sent back to live in the student dorms. Of course, just because he was living back under their roof doesn't mean any of them trusted him. If she could, Sayeka would constantly be watching her own back... and she'd be right to. Raiden still hasn't forgiven her, regardless of what tragedy befell her. In fact, Raiden has no friends here. Thankfully, his roomate is Sora... one of the quiet ones, and one much less to give him any hassle. Perhaps a few annoying philosophical questions, but Sora knows when to shut his mouth. Raiden carries a heavy rucksack over his shoulder as he slowly opens the door, cautious to make as little noise as possible, as he silently slinks back to his old room, his old bed filled with unpleasant memories, without having to be disturbed by-
  8. -What?
  10. Raiden sighs as he turns his head to see the voice in the hallway calling out from behind. He sees a very familiar small brown-haired girl, with a wide, open-mouthed smile across her face. Akemi Ibushi... the cheerful one. If you were to ask Raiden, he's be more inclined to say the annoying one, the stupid one, but for whatever reason, the girl is well-liked by the rest of the class. Raiden constantly remembers when he would have to deal with Akemi every time he visited Maya's dormroom.
  12. Maya... even thinking the name brings pain to Raiden's chest.
  14. “What do you want?” Raiden mutters, realising that the girl in the hallway isn't going to leave until she gets a reply.
  16. “I wanted to welcome you back to the dorms!” Akemi smiles. “So I threw a party in the lounge!”
  18. “A... party?” Raiden asks. Someone threw a party for... him?
  20. “Of course!” Akemi pumps her fist excitedly. “I mean... nobody else came. They're all pretty busy, I guess. But you only need two people to make a party, and I made an amazing cake! Come on!”
  22. She waves her hand towards the lounge entrance, beckoning Raiden to enter, but he simply shakes his head. “No.”
  24. “Aww! But why-”
  26. “No,” Raiden repeats, turning his back and heading back to his room. As he does, he feels a hand grab hold of his wrist tight. He turns his head again to see Akemi tugging at him, determined. “What the hell do you think you're doing?”
  28. “I'm taking you to a place of fun!” Akemi exclaims, pulling with all of her might. “Whether you like it or not, I'm going to put a smile on that face!”
  30. Of course... Akemi's always been obsessed with making people happy and keeping up smiles. In a way, that must make Raiden her white whale. She should give up now, anyway, all of her cheerful acts have always come across as too shallow, too simplistic for Raiden to care. What, are a simple cake and some balloons supposed to make him forget everything that has happened to him during this time? The love he's lost? Any attempts to change how he's feeling on her part are pathetic.
  32. Still... it's likely she won't give up until he at the very least looks at whatever it is she's concocted in that empty head of hers to be the cure to all of Raiden's woes. It might be worth it for Raiden to let her drag him along for now. “Fine... I'll give this party five minutes,” Raiden mutters. “But then... you leave me alone.”
  34. “You're going to take back those words when you're having the time of your life!” Akemi laughs as she pulls Raiden into the lunge area.
  36. The set-up she has is quite pathetic, with a single rickety wooden table, hosting a white cake with the words “Welcome back, Raden” messily scrawled on it in icing. Above the table, a white banner hangs from the ceiling, with the words “We missed you, Raidin” messily scrawled in black marker. Raiden wonders how Akemi managed to spell his name incorrectly twice, in two different ways, but doesn't bother to bring it up. Bringing it up would mean more interaction with the annoying girl.
  38. “So... what do you think?” Akemi smiles proudly, but Raiden isn't impressed.
  40. “It's terrible. I'm going now.”
  42. Raiden turns around, but Akemi is quick to grab him by the wrist again. “But it hasn't been five minutes yet!” she exclaims. “And you haven't even tasted the cake yet! It's delicious, trust me!”
  44. Raiden prepares to turn her down, but it's too late as Akemi already grabs herself a fork and pulls out a piece of the cake, raising the plastic fork towards Raiden's mouth. Raidens turns his head away in disgust, but Akemi makes sure her hands outmanoeuvre, forcibly shoving the meal into his mouth. As she pulls the fork out, she smiles. “How does it taste? Amazing, right?”
  46. Raiden swallows down the cake. It tastes great. “It tastes horrible,” Raiden replies. “Can I go now?”
  48. Akemi shakes her head and wags her finger. “Not yet! I still haven't given you your present!”
  50. A... present? She has to be joking, right? “Why would you get me a present?”
  52. “Because you're back!” Akemi smiles. “And no party is complete without presents!”
  54. Akemi pulls a small box with bright polka dotted wrapping paper out of her back pocket, which Raiden glares at. “You do remember why I was gone from the dorms in the first place, right?”
  56. “Yeah, and you did a pretty bad thing...” Akemi begins. “But you made up for it! And you're sorry now, so you get to come back!”
  58. Raiden shakes his head. “That's the thing, though. I'm not sorry. I don't regret a single thing I've done.”
  60. Akemi laughs. “Oh, you're just saying that! Of course you're sorry! You're a good guy, and you'd never feel good about doing something as bad as that!”
  62. Raiden grunts. “Nothing makes me feel good, Akemi. Just because it wasn't enjoyable doesn't mean I regret it. All I regret is that Class 3 didn't kill me as soon as they took me in. Instead of being reunited with... they tortured me and kept me chain up, at the behest of a demon-possesed madman. It was the most haunting experience of my life...”
  64. Akemi pauses, before holding up the box with a smile. “So, what you're saying is you're happy to be free, right? Come on, open your present!”
  66. She has him there. Raiden would have to admit that he'd rather spend his time here in the dorms, where he could mostly keep to himself and formulate a plot to wipe out the Archdemons than remain under the watchful eye of Class 3. Sure, they've apparently reformed once they were broken from Yamato's control, but Raiden doesn't buy that they're suddenly saints. Maro is just as untrustworthy as Yamato was.
  68. “Come on!” Akemi bounces up and down impatiently. “Open it! Open it! Open it!”
  70. Raiden sighs as he tears up the wrapping paper, revealing what looks like a small box for engagement rings. Raiden eyes the box suspiciously before popping it open to reveal a small silver locket. Raiden removes the locket and holds it up by the chain. He places it gently into his left palm as he opens it up, revealing inside to be a picture of... oh.
  72. “Where did you get this picture?” Raiden asks, his face cold and hard.
  74. “She gave it to me a long time ago!” Akemi smiles. “She was a really nice rommate... it's sad that I didn't get to know her better... but hey! I figured it would be better if you had it! The two of you were very close!”
  76. Raiden strokes the picture in the locket with his right hand. The image is of Maya, looking a stunningly beautiful as ever, sitting at the desk by her bed and smiling, a pair of reading glasses hanging above her head, as she looks tired out after a vigorous study session. Raiden remembers how poorly she had done in exams until that point, finding herself sitting in the back of the class with the delinquents... but she had vowed to work hard and improve for the next set of school tests... tests she never got to take. Raiden's held onto many pictures of Maya, but this one is new to him. Seeing a new picture of Maya... to Raiden, it was like discovering her beauty all over again.
  78. As Akemi notices the rush of emotions running through Raiden's face, he shakes his head, trying hard to conceal them. “I... I don't want it,” Raiden mutters, holding out the locket, offering for Akemi to take it back.
  80. Akemi shakes her head. “I don't know... it looks like you do want it!”
  82. “Well, I don't... just... take it, okay?”
  84. Akemi pouts. “Oh, okay... I'll take it back...” Akemi grabs hold of the locket as the chain slips from Raiden's fingers. As she does, a wry grin appears on her face. “And then I'm going to put it on you!”
  86. “You're going to what?” Raiden asks, but he doesn't get an answer. Instead, he is mobbed by an eager Akemi, who is attempting to place the locket over his head. Raiden takes a step back to avoid her, but as Akemi continues to charge, Raiden falls back onto the ground, as Akemi lands on top, still struggling with him to place the locket on.
  88. “Akemi... stop...” Raiden mutters, the petite brunette unconsciously brushing her body against his, her tiny thighs pushing against his chest. With her face hanging inches from his, Raiden feels a stir from deep within. A warmth he hasn't felt in a long time...
  90. “GET THE HELL OFF ME!” Raiden finally snaps, yelling at Akemi, causing the young girl to leap off him in shock and recoil in fear. “I'm done with this!” Raiden mutters as he picks himself off and glares at Akemi.
  92. Akemi, in a state of wide-eyed speechlessness, attempts to stammer out an explanation. “I'm sorry! I... I was just trying to-”
  94. “I know what you were trying to do,” Raiden fires back. “And I've had it. You've already wasted enough of my time!”
  96. Surprised and scared by the sudden aggression, Akemi takes several steps back, before falling back into the safety of the lounge couch. “I just thought...” Akemi mumbles, her smile beginning to fade, and her eyes watering up.
  98. “No, you didn't.” Raiden crosses his arms. “You don't think. If you had ever thought of anything, you wouldn't be so stupid, would you?”
  100. For once, there is no answer from Akemi, the small girl curling up into a ball on the sofa. “Whatever,” Raiden says as he motioned to the door. “I'm out of here.”
  102. “I just thought that we could spend some time together!” Akemi calls out, grabbing Raiden's attention. “Because... because we both lost someone special...”
  104. Raiden pauses. “Ryoji,” he mutters. Akemi nods.
  106. And there it is, that red hot tinge on the back of Raidens neck... could it be that he's beginning to experience actual guilt for his actions. Raiden looks over at Akemi. Poor girl... she was only trying to help him, and to find someone who could understand how she felt right now... she didn't deserve to be berated and yelled at like that. Raiden sighs. He feels like absolute scum at the moment.
  108. “Hey... Akemi?” Raiden says, turning around and sitting himself down on the couch. “I... I didn't mean to call you stupid.”
  110. “Yes you did...” A tearful Akemi replies.
  112. “You're right... I did,” Raiden admits, “But just because I meant it doesn't mean it's true.”
  114. Akemi stays silent... it's likely that nobody's ever snapped at her like that before. “Hey...” Raiden begins, trying his best to salvage this, “I'm... sorry, Akemi. You were trying to do a nice thing and... and I had to be a jerk to you. It's just... I can't begin to explain how much I miss Maya. She was my everything and... I hate to say it, but... when I see you...”
  116. Raiden trails off, as Akemi turns to face him. She nudges his shoulder with her hand and gives a smile as she sniffles, encouraging him to go on. She probably sees this as some kind of breakthrough... she isn't wrong, Raiden is talking about his feelings.
  118. “You were her roommate, Akemi... so when I see you, I'm always immediately reminded of her. And remembering her always brings me to remember her death, and... it's too painful. It's part of the reason why I feel so... frustrated around you.”
  120. Akemi nods, placing a finger to her chin. She must think this some kind of therapy session. Hell, it's working... she even has Raiden on a couch. “I think that's where you're going wrong...” Akemi mumbles.
  122. Raiden tilts his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”
  124. “Well, if you love Maya, then why are you only remembering the sad parts?” Akemi explains. “That's no good! It's only going to make you more sad! You should remember all the reasons she made you happy, and then you'll feel happy as you live out those memories!”
  126. Raiden pauses. “I don't think that's going to work...”
  128. “Of course it is, trust me!” Akemi exclaims. “Think about it... what's your favourite memory of Maya?”
  130. Raiden sighs as he closes his eyes, and pictures an image in his head. “We're... in town. We're by the lake. She's skipping rocks out onto the river surface, while I sat on the hillface behind her. I didn't say anything... neither did she. It was just the two of us, together, in complete silence as we enjoyed each-other's company...”
  132. “Raiden!” Akemi gasps excitedly.
  134. “What?”
  136. “You smiled!” Akemi bursts out.
  138. Raiden's eyes shoot open. “What? No I didn't.”
  140. “Yes! You did!” Akemi laughs. “I told you! My project was a complete success!”
  142. Raiden sighs. “Whatever...”
  144. Akemi claps her hands together. “Oh, this is so great! Stay right there, because operation Cheer Up Raiden is just getting started!”
  146. “Operation?” Raiden mutters. “You planned this?”
  148. No answer, as Akemi already darts from the couch. Raiden shakes his head as he leans back, wondering what she's up to now. Hopefully, it isn't anything extravagant...
  150. Surprisingly... it wasn't. No, instead Akemi comes back to the couch after about ten minutes, a red cotton blanket folded over her arm, and what appears to be a mug of hot chocolate held out in her hand. Considering the chocolate stains on her nose, that's definitely what the beverage is. Raiden cautiously accepts the mug, as Akemi folds out the blanket and places it over his shoulders, covering him up.
  152. “There we are! Nice and snug!” Akemi laughs, as Raiden takes a sip of the hot chocolate. It's real nice, and as he begins to drink away at the hot beverage, he almost doesn't notice Akemi returning to the couch, slinking beneath the blanket, and resting herself, nestled in tight under Raiden's left arm. Raiden intend to chase her off, but as he looks down at the happy, glowing face, he feels that stir yet again. Only this time, it's too strong to brush away. Instead, he just leans back in some long, long neglected comfort, as Akemi pulls out the locket once more.
  154. “Can I?” She asks with a hopeful smile. Raiden hesitates, then nods. Akemi beams with pride as she places the locket gently around Raiden's neck. “There we are! It looks great on you!”
  156. “Now... now I can keep her close to my heart, wherever I go...” Raiden mutters, deciding for once to give the hopeful, optimistic outlook a try. It feels good.
  158. “That's what I was thinking!” Akemi exclaims, as she is soon surprised by a sudden action taken by Raiden. For whatever reason, perhaps he was caught up in the moment, the closeness, the slight amount of happiness that he has long starved himself of... perhaps the stir he was feeling deep within proved too strong for him... but he places out his index finger and uses it to gently wipe the chocolate from the bridge of Akemi's nose. He intends to lick it off his finger, but Akemi beats him to it. As she sees the choclate, she lunges forward impulsively, and without thinking covers Raiden's finger with her mouth. Raiden stares in horrified silence as Akemi's tongue rolls around inside her mouth, licking him clean. Raiden pulls out quickly as Akemi laughs, before hugging close into Raiden and closing her eyes.
  160. “Welcome back...” she mutters as she lets out a yawn. With no-one around to witness it, Raiden gives in, hugging Akemi in tighter with his left arm as he sips on the cocoa with his right.
  162. Raiden concedes defeat, as he realises that the others were right... Akemi's boundless positivity is truly infectious, even managing to work on him... to an extent. Granted, he's only going along with this because he feels guilty, out of pity that she lost someone too... but if he were to be completely honest with himself... Raiden would admit that the little air-head has made him realise just how much he's needed a friend all this time. What's more... she's made him incredibly grateful to have one.
  164. THE END
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