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weird dream :P

a guest
Jun 5th, 2020
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  1. So I'm a thief. I'm pretty good. But for this one mission I'm collaborating with a female thief on the theft if a diamond. Which belongs to one of the largest mafia bosses in town. He wears it on him. But this is an unusual mafia boss. He is undercover and working as a teacher. So 3 months before we go for the theft. I infiltrate the school as a teacher in training. Wait no I thi k this version I was actually a student. I was a student in this mafia bosses class. For a few months. Nice likeable guy. Fat.
  2. Anyway he got to like me quite a lot. I played an ostacised kid from my classmates. From a rather poor home. Didn't bring any lunch but no money to buy lunch. The kids seemed to if ore me for the most part. But I was hear for a heist.
  3. However the day of the heist. The mafia boss gets Ill in the middle of class. I use this opportunityto steak the diamond and give it to my female accomplise. Who seems to like to me actually. I accompany the mafia boss to the hospital where he makes a recovery and thanks me for helping him. There's a paart two where I'm working with him to control the class. I thought I was an assistant teacher but maybe I was class pres. Anyway the cops come knocking a few months after his heart atk. I'm trying to steal a bit of either this man or another man's fortune. My female accomplise also a teacher. Anyway they arrive that day in the middle of class. A female student knocks on the door saying there's someone who wants to meet him. I walk out with him and there's no one on my right. But then I turn left and I see two cops taking a look in the other classroom. I tell the teacher that it might be the police who are looking for him with a slight chuckle. He stays silent. The police notice me then him. And with a steady pace. Walk towards me handing an arrest warrant for the teacher behind me. Telling me that he was a mafia boss. The man is slightly fat. Like the man in weathering with you. But more like the fat guy in community. That nurse dude. Anyway at this point I decide whether or not to keep the act up. And go to the sir and ask, 'they say ur a criminal sir. Are you really?' something like that. And when he says yes my shoulder drops. And I go quiet. I accompany him packing some things before he gets cuffed. He looks sad at me. Thinking that I felt disappointed in him when it was all an act. I volunteer to help the policeman carry some things back to the car. When all of a sudden it seems the fat detective has an epiphany as he was looking at me. It seems he has found a clue an inkling of an idea that i was a thief. The one responsible for a diamond theft that occured to someone related to this school a few months ago. A diamond that was related to the mafia boss. He and another officer walks with me as we carry some things towards their car. When we reach the crossing. primary school setting btw. Opposite was a building that just has its glass exterior completely explode. I thin kyhe cops were about to or arguing with me. The fat cop asks me for my hand and tries to cuff me. I refuse saying he has no warrant. Pulling away from him. Before the other cop gets me the building explodes. That cop checks it out while the detective holds onto me. My female coworker comes back from lunch it seems, sees me and hides.
  4. Later on she encounters a wife or some sort. Might be related to the cop. She finds that the jewellery is surprisingly similar. Recognising them to be things she owned but counterfeit. She appreciates them pointing to one that she owned and was wearing. And the woman comments that she had a source that told her the schools Sunday sales were the best place to buy jewellery. Which was a surprise to me actually run by me. And I was copying the designs of the jewellery I stole. Her husband couldn't go to those things as a cop and man. Under a small tent. Like thing. I sit in the back with a hat and mask.
  5. So another part of the story I was shooting at people for not listening to me? In the school. So originally I didn't want to be violent but then some douche but with his own reasons come in. There are like weapons everyones holding on to. We find a rifle. My friend has a shotgun and I tell him to drop both guns. But the guy come s in, my friend aims a shotgun at him. I tell him no, and he in a nervous wreck injures himself and reveals the rifle to the other guy. He looks at it greedily and as we try to leave the room he rushes for it and tries to shoot us. We bumrush it out the door. I'm pissed now. My friend is shaking. Maybe injured. But now I want the rifle. I use the kid chairs that can stack. The coloured plastic ones. I peek inside and throw a random one towards where he used to be from behind the door. Might be a bang? As he shot at it? Then I threw a few chairs straight inside to see if he'll shoot. Then I grab one cover myself slightly run through the door and tackle him. I wrestle te gun so it isn't poonting at me. I punch him with the end of it. And then begin shooting at him when I took it from him.. at that moment someone else comes in and sees me do violence. Something I normally wouldn't do and sees me in a different light.
  6. Weird story. Also I don't know where the chairs came from. Outside just became a hallway with a stack of chairs. Dreams I guess.
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