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- Watson's result
- >Overall
- OK luck
- >Collab
- Difficult to say. Some not-very-good (or difficult to handle) people might appear, the key is finding the way to deal with them. Some collabs might not go well.
- >Work
- Some difficult/troublesome work-related situations this year.
- >health
- Same as last year, pretty much.
- >Money
- Good luck. Getting closer to set goals or dreams.
- >Betting/gambling
- Good. Also seems like a lot of Ame's cards, including this one, have the meaning of "doing something for another's sake".
- >Advice
- To not accept bad results as-is without saying anything.
- Chicken's result
- >Overall
- Small luck
- >Collab
- Recommended to collab with people with strong leadership qualities.
- >Work
- Good luck. Getting on track, so to speak.
- >health
- Not very good. Need to be careful with her body's condition.
- >Money
- Bad luck. May lose a lot of money due to unforeseen circumstances.
- >Betting/gambling
- A chance of repeating old mistakes.
- >Advice
- To be kinder to others and stop acting strong even when something bad is happening.
- Mori's result
- >Overall
- Good luck.
- >Collab
- Recommended to collab with people who say whatever's on their mind.
- >Work
- Good luck. Will achieve her goals.
- >health
- Not very good, but not too bad. Careful with food past expiration date.
- >Money
- OK luck. Need to have flexible thinking or there might be some money-related fights.
- >Betting/gambling
- Should rely more on friends and close people.
- >Advice
- To be more positive and objective about herself.
- Ina's result
- >Overall
- OK luck.
- >Collab
- Seems to think she isn't doing as much as she can. Need to show herself off in a more positive light to others and show that she's actually having fun more.
- >Work
- Good luck. Might be relied on more by superiors and other people.
- >health
- Should be more careful. Also, be careful with stress level.
- >Money
- No real change for better or worse.
- >Betting/gambling
- Should rely on her own instincts and do not rely on others.
- >Advice
- Start with small steps. Setting the goals too high might lead to failure.
- shark's result
- >Overall
- Great luck, basically a very happy year overall
- >Collab
- Tends to not voice her opinion (or maybe it's difficult for her), but she should. Should collab with people who are easy to understand (as in, personality).
- >Work
- Not very good. Something like her ideas being misinterpreted.
- >health
- Not good. Be more careful with basic things like sleep schedule.
- >Money
- Refrain from expensive purchases. Or at least think really hard before buying something.
- >Betting/gambling
- Betting in small amounts being afraid to lose isn't really good. If you want to bet, go big and have fun. But betting luck isn't very good.
- >Advice
- Become a new self, abandon your old self.
- Sora's result
- >Overall
- Great luck.
- >Collab
- Don't overdo it. Sora seems like the type who can't refuse collabs if asked.
- >Work
- Not very good. Should concentrate on one thing instead of spreading herself too thin.
- >health
- Should see health-related issues through to the end, instead of abandoning them halfway through.
- >Money
- Might be something that Sora wants, but can't afford due to wasting too much money.
- >Betting/gambling
- Be careful not to do get "sucked in" when gambling.
- >Advice
- To keep it tight, basically
- Roboco's result
- >Overall
- Not very good luck
- >Collab
- No problem. Should collab with people who treat others with kindness
- >Work
- Good luck.
- >Health
- Good luck. Can properly manage her own health.
- >Money
- Might have some problems or anxiety handling money. Should ask other people for advice in such cases.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not very clear. A feeling of "giving up".
- >Advice
- Get rid of naivety, to put it simply.
- Mikoti's result
- >Overall
- Very good luck
- >Collab
- Good luck. A lot of new good collab partners, for whom Miko will become a supporter of sorts.
- >Work
- A new path. A chance to try something new. There will be failures, but they will become the ground for her future success.
- >Health
- Neither good nor bad. Will be cases when she wants to do something, but can't physically. Don't overdo it, basically.
- >Money
- Will waste more money this year. A lot of things she wants (but maybe doesn't need) will appear and Miko won't be able to suppress her desire to buy them.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not bad. Very stable. For example, in horse races, bet not to win, but to support the horse you like.
- >Advice
- Do whatever you want to do and the luck will follow. Make realistic plans/goals.
- Suityan's result
- >Overall
- Decent luck. The meaning of card is basically "reboot".
- >Collab
- Good luck. Should collab with people she collabed before and the ones she's most comfortable with.
- >Work
- Should not involve her friends in work-related (business) stuff. This is different from "collab" part, mostly money-related part of her job.
- >Health
- Not very good. The cause of health issues is likely to be stress or food.
- >Money
- Be careful of scams. There's a possibility to lose a lot of money.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Should set a clear goal before doing gambling and not act on impulse.
- >Advice
- No need to significantly change your way of doing things. Also, don't give up too quickly.
- FBK's result
- >Overall
- Neither good nor bad.
- >Collab
- Not very good. May say something that she shouldn't on accident.
- >Work
- A lot of new work this year, taking on too much might be really difficult, but possible. Still, she probably shouldn't just accept everything.
- >Health
- Not very good. You might think "Is keeping on like this really OK?" a lot this year.
- >Money
- Very good. A lot of work will pay up. Basically win-in-a-lottery level good.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Betting luck is neither good nor bad, but at least won't lose a lot of money on gambling.
- >Advice
- Keep on smiling. Your smile will brighten up the environment around you. Also, don't forget to voice your opinion on things.
- Mel's result
- >Overall
- Great luck. The keyword is "hard work"
- >Collab
- Might have a collab with someone she doesn't really like or work well with, but should be an adult about it and not say something she'll regret later.
- >Work
- Not very good. Might have some trouble. Like, work not going well or needing to re-plan things.
- >Health
- Not bad. No troubles to speak of. Should keep on as-is.
- >Money
- Not very good. Should try to save money. It's important to supress your desires.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Should do it with friends just to have fun, will have more luck that way.
- >Advice
- You might have a big goal for 2021, but before that you should concentrate on smaller goals. Also, don't pay too much attention to what others are saying and believe in yourself more.
- Matuli's result
- >Overall
- Not very good. The keyword is "emptiness/loss"
- >Collab
- Will try really hard to get close to her collab partners, but it won't go very well.
- >Work
- Good luck. Better than her private life.
- >Health
- Might have a chronic condition. Also watch out for mental health issues.
- >Money
- Will get what she wanted or looked for. Good luck. Also might have better money-related luck when not alone.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not good. Should avoid betting until very last possible moment. Even so, not much luck.
- >Advice
- Listen to others and think about their feelings before acting. Watch closely how other people interact with each other.
- Aki's result
- >Overall
- Decent luck
- >Collab
- New collabs will go well. Also taking the lead in collabs will go well. Should collab with smart/logical people.
- >Work
- Wants to work with others, but this year there will be more solo work opportunities. Flexible thinking is the key to success.
- >Health
- Don't overdo it. Health at the same level or will worsen slightly.
- >Money
- Shouldn't try to solve problems with money, or use too much money on herself. Should use her money on others.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not very good. Even if you do, the result will be unsatisfying.
- >Advice
- Same as FBK. Keep on smiling and being yourself. Keep on giving, and the love you give will return to you.
- Haachama's result
- >Overall
- Decent luck. Go for your goals without stopping or looking back.
- >Collab
- Don't just do whatever you want in collabs, consider your partner.
- >Work
- Not very good. Might have an accident of sorts. If you have any doubts, make sure you voice them.
- >Health
- Good. 100% healthy. Your body is your canvas, so to speak.
- >Money
- Good. No troubles to speak of.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Good. Haachama seems diligent when it comes to money, so there's no fear of sinking deep into gambling.
- >Advice
- A chance to redo your life (even Mio doesn't really get it). Instead of repairing what's broken, throw it away and start anew.
- Aqua's result
- A lot of cards in normal position, meaning stability/calmness. In Aqua's case, means that we might see a different side to her this year.
- >Overall
- 'Growth' card, medium luck. This card often comes up in Aqua's case, apparently. Mio interprets it as aiming higher and higher.
- >Collab
- Should have a proper discussion/meeting before deciding on something by herself.
- >Work
- Very good luck. Will reach her goals and/or stabilize.
- >Health
- Very important to understand her own body. As in noticing the small signs, like throat hurting, etc.
- >Money
- Good luck. Since work luck is good, money luck follows. Will overcome even high hurdles.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Keyword is 'preparation'. Not only physical, but also mental.
- >Advice
- Stick to deadlines. Also watch for small things in behaviour, such as not forgetting to do greetings and voicing your opinion.
- Choco's result
- >Overall
- Small luck. Keyword is 'freedom', but there is a bit too much of it.
- >Collab
- Fairly good. Will bring the harmony into collabs.
- >Work
- There will be work, but since she's already pretty experienced, even small mistakes or bad points will be easy to notice, and some work relations may worsen. The important point is to think what you say based on the opponent.
- >Health
- Will worsen, but very slightly. Even if you think "this is nothing", you should go to a doctor.
- >Money
- High risk low return, kind of. Something like "spent a lot of money for a thing, but it actually isn't very good".
- >Betting/Gambling
- Good. A streak of luck or inspiration. Trust your instincts.
- >Advice
- Your enjoyment of the year will change depending on how you take the words of people around you: positively or negatively.
- Shion's result
- >Overall
- Small luck. Keyword is 'stubborness'. A rebellious phase? (lol)
- >Collab
- May say something that hurts people and regret it later.
- >Work
- Really good. Will get a lot of new ideas. Keyword is 'freedom', as in not sticking to a template.
- >Health
- Good. Has a lot of vigor, but depending on whether she can use it well, can go either way.
- >Money
- Not very clear. A new step of sorts. Maybe something regarding how she handles money will change this year?
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not bad. Should take the advice of people around her, then it will go well. Also, know when to stop.
- >Advice
- Struggle until the end! Don't give up no matter what.
- Ayame's result
- >Overall
- Good. Relationships with other people will improve.
- >Collab
- Should collab with new people (even though Ayame might not like it). Basically, creating a new environment might be good.
- >Work
- Not very good. "I tried so hard, but no result!"-kind of situation. Concentrate on defence instead of offence. Curiosly, the opposite of what she got for collabs.
- >Health
- Stay wherever you can be yourself (such as your own home). If you have to go out, go to a familiar place instead of somewhere new. If there are health problems, they will most likely be mental issues.
- >Money
- Worries/problems will be resolved. Saving money is a good idea.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not very good. Basically, gambling/betting will be wasteful overall.
- >Advice
- Keep going on at your own pace and believe in people who support you.
- Subaru's result
- >Overall
- "Stagnation". Can't advance to the next stage
- >Collab
- Very good luck. Should do as much collabs as possible. Will make really good friends and stay close for a long time.
- >Work
- Good luck. A big business-related opportunity this year.
- >Health
- "Running wild", not in a good way. Ilnesses coming out of nowhere. In Subaru's case more likely to be physical than mental.
- >Money
- Tend to make purchases not thinking about the demerits. Should rethink her choices carefully before spending money.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not good. Gives up easily.
- >Advice
- Preparation is key. Don't get careless.
- AZKi's result
- >Overall
- Small luck. "An outlaw". Kind of like a dark hero.
- >Collab
- If there is someone she wants to collab, she be the one to suggest it. Good partners are "elegant" people.
- >Work
- Do not delay and stick to deadlines.
- >Health
- Good. Has a lot of strength. Keep as is.
- >Money
- Not very good. Can't quite reach her goals.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Good. Have fun instead of aiming to win and the luck will come.
- >Advice
- Learning new things and gaining new knowledge in general will be very useful.
- Korosan's result
- >Overall
- Decent luck. Trying to reach a new stage.
- >Collab
- Not very good. Too afraid to hurt other people with her words. Should be less nervous about it, maybe talk with partners before a collab.
- >Work
- Takes up work without caring about money, and it's not a very good thing. Should clearly divide her business and private life.
- >Health
- Thinks she's managing her health well, but in fact makes tiny mistakes (like forgetting to wash hands) that might lead to something bigger.
- >Money
- Definitely don't use money as stress relief. Try to keep things as is.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Good luck. Not likely to gamble on her own, but can do it if invited by friends.
- >Advice
- Do not lie to yourself. Do not try to sacrifice your desires for others. Be consistent.
- Okayu's result
- >Overall
- Good luck.
- >Collab
- If you want to try a new collab but think it might not go well, then definitely do not do it. Like collabs with males, for example. Devil's whisper basically.
- >Work
- Neutral. Try to avoid people that criticize you. "Business smile" is important.
- >Health
- Not very good. Not very bad either, but there will be something that bothers you.
- >Money
- Not very good, likely comes from work. Avoid making investments.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not good. Basically can't win, so it's better to avoid gambling altogether.
- >Advice
- Think hard about what you really want. Don't make hasty decisions and confirm the situation beforehand.
- Mio's result
- >Overall
- Good. The keyword is "empathy/compassion".
- >Collab
- Good. Will be able to talk and reach mutual understanding even with unlikable people.
- >Work
- "Balance". Good work environment overall. Harmony.
- >Health
- "flexibility". Interprets that as "I can finally properly go to a hospital (lol)"
- >Money
- "recovery". Normal, but in a good way.
- >Betting/Gambling
- "too much defence". Keeps losing her chance, when she might've won if she bet more.
- >Advice
- Stop using the excuse "should've done that!". Use your own strength.
- peko's result
- >Overall
- "Caution/wariness", but in a good way. OK luck.
- >Collab
- Same card as Mikoti in the same position. Decent luck. Should collab with calm/gentle people. Doesn't mean that she should just accept everything.
- >Work
- Will complete everything she sets to do. "workhorse", in a way.
- >Health
- Shouldn't just have blind faith in her body and take care of it. Like actually wearing warm clothes in cold weather.
- >Money
- No real problems. The problems she might have are caused by unrealistic goals.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Don't think about consequences and go forth. Act instead of thinking.
- >Advice
- Believe in your luck. Sometimes it's better to just let the flow take you.
- Rushia's result
- >Overall
- Very good. Prone to be swayed by words of others this year, but in a good way. Opening her heart, so to speak.
- >Collab
- If collabing, be careful with people that you don't feel good about. Don't be afraid of interacting with people.
- >Work
- Not very good. Keeping calm and analyzing the situation logically is key, even if you can't avoid failures. Even if it's not your fault.
- >Health
- Not very good. Go to a doctor, if you think anything is wrong and don't delay until the last minute. No need to act tough, take breaks if you need to.
- >Money
- Good. Spending money on entertainment or just to have fun (stress relief, etc.) is a good idea.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Don't do it. It will end badly, maybe less so if you take precautions.
- >Advice
- Don't try to imitate someone, do things your way instead. Watch your health. Having fun is important!
- Noel's result
- >Overall
- "Reaching your dream, one step at a time". Good luck.
- >Collab
- Not very good. Don't avoid people just because you're afraid of hurting them. Don't be too negative.
- >Work
- A possibily of a big business opportunity.
- >Health
- Keeps trying to hard and avoid rest, so the weariness tends to accumulate.
- >Money
- You should buy what you want without delaying or supressing your desires.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not really good. Tends to overthink things, which leads to losing.
- >Advice
- Overly depending on something isn't a good thing. Look towards the future.
- Flare's result
- >Overall
- Bad.
- >Collab
- Good. Same as suityan, doing collabs with your old friends will bring good result.
- >Work
- Not good, or at least not as good as she hoped. Should think conservatively and prepare excuses in advance.
- >Health
- Not good. Should properly take care of whatever worries she might have.
- >Money
- Neither good nor bad. About the same as before. Don't do anything extreme, like going for a 6000 yen full course meal when you're hungry.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Don't miss the timing! On the other hand, it's better not to have hopes too big.
- >Advice
- When making a decision, try to think it over as much as possible. Don't act on impulse. The keyword for the year is "timing".
- Marine's result
- >Overall
- Feels tied up, unable to accept reality. Bad luck.
- >Collab
- Will accomplish a lot. Should collab with calm/gentle people. Exactly same as Pekora and Miko.
- >Work
- Extremely good. Will be able to make full use of her talents.
- >Health
- Basically a total opposite of what she got for work. Bad luck. Watch your health and don't use your youth as a shield.
- >Money
- Neither good nor bad. Stable. The most important thing is to plan ahead.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Cheat! Basically, gamble with the intention to defeat your opponent, not just to win youself.
- >Advice
- It's important to pay attention to other people's feelings and listen to them. It's a good idea to suggest how to overcome troubles.
- Coco's result
- >Overall
- Will likely to become the "giving" person in the relationships. Charismatic. Good luck.
- >Collab
- Will shine small-number collabs over large-scale ones. 2-3 is best. New, old people - doesn't matter.
- >Work
- Has the potential to clear work-related hurdles easily. Will likely become a great supporter for others.
- >Health
- Not very good. Hard to control. Same as Subaru, most likely becomes tired easily.
- >Money
- Mind over feelings. Calm decisions are the most important.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Even if you gamble, you won't get anything in return, so you should stop. Gambling just for fun is OK though.
- >Advice
- Be optimistic. Take great care of people who are your allies
- kanatan's result
- >Overall
- "freedom". Great luck. Ignore other people and live like you want.
- >Collab
- Collect your thoughts. Take time to think things over alone, before talking to others. Both collabs and solo streams should be good.
- >Work
- Will open a new market, so to speak. Something no one did before her.
- >Health
- No problems. Even if she gets sick, she'll be able to deal with it properly.
- >Money
- Not that good. Might not be able to reach her goals and feel powerless due to it. Shouldn't be overly negative even if she fails.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Has both luck and skill, but can't quite reach the desired result. Stop, before the stress starts accumulating.
- >Advice
- Keep on as you are. Don't compare yourself to others too much. Don't forget to consult others if you have problems.
- watame's result
- >Overall
- Great luck. Keyword is "creativity"
- >Collab
- Should be the one to initiate and manage her collabs, then they will go well.
- >Work
- If you take too much work, you'll break. Be careful and don't just agree to everything.
- >Health
- Good. Knows her stamina limits very well. Others might worry, but she is good at managing her own health.
- >Money
- Not very good. Not very good at controlling the flow of money this year. Should ask others for advice.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Should properly set her goals before acting. Also should concentrate on a single thing instead of multiple.
- >Advice
- Same as Noel. Don't depend too much on something and think about the past, concentrate on the future instead
- tower's result
- >Overall
- Bad luck.
- >Collab
- Extremely good luck. Be yourself and the success with follow.
- >Work
- Preparation is key. Don't rely too much on your previous experience and learn new things. Analyzing your mistakes is very good too. Also seem to have luck in the artistic direction. Maybe try going same way as Suityan or release a song?
- >Health
- Good. But don't overeat.
- >Money
- Won't get as much money as she hoped. This is the year of patience.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not very good. Might lose a lot and get really disappointed. Try to learn when to stop.
- >Advice
- Make sure to plan ahead. Try to get as much experience as can this year.
- luna's result
- >Overall
- Small luck. Keyword is "Mystery/uneasiness"
- >Collab
- Suffers from being unable to voice her opinion. Tends to stress over things said to her. Should stick to collabing with people she instinctively thinks are good for her.
- >Work
- Good luck. Work will go smoother as team, instead of tackling it by yourself. Should try and challenge new things.
- >Health
- Not good. In some cases getting over illnesses might take a lot of time, but it's important to see it through to the end.
- >Money
- Not good. Think seriously about managing your money.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Extremely good. Victory is almost guaranteed.
- >Advice
- Be optimistic. Believe in yourself. Challenge new things. You'll become the brightest star.
- Botan's result
- >Overall
- OK luck. The keyword is "patience".
- >Collab
- Collabing with a lot of people might not be a good idea. He who follows two hares catches neither.
- >Work
- Very stable. Your hard work will be rewarded.
- >Health
- "vitality". Healthy overall. Believe in your instincts, when it comes to health.
- >Money
- Not very good."Close to the limit". Don't spend money irresponsibly, keep a level head.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Good. Be optimistic. Long-term bets might go better than short-term.
- >Advice
- Stick to your decisions. Control your desires. Impulses might lead to failure.
- ramy's result
- >Overall
- Good luck. There will be sudden developments (good ones) this year.
- >Collab
- Collabing is good, but solo streams are also important.
- >Work
- Good. Taking on new work will help you achieve mental stability. Don't rush.
- >Health
- No problem. Understands her body and its limits very well.
- >Money
- "foresight". Will be a good bride (lol)
- >Betting/Gambling
- Not very good. The type to cheat when she gets too hot-headed. Don't be swayed by something that sounds too good to be true.
- >Advice
- No need to change too much. Also don't give up too easily.
- enen's result
- >Overall
- Small luck. Should concentrate on enjoying the moment rather than looking too far into the future.
- >Collab
- Need to collab with someone who takes control of the collab, or learn to take control herself.
- >Work
- May feel ovewhelmed by work, but this is a chance to show off her uniqueness.
- >Health
- No problems. Better than last year.
- >Money
- Being too open in money problems isn't good. Don't talk to others about money too much. But consulting friends about money problems is OK.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Betting luck is good. The important part is make use of that luck properly.
- >Advice
- Be careful about something that sounds too good to be true. Avoid people who spoil you or can lead you to corruption. Listeners are OK though (lol)
- porka's result
- >Overall
- OK luck. Keyword is "accuracy".
- >Collab
- Avoid vulgar/loose people. Be careful around people who try to take control.
- >Work
- The meaning is "vigilance", but there might be situations when it fails you.
- >Health
- Not very stable. Pressure, maybe?
- >Money
- Quick decisions are good. Buy things you want as soon as you can.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Same as money, don't worry too much, act on impulse instead.
- >Advice
- Don't pay too much attention to others. Feel the freedom.
- Risu's result
- >Overall
- Small luck. At least it's not bad
- >Collab
- Should plan a lot of collabs. Might be overly conscious about it. Also not only collab with IDs, but with EN and JP as well
- >Work
- Very good, might get some sponsorships.
- >Health
- Overall good health.
- >Money
- Should be cautious with her money
- >Betting/Gambling
- Should only bet when being confident about it.
- >Advice
- Should gather experience this year. She might get frustrated by her lack of experience otherwise.
- Moona's result
- >Overall
- Middle fortune. Moving on to the next stage
- >Collab
- Should act true to herself during collabs since she might feel uncomfortable with some partners. But she shouldn't just act without thinking either
- >Work
- Overall good business
- >Health
- Health concerns from last year will be resolved this year
- >Money
- Pretty good luck, but should not waste too much money. Should manage her finances
- >Betting/Gambling
- She might fall down the gambling hole if not careful. Should quit for good if she feels it's getting pretty bad
- >Advice
- When feeling overwhelmed you should calm down and think about what to do instead of panicking.
- Iofi result (Left part was the exact same as Moona)
- >Overall
- Medium fortune
- >Collab
- Should act true to herself during collabs
- >Work
- Overall good business
- >Health
- Health concerns from last year will be resolved this year
- >Money
- Should not be tricked. Shouldn't let others borrow money not even to her closest friends. Shouldn't invest on anything that seems fishy
- >Betting/Gambling
- Looks like she won't win or lose anything and it will just use up time, so if she finds it fun she should just have fun with it.
- >Advice
- Preparation is of utmost importance. You might make some careless mistakes otherwise. Try to stay "mysterious" and not talk to much about the details of your plans
- Ollie's result
- >Overall
- Great fortune
- >Collab
- There may be times when you feel you aren't listened or that things you are saying aren't being understood. If you want to be listened you should first listen to what your collab partner has to say.
- >Work
- There might come times were you will have to do work you didn't want to. Sometimes work will not go your way. Keep going at it without wavering.
- >Health
- If you ever feel like something is wrong go to the hospital as soon as possible. Don't try to endure too much.
- >Money
- Not very good. Be careful of making the same mistakes as in the past. Think about how you have used your money up till now
- >Betting/Gambling
- Should get more gambling experience, stray away from your safe bets
- >Advice
- Think about stuff in a serious manner and plan them out. Don't be irresponsible when planning or doing something.
- Anya result
- >Overall
- Great fortune
- >Collab
- It's important to collab with many different people. when organizing a collab responding fast is a most to keep a good relationship.
- >Work
- Whenever doing work you should be on the lookout for the pay. Some misunderstandings may happen otherwise. (As in the pay isn't what you were promised)
- >Health
- Good health, there should be no need to change your lifestyle.
- >Money
- Should not worry TOO much about money since it might become a burden. Be a bit more lenient about it.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Shouldn't always go for the safe bets, Once in a while trying something new might be good.
- >Advice
- Try to challenge new stuff with a positive attitude. Also finding a close person who supports you will help you on having a good year.
- Reine's result
- >Overall
- Great fortune
- >Collab
- Not very good luck. Regrets of not doing something during a collab might reflect on your normal streams. Try not to wallow so much in the past.
- >Work
- You'll get results proportional to your work.
- >Health
- There may be some changes to your health, recommended to go to the hospital if you feel that anything is wrong
- >Money
- Not very good. Try to not give in to your desires to splurge money, you might end up losing a lot more.
- >Betting/Gambling
- Recommended to not gamble at all, might lose all your money
- >Advice
- Even when you feel like giving up midway try and make it all the way to the end.
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