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Oct 24th, 2015
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  1. The pervasive moss grew wild and sprang from it's home with the broken plateau. This prehensile serpent named U'Od tore apart it's heads and gripped the belly of the cliff. It's ire directed at the travelers who saw fit to rest upon it's straggling furs. One of it's jaws split to grapple the edge more efficiently and it used it's superior leverage to tear down a section of the plateau sending one of the unwary to their death. It leaned over and watched the metallic man cry as he fell towards the thick forest below. It turned and leered towards the female who began to back-pedal in desperation. Another broken jaw it raised up and crushed the smaller one on it's way up and around the cliffside. U'Od stretched it's body outwards and snapped at the female. It partially missed and only caught part of her body yet somehow she fell apart. It watched for a minute wondering if this was a trick, but the excessive red leakage convinced it otherwise. It laid upon the edge for a time and then returned to it's plateau.
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