
Kyoko Feat 6

Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. Only to be stopped as a shadow loomed upon him. He felt a weight being yanked from inside his very brain, out of his ears.
  3. Then felt a new weight on his shoulder. He looked, and saw what resembled a dark, flattened foot there.
  5. "T-This...this is," Rohan was reduced to stuttering, panic seizing his body. He couldn't help it. Like what happened to Dan Aykroyd's character in the original Ghostbusters, the thought sort of just popped in.
  7. The feet that belonged to Highway Star, the very stand he was thinking about only seconds earlier. Both the hands and the feet were swarms of disembodied limbs that had the potential to put him in danger, and his mind, against his best wishes, made the connection too quickly.
  9. More feet began to pour from a thought bubble levitating out of the corner of Rohan's peripheral vision. No, not levitating. It was being held by Disco Inferno.
  11. "Y-You bastard!" Rohan collapsed, as he felt the strength leave his body along with his nutrients. Or rather it was more accurate to say his nutrients were intact, but his mind, having remembered every detail of Highway Star's initial encounter, made him feel as if he was being drained dry.
  13. What...what a formidable stand…
  15. Even as his muscles became heavy as lead, even as his body grew weaker by every passing second, Rohan pushed forward, his steadily numbing fingers reaching for the knob of the door, to awaken Disco Inferno's slumbering user.
  17. His arm dropped. He had absolutely no strength left to even lift a pinkie. His vision began to cloud and it seemed he was going to be knocked out himself...or worse. He didn't want his manga put on hiatus again.
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