
Sebastian Anderson Sheet

May 20th, 2018
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  1. Player: Arsene Lupin
  2. Name: Sebastian 'Bastian' Anderson
  3. Position: Happy Go Lucky Hitman
  5. Demeanor: Bastian seems like a rather relaxed guy who likes making new friends. He does have a tendency to get pulled into hijinks easily if someone asks him to. If you become good enough friends with him, there's a good chance he'll end up knitting you your own sweater.
  7. Nature: Bastian is a rather calm man, and is generally pleasant to be around. He has a tendency to be rather laid back and break out into song when he thinks no one is watching. He has not spent a large amount of time around people he wasn't planning to kill, so he can be a bit clueless when it comes to some things that his father never taught him for one reason or another. He can also tend to get a tad too excited during fights.
  9. Description: He is a man standing in at 5'3 with slightly curly brown hair and matching eyes. He's on the slimmer side and can almost always be found wearing a thin sweater that he knitted himself. He has quite a few, but his favorite is white and has three black cats batting at a hot dog on a string with the words, 'It's A Dog Eat Dog World, That's Why I'm A Cat' on it. Aside from that he wears jeans and white shoes. When he's on missions he trades the sweaters out for combat gear.
  11. Stats:
  12. Characters have 15 points to spend. It costs one point to buy a rank in a stat, or to be trained in a skill.
  14. Health
  15. Physical Health: 13
  16. Mental Health: 13
  18. Strength:1
  19. Athletics
  20. Melee
  21. **Ranged (heavy)**
  23. Toughness:3
  24. Resilience
  25. Determination
  26. Antipsychic
  28. Speed:3
  29. Acrobatics
  30. **Stealth**
  31. **Ranged**
  33. Charm:
  34. Persuasion
  35. **Bluff**
  36. Intimidation
  38. Intelligence:2
  39. **Perception**
  40. Insight
  41. Logic
  43. Education:
  44. Science
  45. Engineering
  46. History
  47. **Survival**
  48. Medicine
  50. Specialties
  51. You have eight points to distribute among as many or as few specialty skills as you see fit (but at least three is almost always warranted). Remember to explain what each specialty entails.
  53. Called Shot: 2. Bastian is skilled in targeting his marks to hit them where it hurts and disable them. He can take a -1 penalty to a Ranged Shot to target a particular body part. If the hit succeeds, his target incurs a -1 penalty to a stat significant to the body part hit, or gets some kind of effect incurred on them in special situations determined by the GM. This penalty cannot stack past -1 and lasts until combat ends. Examples include: Hitting a leg incurs a Acrobatics Penalty, Hitting an arm incurs a penalty to weapon rolls using that arm, if there is a flying enemy, hitting a wing could cause them to fall out of the sky. (The Examples shown are not set in stone, merely ideas.)
  54. Vantage: 2. A good sniper can hit their targets easier if they have a good vantage point. This is especially useful when you're going up against monsters that can crush your skull like a grape. Bastian gains a +3 Bonus to Ranged when you have the high ground over an enemy. This high ground must be significant, such as shooting from the top of a truck or building. Standing on a box would not trigger this spec
  55. Of Course I'm Supposed To Be Here!: 3. Being able to blend in to places you shouldn't be is a useful skill to have when you're line of work involves killing people. Bastian is no exception and has become quite adept at making people believe he is in fact meant to be where he is at the moment. +3 bonus to Bluff when convincing someone you belong.
  56. Gear:
  57. SR98 Sniper Rifle
  59. Possessions:
  60. *Picture of Bastian and his Father on Christmas when he was a teenager. Both of them are in Santa Hats and wearing ugly sweaters
  61. *An Ungodly Amount of Sweaters
  62. *A Cat Sweater with One Cat Sewn onto it.
  65. Personal History:
  66. Sebastian Anderson, preferring to go by the short hand, Bastian, was born in 1955 in Melborne. His parents are one Oliver Anderson, and an anonymous woman. According to Sebastian, his father had a fling with a woman who he had a child with. The woman did not want the child and this led to custody of Sebastian being transferred to Oliver after they broke up a few months after his birth. What the woman did not know, was that Oliver Anderson was a hitman for hire. Sebastian spent much of his life moving from hotel room to hotel room with his father. When he wasn't out killing people, Oliver spent time taking care of his child and spending time with him. He could only hide his work from Sebastian for so long however, and he was found out during the boy's teenage years. Once he learned however, Sebastian expressed interest in the craft and his father was more than happy to oblige. For his next few years he was trained by his father in gunplay, stealth, and lying. At the age of 20 he killed for the first time, and discovered he did not dislike the act in the slightest. And so, his time as a hitman began. Before long he broke off from his father and started on his own until the Foundation heard of his skill and hired him.
  68. Miscellaneous:
  69. *Has a strong love for Broadway Musicals
  70. *Loves Knitting, especially when he's knitting sweaters for his friends
  71. *Making cookies is very fun for him, both the process of making it and eating them
  73. Loot
  74. Contacts
  75. Training
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