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Jun 18th, 2019
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  25. multicolumn{6}{l}{Table 5.1. \
  26. multicolumn{6}{l}{scriptsize{Notes text......}} \
  27. cline{1-6}
  28. multicolumn{6}{c}{Panel A}\
  29. cline{1-6}
  30. {} & multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover} & & multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover}\
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  32. {} & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} & & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} \
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  35. & (-39.87) & (-4.10) & & (-1.37) & (2.41) \
  36. Initial Dependent & & 0.0857 & & & 0.110 \
  37. & & (15.02) & & & (7.02) \
  38. Lag Dependent & & 0.126 & & & 0.125 \
  39. & & (12.11) & & & (9.74) \
  40. Lag Return & & 0.0483 & & & 0.0295$ \
  41. & & (7.14) & & & (5.01) \
  42. Intercept & 0.350 & 0.245 & & 0.0634 & -0.121 \
  43. & (50.57) & (2.88) & & (19.78) & (-1.64) \
  44. cline{1-6}
  45. Controls & No & Yes & & No & Yes \
  46. Year FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \
  47. County FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \
  48. cline{1-6}
  49. No. Obs. & 129,861 & 84,747 & & 129,861 & 84,747 \
  50. Adj. R-sq & 0.128 & 0.075 & & 0.017 & 0.050 \
  51. cline{1-6}
  52. % Panel B
  53. multicolumn{6}{c}{Panel B - All Households}\
  54. cline{1-6}
  55. {} & multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover} & & multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover} \
  56. cline{2-3} cline{5-6}
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  61. Initial Dependent & & 0.0997 & & & 0.250 \
  62. & & (19.92) & & & (7.96) \
  63. Lag Dependent & & 0.116 & & & 0.144 \
  64. & & (11.00) & & & (7.28) \
  65. Lag Return & & 0.323 & & & 0.0258 \
  66. & & (4.58) & & & (2.31) \
  67. Intercept & 0.589 & 0.225 & & 0.0436 & -0.122 \
  68. & (51.57) & (2.11) & & (15.72) & (-1.51) \
  69. cline{1-6}
  70. Controls & No & Yes & & No & Yes \
  71. Year FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \
  72. County FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \
  73. cline{1-6}
  74. No. Obs. & 1,256,615 & 874,015 & & 1,256,615 & 874,015 \
  75. Adj. R-sq & 0.017 & 0.045 & & 0.007 & 0.026 \
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  112. Notes text......}
  113. label{tab:mytable}
  114. begin{tabularx}{hsize}{l*{4}{C}}
  115. toprule
  116. multicolumn{5}{c}{Panel A}\
  117. midrule
  118. & multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover}
  119. & multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover}\
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  121. & $(1)$ & $(2)$ & $(1)$ & $(2)$ \
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  123. Experience
  124. & -0.148 & -0.0114 & -0.0025 & 0.0058 \
  125. & (-39.87) & (-4.10) & (-1.37) & (2.41) \
  126. Initial Dependent
  127. & & 0.0857 & & 0.110 \
  128. & & (15.02) & & (7.02) \
  129. Lag Dependent
  130. & & 0.126 & & 0.125 \
  131. & & (12.11) & & (9.74) \
  132. Lag Return
  133. & & 0.0483 & & 0.0295 \
  134. & & & & (5.01) \
  135. Intercept
  136. & 0.350 & 0.245 & 0.0634 & -0.121 \
  137. & (50.57) & (2.88) & (19.78) & (-1.64) \
  138. midrule
  139. Controls
  140. & No & Yes & No & Yes \
  141. Year FE
  142. & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \
  143. County FE
  144. & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \
  145. midrule
  146. No. Obs.
  147. & 129,861 & 84,747 & 129,861 & 84,747 \
  148. Adj. R-sq
  149. & 0.128 & 0.075 & 0.017 & 0.050 \
  150. bottomrule
  151. addlinespace[1em]
  152. % Panel B
  153. multicolumn{5}{c}{Panel B - All Households} \
  154. midrule
  155. & multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover}
  156. & multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover} \
  157. cmidrule(r){2-3} cmidrule(l){4-5}
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  159. midrule
  160. Experience
  161. & -0.121 & -0.0004 & -0.078 & 0.041 \
  162. & (-48.57) & (-2.50) & (-1.77) & (2.03) \
  163. Initial Dependent
  164. & & 0.0997 & & 0.250 \
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  197. cline{1-6}
  198. multicolumn{6}{c}{Panel A}\
  199. cline{1-6}
  200. {} & multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover} & & multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover}\
  201. cline{2-3} cline{5-6}
  202. {} & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} & & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} \
  203. cline{1-6}
  204. Experience & -0.148 & -0.0114 & & -0.0025 & 0.0058 \
  205. & (-39.87) & (-4.10) & & (-1.37) & (2.41) \
  206. Initial Dependent & & 0.0857 & & & 0.110 \
  207. & & (15.02) & & & (7.02) \
  208. Lag Dependent & & 0.126 & & & 0.125 \
  209. & & (12.11) & & & (9.74) \
  210. Lag Return & & 0.0483 & & & 0.0295 \
  211. & & (7.14) & & & (5.01) \
  212. Intercept & 0.350 & 0.245 & & 0.0634 & -0.121 \
  213. & (50.57) & (2.88) & & (19.78) & (-1.64) \
  214. cline{1-6}
  215. Controls & No & Yes & & No & Yes \
  216. Year FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \
  217. County FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \
  218. cline{1-6}
  219. No. Obs. & 129,861 & 84,747 & & 129,861 & 84,747 \
  220. Adj. R-sq & 0.128 & 0.075 & & 0.017 & 0.050 \
  221. cline{1-6}
  222. % Panel B
  223. multicolumn{6}{c}{Panel B - All Households}\
  224. cline{1-6}
  225. {} & multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover} & & multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover} \
  226. cline{2-3} cline{5-6}
  227. {} & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} & & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} \
  228. cline{1-6}
  229. Experience & -0.121 & -0.0004 & & -0.078 & 0.041 \
  230. & (-48.57) & (-2.50) & & (-1.77) & (2.03) \
  231. Initial Dependent & & 0.0997 & & & 0.250 \
  232. & & (19.92) & & & (7.96) \
  233. Lag Dependent & & 0.116 & & & 0.144 \
  234. & & (11.00) & & & (7.28) \
  235. Lag Return & & 0.323 & & & 0.0258 \
  236. & & (4.58) & & & (2.31) \
  237. Intercept & 0.589 & 0.225 & & 0.0436 & -0.122 \
  238. & (51.57) & (2.11) & & (15.72) & (-1.51) \
  239. cline{1-6}
  240. Controls & No & Yes & & No & Yes \
  241. Year FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \
  242. County FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \
  243. cline{1-6}
  244. No. Obs. & 1,256,615 & 874,015 & & 1,256,615 & 874,015 \
  245. Adj. R-sq & 0.017 & 0.045 & & 0.007 & 0.026 \
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  254. [![enter image description here][1]][1]
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