
Rise of the Murlocs - Lobstruck!

Apr 27th, 2015
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  1. [09:08] <@Xale> roll 1d100+13 Construction
  2. [09:08] <+qqbot> Xale rolled 1d100: 43 = [30] + 13
  4. Spring ended and with it the light refreshing showers which would normally cover the land in a sweet layer of moisture. You sighed, quietly as you looked on at your settlement, the surplus of food which you’d gained in spring would see this summer become a frenzy of activity. Within days of your victory, the mothers had already begun speaking of expansion, making more room for everyone and the children to come. Such a bounty as you’d found would lay the groundwork for many more villagers to be gained.
  6. And on this you agreed completely, it would be nice, you thought to enlargen the village and its cramped spaces. It would make you feel a whole lot less guilty about taking up so much space yourself.
  8. Within weeks, you found yourself hard at work, the largest of your people you would be the one to take over much of the menial labour, even as your worshipful fellows grinned and accepted your help without complaint. It wasn’t often that one was assisted by a god.
  10. A few of minor observations about how to make it harder for wild beasts, such as the Saber cat which had taken your sister’s arm, and the it was quickly agreed upon to pile together some dirt and stick some sharpened stakes down to keep them from pouncing or leaping in.
  12. You couldn’t help but nod your head in satisfaction as the construction continued on.
  14. By the time you were all done, there were no less than ten new huts, now surrounded with a barrier of dirt and spikes. In the end you hadn’t been able to really identify anyone special, but between yourself and the elder in charge of construction, you were able to ensure that everyone in the village had been given valuable experience in construction, and owned their own set of tools for various tasks of repair and maintenance.
  16. You couldn’t have been more proud.
  18. Results
  19. Reward: +10 Population growth, Village gains +5 bonus on defense, Larger village enables expansion options.
  23. [09:13] <@Xale> Roll 1d100+21 Butter battle
  24. [09:13] <+qqbot> Xale rolled 1d100: 46 = [25] + 21
  27. But not everything would go perfectly, as you took several others out seeking more of the tasty, Makrura flesh, for your larder. Several times you tried to seek out hunting parties, to pick off a few of them at a time, and maybe steal away with their catches while you were at it.
  29. But it would prove to no avail.
  31. The delicious lobstermen had learned their lessons it seemed, their more easily targeted workers guarded at all times by much larger, brawnier fellows, with claws like hooks and spikes arising from their bodies. Warrior born.
  33. Three times you led a direct raid upon their people, only to be repulsed three times, unwilling to allow any of your kin to fall before the mighty claws of the new menace, as they worked together with their smaller counterparts to form defensive lines. Reactions which were clearly ingrained in these groups in a way which had not been with the first set.
  35. You cursed lightly. It seemed that the mother deep decided to impose a challenge in gaining the sweet tempting flesh of the Makrura.
  37. A worthy challenge for a worthy prize. You would not be deterred.
  39. Result
  40. Reward: None.
  46. [09:11] <@Xale> roll 1d100-10 Vengeful Lobstrok
  47. [09:11] <+qqbot> Xale rolled 1d100: 88 = [98] - 10
  49. [09:16] <@Xale> roll 1d100+26 Murlocked
  50. [09:16] <+qqbot> Xale rolled 1d100: 71 = [45] + 26
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