
Chapter Nine - The Things They Wore

Aug 17th, 2014
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  1. Day 13, OP Bruno, 0332 hours
  3. “Wake up!” was Dygalo's only command as he shook the young Corporal.
  5. Kaeo's eyes flashed open and he instantly seized his M4A1. It took him a second to realize that he was no longer dreaming. He scanned around slightly disoriented for a few seconds to see that it was still dark out and rain was still pouring down. He glanced at his watch. An hour and thirty-seven minutes, he had been asleep for an hour and thirty-seven minutes now.
  7. “What the hell is going on, Staff Sergeant?” Johnson asked as he sat up in his rack.
  9. “Hitman 3 is in heavy contact on our side of Nampula. Hitman 1 is Oscar Mike right now to go bail them out. We're assuming REDCON 2.” Dygalo answered.
  11. “Don't those fuckers know this is our day off?” Max groaned while rubbing his eyes.
  13. “Easy now, Max. It's not every day that you might get to kill someone.” Rico pointed out.
  15. Kaeo hurriedly pulled his FROG suit and boots on. After that came his combat belt, then his Maritime Combat Integrated Releasable Armor System commonly referred to as a flak vest, and finally his eye-pro, Comtacs and MICH helmet. He made sure that he had fresh batteries in his NVGs and his PEQ-15. They were running low on the little cylinders of power again. Resupply wasn't for another week and a half. He'd have to see if he could barter for or steal some more later. In the meantime he cracked his can of Copenhagen and took himself out a small dip to take the edge off.
  17. The camp was abuzz with activity. Team One picked up and loaded their weapons in unison and stalked out into the rain. Hitman 1's Humvees rolled out of the gate and followed suit. Kaeo watched them go and solemnly wondered how many would not return. Everyone was all kitted up in full battle rattle making preparations to move if necessary.
  19. Second Platoon rallied up around Eckloff and Tip Toes for a short briefing.
  21. “I just got word from Actual. I know this is sudden, but we're restructuring the Platoon.” The Lieutenant paused to look down at his rain drenched clipboard.
  23. “Rico, you're 2-2's team leader now. Tokura, you're leading 2-1 Bravo. Redmann, Stevens, you're in 2-1 Alpha. Logger you're in 2-1 Bravo. Barkley, Smithson 2-3 Bravo. Gutierrez 2-4 Alpha. O'leary, you're with me.” Eckloff paused while the platoon reformed and everyone fell in with their new teams.
  25. “Any questions?”
  27. Silence.
  29. “Alright, good. Stow all your shit be ready to move in 15 mikes if we have to. Dygalo, McGraw, and Tokura, Actual wants to see you.”
  30. Dygalo and McGraw turned towards the command tent and almost instantly Kaeo moved to follow but threw a glance over his shoulder to Rico who gave him a simple nod and a reassuring smile. The command tent was easy to find although the tent itself looked rather nondescript. The bouquet of antennas beside it made it rather easy to find.
  32. The tent was brightly lit by a trio of fluorescent lamps hung from the ceiling. Inside, the Captain was leaning back in his chair, feet propped up on a table stacked with squawking HF digital radios. McGregor himself was all kitted up, staring intently at something on his government issue Toughbook. Behind him was his map board which covered the area for dozens of miles in every direction in exquisite gridded topographical detail.
  34. He gestured to a cluster of folding chairs in the corner.
  36. “Drop your pots gents. You can sit down over there.”
  38. Kaeo took off his helmet and other assorted head gear and sat down. Just a second later, the familiar roar of low flying Navy F/A-18s shook the tent. The call of “tree” the phonetic pronunciation of three on the radio caught his attention. Kaeo began to listen intently to the chatter on the radios to pass the time.
  40. “Tourman, this is Hitman 3. Standby for avail flying information.”
  42. “Tourman, standing by.”
  44. “TOT Five-Tree, CAS, non-standard minus Two to minus Tree-Zero plus Tree-Zero to plus One, gun target line Zero-Nine-Tree. I'm gonna talk you on.”
  46. “Tourman copies all Hitman 3.”
  48. “West of the Seven-Tree Eastern, there is a large urban sprawl. Call contact.”
  50. “Contact.”
  52. “Splitting the urban sprawl in half from the North to the South is a MSR. Call contact.”
  54. “Contact.”
  56. “We’re observing everything to the west of that MSR before we push through. Can you see the stand of trees in the northwest quadrant? Call contact.”
  58. “Tourman. I see two prominent tree stands, not sure which one you’re calling.”
  60. “Ok, ok. Do you contact dump truck heading north in the quadrant?”
  62. “Tourman. Contact the dump truck.”
  64. “In about a minute, that technical will pass through the stand of trees. There’s two-story structure we're taking fire from just on the south side of that stand, that’s your target. Call contact.”
  66. “Tourman. Contact. I see your laze... November 1-2 off safe, one away.”
  68. After several seconds delay, the crack of man-made thunder was faintly audible in the distance. The Captain slapped the lid of his laptop close and set it on the desk.
  70. “You want to know who the deadliest Infantryman on the battlefield is?” The Captain asked suddenly.
  72. “Uh... is it Recon, Sir?” McGraw responded.
  74. “No, but I appreciate the sentiment. It's the motherfucker with a radio. With that you may as well have the fucking sword of god with all the precision guided whoop-ass you can call in these days”. He gestured to the radio Kaeo had been listening to.
  76. “They've been calling in Close Air Support missions like that for the past hour. They keep getting engaged as they push out of the city towards OP Rhino. Must've of dropped five or six JDAMs already. A lot of ordinance to put down in the middle of a city.”
  78. Mr. Nkunda barged into the tent followed by two of his black-clad attack dogs.
  80. “Captain, I demand to know what's going on here!”
  82. The young captain sighed. “A platoon from our sister company is engaged in heavy contact in the North West area of Nampula.” McGregor stood and indicated the area on his map board.
  84. “Everyday fuckin' thing in this part of the world. Hitman 1 our interim guards had to leave to go assist them. Now we gotta go man our fucking weapons and make sure the enemy doesn't sneak up and cut our fucking throats.”
  86. “And what exactly are you doing to rectify the situation?” Giga-Nigga questioned, slightly irritated.
  88. “As of right now: Not a fucking thing. I can't do anything outside the wire until I get Capone on the hook and he sets me loose. However, I've put my men on the second highest readiness condition. And, I'm expecting a call from Capone very soon. I've even got my best team leaders here ready for briefing when the time comes. Just pull up a chair Mr. Nkunda. I'm sure if you get bored Corporal Tokura or McGraw here can regale you with an exciting tale of deployments long past.” McGregor explained.
  90. “What about him?” gestured Nkunda to Dygalo who sat upright, arms crossed and totally silent.
  92. “Staff Sergeant Dygalo isn't much of a talker. Best squad leader in the whole battalion though.” The Captain responded.
  94. “Captain, if I may speak freely” McGraw piped up.
  96. “Go ahead McGraw” The Captain smiled slight.
  98. McGraw shifted his M4A1 to the side and scooted forward on his chair to lean closer to Mr. Nkunda.
  100. “They say Staff Sergeant Dygalo never knew his father and killed his mother at the age of seventeen. The judge gave him two options: The gas chamber or the Marine Corps. His only question was if he would get to kill more people as a Marine. He soldiers for pleasure and kills at the drop of a hat. He once dropped arty on an entire village just because the Elder didn't put sugar in his tea.”
  102. Dygalo's face was unreadable as ever. Mr. Nkunda was slightly taken aback.
  104. “And you have men like this all over your company Captain?” Nkunda questioned nervously
  106. McGregor smiled wickedly.
  108. “Of course. Killing is fun. Isn't it, boys?”
  110. They uttered a single grunt of affirmation in unison. Kaeo felt the ring move.
  112. “How unprofessional, how undisciplined. You're leading a pack of animals Captain.” Mr. Nkunda stated.
  114. How ironic, Kaeo thought.
  116. The Captain's face hardened at the insult.
  118. “Do you smoke Mr. Nkunda?”
  120. “Why, yes.” he responded, slightly puzzled.
  122. “May I see your lighter?” McGregor asked. Mr. Nkunda tapped one of his animals on the shoulder and who retrieved the lighter from one of his vest pockets. It was an expensive looking matte black affair.
  124. “Corporal McGraw, take the lighter.” McGraw extended his arm fully and carefully took the lighter, proceeding to light it.
  126. “Corporal Tokura, place your left arm over the flame please.” The Captain instructed, his eyes still locked with Nkunda.
  128. Kaeo quickly hiked up the sleeve on his left arm. He extended his arm, placing it over the flickering, orange flame. He lowered it down until it was licking his skin. Pain surged through his arm. Kaeo's face twitched slightly as he held it in the flame for an agonizing handful of seconds. The smell of burning flesh filled the room.
  130. “McGraw, extinguish the lighter and return it.” the flame went out and McGraw passed it back to the animal while Kaeo rubbed his burn idly.
  132. “Still think my men are undisciplined Mr. Nkunda?” In that instant Mr. Nkunda's facade of a friendly businessman broke and the largest grin inched its way across his face.
  134. “No Captain, I think you have the perfect men for the job.” Without another word, Mr. Nkunda turned and exited into the rain. One of his animals held his umbrella for him. Just as the tent flap closed McGregor, McGraw and Dygalo all rolled up their left sleeves and showed their forearms, exposing a splotchy scar in the exact same location. McGraw shook him playfully with a broad smile.
  136. “Welcome to the club, killer.” Dygalo congratulated.
  138. “Only team leaders and above have these.” McGregor explained. “Anyone tries else in Recon tries to give you shit about being a boot. Show them that and they'll shut the fuck up. Just don't let this shit get out on the Lance Corporal underground alright? If it makes its way out of the battalion you, me and essentially every other NCO or Officer in the battalion with one is getting strung up by their nuts for hazing. Got it?”
  140. “Aye, Sir.” Kaeo replied. His arm still hurt but it was nothing compared to the pride welling up inside him, pride which briefly eclipsed his ever present guilt. Even if only for a second, it was a wonderful feeling. It felt like even the girls were smiling down on him.
  142. “Atta boy. Walk tall, just about anyone who's anyone in Recon has it. Hell, even the Capone has it.” the Captain beamed. An hour passed as they waited for word. Based on the radio traffic, Hitman 1 and 3 successfully made it out of the city and back to OP Rhino.
  144. “Capone, Capone, this is Hitman. Stand by for SALUTE Report. Over.” Crackled over the Battalion's net. McGregor held his hand up to quiet them while he listened in on the report.
  146. “Hitman, this is Capone Actual. Send your traffic. Over.”
  148. “Roger. Line Sierra, One-Four-Zero plus enemy personnel, break. Line Alpha, attempted to ambush Hitman 3 Northern area of Nampula and several other places throughout the city. As they pushed West back to OP Rhino, break. Line Lima, in vicinity of grid Mike Victor Five-Four-Niner-Tree-Niner-Four, how copy so far Capone? Over.”
  150. “Solid copy so far, over.”
  152. “Roger. Line Uniform: Local Militia supported by what looks like Tailor advisers. Line Tango, One-Tree September Zero-Tree-Four-Seven hours local, Two-Zero-One-Four. Break. Line Echo, mostly AKs and other small arms a few light AT weapons and techincals all Chinese made, over.”
  154. “Solid copy, break. Do you have any remarks? Over.”
  156. “Affirm. Stand by to copy remarks, over.”
  158. “Roger. Standing by to copy.”
  160. “Remarks as follows: Picked up intel from some assorted local trash who suggested the train yard was being used as a staging ground. Looks like Militia just got in bed with the tailors and tried to get the jump on us when we approached vicinity of the train yard and those supply routes they pointed us to. Had to break off when contact got too heavy, sustained Four KIA and Niner more needed CASEVAC. Those Navy CAS missions really bailed us out of some serious Black Hawk Down shit. Extend our thanks, Over.”
  162. “Roger. Capone copies. Break. Transfer EPWs over to Intel after field interrogation. Capone Actual, out.”
  164. McGregor stared expectantly at a previously silent radio on his table for several minutes before it barked to life.
  166. “Raptor this is Capone Actual, stand by for tasking.” The Captain quickly snatched up the handset.
  168. “Capone this is Raptor Actual standing by to copy, over.”
  170. “I need you to Recon possible enemy supply route running through grid Mike X-ray One-Tree-Niner-Two-Two-Four. How copy so far Raptor, over?”
  172. “Solid copy so far.” McGregor responded while finding the referenced grid on his map. It was a small dirt road leading from the massive train yard on the north end of the city towards the guerrilla controlled mountains. That particular section ran through a narrow valley a little ways outside of town.
  174. “That's phase one. Hitman has Intel which suggests the enemy are using this route to move supplies to the boonies. Raptor, if Recon affirms that route is being destroyed and any units moving along it. Phase Two is a recon in force of the train yard. Quite frankly, Capone here is tired of hearing about it, so clear it out. I've managed to get a platoon of LAVs detached from the 3rd LAR, callsign Dagger 3, to assist. Hitman 2 will also be participating in the assault, but I am giving you full command authority. Expect link up at Zero-Five-Tree-Zero hours local, over.”
  176. “Solid copy on all Capone. Interrogative, What time-scale are we looking at for the Recon, over?”
  178. “ASAP, Raptor. If I could get a UAV on station I'd have it out there now but no such luck with the weather, over”
  180. “Interrogative, what do we have in the way of fire support, over?”
  182. “An M777 Battery callsign Sledgehammer stationed at OP Rhino will be on call for fires. CAS will be dependent on weather conditions and availability. Anything rotary wing is still grounded due to the storm winds, over.”
  184. “Solid Capone. Raptor Actual, out.”
  186. “Keep me apprised of the situation and good hunting Raptor. Capone Actual, out.”
  188. McGregor pumped his fist with joy as he set the handset down on the table. He paused for a little bit to study his map and formulate a plan.
  190. “Alright boys, you heard the man. We’ve got a mission. I want 2-1 on that recon mission. Kocher and Beckard's platoons will link up with Dagger 3 and form our assault element. I'll lead this one personally. What I need you to do is recon that road, kill anything that moves on it, and push up to here to grid Mike X-ray One-Three-One-Four-Nine-One.” indicating a hill along the dirt road overlooking the train yard. Dygalo jotted down the grid reference.
  192. “From there, you'll have good lines of sight over the whole train yard to direct our fire support. Be in position by sundown tonight at the latest and keep us updated on what you see. Remember, the night is our best friend out here. Expect the attack to be initiated no later than 2200.”
  194. With that, the Captain strutted out of the tent with his ruck and tossed it into the rear stowage of his Humvee. A distinctive red IR reflective panel was placed on the hood in addition to the IR strobe on top so friendly aircraft could identify his vehicle specifically.
  196. Kaeo, McGraw and Dygalo made their way back to their Humvees and quickly explained the mission to the rest of the team. After that, they set about gathering the equipment and conducting all the checks they'd need for such an operation. The sun still had not risen and rain still poured down along with intermittent flashes of lightning and crashes of thunder. The vehicles and most of their gear were nice and dry under a canopy.
  198. “Hey, Dirty! Come help me carry these SMAW rockets!” McGraw shouted while wrestling with three of them with two more lying helplessly on the ground next to him.
  200. “I'm coming, I'm coming. Don't get your panties in a knot, Dave!” Lance Corporal Mitchel Redmann, affectionately known as “Dirty Earl” or just “Dirty”, responded. No one was quite certain why he was called that, he just was.
  202. “J-pop do you got enough ammo for the Mk 19 up there?” Garza asked as he loaded two cans of M2 food into Bravo's Humvee.
  204. “No, not at all. I've only got two cans here.” Johnson shouted down as he performed a final function test on the weapon in question.
  206. “Alright I'll go get some. I got to go get batteries for the Staff Sergeant's GTLD anyway. C'mon, Stevens.” Dygalo unceremoniously dropped the bulky Ground Target Laser Designator into Garza's hands as the two Lances turned towards the armory.
  208. Kaeo was sitting in the commander's seat, Rico's old seat, and now his, checking the Humvee's radios.
  210. “Aw shit, Skittle-tits at my two, closing fast.” Max said pausing from his work checking the Humvee's fluids. Thunder crashed again.
  212. Without even looking, Dygalo waved a hand over his shoulder. “Tokura, handle it. She seems to like you.”
  214. With a sigh, Kaeo hung up the hand set, scraped the dip out of his lip, stepped out of the Humvee helmet tucked under his right arm and walked out into the rain to meet with Ragyō, her secretary, and their animals.
  216. “Ah, Tokura, we meet again.” She greeted in a faintly predatory tone.
  218. “Good morning, Ma'am. Can I help you with anything? We're just getting everything set for another mission.” Came his mechanical reply.
  220. “Another mission? Will you be going out then?” She asked as she stalked closer to him, uncomfortably close. Her animal held the umbrella over the both of them.
  222. “Yes, ma'am”. He responded. Her hand traced up his right arm over his wound, fingers danced up onto his shoulder pocket. His heart skipped a beat and they stopped over the lump that was his ring.
  224. “What's this?” she questioned inquisitively, gently probing the area. He reached over with his left hand retrieved the simple silver band and held it out for her to examine. She plucked the ring from his grip.
  226. He watched it dance between her fingers as she inspected every facet of its surface.
  228. “Are you married, Tokura?”
  230. “No ma'am.”
  232. “Is it for luck?”
  234. “No ma'am.”
  236. “Then why do you carry it?”
  238. “It’s a reminder of the things I've done.”
  240. “Well then,” Ragyō paused to slip the ring on his left hand.
  242. “if it’s not for luck, then this will be.”
  244. He froze instantly as Ragyō leaned in closer and closer to him. Her breath slithered across his skin. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his. Her tongue snaked inside of his mouth.
  246. And then it was over. Their lips parted, leaving him feeling strangely violated.
  248. “My, my. Such skill for someone so young. I bet you're very popular.” He felt like vomiting again.
  250. “Au revoir, Corporal Kaeo Tokura. I'll likely be gone by the time you return. Please consider my offer won't you?”
  252. “I will”. He responded as Ragyō and her entourage turned away. He wasn't sure if he was lying or not. He pondered that slowly, turning to the ring on his finger as he made his way back to the Humvees.
  254. “Taste the Rainbow!” he looked up to Max shouting down at him from on top of the Humvee. He and the other lances burst into a cacophony of laughter. Somehow it didn't seem very funny. He licked his lips absentmindedly. She did taste a little like skittles. He shook his head to bring himself around. He was in charge now, couldn't take any of their shit. He quickly put his helmet back on and fixed his chinstrap.
  256. “Shut the fuck up and do your fucking jobs.” he barked. They immediately stopped laughing and returned to work. Kaeo plopped down in his seat and stuck another dip in his mouth. Lance Corporal Logger settled into his.
  258. “Off she goes, to corner the global clothing market.” McGraw announced while stepping into on his own Humvee.
  260. “The most expensive bitch that ever kissed a Marine and got away.” Johnson continued.
  262. Max settled into his seat put his helmet on, snapped the chin strap and turned the ignition. “On the road again, like a band of gypsies we roll down the highway.” He sang and leaned over to playfully push Kaeo.
  264. “We're the best of frien-”
  266. “God DAMMIT MAX!” Kaeo shouted cutting him off. “No Willie Nelson in my damn Humvee.”
  268. “Sorry, dude.” He apologized, pausing for a second. “You know what? You're right. This isn't the right time for Nelson. Now's about right for some Cash. Whaddya say, Garza, Logger?”
  270. “Hell yeah. What about 'The Man Comes Around'?” Logger suggested.
  272. “Yeah, we can do that.” Max announced.
  274. “And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder:
  275. One of the four beasts saying: 'Come and see.' And I saw.
  276. And behold, a white horse.” Max began.
  278. A second later, Alpha's Humvee roared to life as well. With all well and loaded they rolled out through the gate into the gray, wet, morning. Kaeo shot one final glance towards the glowing white form of Ragyō as she disappeared into her factory.
  280. “Raptor is this Raptor 2-1 we are Oscar Mike”
  282. “Solid 2-1, give the Frenchies my best.”
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