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Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. Hello. Recently, while on a business trip, I purchased 3 bags of "Trolli Brite Crawlers Sour Gummy Worms 5lb", 1 for each of my 3 kids, as they LOVE the sour gummy worms. I purchased the bags at a local convenience store in Las Vegas, Nevada. Upon getting home, I surprised them with the candy. Now, I know it is NEVER OK to give them a lot, so I MADE sure they didn't have very many at once. Only an hour and a half after they were started eating, my son, age 10, said to me "Daddy, my stomach hurts!" I figured he had eaten to many without me knowing. However, I was wrong. He had only a few! I figured he had some allergic reaction (which confused me, as he eats gummy worms whenever we go out to the movies). After giving him a Tylenol, I tucked him in bed. Minutes after, my other two kids were BOTH complaining about their stomachs hurting. Not only were they complaining about their stomach aches, they were VOMITING! I was very scared for all three of them, suspecting the candy could've been poisoned. They puked for quite a while, I will be honest, and I was going to bring them all to the emergency room when they were done puking (as I do not have insurance) but I didn't. I tucked them into bed after giving them all a Tylenol and hoped for the best in the morning. They were feeling OK when they woke up, but I still kept an eye on them. I think they are doing OK now, but I thought I would inform you about the occurrence. To be honest, I AM looking for something in return, either my money back, or even 3 bags of the crawlers, as I can fully trust it coming from the warehouse. If you need any info, please email me as soon as possible. Thanks
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