

Feb 8th, 2015
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  1. 'Join, Inform, Protect'
  2. 'collect, Share, Protect'
  3. 'Be an adult - Protect children'
  4. 'Adult up!'
  5. 'Be the adult you once thought you'd be'
  6. 'Responsibility starts with you'
  7. 'Protect Death Eater victims - Seek justice'
  8. 'We need to be the adults our children deserve'
  9. "No children = No future"
  10. 'Corrupted children = corrupt future"
  11. 'Reject the term pedophile. Pedosadism is not child love. Words matter.'
  12. 'It's not love its sadism. Words matter.'
  13. 'It's not child sex or underage sex, it's rape. Words matter'
  14. '13 year olds are not "models" - how can you brag about sleeping with one?'
  15. 'What IS an "Under-aged Prostitute" - these are kids! Words matter'
  16. 'There is no such thing as an underage prostitute, only rape victims. Words matter'
  17. "#OpDeathEaters need adults. Your move."
  18. 'resistance is existence. Join #OpDeathEaters'
  19. 'Death eaters are not child lovers. Words Matter'
  20. 'Torture and murder are not a sex scandal. Words matter'
  21. 'Children have been wrongly blamed for their own victimization' #OpDeathEaters
  22. #opDeathEaters wants an Independent Victim-Led Inquiry
  23. 'It's our duty as adults to protect our kids! #OpDeathEaters
  24. Shout out! - an independent, internationally linked, victim-led inquiry/tribunal into the child trafficking and paedosadist industry
  25. "We will investigate ourselves and find nothing wrong" is not an option! #OpDeathEaters
  26. Our kids are disappearing into black holes of abuse.
  27. Your silence gives consent. Adult Up and Join Us.
  28. All children are our children.
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