
Tibia Monster Description List 10.82

Dec 5th, 2015
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  1. monsterDescriptions =
  2. {
  4.         ["Amazon"] = {tibia = [[Amazons are communities of martial women who have erected some hideouts in the swamps in the east of Tibia. They attack every intruder of their sphere vigorously and cut off the heads of their victims in order to keep them as some kind of trophies. They are not only quite strong in close combat but are also able to throw knives with deadly precision.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Amazons are strong warriors that collect the heads of their victims. An amazon that collects 13 skulls is promoted to a valkyrie. They are wild women that battle for their liberty and hate it when somebody invades their camp. Note that all female characters can dress like an Amazon. On worlds where Player Killing is allowed, this could be a problem, because someone might attack you thinking you were an Amazon.]]},
  5.     ["Valkyrie"] = {tibia = [[Valkyries are the upper caste of the amazons, communities of martial women living in the swamps in the east of Tibia. They are even stronger in close combat and use their spears skilfully for distance fighting. Every amazon who has proven her bravery by taking the skulls of thirteen opponents will be promoted to a Valkyrie.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These creatures are stronger than an amazon and have better loot. Note that all female characters can dress like a Valkyrie. On worlds where Player Killing is allowed, this could be a problem, because someone might attack you, thinking that you are a Valkyrie.]]},
  6.     ["Carrion Worm"] = {tibia = [[It is said that even rotworms cannot survive their disgusting diet forever. Sooner or later a rotworm falls prey to all the rot and decay it consumes. However, people tell that some of them prove extremely resistant to all the poisons they devour in their life. They seem to be immortal and therefore, grow stronger and bigger than the rest of their kind, reaching even the size of an ox or a small barn. Perhaps these stories hold a grain of truth because now and then really huge rotworms are spotted amongst their kind. These so-called Carrion Worms seem to be no species of their own but indeed just older, bigger and meaner rotworms. Their capabilities seem to exceed the ones of the smaller rotworms in all means although they seem to have no special position in the mindless society of worms. Carrion Worms are usually accompanied by a host of smaller worms which makes them even more dangerous. They have some sort of tusks that can easily penetrate a good armor. In fights they are protected by a hide which has grown pretty thick during many decades.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Carrion Worms were added in Summer Update 2006. They replaced Demon Skeletons in west cave of the 'Upper' Fibula Dungeon. Carrion worms are simply upgraded rotworms; They are stronger, move faster, have more hitpoints, and give more experience, but drop no sword nor mace. They are similar to Wild Warriors.]]},
  7.     ["Drillworm"] = {tibia = [[Drillworms are aggressive beasts from the depths of the earth. It is assumed that they are a distant relative of the common rotworm, but no medical examination could prove this. In fact, studies have revealed that the Drillworm is, in fact, quite different from the rotworm regarding its movement, behaviour as well as its organs. It possesses two powerful legs which, in some circumstances, may also serve as arms. The Drillworm's set of teeth is only a secondary tool compared to the highly corrosive acid in its mouth, which serves as both saliva and digestion fluid. While the teeth usually are used to crush or get hold of something, the acid is used for quickly dissolving earth and stone, transforming it to a mud-like mass that can be gobbled up by the Drillworm, thus allowing it to pass through. The body of a Drillworm is quite resilient, despite its colourless, almost translucent skin through which its massive muscles can be seen. Although blind by normal standards, its eye-like organs are highly effective heat sensors, and its antennae, which are usually feeling the stone surfaces, can sense even the most slightest of vibrations. These organs grant the creature extremely sharp senses, giving it an edge in any subterranean environment. What is more, the Drillworm can retract the spikes on its tail and extend them so forcefully as to make a most effective anchor of it. Using this natural anchor, and forcefully twisting its body, the Drillworm sprays the stone in front of it with it corrosive saliva. Releasing the pent-up force of its twisted body in order to rotate forward at high speed, the beast puts itself into an actual drilling motion, enabling it to pass through the most massive barriers at frightening speed. Because of an obvious lack of predators and challenge in its natural habitat, the Drillworm is quite bold and, while not aggressive as such, still sees everything as food. Alarmingly, to the single-minded beast the movement and heat patterns of other living beings apparently indicate a favourite type of food, causing the Drillworm to attack. Only recently, Drillworms have emerged from the depths of the earth and are now to be found in layers that are already inhabited by the known underground-dwelling races. If the migration of the Drillworms continues, they might soon replace the known rotworm populations, as the rotworms pose no threat to the Drillworms and occupy quite a similar niche. Probable reasons for this migration are the rise of the heat and lava levels that can be witnessed all over the world, and which the gnomes refer to as 'global warming'. In light of these facts, not only an increase of Drillworm sightings is to be expected, but also the appearance of other subterranean creatures; and if the drillwom is to be any indicator of their threat level, this is dire news indeed.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Combines strong melee with nasty waves. Treat it like a Lizard High Guard.]]},
  8.     ["Rotworm"] = {tibia = [[Rotworms are a very ancient race that lives in the dungeons of Tibia. They dig in the earth and wait for unconscious victims which they devour in one piece. In packs they are quite dangerous even for experienced adventurers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This is the most commonly hunted monster in Tibia and you will never be very far from a rotworm cave. You can buy rotworms from Humgolf in Kazordoon, although you need a drilling license to do so. Also common for training at lower skill levels. The rotworm's sprite changed with the summer update of 2006. The old sprite looked like this:]]},
  9.     ["Rift Worm"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Summoned by Azerus in the final room of the In Service of Yalahar Quest, Fenrock after the teleport for the quest Shadows of Yalahar Quest.]]},
  10.     ["Kongra"] = {tibia = [[The mighty Kongras are like mountains made of flesh and muscles. These enormous apes are incredibly strong and quite agile for their mass and size. They seem to be the warriors of the apes that live in the deepest jungle and raid the human settlements from time to time. In its anger a Kongra is able to rip out small trees and to break bones as if they weretwigs. The sight of an enraged, storming Kongra can make even an experienced warrior tremble. The dark and massive figure reaches a threatening speed in its attacks. Relying mainly on its strength, a Kongra rarely uses any weapons. Occasionally, the ape warrior uses stones of different sizes or branches as makeshift weapons, but usually it relies on its hammer-like fists and the clout of its powerful arms.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These apes like to hit hard and often appear along with Sibangs or Merlkins.]]},
  11.     ["Merlkin"] = {tibia = [[Even a few of the ape people are able to command some kind of strange magic. It is hard to say which role the Merlkins play in the ape society, but they are probably described best as some kind of primitive witch doctors. It is another mystery how those primitives were able to develop any kind of magic at all, but considering the fact that those apes raid the human settlements to steal their tools, it is very likely that they have also stolen their knowledge about magic. Their ability to wield magic hints at a greater intelligence than that of their cousins with whom they seem to live in an uneasy peace. Animosities between the different breeds have been reported, so it is unlikely that the Merlkin are a kind of elite among the apes. Still they work together with the other ape races and their strange magic combined with the skills of the others form very effective attack forces.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Merlkin are the magic users of the apes. They can best be described by being some kind of primitive witch doctor. Considering the fact that those apes raid the human settlements to steal their tools, it is very likely that they have also stolen their knowledge about magic. Their ability to wield magic hints at a greater intelligence than that of their cousins (the Sibang and the Kongra) with whom they seem to live in an uneasy peace. Still, the Merlkins work together with the other ape races and their strange magic combined with the skills of the others form very effective attack forces. After the christmas update 2008, the merlkin could be seldom much stronger, so take care!]]},
  12.     ["Sibang"] = {tibia = [[The Sibang seems playful and harmless but this impression is misleading. They use their incredible agility to attack enemies from a safe distance and to swiftly evade counter-attacks. Their hit-and-run tactic proves especially effective in the familiar territory of the jungle. Attacking suddenly from the cover of trees, they throw volleys of different projectiles and then retreat to safety to prepare for their next attack. Ever curious and adventurous, they are the apes that are most often away from their homes. Sometimes they serve as scouts and spies to prepare a bigger assault. Using trees like humans are using roads, it is nearly impossible to catch them.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are usually found in large groups with Kongra and Merlkin.]]},
  13.     ["Yeti"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Yeti on Folda (Harmonia)]]},
  14.     ["Crystal Spider"] = {tibia = [[Crystal Spiders are a rare breed. Just like the frost dragons, the Crystal Spiders are also the results of a transformation, probably being descendants of Giant Spiders. However, the Crystal Spider was affected much more heavily than the frost dragon. Its body drastically changed to a crystalline or rather icy consistence, emitting an enormous cold. Its spiderwebs are not made of silk but of concentrated ice which is extremely cold. The cold alone is sufficient to freeze most creatures to the web which therefore does not need a gluey coating. The poison of the spider is like an injection of pure ice. It painfully freezes the flesh and numbs the extremities. The good resistance to cold that many creatures on the Ice Islands possess makes such advantage, however, redundant. For this reason, Crystal Spiders have specialised in hunting warm blooded creatures that are susceptible to their special abilities. This includes humans, elves and dwarfs. It is unknown if Crystal Spiders can survive in warmer climates. If they were able to adapt to warmer environment where much more prey is available that is susceptible to their attacks, they would easily spread through the lands like a plague.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are similar to Giant Spiders, but have less attack power and more defense. You should be careful with them since they're found most of the time in groups and in small places, also they paralyze you very often, making it hard to keep distance. Since Summer Update 2010, crystal spiders drop Jewelled Backpacks.]]},
  15.     ["Giant Spider"] = {tibia = [[Giant Spiders live in holes in the mountains of Tibia. They are among the most powerful monsters and are so fast that it is nearly impossible to flee. They can summon poison spiders and throw poison fields.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Giant Spider used to be one of the most feared monsters, mainly because of its locations. Some years ago, the Giant Spider was commonly being lured to Venore, Dwarf Bridge, and the roads near it. It was commonly found in places one would never expect to find such a beast. Giant Spiders used to be immune to fire but they are now weak to it.]]},
  16.     ["Giant Spider Wyda"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  17.     ["Poison Spider"] = {tibia = [[Poison Spiders live in the forests and dungeons of Tibia. They usually hunt small animals, but with their poisonous bite they can even kill animals that are bigger than them. Therefore, and as they always crop up in packs, they are quite dangerous for badly equipped adventurers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Poison Spiders are a bit stronger than regular Spiders in that they hit harder and can poison you with venom a little stronger than that of a Snake's. It is not advisable to attack one below Level 4. Giant Spiders summon up to two Poison Spiders to break shielding and enable much stronger hits.]]},
  18.     ["Sacred Spider"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  19.     ["Sandstone Scorpion"] = {tibia = [[The scorpion was the symbol of the ancient dynasties of the southern desert. For the early civilisation it was the embodiment of war and deadliness. The symbol of the scorpion is found at many different sites. Statues of scorpions used to be quite common in temples. Ancient mystics filled some of these statues with actual spirits of scorpions, or at least with something of what they thought to be such spirits. The repeated binding of spirits into the statues granted them some resemblance to living scorpions. Even when the mystics disappeared, the Sandstone Scorpions persisted. Forgotten in ancient tombs, they endured the ravages of time. Since every grain of sand in the statues is imbued with spirit energy, the sandstone bodies can be destroyed but not killed. Given some time, the seemingly dead body will crumble into sand that moves with a wind that no other can feel to some place where it will reform its former body to continue its existence. The poison they use is rather spiritual than physical. The study of this poison led to the refinement of antidote magic as we know it today. Instead of countering poison with the help of regenerative powers as it was custom practice in the past, modern antidote magic rather exorcises the poison itself. While some temples tie this process to the god Crunor who allowed the humans to learn the secret of poison curing, most scientifically inclined magic users see only a mindless but dangerous machine in the Sandstone Scorpion. They argue that it is only following orders of summoners long dead. On the other hand, priests argue that the Sandstone Scorpion is the embodiment of an animal spirit and therefore sacred to Crunor. They claim that it is working on Crunor's behalf, testing the battle prowess of heroes. Both interpretations admit though that the Sandstone Scorpion is a formidable foe that is guarding the holy places of the past.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Can be tamed by using a Scorpion Sceptre on it. These creatures typically come in groups.]]},
  20.     ["Scorpion"] = {tibia = [[Scorpions live in the swamps and deserts of Tibia. They usually hunt small animals but when they get excited they even attack humans. Their very poisonous sting penetrates even thick armor so that they can be a great threat when they attack surprisingly. As their defence is quite weak you should strive to do the first strike.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are dangerous for inexperienced players as they can inject powerful poison, which deals around 315 damage total. Good for poisoning weak enemies when summoned, but remember that a lot of creatures are immune to poison. It is common to see Player Killers pushing players to Scorpions, like on top of the Plague Spike in Optional PvP worlds.]]},
  21.     ["Spider"] = {tibia = [[Spiders live in the forests and dungeons of Tibia. They usually hunt small animals, but do not shrink back from attacking animals that are bigger than them. When they crop up in packs, they can even become dangerous for badly equipped adventurers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Spiders are weak creatures and therefore good for gaining experience points at very low levels in Rookgaard. Donald McRonald of Thais will buy spider corpses for 2 gp. Note that he only buys regular spider corpses, not Poison Spider corpses.]]},
  22.     ["Tarantula"] = {tibia = [[The Tarantula is another nasty variant of the spider family. It is not bound to a certain habitat, so it can be encountered in caves, forests and ruins alike. Therefore it poses a threat everywhere but in the coldest or volcanic areas. It is aggressive and dangerous and it is not choosier in its diet than in its habitat. Anything is seen as prey and sometimes they even cannibalise creatures of their own species. Its poisonous fangs are more than enough to make these beasts a constant threat to the settlers but many extermination campaigns have driven them back from the centres of civilisation. Still the sight of a single Tarantula is usually enough for a town to hire some scouts and mercenaries to examine the area more closely.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Tarantulas usually spawn in groups with other weaker monsters or together with a Giant Spider (in the Plains of Havoc, for example). Kill the weaker monsters off first so they do not break your shielding. Also note that tarantulas are dangerous in groups due to their ability to haste and surround their prey. GFBs work nicely to kill the tarantulas and the other creatures.]]},
  23.     ["Wailing Widow"] = {tibia = [[The Wailing Widow gained its name from its unusual hunting and attack methods. By letting its opisthosoma vibrate, the spider creates a variety of sounds that are used to lure or stun its prey. In addition to other more 'spider-like' abilities, they use this sonic manipulation in a way that reminds frighteningly of intelligence and purpose. Although they can survive in some kind of hibernation for unknown periods of time, they are known to be ravenously hungry whenever the opportunity arises. Such devoured extra food is almost immediately used for reproduction, and when such a population increase used up all food sources, they proceed to cannibalism, which is mirrored in their moniker 'widow'. With the decline of the lizard empire, also the regular extermination campaigns against spider nests were stopped. This and the population growth of their favourite prey, the lancer beetle, let the number of Wailing Widows steadily increase. Strangely enough, accompanied by their growth the once reclusive spiders became more and more bold, raiding settlements and attacking far greater prey than before. It is debated if they are influenced by the land's corruption itself, or by digesting the obviously corrupted lancer beetles. Whatever theory might be correct, in the end both mean that the Wailing Widows have turned into a considerable threat to explorers of unknown areas and also to some remote settlements.]], wiki = [[Wiki: It can be tamed by using a Sweet Smelling Bait with a chance of fail, or by using a Music Box with a 100% succes rate. These can be found with Lancer Beetles in the Zao Wailing Widow Cave. These creatures can be particularly dangerous when you are fighting other creatures because they make you Drunk. The only rare item a Wailing Widow drops is the Wailing Widow's Necklace, which is useless aside from the fact that it is sellable for 3000 gold.]]},
  24.     ["Achad"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Greenhorn challenger. ← #3 Bovinus | #4 Achad | #5 Colerian the Barbarian →]]},
  25.     ["Axeitus Headbanger"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Greenhorn challenger. ← #6 The Hairy One | #7 Axeitus Headbanger | #8 Rocky →]]},
  26.     ["Bloodpaw"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Greenhorn challenger. ← #1 Frostfur | #2 Bloodpaw | #3 Bovinus →]]},
  27.     ["Bovinus"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Greenhorn challenger. ← #2 Bloodpaw | #3 Bovinus | #4 Achad →]]},
  28.     ["Colerian The Barbarian"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Greenhorn challenger. ← #4 Achad | #5 Colerian the Barbarian | #6 The Hairy One →]]},
  29.     ["Cursed Gladiator"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Greenhorn challenger. ← #8 Rocky | #9 Cursed Gladiator | #10 Orcus the Cruel →]]},
  30.     ["Frostfur"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Greenhorn challenger. #1 Frostfur | #2 Bloodpaw →]]},
  31.     ["Orcus the Cruel"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Greenhorn challenger. ← #9 Cursed Gladiator | #10 Orcus the Cruel]]},
  32.     ["Rocky"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Greenhorn challenger. ← #7 Axeitus Headbanger | #8 Rocky | #9 Cursed Gladiator →]]},
  33.     ["The Hairy One"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Greenhorn challenger. ← #5 Colerian the Barbarian | #6 The Hairy One | #7 Axeitus Headbanger →]]},
  34.     ["Avalanche"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  35.     ["Drasilla"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Boss of Scrapper level Pit #7. Drasilla is so far the only dragon in Tibia to have a feminine name, suggesting she is female. Next #8.]]},
  36.     ["Grimgor Guteater"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Boss of Scrapper level Pit #6. Next #7.]]},
  37.     ["Kreebosh the Exile"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Boss of Scrapper level Pit #2. Next #3.]]},
  38.     ["Slim"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Boss of Scrapper level Pit #5. Next #6.]]},
  39.     ["Spirit of Earth"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Boss of Scrapper level Pit #8. Next #9.]]},
  40.     ["Spirit of Fire"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Last boss of Scrapper level Pit #10. Though it resembles a Hellfire Fighter it is much weaker than one.]]},
  41.     ["Spirit of Water"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Boss of Scrapper level Pit #9. Next #10.]]},
  42.     ["The Dark Dancer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Boss of Scrapper level Pit #3. Next #4.]]},
  43.     ["The Hag"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Boss of Scrapper level Pit #4. Next #5.]]},
  44.     ["Darakan the Executioner"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is the boss of Warlord level Pit #2. Next #3.]]},
  45.     ["Deathbringer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The boss of Warlord Level, Pit #9. Next #10.]]},
  46.     ["Fallen Mooh'tah Master Ghar"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is the boss of Warlord Level, Pit #8. Next #9.]]},
  47.     ["Gnorre Chyllson"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is the boss of Warlord Level, Pit #7. Next #8.]]},
  48.     ["Norgle Glacierbeard"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is the boss of Warlord Arena Pit #3. Next #4.]]},
  49.     ["Svoren the Mad"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is the boss of Warlord level Pit #5. Next #6]]},
  50.     ["The Masked Marauder"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is the boss of Warlord Level, Pit #6. Next #7]]},
  51.     ["The Obliverator"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Final boss of Warlord Level, in the last pit, Pit #10.]]},
  52.     ["The Pit Lord"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is the boss of Warlord level Pit #4. Next #5]]},
  53.     ["Webster"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is the boss of Warlord level Pit #1. Next #2.]]},
  54.     ["Barbarian Bloodwalker"] = {tibia = [[The Barbarian Bloodwalkers did surely not receive their name for their diplomatic talent. A Bloodwalker first strikes and then he strikes even more. Bloodwalkers are nearly mad and always on the brink of frenzy. The constant abuse of berserker elixirs forced them into a life of mayhem and destruction. Battle and carnage are the lifeblood of the Barbarian Bloodwalkers. Regarded by their tribesmen as beings touched by divinity, there is little that could restrain them. As a matter of fact, the same shamans that supplied them with berserker elixirs in the first place, now keep them drugged with potions to pacify them and to make them less prone to rampages. In times of war, however, these 'holy warriors' are set on the enemies and most of their tribesmen do their best to avoid any act that might provoke their wrath. The rage that guides the actions of a Bloodwalker leaves no room for fear, pain, surrender or mercy. With no regard for their own lives, the Bloodwalkers storm into battle and their war cries challenge everything, be it mortal, demon or god.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the Summer Update 2007. It's strongest barbarian of the tribe.]]},
  55.     ["Barbarian Brutetamer"] = {tibia = [[The Barbarian Brutetamers are women who have failed the tests to become a fully-fledged shaman. Unlike the male raiders, who either are quite gifted in magic or lack this talent completely, some women show some kind of inherent magic. Their talent is not strong enough to call the more powerful spirits, but they have a special knack to handle animals and to heal wounds which can only be explained with magic. With some training they are able to conjure some animal spirits and lead them into battle. Even though their magical abilities are quite limited, they can also use their powers in several destructive ways to defend themselves. Under the shaman queen, it has become more and more common that only shamans utterly loyal to her receive a formal and extensive training. For this reason the ranks of the Barbarian Brutetamers have been boosted with some truly gifted women who will probably never be able to use the full power of their potential. Still the Barbarian Brutetamers are absolutely loyal to their clans and tribes and they will use everything at their disposal to strike down the enemies of their cold-hearted queen.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Barbarian Brutetamers are reknowingly the barbarians with widest knowledge in the nature magics, and the only females that survives into the bitter atmosphere of the Norsir tribes.]]},
  56.     ["Barbarian Headsplitter"] = {tibia = [[The Barbarian Headsplitters are distance fighters that are shunned by the other raiders. They have failed in previous battles due to their cowardice or lack of skill and are therefore deprived the honour to challenge an enemy face to face. The harsh community of the barbarians makes it easy to fall in disgrace with their leaders. Those who are deemed unworthy have to atone for their failure by becoming second line support fighters and engaging an enemy from a distance. Only if their superiors see them fight recklessly, they might return to the ranks of the true warriors. Given the fact that distance fighting is seen as dishonourable, those barbarians have a hard time to get accepted by the tribe again. Seen as dispensable, other tribesmen do little to defend the distance fighters when they become cornered. As they rely on their own and constantly feel to have to prove themselves as worthy, the Barbarian Headsplitters fight twice as hard and fierce which makes them formidable opponents despite their low rank in their society.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the Summer Update 2007.]]},
  57.     ["Barbarian Skullhunter"] = {tibia = [[A young raider begins his career of warfare in the rank of a Barbarian Skullhunter. The raiders believe that skulls are the holder of an enemy's essence. It's the goal of each young raider to gather as many skulls as possible. Under the guidance of their shaman queen, it has become of little importance if this skull belongs to an animal or to a human opponent. In holy ceremonies the young barbarians are allowed to add their most worthy trophies to the holy skull collection of their tribe. It is the ultimate goal of all initiates to achieve a higher status by gaining more and more worthy offerings. For this reason, the youngsters are eager to go on a hunt or into a battle likewise. The Barbarian Skullhunters of varied ranks are the most numerous force among the barbarians. They can be found in hunting parties almost everywhere on the Ice Islands. Also, they build the majority of raiders who defend the barbarian camps. Fearlessly, they challenge even opponents much better equipped than themselves and they wield their primitive weapons with a frightening and fierce skill.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the 2007's Summer Update.]]},
  58.     ["Bear"] = {tibia = [[Bears live in the holes and forests of Tibia. They are pacific animals, but they can get quite aggressive when you enter their habitat. Their stroke can be very strong, but as Bears are slow you should be able to flee. It is recommended to attack Bears with distance fighting weapons.]], wiki = [[]]},
  59.     ["Panda"] = {tibia = [[The cute looks of the Panda is misleading. Above all, the Panda is a bear and as such short-tempered and fast in its attacks. It is just as strong as other bears, and the only major difference to its conspecifics is its habitat. Panda bears that were caught and shipped to Thais died quickly and even though magic was used, no Panda survived more than a week away from its home. It is found most often in the southern regions of Tiquanda. Considering that they share their territory with the vile dworcs and other savage creatures, it is quite obvious that they are fierce fighters.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Pandas are an endangered species, they can only be found in small numbers in Tiquanda. Can be tamed using Bamboo Leaves.]]},
  60.     ["Polar Bear"] = {tibia = [[Polar Bears live at the ice islands in the north-west of Tibia. They are nourished by fish and small animals. They are stronger and more aggressive than their brown cousins. Avoid their powerful stroke and attack them with distance fighting weapons.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are a bit stronger than Bears.]]},
  61.     ["Undead Cavebear"] = {tibia = [[When the long forgotten ancestors of modern necromancers in dark caves sang their ritual chants, those ancient priests of death often rose one of the most fearsome beasts their race had to handle. They focused their powers to raise the mighty Undead Cavebear to unlife. This vicious beast was one of the masters that used to rule the mountains of old. In unlife it is bent to the will of their summoners and spreads fear and death in the ranks of their enemies. An Undead Cavebear used to be not only a tool and minion, it was a symbol of status and leadership, not unlike a sceptre. Once an integral part of necromancy, the primal powers that aroused the Undead Cavebears from death have been forgotten and discarded in favour of more subtle magic that allowed more complicated creations. In modern times the questionable honour of rediscovering the incantations belongs to ambitious researchers of the past. The bones they unburied and that belonged to powerful ancient necromantic priests were stolen and served as paraphernalia to summon ancient spirits and teach modern necromancers their arts. The raw and archaic enchantments quickly spread through the ranks of modern necromancers and so more and more Undead Cavebears are seen again as minions of death. As rumours go, the 'modern' Undead Cavebears are joined with some ancient constructs that somewhere withstood the ravages of time thanks to their robust nature and powerful enchantments.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Undead Cavebears are a very-rare (sometimes up to weekly) spawn in Lich Hell (Ramoa). You can tame them using a Maxilla Maximus.]]},
  62.     ["Bane Bringer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Spawns during the Bewitched event. If they are not killed within 10 minutes, they will disappear.]]},
  63.     ["Bog Raider"] = {tibia = [[The Bog Raider is neither a living creature, nor an undead, nor a ghost. Rather, it is a ghastly mix of all of them. Whenever someone dies in the bogs, he is often in great fear or desperation. In many cases, these fears tie the spirit to the world of the living. Trapped between the worlds, these spirits become more and more desperate. They contaminate the environment by spreading their fear and desperation, and they bind rotten plants to the bones of their mortal remains. After several years, the spirit combines with its newly formed body and a new creature is born - a dreadful Bog Raider rises from the swamps. The new body consists of the skeleton that belonged to the living being the spirit used to be, wrapped round with masses of rotten plants, leaves and vines. Still driven by fear and often completely mad, Bog Raiders walk the swamps. However, their mad and frightening wailing warns all creatures of their approach. Hungry for life, Bog Raiders attack every living being that crosses their way, vainly trying to gain their enemy's life force to satisfy their tormenting hunger. Bog Raiders are rather driven by madness than by intelligence which makes them to dangerous enemies. However, there are also reports of Bog Raiders who overcame their madness and actually help nearby settlements or look after their former families from a distance.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They glow slightly green.]]},
  64.     ["Carniphila"] = {tibia = [[This creature is neither a plant nor a beast, it is rather a mixture of both and another oddity that the Tiquandan jungle holds in store for explorers and settlers. Although plant-like in its looks and structure, it seems to be able to control its movements. It is carnivorous by nature and follows almost mindlessly its greedy appetite. Its poisonous attacks decelerate its victims and so the slow giant plant can catch up and attack with its thorny tentacles and a maw-like blossom. The dead bodies of their victims do not only serve as food but also as fertiliser for the plants seeds. Therefore it is advised to burn bodies who died by an attack of a Carniphila.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These creatures will kill other monsters to get to you.]]},
  65.     ["Defiler"] = {tibia = [[It is unknown whether the thing known as Defiler is a variant of the ordinary slime or if it is the elder form of the said creature. Although they share numerous characteristics, the Defiler is by far more powerful and dangerous. Since the Defiler is often found accompanied by some kind of demon, it is theorised that the greater slime is possibly not even native to our world. It is assumed that some life form brought it here from the demons' realm of existence. Still, just like the common slimes, it shares the love for humid places of decay and darkness and like its smaller variant it does not care about living or dead as long as it is organic when it comes to eating habits. When the slime is seen as a symbol of poison and decay, those characteristics cannot be overlooked in the Defiler. Its relation to poison and decay also becomes evident in its attributes. A choking stench surrounds the Defiler and it can shoot some parts of itself to infect its victims with poison and decay.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Its body turns into a poison field after rotting. Somewhat related to Slime. The Defiler's bosses are The Plasmother - located in Verminor's Throneroom - and The Abomination which has only been summoned on a Test Server by a Customer Support.]]},
  66.     ["Diseased Bill"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is an infected human.]]},
  67.     ["Diseased Dan"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: He's an infected human, a plague carrier.]]},
  68.     ["Diseased Fred"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is an infected human. He is the strongest of the diseased humans.]]},
  69.     ["Haunted Treeling"] = {tibia = [[There are two known breeds of Haunted Treelings. On the one hand, there are nature spirits that seek revenge for the contamination of nature. On the other hand, you find demonic entities that want to spread havoc in the world of the living. Both forms are actually spirits that have entered dead or living trees. Haunted treelings attack every living creature on sight, either out of spite or to seek revenge. It is likely that a man and a minotaur look alike for Haunted Treeling and that so one race has to suffer for the mistakes of the other. In rare cases it is possible to calm the nature spirits if showing respect for nature, the demonic form, however, can at best be bribed to stop attacking. Some woodland communities have developed some form of coexistence with both forms. Other villages live in fear of these malicious creatures. Haunted Treelings can easily be mistaken for normal trees which makes it easy for them to ambush their enemies. Slaying their tree form will only result in chasing the spirit out of its wooden host, but actually does not harm it at all. They are exceptionally strong and know neither pain nor fear.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Looks like a little Demon Oak.]]},
  70.     ["Hideous Fungus"] = {tibia = [[With the Humongous Fungus being an example for a mushroom drawn to turn evil, the Hideous Fungus is the epitome of mushroom evil. In fact they originate as Humongous Fungi that are so evil that they begin to change and ultimately end in destroying themselves.Their evilness materialises as deformation and an inner rot that drives the fungus to the brink of insanity. Hideous Fungi seems to not care about planning and safety. They are by far more often encountered alone than their yet untainted kin. Sometimes they are found wandering aimlessly in remote tunnels, often chasing something that they forgot about a long time ago. While the Hideous Fungi use their physical and natural abilities as aptly as any of their kin, their attacks lack finesse and often seem utterly random and chaotic. Their only interest seems to be to do as much harm as possible. Where the Humongous Fungus simply evil, the Hideous Fungus is pure destruction. It is not known if the Hideous Fungus is aware of its demise getting closer or if it is pain that drives it to these merciless frenzies. What is certain is the fact that the fungus seems to be searching for death, almost provoking it. Only recently some daring explorers might have shed some light on this matter. Not only have they noticed that from the dead body of a Hideous Fungus a group of Humongous Fungi will grow after a while, but also that their victims often fall mysteriously ill and die, seemingly never recovering from the wound they got in a battle with a Hideous Fungus. So it might be entirely possible that the rampages of the Hideous Fungus, whether an act of planning or not, might be connected to the reproduction of the fungi of evil.]], wiki = [[]]},
  71.     ["Humongous Fungus"] = {tibia = [[Gnomish lore tells us that fungi come in different variants. Some are huge, some are small. Some are colourful, some look dull. Some are bitter, some are sweet. And some are good while others are utterly evil. The Humongous Fungus belongs to the latter category. Each of them is driven by sinister impulses of malignant evil. Even a Humongous Fungus starts out small, though. Far too small for the evil they contain, they are mischievous creatures that enjoy harassing and tormenting other creatures. They often lay simple traps for the unwary, steal things or destroy food. While a nuisance as long as they are small, the true threat arises when they grow in size and strength. If that happens, the former loners band together in groups and become a destructive force to be reckoned with. There seems little that hey fear in numbers, although they seem to not care much about a fallen comrade. With no regard for their own safety, they attack everything that promises a good deal of destruction and pain. Through their raw powers they would be a formidable threat already, additionally they also have several disturbing mushroom powers at their disposal that are usually used more instinctively then planned. It actually seems unlikely that they can control their abilities at all. Though they enjoy killing and slaughtering, they sometimes take prisoners and torture them in their lairs that they often create in some remote caves. Only there they seem to pursue their only non-evil pastime: singing. With their lovely baritone voices they are able to produce melodies of astonishing beauty. Their lead singers are usually the most humongous of the bunch. Since they are highly territorial it has become common for underground explorers to mark caves in which fungi singing was heard as a warning to other travellers.]], wiki = [[]]},
  72.     ["Humorless Fungus"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  73.     ["Leaf Golem"] = {tibia = [[Leaf Golems are a compilation of twigs, leaves and bark that are inhabited by lesser spirits of nature. Sometimes the spirits create the golems on their own, to act as a vehicle or tool to interact with the physical world. More often tough Leaf Golems are spirits that have been bound into such constructs by some druidic power. Mighty druids often employ the help of leaf golems spontaneously. They are created on the fly and often are discarded when a task has been performed. such discarded golems often disassemble on their own and the spirit is set free, sometimes they decide to roam the world on their own. Leave Golems are intelligent, but their thinking is based on the spiritual world and completely alien to the denizens of the physical world. Therefore it is impossible to communicate with them in any form. As spirits they seem to care little for the integrity of a physical body and they often seek to destroy living beings, presumably to set their seemingly entrapped spirit free. Even if they might mean no true harm, their attacks are threatening and lethal nonetheless. The leaf golem is a random and undecided fighter, oblivious to what might be most effective in a given situation. On the other hand it knows little fear and does not truly understand how to stay out of harms way. Sometimes druids that feel their live force wanning and their end near, choose to transfer their spirits into a prepared Leaf Golem. This golems are considerably more powerful but it is said that the inhabiting druid will eventually loose his grasp on the physical world and become a nature spirit on it's own.]], wiki = [[]]},
  74.     ["Mechanical Fighter"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Unlike most other traps, you can kill this creature.]]},
  75.     ["Slime"] = {tibia = [[Slimes are not real creatures but very strange entities which occur in the dungeons of Tibia. They move by flowing rather than walking. Their favourite tactic is to enclose an enemy by separating and floating around him. Their attack is quite heavy, but their defence is weak. Upon their death, they turn into a cloud of poisonous gas that vanishes quickly into thin air.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The summoned slimes are 10% weak to ice damage. Slimes are useful to level because they have relatively low hp and give good experience. With 55 shielding you can train with slimes successfully. A good tactic is to mark the slime that summons the others as only the original will do this. When a slime summons, you will see the blue shimmer of a spell being cast. But watch out! They can kill low levels very fast if they get trapped, especially mages. If you ever get trapped by 3 or more, try to kill the "motherslime", i.e. the one summoning other slimes.]]},
  76.     ["Son of Verminor"] = {tibia = [[It is said that the dark lord of decay, Verminor, one of the Ruthless Seven, oozes the very essence of destruction. The power of that demon is so immense that some of his ooze gained a sort of sentience over the years. Instinctively devouring more and more of the demonic ooze, it grows in proportions and sentience unless a semi-intelligent creature is formed that is known as Son of Verminor. The most powerful of them are recognised by their progenitor as his kin and serve as his minions. Usually not more than an almost mindless mass of decay and hunger, they can be used by their dark master almost like puppets to fulfil his unholy duties. It is assumed that they not only function as the long arm of their master, but also as his eyes, enabling him to sight what is happening in the vicinity of his 'son'. When encountered in the realm of man, Sons of Verminor are usually just a shambling ever-hungry mass that tries to consume everything that it can catch. Because of the mindless destruction they tend to cause, they are seldom summoned by the servants of the demons. The Sons of Verminor are usually used to make places as inhospitable as possible. Sometimes a greater number of them is summoned to make an area almost impassable for a while.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are not biological sons of Verminor.]]},
  77.     ["Spit Nettle"] = {tibia = [[A rather strange plant of the jungle in Tiquanda is the Spit Nettle. To some extent this plant is a sentient being that attacks everything that approaches it. Most jungle dwellers seem to have developed some strategy to coexist with that plant. Outsiders however are immediately attacked with poisonous thorns that the nettle spits from a sack beneath its blossoms. It seems it has an endless supply of thorns and we have not heard yet of a nettle that has run out of them. It is not quite clear why a plant would attack in such a manner, but most likely it is some sort of self-defence that is unparalleled in the plant world. The lizard people have cultivated that plant to defend their dwellings. So utmost caution is advised when you encounter a colony of those plants, some angry 'gardener' could be just around the corner.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They can attack you from a long distance even before you can see them on your screen! Some spawns are behind walls or plants, so you cannot reach them to attack with melee. In these cases, you need to use distance attacks to kill them.]]},
  78.     ["Strange Slime"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Wait, they pulled that out of your ear!?]]},
  79.     ["Swampling"] = {tibia = [[The Swamplings are probably somehow related to the haunted treelings that appear in the realm of the living only on special occasions. They are a mixture of plant and animal and are at least partially intelligent. Though it will not react to attempts of communication in any other way than by attacking, it is considered to be an established fact that the Swampling has some ability to react and plan ahead in ways unknown to most animals. Swamplings are known to build simple traps, set ambushes and to make use of the surroundings to kill their prey. Though it seems that Swamplings can live on water and fertile soil for indefinite periods of time, they prefer to spice up their diet with the corpses of once living beings. The Swamplings seem to prefer intelligent beings to mere animals as their prey. It is assumed that the cause for this is not necessity, but rather the Swampling's evil nature. The Swampling population in the known world has survived many attempts to purge them from certain areas or from existence as a whole by the sentient races. Even the most successful attempts have only managed to drive them back for a while though. It has to be assumed that the Swampling seeds take incredibly long to grow and lie dormant for years before they begin to sprout. Some theories assume they might mimic other plants in their growth phase until maturity and then rapidly change into their known and mobile form. There are at least no reports of Swampling saplings ever having been encountered. The Swamplings usually prefer humid areas with fertile soil but sometimes, small colonies can be found in otherwise unsuitable areas where they can prey upon intelligent beings or do them some kind of harm. Ancient reports from Darama tell about remote oases that were plagued by Swamplings who lay in wait for weakened travellers and even poisoned the water supply to ensure the demise of their victims.]], wiki = [[]]},
  80.     ["Wilting Leaf Golem"] = {tibia = [[The withered leaf golem are strange entities that have somehow settled with the fact that their spirit is trapped in physical form. They have endured the trials of getting used to a physical body and gained a certain familiarity with it and the physical world. This enables them to uses their strengths to the full extent and they have become considerably more dangerous. They usually are that accustomed to an certain environment, that they become extremely territorial. Still most of them understand only very basic concepts of our world and are inhabited by a consciousness that is extremely alien to that of a human. Most of these old golems share an unexplainable aggression towards lifeforms that are not plants. On the other hand they seem to be able to communicate with plants in some way and are usually overly protective towards them. This factors combine to an extremely dangerous state of mind that lead often to attacks on anything that enters their woods. Astonishingly enough their attacks display not only an affinity to the element earth but also to the element of air, as they instinctively use it to enhance their movement or more often to hinder that of their chosen foes. There are rare cases of reports that tell about good natured withered leaf golems. Almost all those cases can be linked to leaf golems inhabited by the spirits of former druids, that have become more accustomed with their changed nature. This versions of the withered leaf golems are often considerably more powerful then their spirit brethren. Malignant versions of this amalgamations also exist. They often are loners that claim entire forests as their own and act as their self proclaimed guardian, discouraging anyone to even enter the realm of their gruesome reign.]], wiki = [[]]},
  81.     ["Berserker Chicken"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature that was implemented on the Updates/8.5.]]},
  82.     ["Chicken"] = {tibia = [[Chickens are domesticated animals that usually live on farms. Their eggs and their flesh makes them quite useful and neither the rumour of evil battle chickens nor the myth of a hidden town inhabited by talking chickens turned out to be true. Chickens have accompanied mankind and other races from the beginning and they have spread over the world as civilisation advanced.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Appeared in the Summer Update 2005. During Easter chickens also semi-rarely drop Blue, Green, Purple, Red and Yellow Coloured Eggs.]]},
  83.     ["Demon Parrot"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Can't be pushed, kills weaker monsters, new creature on Summer Update 2009. It's dangerous to follow him when he runs in low health because he can lure you into a bigger spawn of Isle of Evil monsters.]]},
  84.     ["Dire Penguin"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the Summer update 2007. They generally spawn around other penguins. Best to keep your distance at lower levels.]]},
  85.     ["Flamingo"] = {tibia = [[The Flamingo is a beautiful but rather useless bird. Its meat is not edible and only its feathers might have some value. Chasing this shy but fast bird is not recommended since you can quickly run in one of the predators of the jungle, and to expose yourself to this danger is not worth it. Some wealthy persons like to adorn their gardens with those lovely birds, and since it is quite difficult to catch a Flamingo alive, these animals achieve good prices on the market.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A monster from the Jungle Update.]]},
  86.     ["Marsh Stalker"] = {tibia = [[Venorean authorities put a lot of effort into suppressing the voices who claim the Marsh Stalker is a product of magically enforced breeding projects of some trade barons. Even if the Marsh Stalkers were bred on purpose, it is hard to tell now what the original intention behind this project might have been. The Marsh Stalker is very territorial, breeds in great numbers, and has become a bothersome nuisance in the areas where it can be found. Its worst habit is caused by its diet, which consists not only of plants and insects, but also of plant fluids and most notably tree sap, which it obtains by pecking open the bark with its strong beak. As a rule, the trees don't suffer such a treatment and are irreversibly damaged or killed. This poses a threat to all settlements which rely on wood, as Marsh Stalkers are known to ruin the woods of certain areas quite rapidly if unchecked. What is more, the Marsh Stalker is unable to tell a living plant from a wooden construction, and frequently ruins not only the wood supply, but also wooden objects in general. Even worse, the Marsh Stalker considers everything that lives a rival and tries to chase it away using its strong beak and sharp claws. As it is unable to realise that its intimidation tactics do not work, this may lead to a gruesome fight to the bitter end. Still, some people fancy the feathers of the Marsh Stalker as material for tailoring, and Marsh Stalker steak is considered a delicacy in certain areas. Ironically, almost exclusively in areas where the Marsh Stalker is not known as a safety hazard, and quite rare. Some underground arenas raise Marsh Stalkers for cage fights, but raising them is a complicated process that takes a lot of time and effort, and so such fights are very rare. Attempts to train the aggressive birds in some way have not met with any notable success yet. Constant hunts and campaigns have limited the appearance of the Marsh Stalker to rather remote areas, although the beast seems relatively adaptable.]], wiki = [[]]},
  87.     ["Parrot"] = {tibia = [[The most intelligent bird in the known world is the colourful Parrot. It is even possible to teach it a few words. It is disputed if the bird is actually aware of what it is saying, after all a Parrot is at most as smart as an orc or a troll. The bird is usually unaggressive and in the wilderness it flees as soon as someone approaches it. Caught Parrots can be tamed and trained though. It takes some patience to teach them some simple sentences but the patience is ultimately rewarded with a funny companion whose buffoonery amuses its owner.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The most intelligent bird in the known world is the colourful parrot. These birds has learned several words every year, from being accompanied and trained by humans. It is disputed if the bird is actually aware of what it is saying, but it is of course an enjoyable characteristic. The bird is usually unaggressive and in the wilderness it flees as soon as someone approaches it.]]},
  88.     ["Penguin"] = {tibia = [[The Penguin is an evil bird species that sacrificed its ability to fly to some dark Penguin god in exchange for unknown but doubtlessly sinister rewards. The scheming Penguins gather in large groups to plot their vile plans which likely involve the sinking of ships and the downfall of man in general. The dark nature of the Penguin probably lead to its salty, oily and almost inedible taste. Still the northmen insist that Penguins provide valuable resources which only proves their backward and barbaric character. Considering their cruel and cunning disposition, one can only guess what the Penguins are really up to. Perhaps it was them who have been responsible for the years of the serpents or maybe they are even the driving force behind the maritime quara. Though usually physically weak, the power of their dark god sometimes manifests in the form of a so-called Dire Penguin - a dreadful beast that is known to cut of a grown man's arm with one bite of its beak. Driven by the desire to conquer and to destroy and gifted with incredible strength, it roams the ice in search of prey. This luckily rare monster is an immense threat to all unwary adventurers who approach a Penguin colony unsuspectingly.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the Summer Update 2007.]]},
  89.     ["Pigeon"] = {tibia = [[The Pigeon has turned into a massive nuisance that plagues most cities. Apparently drawn to the centres of civilisation, Pigeons prosper on the garbage often thoughtlessly thrown away. Every attempt to exterminate the Pigeon has proven futile in the end. The only successful attempt has been made by the Thaian magic guild that had giant crystal spheres hovering atop the Thaian guard towers. The crystal spheres pulsed periodically in all colours of the spectrum and scared the Pigeons away. But the inhabitants of Thais grew deeply annoyed by the flashing lights, and even the claim that the crystals added a unique sight to Thais could not prevent the people demanding their being removed. In the end, the crystal spheres were dismantled and returned to the guild house. Still people complained to the king to do something against the pressing pigeon problem. Yet no bounty nor poison campaigns yielded the result they hoped for. Meanwhile, the people have begun to accuse each other of feeding pigeons, and the term 'pigeon friend' has become a common insult. King Tibianus had several people flogged who had claimed the king might be in league with the pigeons, and things are increasingly getting out of hand. The situation escalated so drastically that priests have even claimed that pigeons might be the eyes of Zathroth, spying on people and sowing hatred into their hearts.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was implemented during the Winter Update 2012.]]},
  90.     ["Seagull"] = {tibia = [[The seagull is a harmless bird that can be found at the coasts of the realms. Although not dangerous, a single low-flying seagull is often seen as a bad omen by sailors. Whereas a flock of seagulls normally announces the proximity of land, they are often referred to as the vultures of the seas. Old sea dogs claim that seagulls actually know when a storm will come and so they gather in anticipation of the feast that will be held with the remains of the storm. The flesh of seagulls is inedible which sailors see as another proof of the ill nature of seagulls. Some claim they are the spies of evil sorcerers or even malignant spirits.]], wiki = [[]]},
  91.     ["Terror Bird"] = {tibia = [[The ferocious Terror Bird is a terrifying hunter that usually lives in less dense areas of the jungle. Unlike other birds, it is a huge carnivorous animal that cannot even fly. Sages have already wondered if such an unusual creature can be natural or if it rather has its source in evil wizardry. On the other hand, nests of Terror Birds have been found, so this theory does not seem to be very likely. Be that as it may, the name of this feared hunter is more than justified. The aggressive bird attacks everything that comes in its sight with rage that does indeed inspire fear and dread. The carnivorous Terror Bird seems to regard everything as its rightful prey and its sharp beak often proves it right. Its inability to fly is made up by strong muscular legs that allow the bird to run at an astonishing speed and that serve also well as additional weapons.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are faster and a bit weaker than a Cyclops. These creatures will kill other monsters and move objects to get to you. They can be tamed to a mount (Racing Bird) by using a carrot on a stick.]]},
  92.     ["Acid Blob"] = {tibia = [[Highly destructive and corrosive, the Acid Blob has little in common with the ordinary slime. They are much better in finding and pursuing a target than their distant cousins. While the ordinary slime is driven by the primal urge to get food, the Acid Blob is out for destruction. It is indeed a frightening sight when a bunch of these creatures crawls towards a single target with the intention to completely destroy it. Some researchers speculate that Acid Blobs share their intelligence with blobs all over the world. As Acid Blobs reproduce themselves by splitting into two entities, this thesis might have an element of truth. Be it as it may, the Acid Blob is a constant threat particularly to the environment. Since living creatures are often smart and quick enough to avoid the attacks of the blobs, any kind of plants, constructions and the like are usually not that lucky and are annihilated by their attacks. In the past, some eccentric madmen used Acid Blobs as waste disposal, which was considered to be somewhat stylish. However, after the Acid Blobs had digested a certain amount of waste, they started reproducing themselves multiple times which started to become a real problem. After several unpleasant incidents, this way of waste disposal was stopped, however, the results of such folly can still be seen at various places.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Added in the Christmas Update 2008.]]},
  93.     ["Death Blob"] = {tibia = [[The Death Blob is the undead version of the well-known green slime. While the green slime is constantly absorbing living things as a source of food, the Death Blob is less picky in this matter. It devours everything that comes into contact with it. Death Blobs are even able to dissolve harder materials using its gastric juices. Death Blobs arise out of green slimes. In the course of centuries, a green slime tends to eat quite a lot of negative energy which usually comes in form of cursed objects, undead material, demonic remains and other sources. This negative energy slowly poisons the slime up to the point where the ordinary green slime turns into a black undead slime, consisting of a huge amount of negative energy. The undead characteristics make the Death Blob quite a strong opponent. Although it has quite some power and extra abilities, it seems to be driven by its primitive instincts and only aims to destroy everything in its way.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Added in the Christmas Update 2008.]]},
  94.     ["Essence of Darkness"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Appear when failing the Lightbearer event in every city. Could only be killed by summons on test.]]},
  95.     ["Floor Blob"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  96.     ["Mercury Blob"] = {tibia = [[This silver fluid is actually some sort of residue of magical experiments involving teleporting and travelling to other dimensions. Actually, they are part of the usually unseen membrane that separates different states of existence such as dimensions, spheres and worlds. Sometimes, while something is passing from one state of existence to another, parts of the membrane are spilled into one of the worlds involved. Even if it is hard to believe, this residue seems to own some sort of intelligence or at least some instinct. However, it is also possible that a Mercury Blob has an incredibly high intellect which has a concept that we simply cannot grasp. Though the residue interacts with objects and people in our world, there seems no true purpose in its actions. Whenever it meets a human being it seems to start an attack; however, no malice can be attributed to this behaviour. It is doubtful whether the residue is aware of the harm it causes or the concept of harm at all. Maybe the attacks are a form of communication attempts. Sadly, these attempts are often lethal for mortals, and so it is strongly advised to fight back with all means. Its ability to produce a copy of itself might be another attempt to interact with our world. As far as we can tell, killing a Mercury Blob results in cutting its connection to our world and letting it return into the membrane, its natural habitat.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Added in the Christmas Update 2008.]]},
  97.     ["Midnight Spawn"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  98.     ["Bonelord"] = {tibia = [[Bonelords are members of an ancient race that once ruled vast parts of the world. The days of this ancient glory are long gone but unlike other races of the past, the Bonelords managed to survive the decline of their power. Parts of their former power exist along with small groups or loners who took refuge in some ruins or caves. Some reluctantly allied themselves with other races or enslaved weaker creatures to do their bidding. Using bribes or threats, some overlords managed to hire Bonelords into their rank. Such 'labour contracts' are only temporary at best and chances are that a Bonelord is more concerned about plotting revenge or betrayal on its 'master' than to do his bidding. Bonelords are accomplished magicians of great intellect. The latter is rather alien to human standards and it is not easy to understand a Bonelord's motivations and philosophy. With their natural affinity to the necromantic arts, the Bonelords still claim some areas of land as their own and guard them with the help of their undead minions. They are hostile to most other races which they consider as upstarts and primitive. They fiercely defend their realms or places they claim for their own, and their interest in fresh corpses for their necromantic studies makes them a threat for each human community. Since their population grows only slowly, they envy and hate the more fertile races which, in their eyes, stole the power that rightfully belonged to the Bonelords. Seeing themselves as a superior 'conqueror race', they gather their undead forces and pursue their studies aiming at the day on which they will raise an unstoppable army of powerful undead creatures to lead them to another war to conquer the world.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Bonelords give good loot and are profitable for skilled players to kill at low levels. They are one of the four sources of the Bonelord Shield.]]},
  99.     ["Braindeath"] = {tibia = [[Some of the most ancient bonelords have gained so much power over undeath that they cross the margin between life and death. What might be considered the transformation of a living being into one of the dreaded liches, turns into something very sinister. Neither alive nor truly dead, they dwell on the border of two realms. Having mastered unspeakable techniques and twisted their own minds in ways unfathomable for other beings, they 'broke' something in their minds or rather in their souls. The part that connects each and everything to the living world is not working right in these creatures. At this step other creatures would just turn mad or wither, but some of the ancient bonelords face another fate. Through sheer will and unthinkable understanding of the thin lines between life and death, they grasp to the concept of existence. Just like they once animated their undead minions, they now keep their decaying but not really dead bodies in motion. Parts of their twisted minds are forever trapped in the realm of the dead though, captured in a constant nightmare that slowly tries to erode their sanity. To prevent the drifting off in this dream of death, they have removed parts of their skull. This way they are able to constantly stimulate their own brains with jolts of energy from their eye stalks. In a magical surgery, they have added an eye-stalklike appendage and attached a stinger to their body. It is used to leech brain fluids from helpless victims to sustain their own existence. Their central eye is sealed shut to prevent any unnecessary distraction from their inward struggle. As the central eye is normally used for bonelord communication, the Braindeath has no way to communicate with other bonelords. It relies on verbal communication which makes it disgusting even for its own kind. Their mastery of death makes them formidable opponents. Luckily, they do not often meddle with the affairs of the living. Those who for some reason cross the path of a Braindeath should be prepared for a tough fight. With little regard for its own life or that of any other being, the Braindeath will attack with an array of devastating powers that outshines every other bonelord. Commanding powerful minions from beyond the grave and possessing the resilience of undeath, a Braindeath is a nearly unstoppable force if not countered with the correct tactics.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the Summer update 2007. Found underneath Helheim, in small areas locked inside buldings similar to Hellgate. Commonly found along with monsters such as, Bonelords, Elder Bonelords, Undead Dragons, Betrayed Wraiths and other PoI monsters. After the spring update 2012 you can no longer use Blessed Wooden Stake on the summoned Vampires corpses in order to get Vampire Dust the vampires poof after the braindeath has been killed.]]},
  100.     ["Elder Beholder"] = {tibia = [[Elder Bonelords are the masters of that necromantic race. They have grown enormously over times and outlived the usual lifespan of its kind by cheating death in some sinister way with its necromantic powers. Just like the size of this creature has enlarged also its evilness and power has done. Its magic outshines that of an ordinary bonelord and its mastery of the necromantic arts has reached levels that had so far been unknown to bonelords. It is them who spawn the dreaded gazers that grow into new bonelords and ensure the existence of the race. It is them who lead the other species of their kind with an iron will and brutal suppression. And it is them who have accumulated knowledge about magic and especially necromancy that was never meant to be known by any creature, dead or alive.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Bonelords are a necromantic race, so Elder Bonelords are usually accompanied by some undead creatures like Demon Skeletons, as well as other Bonelords.]]},
  101.     ["Gazer"] = {tibia = [[Gazers are the spawn of the bonelords. Sometimes a bonelord splits up a part of itself that functions like a slimy egg which evolves into a Gazer at incredible speed. Right from its 'birth', the Gazer owns some basic intelligence which it has been inherited by its parent bonelord. Still it has only vague memories, and also no concrete knowledge but rather some instinct of an underdeveloped magic. It is said that elder bonelords can spawn Gazers even without producing an egg, but this offspring is usually flawed and dies rather quickly.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A baby Bonelord, summoned by Elder Bonelords.]]},
  102.     ["Beholder"] = {tibia = [[Bonelords are members of an ancient race that once ruled vast parts of the world. The days of this ancient glory are long gone but unlike other races of the past, the Bonelords managed to survive the decline of their power. Parts of their former power exist along with small groups or loners who took refuge in some ruins or caves. Some reluctantly allied themselves with other races or enslaved weaker creatures to do their bidding. Using bribes or threats, some overlords managed to hire Bonelords into their rank. Such 'labour contracts' are only temporary at best and chances are that a Bonelord is more concerned about plotting revenge or betrayal on its 'master' than to do his bidding. Bonelords are accomplished magicians of great intellect. The latter is rather alien to human standards and it is not easy to understand a Bonelord's motivations and philosophy. With their natural affinity to the necromantic arts, the Bonelords still claim some areas of land as their own and guard them with the help of their undead minions. They are hostile to most other races which they consider as upstarts and primitive. They fiercely defend their realms or places they claim for their own, and their interest in fresh corpses for their necromantic studies makes them a threat for each human community. Since their population grows only slowly, they envy and hate the more fertile races which, in their eyes, stole the power that rightfully belonged to the Bonelords. Seeing themselves as a superior 'conqueror race', they gather their undead forces and pursue their studies aiming at the day on which they will raise an unstoppable army of powerful undead creatures to lead them to another war to conquer the world.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Bonelords give good loot and are profitable for skilled players to kill at low levels. They are one of the four sources of the Bonelord Shield.]]},
  103.     ["Elder Bonelord"] = {tibia = [[Elder Bonelords are the masters of that necromantic race. They have grown enormously over times and outlived the usual lifespan of its kind by cheating death in some sinister way with its necromantic powers. Just like the size of this creature has enlarged also its evilness and power has done. Its magic outshines that of an ordinary bonelord and its mastery of the necromantic arts has reached levels that had so far been unknown to bonelords. It is them who spawn the dreaded gazers that grow into new bonelords and ensure the existence of the race. It is them who lead the other species of their kind with an iron will and brutal suppression. And it is them who have accumulated knowledge about magic and especially necromancy that was never meant to be known by any creature, dead or alive.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Bonelords are a necromantic race, so Elder Bonelords are usually accompanied by some undead creatures like Demon Skeletons, as well as other Bonelords.]]},
  104.     ["Eye of the Seven"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008. Cannot be killed, is not moveable and stands still. It looks like a Gazer.]]},
  105.     ["Abyssador"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Abyssador is the hardest of the Warzone bosses.]]},
  106.     ["Annihilon"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Belonging to an unknown and possibly otherwise extinct breed of demons, Annihilon is pure power. It is said that Annihilon was responsible for the destruction of his own race. He is the last survivor of countless battles that mirrored the demonic version of the 'survival of the fittest' phrase. His massive, heavy body is just one huge mass of moving muscles. There is no place for finesse in his body full of sheer strength. What he lacks in skill, he easily makes up with raw power. This aeon-old creature has served many masters in his wretched life. It is assumed that he was already a follower of one of the Ruthless Seven when they started to form their cabal. He stayed stoical at their side during their rise to power. He was present at many of the greatest triumphs of his cruel masters. The Ruthless Seven often employed the rather simple-minded Annihilon for banal tasks as there is no known demon at their disposal that matches him in strength. As long as there is something to kill, Annihilon is absolutely loyal to his masters. This loyalty and his lack of ambition, apart from slaughter and killing, makes him to one of the preferred servants of the Ruthless Seven. He is the perfect tool to keep lesser demons in line and does not mind to use his strength to fulfil some smaller tasks that might be at hand. This ancient creature is often accompanied by parasites that feed on his dripping spicy sweat. Detecting some of these small but extremely nasty parasites is a helpful sign to know about Annihilon's presence in advance.]]},
  107.     ["Apocalypse"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: He is the strongest monster in Tibia. He is a Member of The Ruthless Seven, The Total Destruction. Apocalypse's throne is in the Pits of Inferno. He was summoned twice by CipSoft members on Test Servers (May 2006 and November 2009). More recently, he was summoned by CipSoft mebers on the Test Server (July 2012) and slain, unfortunately dropping no loot...]]},
  108.     ["Apprentice Sheng"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It used to yield 100 experience points, but was changed to 150 experience points in the Summer Update 2008. It spawns with 4 minotaurs so you may fight up to 2 hyaenas, 9 minotaurs, and 2 wolves in the final room along with Apprentice Sheng.]]},
  109.     ["Arachir the Ancient One"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008. Spawns with 0-2 Lichs]]},
  110.     ["Barbaria"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: She is the Barbarian Brutetamer's boss.]]},
  111.     ["Baron Brute"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  112.     ["Bazir"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is a member of the Ruthless Seven, the lord of the lies.]]},
  113.     ["Big Boss Trolliver"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008.]]},
  114.     ["Bones"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Mini-boss to the Undead Dragon. Dont stay in front of him or he can spam you with the waves and make combos over 2000.]]},
  115.     ["Boogey"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's the fourth floor boss. Use his body to get a random reward before you use the body of Evil Mastermind, otherwise you may not get any item.]]},
  116.     ["Brutus Bloodbeard"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Only appears on Pirate Raids in Liberty Bay or you have a chance to encounter him by finishing a killing task for Raymond Striker.]]},
  117.     ["Chizzoron the Distorter"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: He is a lizard boss which spawns after the 5th message in the Orcs raid on Zzaion. thumb|296px|Chizzoron the Distorter killed on Harmonia]]},
  118.     ["Coldheart"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  119.     ["Countess Sorrow"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Its summoned Phantasms are not only regular Phantasms (They have 3950 Hitpoints) but also it summons Weaker Phantasms (They have 65 Hitpoints). It's the Phantasm's boss.]]},
  120.     ["Deadeye Devious"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Responsible for raiding the Liberty Bay depot in some raids.]]},
  121.     ["Deathbine"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Carniphila's boss. Part of the Paw and Fur Society tasks of Grizzly Adams.]]},
  122.     ["Demodras"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is the Dragons' boss. Looks the same as a Dragon Lord. Always spawns with two Dragon Lords, save for in the quest room. Demodras' corpse can be skinned for a chance of getting a Red Dragon Leather. Video of a Level 120 Royal Paladin Killing Demodras for Task on Fidera]]},
  123.     ["Dharalion"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: He is the boss of the Elves. Always spawns with at least 2 Elf Scouts and 1 Elf Arcanist. Looks the same as an Elf Arcanist.]]},
  124.     ["Diblis the Fair"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  125.     ["Dirtbeard"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's the second floor boss. Use his body to get a random reward before you use the body of Evil Mastermind, otherwise you may not get any item. Probably an allusion to Blackbeard.]]},
  126.     ["Doomhowl"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  127.     ["Dracola"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is the Undead Dragon boss. If he is spawned, there may be more liches than usual in the room.]]},
  128.     ["Dreadwing"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: One of the Isle of Strife's Arena Masters.]]},
  129.     ["Esmeralda"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Esmeralda being killed on Secura.]]},
  130.     ["Evil Mastermind"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's the sixth and last floor boss. Use it to get your reward.]]},
  131.     ["Fatality"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  132.     ["Fernfang"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's the Monks' Boss.]]},
  133.     ["Ferumbras"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Ferumbras was removed from society and banished to his citadel by the mages at the Edron academy. He has a massive arsenal of spells to torture and heal.]]},
  134.     ["Fluffy"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Weaker version of a Hellhound. Usually there's 1 red surprise bag and 0-4 blue surprise bags in the loot.]]},
  135.     ["Foreman Kneebiter"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008.]]},
  136.     ["Freegoiz"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's the Yeti boss. It was Summoned in a Test Server and currently it's not in game.]]},
  137.     ["Fury of the Emperor"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  138.     ["Gaz'haragoth"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Gaz'haragoth is the new ultimate world boss. He has a large death UE which is announced 5 seconds prior to its execution. He also spawns many minions of Gaz'haragoth which act independently of the boss. Care must be taken when walking in Gaz'haragoth's lair as the minions turn into Strange Vortices which lead to Gaz'haragoth's Nightmare.]]},
  139.     ["General Murius"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: General Murius is the leader of Markwin's army of Minotaurs. He can most often be found supporting the minotaur troops in Mintwallin. You can use an Obsidian Knife on his corpse in order to get a Minotaur Leather. He is thought to be an allusion of General Marius, who was a general in Ancient Rome.]]},
  140.     ["Glitterscale"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Its corpse cannot be skinned. This creature was added in Summer Update 2010.]]},
  141.     ["Gnomevil"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Gnomevil was a member of the Gnomes who turned evil. It is said that his size "grew with evilness".]]},
  142.     ["Golgordan"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The walls of the room is filled with Magicthrowers, Flamethrowers, Plaguethrowers and Shredderthrowers. Also Latrivan, his brother, is in the same room.]]},
  143.     ["Grand Mother Foulscale"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: She is the Dragon boss that spawns with their raid on Muggy Plains. She looks the same as a Dragon. Her corpse can be skinned in order to get a Green Dragon Leather.]]},
  144.     ["Groam"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: He is Dronk's friend, but apparently turned into a Deepling Scout.]]},
  145.     ["Grorlam"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: One of the oldest rare-spawning bosses. Also known as the Stone Golem's boss, although Grorlam has never been found in the vicinity of any nor does summon them.]]},
  146.     ["Hairman the Huge"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008. He is the Kongras' Boss.]]},
  147.     ["Handmaiden"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Pacera was the first server to kill it. The Handmaiden is the Hand of Cursed Fate boss.]]},
  148.     ["Haunter"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  149.     ["Hellgorak"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Hellgorak is the last survivor of a demonic cabal which succumbed to the Ruthless Seven aeons ago. And Hellgorak is a survivor to the core. As the victory of the Ruthless Seven became more and more evident, he betrayed his allies and switched sides. Hellgorak decided it was better to serve under the Ruthless Seven than to die as a leader. Becoming a minion of the Ruthless Seven did not stop him from developing his evil plans. Slowly but steadily he climbed up in the ranks and used his new power and influence to improve himself. He called in favours, and killed those who possessed wisdom he needed.]]},
  150.     ["Heoni"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added in Summer Update 2010.]]},
  151.     ["Hide"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's as fast as a tarantula with haste, and has a high defense.]]},
  152.     ["Incineron"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  153.     ["Infernatil"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is a Member of the Ruthless Seven, the incendiary of hell .]]},
  154.     ["Inky"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  155.     ["Jaul"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Jaul, Protektor Profundis, is one of the three depth lords. Reachable in third stage of Liquid Black Quest, he is the strongest deepling boss. "KENH!!" translates to "Intruder!!", and "QJELL AFAR GOU JEY!!" translates to "Qjell watch over us!!". See also: Jaul/Treasure Statistics]]},
  156.     ["Koshei The Deathless"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: When you enter in his room he will respawn if you haven't defeated him yet. He can't die unless you know what to do. If you kill him, he will respawn again. Gives no loot or experience.]]},
  157.     ["Kraknaknork Demon"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  158.     ["Kraknaknork"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  159.     ["Latrivan"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The walls of the room is filled with Magicthrowers, Flamethrowers, Plaguethrowers and Shredderthrowers. Also Golgordan, his brother, is in the same room.]]},
  160.     ["Lethal Lissy"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Lethal Lissy is one of the pirates who constantly tries to loot Liberty Bay with overwhelming invasions of pirates. If you see her around Liberty Bay, it's not a good sign.]]},
  161.     ["Leviathan"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  162.     ["Mad Mage"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  163.     ["Mad Technomancer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: This villainous dwarf is the last target of the Secret Service Quest chain and can only be summoned once a day. He is assisted by 2 Dwarf Dispensers which spawn a constant supply of Dwarf Henchmen.]]},
  164.     ["Madareth"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Madareth has dedicated his life to battle. Bred by The Ruthless Seven as one of their greatest warlords, Madareth has endured a painful and torturing training. Instead of creating a brilliant leader, though, they gave birth to a savage killing machine that constantly tries to improve his skills by challenging other demonic minions. Even if Madareth only uses a fraction of his skills, the usual outcome of such fights is a stack of Juggernauts and demons hacked to pieces. It is rumoured that he even defeated the mighty Orshabaal. His only weakness might be the single-mindedness with which he pursues the destruction of his victims. In his lust for battle, he often forgets his surrounding and lives only for the moment of his next strike. Though Madareth loves playing cat and mouse with his victims, he quickly loses all finesse and fully indulges in his blood lust. It is unknown how such a beast is kept in check by The Ruthless Seven.]]},
  165.     ["Man In The Cave"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  166.     ["Massacre"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Massacre is the boss of the Juggernauts. He was summoned by a Customer Support member on the Christmas Test Server 2007.]]},
  167.     ["Mawhawk"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: When summoning Guzzlemaws he says Watch my maws!, when he says Better flee now, he will cast his Ultimate Explosion in 5 seconds. You can find the loot of this creature in a Reward Container.]]},
  168.     ["Menace"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  169.     ["Mephiles"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's the third floor boss. Use his body to get a random reward before you use the body of Evil Mastermind, otherwise you may not get any item. Is an allusion to the demon Mephistopheles that appears in literature as a stock character version of the Devil.]]},
  170.     ["Minishabaal"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was removed from the game, It was a part of Tibia's 10th Anniversary, it might come in other holiday events.]]},
  171.     ["Monstor"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's the fifth floor boss. Use his body to get a random reward before you use the body of Evil Mastermind, otherwise you may not get any item. Probably an allusion to The Incredible Hulk.]]},
  172.     ["Mr. Punish"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Mr. Punish has first been sighted and killed on Solera, Dec 26th 2006. He is the boss of the Dark Torturers.]]},
  173.     ["Munster"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is a Rat Boss that is generally made for lower levels to kill. Looks like a regular Cave Rat. Spawns with 2 Rats and 3 Cave Rats.]]},
  174.     ["Necropharus"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is the Necromancer's Boss, looks the same as Necromancer.]]},
  175.     ["Obujos"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Obujos, Defensor Profundis, is one of the three depth lords. Reachable in third stage of Liquid Black Quest. He is the second strongest deepling boss. See also: Obujos/Treasure Statistics]]},
  176.     ["Pythius The Rotten"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  177.     ["Rocko"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  178.     ["Ron the Ripper"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: One of the Pirate Raid leaders, he's the responsible for invading the fortress located east from Liberty Bay.]]},
  179.     ["Rottie the Rotworm"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New boss monster that sometimes spawns on Rookgaard, introduced in Summer Update 2009.]]},
  180.     ["Rotworm Queen"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The strongest version of a Rotworm, it seems to spawn randomly in Rotworm and Carrion Worm Caves.]]},
  181.     ["Scorn of the Emperor"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Introduced in Summer Update 2010.]]},
  182.     ["Shardhead"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  183.     ["Sharptooth"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It hits very hard so take care (its melee is stronger than a Behemoth).]]},
  184.     ["Sir Valorcrest"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Spawns with 0-4 Vampires, you will notice FAR more vampires close to the stairs than usual at the Vampire cave when this creature spawns. You can use a blessed wooden stake on his corpse in order to get Vampire Dust.]]},
  185.     ["Snake God Essence"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Introduced in Summer Update 2010.]]},
  186.     ["Snake Thing"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Introduced in Summer Update 2010.]]},
  187.     ["Spider Queen"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Spider Queen cannot be damaged. Nor will your skills advance if you attempt to train on it.]]},
  188.     ["Spite of the Emperor"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Introduced in Summer Update 2010.]]},
  189.     ["Splasher"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  190.     ["Stonecracker"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Appeared the first time with Summer Update 2008. He is a random spawn with no announcement.]]},
  191.     ["Tanjis"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Tanjis, Expeditus Profundis, is one of the three depth lords. He is the most harmless but most frequently appearing of the deepling guardians. Access to his lair is earned by helping to repair the ramp to the Ancestral Grounds, during the Liquid Black Quest. Teams may enter each guardian's lair once for each time they make a sufficient attempt to repair the ramp to the Ancestral Grounds. However, access to any further guardians is revoked if players open any treasure chest outside of their lairs.]]},
  192.     ["Terofar"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is extremely difficult boss for paladins and knights due to his skill reducing abilities.]]},
  193.     ["The Abomination"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Abomination is a Defiler boss. It was summoned by CipSoft members on Test Servers for Christmas Update 2007, and has been peridocally summoned on later test servers since. The Abomination, seen in Christmas Test Server 2007:]]},
  194.     ["The Axeorcist"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  195.     ["The Blightfather"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is the Lancer Beetles' boss that spawns with their raid in Muggy Plains.]]},
  196.     ["The Bloodtusk"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: According to Grizzly Adams, "The citizens of Svargrond live in fear because of a frightfully bad-tempered mammoth they call 'Blood Tusk'."]]},
  197.     ["The Bloodweb"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Crystal Spider's boss. Part of the Paw and Fur Society tasks of Grizzly Adams.]]},
  198.     ["The Count"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is not possible to summon him from his coffin without the associated quest.]]},
  199.     ["The Dreadorian"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  200.     ["The Evil Eye"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's the Bonelords' Boss. It can cause Death Damage and all different kinds of Magical Damage. Always spawn with 3 Bonelords and 2 Elder Bonelords near it. When the Evil Eye is present in hellgate, large clusters of Bonelords and Elder Bonelords (groups of 5 or 6) that are not normally present appear.]]},
  201.     ["The Frog Prince"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008, spawns near Alatar Lake with another green frog. Looks the same as a Green Frog.]]},
  202.     ["The Handmaiden"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Pacera was the first server to kill it. The Handmaiden is the Hand of Cursed Fate boss.]]},
  203.     ["The Horned Fox"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: He is one of the Minotaur bosses. He has a Secret Hideout near the Dwarf Mines of Kazordoon which he rarely visits. He is one of the few Minotaurs that has been proven to be able to write (as evidenced by this document). You can use an Obsidian Knife on his corpse in order to skin Minotaur Leather.]]},
  204.     ["The Imperor"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Imperor is the Diabolic Imp boss. It was killed first time on Solera, later on Pacera and Refugia.]]},
  205.     ["The Many"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's the Hydra boss. Has more health and heals slightly faster than a normal Hydra.]]},
  206.     ["The Noxious Spawn"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  207.     ["The Old Widow"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  208.     ["The Plasmother"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Plasmother is the Defiler boss. It was killed first time on Furora.]]},
  209.     ["The Snapper"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Recently several citizens of Port Hope have vanished. It is rumoured that they were killed by a crocodile. The people call it 'Snapper'.]]},
  210.     ["Thul"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Quara Constrictor boss, it looks the same as a Quara Constrictor but is stronger. It always spawns with 2 Quara Hydromancers and 2 Quara Mantassins, except in the quest room where it spawns alone.]]},
  211.     ["Tiquandas Revenge"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's the Carniphila's boss. It looks and behaves like a Carniphila but it is much stronger. This creature's name is Tiquanda's Revenge, but the symbol ' is not allowed in Creatures' names.]]},
  212.     ["Tirecz"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  213.     ["Tremorak"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  214.     ["Ungreez"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was implemented in the Summer Update 2008. Part of the Demon Hunter Outfits quest, you need to kill Ungreez to gain all experience for your first addon. Ungreez is Stronger than a Demon and its tolerance to attacks are the reason for it. You can use a Blessed Wooden Stake on Ungreez once slain to get a Demon Dust.]]},
  215.     ["Ushuriel"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ← Hall of the Colossi]]},
  216.     ["Verminor"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Verminor on Test Server of Winter Update 2012. With new outfit.]]},
  217.     ["Versperoth"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Minion of Abyssador.]]},
  218.     ["Warlord Ruzad"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008.]]},
  219.     ["Wrath of the Emperor"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Introduced in Summer Update 2010.]]},
  220.     ["Xenia"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: screenshot]]},
  221.     ["Yaga The Crone"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  222.     ["Yakchal"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Ice Witches Boss, talked about in this book.]]},
  223.     ["Zevelon Duskbringer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008. It can be asumed that he is an Elven Vampire due to the fact he says "Ashari", shoots sniper arrows and dwells in Hellgate, which is extremely close to Ab'dendriel.]]},
  224.     ["Zomba"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Zomba is the Lions' boss and only spawns during the Darashian lion raid. The following message will appear when he spawns: Zomba, the king of lions is roaming the Darashia desert!]]},
  225.     ["Zoralurk"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is an Archdemon and also a member of the Triangle of Terror. You can use Blessed Wooden Stake on the summoned demon's corpses in order to get Demon Dust. He is known to be "the demon with a thousand faces" (But very little is known about this monster). Zoralurk has yet never been seen on any Server, but was summoned by customer support on Test Server 2007.]]},
  226.     ["Zugurosh"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: He is a Ruthless Seven Servant, and you must defeat him in order to proceed through The Inquisition Quest. Despite his might, the demon known as Zugurosh is a coward, and he would be the first to admit that - if he were threatened enough. Zugurosh spent a good part of his past hiding from real and assumed enemies. Seeking for protection, he joined the ranks of The Ruthless Seven soon after they had established themselves as the mightiest of all surviving cabals. Though he is quick on the uptake, his cowardice prevented him from gaining any significant power until his paranoia helped him to discover a treachery in the ranks of The Ruthless Seven Minions. This granted him the attention of his dark masters and a rather high position in their ranks that only resulted in intensifying his fears.]]},
  227.     ["Zulazza the Corruptor"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It spawns during the Orc Raid on Zzaion on the top floor of the furthest tower to the south, the highest tower in Zzaion. It appears when the final raid message is shown, which is often an unpleasant surprise for players. This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009.]]},
  228.     ["Crystal Wolf"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: You can tame a Crystal Wolf by using a Diapason on it.]]},
  229.     ["Dog"] = {tibia = [[Dogs can be found as pets or roaming the streets of the cities. They are absolutely peaceable and very affectionate. As they yield neither experience nor loot, killing them may be considered pure cruelty by animal-rights activists, and they might take revenge.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Dogs are harmless straying animals, but can be annoying when they get in your way. They are the favorite food of trolls (see the week's specials).]]},
  230.     ["Hellhound"] = {tibia = [[There are things that roam the realms of the otherworlds that give even demons a shiver. The Hellhound is one of those creatures. Being worse than beast or demon, it combines the most fearsome and most dangerous traits of both kinds to an amalgam of fearsome power. Containing the malice and ferocity of three demons, the Hellhound uses the malignant abilities of its three heads to cause as much damage as it can. Said to be three times meaner than the average hellbeast, its three heads are so frightening in their hellish rage that lesser men are said to have died already on sight of this walking menace of ichor and fangs. Sometimes one of these demon beasts is captured and trained by powerful demons to something that could be vaguely called a forced loyalty to their fearsome masters. As long as they respect their masters as the stronger one, they are relatively obedient. Still, nobody can tell when they might turn on their master or when they are driven into a frenzy that let them forget any bonds they might have shared. Hellhounds are known to get in such a rage that they not seldom heavily wound their own heads. Still large numbers of those beasts are bred and captured on order of several demonlords. They are as often employed to frighten an enemy or a rival as they are used as a status symbol to prove their might and disregard of danger ... and the lives of their other minions as well.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The hellhound was conceived based on ideologies of Greek and Roman mythology. Cerberus is a three-headed hound who guards the gates of Hades. In Tibia, they guard a path to the throne room of Infernatil. From this, the sprite was created. The name however came from both the description of Cerberus, and from clever wordplay: hellhound is also a demonic entity. These hellish minions are often considered to be guardians of the entrance to world of the dead or afterlife. Similarly in Tibia, they reside in the fiery depths of Pits of Inferno. These creatures appeared in the Winter Update 2006 when the Pits of Inferno were opened.]]},
  231.     ["Hot Dog"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature that was implemented on the Updates/8.5.]]},
  232.     ["Husky"] = {tibia = [[The Husky is a northern breed of dog that has well adapted to the harsh climate of the icy areas in Tibia. As a faithful hunting companion as well as a draught animal for the dog sleds, the Husky has become a vital part of the life in the North. Huskies are a prized possession and the Husky breeders are eminently respectable. The best of those dogs are nearly invaluable to their masters and even the chance to use a dog sled now and then is seen as great sign of trust and a great honour. Playful and curious, Huskies roam the streets and camps of the northmen, some are even trained as watchdogs. Huskies are almost exclusively encountered in the company of men and it's doubtful if they were able to survive on their own.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Huskies are used for sled transportation in svargrond. Do not kill the Huskies inside Svargrond! If you do you have to pay 500 gp per Husky.]]},
  233.     ["Poodle"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Can be summoned by players, but doesn't appear to exist by itself.]]},
  234.     ["Starving Wolf"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They will spawn when an excessive amount of White Deer has been killed the previous day. You can lure them into a Magic Wolf Trap, which will turn it into a Captured Wolf. You can hand these in with Benevola.]]},
  235.     ["Thornfire Wolf"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  236.     ["War wolf"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  237.     ["Werewolf"] = {tibia = [[Werewolves are humans under a curse that causes them to lose control over their inner beasts. At the beginning, the transformation takes only place at full moon and the victim retransforms to its human appearance at the next morning. In the course of time, the transformation starts more and more early and lasts for a longer time. At a certain point, the beast takes over and there is no return. The human part is washed away by rage and primal instincts. The cursed person has turned into a savage Werewolf permanently. Werewolves are ferocious beasts who enjoy the thrill of a hunt. They are unnatural born hunters that have many traits of a wolf, but much more dangerous and lethal. Like wolves, a Werewolf claims a large hunting ground as its own and everything alive is seen as a suitable prey. Unlike wolves, werewolves do not only hunt for food, but also for the thrill of the hunt itself. Their magical nature makes them extremely resistant and their regeneration powers are legendary. The curse of the Werewolf is usually spread by the infectious bite of other werewolves. Forbidden books tell about methods that allow to turn somebody into a Werewolf with the help of dark rites. Some rotten individuals even call the curse upon themselves in the hope to use their new powers in order to take revenge for some injustice or insult.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Werewolves are men (male humans) that are under a curse and were transformed into wolves. However, they are altogether much stronger than a man or a wolf. Once they die, they are freed from the curse and their corpses will take a human form. Contrary to popular belief, their bites do not transform their victims into werewolves. On rare occasions, the victims can have their bodies metamorphosed, but this effect is only temporary.]]},
  238.     ["Wild Dog"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: These spawn when using a Fleshy Bone on an Elite Orc Guard.]]},
  239.     ["Winter wolf"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  240.     ["Wolf"] = {tibia = [[Wolves are beasts of prey that live in the forests and mountains of Tibia. Combined in prides they hunt other animals. In grim winters, they even come closer to towns to attack herds or humans. A single Wolf is a weak and shy opponent but as a pride they can be quite dangerous.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Mid-weak animals, useful to level in Rookgaard. Corpses can be sold to Tom in Rookgaard for 5 gp.]]},
  241.     ["Gnarlhound"] = {tibia = [[Gnarlhounds are aggressive beasts with a frightening set of askew teeth. As distant relatives of the hyaena, their jaws are strong and can crush bones with ease. Rather a coward, the Gnarlhound forgets quite fast about its fear when it gets angry, and it takes only little to anger one of those beasts. Their aggressiveness often offsets their cowardice and suppresses the impulse to flee. Instead they transfer it into wild and vicious behaviour which often looks quite similar to canine madness. The Gnarlhound was one of the mammals that the lizard people raised as livestock to meet the ever-growing need of food. This led almost to the extinction of the wild population of Gnarlhounds. After the collapse of the southern areas, the Gnarlhounds turned feral once again. Missing any major competition in the food chain, the Gnarlhound population grew as quickly as that of the orcs. Sharing the same habitat, both races clashed quite often. In the end, most Gnarlhounds accepted their place in the pecking order beneath the orcs. Ever since, they seem to have some agreement from which post sides benefit. The Gnarlhounds serve the orcs as hunting animals, beasts of burden, mounts, and occasionally food source. The orcs share some of their prey and give the Gnarlhounds shelter and protection. Still, it is an alliance out of necessity, and the still feral Gnarlhounds are known to attack their supposed masters sometimes - not that someone in the brutal orc society would bother about such an issue. Misjudging the seeming 'pet status' of the Gnarlhounds, some orcs took Gnarlhound puppies on their journeys and found out about their feral and aggressive nature not until later. Some Gnarlhounds were then set free or escaped, and it must be feared that Gnarlhound populations also develop at some remote places and lands.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Gnarlhounds are a good food source in the plains of Zao and they're fairly easy to kill, so if you need food before going anywhere, just kill a few of them on your way to stock up. They are the Zao edition of normal Tibia's bears and wolves, only merged together. They are really fast, so if you are in a hurry and leaving all weak monsters behind, pay attention to those creatures, because you can accidentally lure a lot and take some damage. Be careful when hunting them in Gnarlhound Caves because if you run into a Lancer Beetle on lower levels you will take a lot of damage. This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009.]]},
  242.     ["Chakoya Toolshaper"] = {tibia = [[Chakoya Toolshapers are more skilled than the tribewardens but less powerful built. Provided with a bit more intelligence than the other chakoyas, they are mainly responsible for handcraft in the tribes. It is them who provide the tribes with all kinds of different weapons and who are able to handle the more complicated distance weapons in fights. Since supplies are hard to gather in the northern waste, Chakoya Toolshapers often accompany the tribewardens on their hunts for food and resources. In battles they function as leaders, at least until the frenzy takes over. As running away is no option for a chakoya that does not want to end as dinner for its clanmates, Chakoya Toolshapers, unlike other distance fighters, charge an enemy with little regard of their own safety.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They can't be pushed and cannot move objects.]]},
  243.     ["Chakoya Tribewarden"] = {tibia = [[The bulk of the chakoya tribes are the Chakoya Tribewardens. They are the hunters and gatherers of their species and it's their responsibility to protect the tribe. Chakoya Tribewardens are the most animal and wild of those little furry creatures. Everything that is not a chakoya is seen as prey. Not even other chakoyas are always safe from the ravenous bloodlust of their brethren. Survival of the fittest seems to be the principle of the Chakoya Tribewardens. When a chakoya shows some weakness, its fellows are after him to 'adjust' him to its new place in the food chain ... The harsh environment has made the Chakoya Tribewardens as unforgiving as the icy land itself. They never run if they get cornered, rather their bloodthirstiness and their wrath increases and they attack their opponents with weapons, claws and fangs until either their opponents or themselves are defeated.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They can't be pushed and cannot move objects.]]},
  244.     ["Chakoya Windcaller"] = {tibia = [[The Chakoya Windcallers are a strange breed of chakoyas. Just a few of these rare and quite fragile chakoyas actually reach adulthood where they can acquire their full potential. Only if other Chakoya Windcallers recognise the ability of a child to wield magic, it may be spared from the deadly pecking order of the clans. The Chakoya Windcallers are considered as a mixture of saints and abominations, certainly nothing any sane chakoya would eat. Touched with the gift or curse of magic, a young Chakoya Windcaller usually grows up under the relative safety of a Chakoya Windcaller patron that serves as its teacher. In some rare cases, a Chakoya Windcaller survives on its own, rather relying on its instinctive magic than on its brawn. As an adult, a Chakoya Windcaller has either been recognised and raised as such or gradually begins to lose its magic abilities, mostly turning into a Chakoya Toolshaper instead. The magic of the Chakoya Windcallers is rather primitive. They use the elements for protection, enhancement or damaging effects. Like every chakoya, they rely on close combat so their ability to cast distance spells is limited. Instead they use their magical skills to increase their own speed and to freeze their opponents.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They can't be pushed and can't push objects.]]},
  245.     ["Jellyfish"] = {tibia = [[Even without a brain - or even any form of bones for that matter - they are fascinating creatures. They emit a strange glow and can be seen even in the darkest depths of the Tibian seas, which also makes them a target for many of the larger inhabitants of the deep. Over time they developed a strong sense of danger and will flee as soon as anything other than their reflection approaches.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was implemented at the Winter Update 2011.]]},
  246.     ["Corym Charlatan"] = {tibia = [[The Charlatans are the scouts and spies of the Corym. They are formidable diggers and unsurpassed in agility by any other Corym. They are able to crawl through even the smallest and most twisted tunnels, and reach places where other Corym can not go. As opportunity makes thieves, other races consider the Charlatans to be the worst of thieves, but by other Corym, they are held in regard as daring heroes. Their campfire stories are full of the exploits of the Charlatans, and detail how they outsmarted and outran their enemies. In combat, the Charlatans like to fight dirty. What they lack in strength they make up for in agility, and their attacks are often aimed at vulnerable spots and accompanied by feints, to catch their opponents off guard. The more Charlatans are involved in a fight to overpower an enemy, the bolder their attacks. Although they generally tend to be rather cowardly, most Charlatans are so convinced of the superiority of the numerous talismans and fetishes they wear that they will not back away even from a fight with more powerful opponents; and the Corym believe that through their talismans, a kind of supernatural power is bestowed upon them as well. They fervently pose as healers, diviners and magicians, utterly trusting their charms and ignoring all facts that might contradict their conviction. Charlatans are usually the first to be encountered if Corym move into an area, and if a single Corym is encountered, it is usually a Charlatan. On the other hand, as a saying goes, for one Charlatan you see there are always two more in hiding, and indeed Charlatans generally travel in packs. The death rate of the Charlatans is incredibly high and only the immense reproduction rate of the Corym still keeps them in existence. Oddly enough, most Corym that are born are found suitable by the Skirmishers to belong to the Charlatans. This is even more true in times of war. The Corym see this as a sign of their gods' favour.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Usually found with stronger Corym.]]},
  247.     ["Corym Skirmisher"] = {tibia = [[The Skirmishers are the leaders, priests and oracles of the Corym. They divine the will of their gods, interpret omen and are responsible for the laws of the Corym civilisation. Oddly enough, the abilities of the Skirmishers are quite similar to that of others, regardless of whether they serve as justice squeakers, priests of their Snake God of Death, or mushroom-eating diviners of future events. They claim to gain knowledge by consuming books of all kind. Consuming here actually means eating the books. It is deemed a fact that a Skirmisher who has eaten a lot of books is more powerful than his brethren; but whether these two circumstances are truly linked to each other is still unknown. Skirmishers employ a lot of tricks that they claim are magic, together with simple forms of alchemy and medicine, and most notably poisons. It is verified that Skirmishers use a lot of alcohol to 'magically' make Corym warriors fearless and 'mighty'. It is the Skirmishers who create the numerous charms and fetishes that are highly prized by their kin; and given the superstition common throughout the Corym society, the superior status of the Skirmishers is absolutely undisputed. Admittedly only the most cunning of the Corym make up the ranks of the Skirmishers. As their attitude is to 'support their brethren from behind the lines' and to let others finish all dirty and dangerous work, while they have the authority over the best Corym resources, they attain great ages for the usually short-lived Corym and acquire a lot of experience and knowledge. This they only impart to their minion who are trained to become Skirmishers; and it gives them an edge over the other, often somewhat reclusive groups in Corym society and ensures their leadership. Another source of the Skirmisher's influence over other Corym is their secret knowledge of cheese production. Given to them by the gods, this sacred knowledge enables the Skirmishers to work the 'wonder of cheese' and supposedly gives them access to special cheese magic. The ritual of divining the future by the smell of the sacred cheese and the devouring of the cheese by the oracle is a spiritual experience for the Corym community... and a free first-class meal for the oracle.]], wiki = [[]]},
  248.     ["Corym Vanguard"] = {tibia = [[The Vanguards are the gatherers, tinkerers and craftsmen of the Corym. Usually of a build somewhat more muscular and hardy than the regular Corym, they have many responsibilities in the Corym society. They are the guards that keep vigil over the den and all resources. They craft the crude but mean weaponry of the Corym, and repair stolen or found goods to render them suitable for Corym usage. Most importantly, certain Vanguards are responsible for keeping the slime tunnel system running. The slime tunnels are a well-kept secret of the Corym and work with specially prepared slime and swamp gases to provide long-range transport between remote Corym dens, in a way everyone else would consider rather disgusting as well as insanely dangerous. The gruesome accidents in the tunnel system are usually discarded as the failure of a charm the deceased, or crippled user had been wearing. There is nothing a Vanguard cannot put to good use. They collect all kinds of stuff, broken or new, and stockpile it for later use. It is a great disgrace for a Vanguard not to have something somewhere, for to at least temporally fix something or rather, everything - aside from their ordinary tasks, most Vanguards consider themselves inventors. Whenever possible, they mix and match the pieces of their collection with each other, often with no clue as to what it is they are working on. Most of the time, the outcome is completely unreliable or unusable; a fact no Vanguard would ever admit. Inasmuch as possible, they convince others to wear, use or try out their inventions. Given the fact that there are only very few volunteers, this is usually handled by a complex system of 'I owe you'. When someone accepts a favour from a Vanguard, he should expect to become a test subject of some kind of invention at a future point. The Vanguards are more robust, better trained and far better equipped than their kin. In times of war, they are therefore found in the front lines of battle; and even in combat, the Vanguards like to try out something new. As this is not merely limited to weapons, but includes all kinds of tactics and attacks, the Vanguard is quite an unpredictable opponent always full of nasty surprises.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The most dangerous Corym. Avoid fighting multiple Coryms when killing this one (if low level). The damage of a Skirmisher and one Vanguard (or two+ Vanguards) can kill a low level mage instantly.]]},
  249.     ["Little Corym Charlatan"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  250.     ["Blood Crab"] = {tibia = [[It is not known why the Blood Crab is so aggressive and hostile, but since it is confirmed that those crabs are carnivorous it is not that surprising. Heavily armored and incredibly strong, their only weakness seems to be their relative slowness. Still they are fast enough to catch up with a careless victim and everybody is well advised to avoid any closer encounter with those beasts. A lucky person sees them roaming the shores and can prepare for their attacks. The more unfortunate ones do not see them before it is too late. What is more, try to avoid meeting Blood Crabs underwater as they are much stronger when they can cavort in their favourite element. Blood Crabs seem to appear out of nothing when they quickly ascend from the depth of the sea. Sometimes they wait motionlessly for a victim to approach, a strategy which works quite well because their shells can easily be mistaken for stones. It is rumoured that from time to time the quara tame Blood Crabs and use them as watchdogs, but since none of them was ever seen in a raid, this rumour is not confirmed yet.]], wiki = [[Wiki: There are 2 types of blood crabs - the ones that live on land and the ones that live underwater. The ones that live on land usually spawn with turtles around.]]},
  251.     ["Blood Crab Underwater"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  252.     ["Crab"] = {tibia = [[Sailors often call the Crabs the 'knights of the sea', on the other hand, sailors drink plenty and no one should care much about what they have to say. In fact Crabs live on the beach or in the sea. Their natural armour is very thick and their pinchers are suited to crush shells. Obviously, Crabs are well prepared to defend themselves and they surely will if they feel threatened. Usually they try to scare away intruders from their territory, but they do not pursuit trespassers for long. The taste of their flesh is rather unusual but not bad, some call it even a delicacy.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They travel quite fast and have decent attack. Their defense rather high for a creature of this level, so you may have trouble hitting them if your skills are low.]]},
  253.     ["Crustacea Gigantica"] = {tibia = [[The discovery of the Crustacea Gigantica came to the scientific community like a thunderbolt. A creature like that was not even assumed to exist. Neither did it match any description of mythical creatures. All the more it is astonishing that considering their formerly unknown status sightings of Crustaceae Giganticae have become more and more common nowadays. These dwellers of the deep seem to leave their ancient habitats for unknown reasons and seek new areas to live in. Given the warlike nature of the Crustacea Gigantica it is somewhat unsettling to think what might have driven them away from their old realms. As of today, there are no valid theories about this occurrence, and although the quara are often mentioned as a possible cause, it seems more likely that the real cause is a new threat that lurks in the depths of the ocean. The Crustacea Gigantica itself is not necessarily destructive but very territorial. When something enters their habitat, the simple-minded beasts distinguish only between food and robber. Both are to be eliminated by their powerful pincers. Their armoured shell serves for more than adequate defence in such cases.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Crustacea Gigantica are a semi-rare spawn in wet and sunken areas. You can tame them using a Giant Shrimp.]]},
  254.     ["Ice Golem"] = {tibia = [[Ice Golems are constructs raised by powerful sorcery. The creation of Ice Golems dates back to times no mortal can remember. Golems follow simple tasks, given to them by their masters. Often, they are ordered to protect some place or item and they are still bound to this duty even when their masters are already dead for a long time. This is only one of the reasons why most encountered Ice Golems are hostile. Another less known fact is that the structure of the Ice Golem's feeble mind makes it easy for all kinds of spirits to possess these creatures and to take over control. Thus the Ice Golems are easy to be 'ridden' by such entities and especially malignant spirits have little qualms to do so. The strength and resilience of Ice Golems is quite similar to other golems. They tend to be a bit faster and more agile compared to stone golems but are not that heavily armoured. They are only able to survive in cold climate as Ice Golems will melt in warmer regions unless some kind of magic is applied to prevent this. In cooler areas it is much easier to raise Ice Golems than their stone cousins. As a rule of thumb, Ice Golems are usually encountered in greater numbers than stone golems.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Relative to Stone Golems.]]},
  255.     ["The Collector"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Collector "lives solely to collect all kinds of rare gems, crystals and minerals. Offering an item it does not already own, reportedly allows passage into its lair." (Spectulus).]]},
  256.     ["Deepling Brawler"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  257.     ["Deepling Elite"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  258.     ["Deepling Guard"] = {tibia = [[Ever watchful, these defenders of the God King Qjell are members of a higher caste within the Deepling society. From their earliest days, the purpose of the Deepling Guards lies in the protection of the temple cities and inner sanctums of God King Qjell. They are cunning hunters and powerful fighters with unmatched endurance, feared by even the fiercest creatures of Tibia's seas.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Is not immune to Paralysis. Killing Deepling guards will contribute to the progression of the Deepling world change during stage 1. Killing 1 Deepling guard will count for 1 point (200 needed) until 100 points have been contributed.]]},
  259.     ["Deepling Master Librarian"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Stronger version of the Deepling Spellsinger.]]},
  260.     ["Deepling Scout"] = {tibia = [[The Deepling Scouts are an ancient race. It is not known how old they are exactly or when the first Deepling Scouts emerged from the depths of Tibia's seas. There are no known records of these creatures so far and the first sightings were reported only recently. Usually inhabiting the very depths of the world, it seems their number grew significantly over the years and at some time, they started ascending. It is currently unknown when or why this ascent started. As of now, their origin is shrouded in mystery.]], wiki = [[]]},
  261.     ["Deepling Spellsinger"] = {tibia = [[The Deepling Spellsingers were once members of the priest caste. They were the librarians of the greatest treasure of the Deeplings - their amazingly vast knowledge and rich culture. Their turn to violence could be the result of the recent call to arms that made most members of the higher castes abandon their temples and obligations. They are also the keepers of most secrets of the forsaken Drowned Library. However, their vast knowledge of the workings of magic and the labyrinthine caves of the deep make them formidable foes who are not likely to part easily with their sacraments.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Not immune to paralysis.]]},
  262.     ["Deepling Tyrant"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: One of the elite deepling forces, along Deepling Master Librarian and Deepling Elite. The tyrant drops the same loot as a Deepling Guard (including Foxtail) although the drop rate for rares is slightly higher to accommodate the boosted health and strength of the tyrant. There are only 8 tyrant spawns in-game.]]},
  263.     ["Deepling Warrior"] = {tibia = [[The Deepling Warriors of the Njey are born with the fire of both suns in their hearts. Fierce and fearful creatures, prepared to squash all enemies of Qjell, they emerged from the depths. An event not so long ago drew their attention to the surface. Currently, they gather somewhere beneath the island of Quirefang.]], wiki = [[]]},
  264.     ["Deepling worker"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  265.     ["Orshabaal"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's a Demon Lord - lesser of the Demon Overlord (which are yet to plague Tibia) but still dangerous. Whenever you think the world is safe and all the monsters have been killed, when you least expect it, Orshabaal surfaces. It is a Demon Lord who normally hides very deep down in the depths of The Edron Hero Cave. Its magical and physical powers are overwhelming! Many brave heroes have fallen by the great fireball and energy beam it utilizes. To make matters worse, it flees when it reaches red health, and if the adventurers are not fast enough in killing it, Orshabaal's vile healing magic will allow it to return to the fray. Whenever it chooses to raid a world it won't come alone, it brings a lot of Demons as company to help spread death and disaster. It drops the mighty Thunder Hammer. Even though Orshabaal has since lost his title of strongest monster, he remains the most infamous, due to his spawn location on the surface (the Triangle of Terror hide deep below the surface, and Ferumbras sits at the very top of his citadel). You are able to use Blessed Wooden Stake on his corpse as well as on all his summoned demon's corpses, in order to get Demon Dust. Sometimes Orshabaal gets trapped by his own Demons because he doesn't kill his summons like Scarabs kill Larvas. The quickest kill of this feisty monster was an astonishing 7 seconds on Lunara.]]},
  266.     ["Askarak Demon"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was introduced in the Summer Update 2011.]]},
  267.     ["Askarak Lord"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: These creatures will only spawn when their side in on the winning hand in the Arak War.]]},
  268.     ["Askarak Prince"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  269.     ["Dark Torturer"] = {tibia = [[Dark Torturers are distant relatives of the diabolic imps. Like all members of the imp family, they enjoy pain and havoc they wreak upon other creatures. Their physical abilities exceed by far those of their cousins, the diabolic imps. Since they lack the magical affinity of the latter, those creatures tend to sell their services to more powerful demons or even some malicious mortals. Given their somewhat lazy and cowardly nature, they prefer to take up the roles of jailers and torturers. There they can indulge their malicious instincts without risking too much in open warfare. Those disgusting qualities have earned this race the fitting name Dark Torturer in the vernacular.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Creature from the Winter update 2006. It is a relative of the Diabolic Imp. The Dark Torturer's boss is Mr. Punish located in Tafariel's throne room.]]},
  270.     ["Demon"] = {tibia = [[The famous knight Apoc once wrote: "Demons are the most malevolent, powerful, and dangerous creatures in Tibia. In addition to their awesome physical strength, they can also use powerful spells, such as fireballs and fire fields. Especially dangerous is their gaze, which can produce beams of pure energy to annihilate their poor victims. Moreover, they drain mana off their victims, heal themselves and summon fire elementals as their vassals. Fortunately, Demons usually live in the deepest dungeons near hell but sometimes they appear also on the surface. When they do, they leave a track of death and destruction behind them. Nobody has ever been able to slay even one of these entities and only very few adventurers have survived an encounter with them."]], wiki = [[Wiki: Demons are the servants of evil. More or less devoted servants of Zathroth, they cause strife and havoc wherever they appear. Their masters are known as Demonlords, Demon Overlords and Archdemons. A long time ago, Demons used to drop Magic Swords and Coconuts. A Demon can spawn even if there are people inside. The older "version" of the Demon is the Daemon, which was removed in 2000/2001. In some tricky places like Bazir's throneroom and Oasis Tomb they can have the same behavior and loot as a Goblin (see: Demongoblin). You can use a Blessed Wooden Stake on a slain Demon to get Demon Dust. See also: Demon Dust/Dusting.]]},
  271.     ["Destroyer"] = {tibia = [[The Destroyers, a rather minor demonic race, can be found at many places serving many purposes. By all accounts much stronger than smart, they are particularly effective in close combat. Powerful enough to be noticed by other demons but still too weak to be of any importance, Destroyers love to torment and bully creatures that are lower in the demonic pecking order. This gets them often into fights with the smart but physically weak imps. Since both races feel superior over the other, they do not get along too well. Under a strict leadership the Destroyers prove quite competent in the area they are employed, which is usually to destroy things and to mash people. However, their true strength comes through quantity. Demons of higher ranks like to accumulate a horde of such minions and let them loose on a target. Such an unleashed horde of Destroyers is virtually unstoppable. Having a seemingly endless supply on Destroyers, only the difficultly to enter the realms of the mortals keeps the demons from using them on a larger scale.]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is very similar to a Behemoth. However, Destroyers are slightly more powerful, and drop loot much more frequently. It is also important to note that Behemoths are resistant to Holy Damage, where as Destroyers are weak to Holy Damage.]]},
  272.     ["Diabolic Imp"] = {tibia = [[Imps are some of the smaller and physically weaker demons. The only thing that allows them to exist in the demonic society, that has no tolerance for weakness, is their cunning and the magical forces they have under their command. Diabolic Imps tend to be somewhat cowardly and when it comes to the crunch, they esteem the value of their own lives much higher than any agenda of the master they might serve. For this reason, they are not trusted and, despite their intelligence, rarely appointed to any position of power or influence. The scheming little Diabolic Imps still found their niche in the demon society. They often serve in logistics or as messengers. In the latter role, they are frequently sent to the realm of the mortals. Here they even pose as advisors of mortal allies of the demon kind for a while.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Diabolic Imps have 2 bosses: The Imperor and Minishabaal (not in game anymore).]]},
  273.     ["Fire Devil"] = {tibia = [[Fire Devils are very ugly creatures that have been spotted in the deserts of Tibia. Nobody knows where these beings came from. Just like the devils from the myths, they carry a pitchfork with them and one of their feet is that of a goat. But are they real devils? However, their pungent gaze makes the experienced traveller shaken and their fireballs are quite dangerous.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Usually found close to stronger fire-type creatures like Dragons or Fire Elementals. They are good summons for blocking creatures with fire-type distance attacks, like Diabolic Imps. Be careful with these though, as their Explosion can hit you or hit other players which may give you a White Skull in PVP worlds. They used to give 110 exp before Update 8.5]]},
  274.     ["Gozzler"] = {tibia = [[The so-called hunger demons are often conjured to spread famine in certain areas. Even though they are little, it is known that they can devour whole cows in just a few heartbeats. Their appetite seems endless and their mouths are as elastic as their teeth and claws are sharp. Whoever has seen one of these little monsters devouring something four times bigger than themselves will no longer make fun of their small stature. Even if they are categorised as weaker demons, they do not seem to care much about hierarchy. All they are interested in is eating. When being in our world, they swallow everything that is in some way edible, or can at least be crushed with their teeth. They usually start with grain and livestock or occasionally some peasant who did not get away fast enough. Then they proceed with all other kinds of animals, insects and finally plants. Finally, they stuff themselves with dead wood and other materials. Considering their incredible greed, they rarely appear in bigger packs. If anything, they form small groups. These demons are also quite knowledgeable in the arcane arts, even though they hardly use spells on their own. They are often summoned by aspiring wizards to learn from the Gozzlers. Since the little demons are not overly pleased to be forced into our world, they have to be bribed to share their knowledge. For huge amounts of food, the demons reveal little pieces of their knowledge. Many knowledge seekers have been close to the verge of ruin due to the appetite of their demonic teachers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are similar to Monks and are summonable. They spawn with Hellspawns and Necromancers and can hit pretty hard on an inexperienced player.]]},
  275.     ["Grave Guard"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  276.     ["Gravedigger"] = {tibia = [[The gravediggers are, in apparition, akin to the cursed hands of fate, and share some aspects of their character. The gravediggers are undead creatures that have first been sighted near the necromancer sites in Drefia, where they have at first been employed for strenuous handiworks such as digging and building up the underground ruins of Drefia. Some speculate that the hands were chopped off live subjects and then enhanced through hideous rituals and processes to take their actual, ghastly form. However, the beasts proved to have a will of their own and soon broke free from their masters' grip, and some still roam the premises like other undead. They are solitary creatures and quite aggressive, but a few cases have been reported where humans made friends with a gravedigger, which lasted a lifetime.]], wiki = [[]]},
  277.     ["Hand of Cursed Fate"] = {tibia = [[It is unknown to mankind whether this hand is some pure materialisation of demonic essence or actually a body part of a greater evil. It is sure though that its existence is fuelled by powerful demonic forces. Living or animated, it is a fast and powerful minion in the demonic ranks. Yet obviously lacking a head, the creature is quite cunning and loves dirty surprise attacks. It usually attacks with individual fingers, but it is also said that the Hand of Cursed Fate sometimes grasps an opponent to crush it in its powerful grip. Its greatest pleasure is to bring pain and despair to others. Above all it enjoys the suffering of creatures. The Hand of Cursed Fate is attracted by those whom it senses as doomed and takes greatest amusement in their demise. Therefore it is a powerful adversary, and it is no mockery when it is claimed that the Hand of Cursed Fate can pull some dirty tricks out of its sleeve.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A demonic minion with sole purpose to bring pain and despair to all who enter its domain. This creature was implemented in the Winter Update 2006. It has the ability to deal high amounts of damage and can also Mana Drain making it one of the most dangerous creatures in Tibia. The Hand of Cursed Fate's boss is The Handmaiden. It's the first creature known to drop a non-blank rune.]]},
  278.     ["Hellhound"] = {tibia = [[There are things that roam the realms of the otherworlds that give even demons a shiver. The Hellhound is one of those creatures. Being worse than beast or demon, it combines the most fearsome and most dangerous traits of both kinds to an amalgam of fearsome power. Containing the malice and ferocity of three demons, the Hellhound uses the malignant abilities of its three heads to cause as much damage as it can. Said to be three times meaner than the average hellbeast, its three heads are so frightening in their hellish rage that lesser men are said to have died already on sight of this walking menace of ichor and fangs. Sometimes one of these demon beasts is captured and trained by powerful demons to something that could be vaguely called a forced loyalty to their fearsome masters. As long as they respect their masters as the stronger one, they are relatively obedient. Still, nobody can tell when they might turn on their master or when they are driven into a frenzy that let them forget any bonds they might have shared. Hellhounds are known to get in such a rage that they not seldom heavily wound their own heads. Still large numbers of those beasts are bred and captured on order of several demonlords. They are as often employed to frighten an enemy or a rival as they are used as a status symbol to prove their might and disregard of danger ... and the lives of their other minions as well.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The hellhound was conceived based on ideologies of Greek and Roman mythology. Cerberus is a three-headed hound who guards the gates of Hades. In Tibia, they guard a path to the throne room of Infernatil. From this, the sprite was created. The name however came from both the description of Cerberus, and from clever wordplay: hellhound is also a demonic entity. These hellish minions are often considered to be guardians of the entrance to world of the dead or afterlife. Similarly in Tibia, they reside in the fiery depths of Pits of Inferno. These creatures appeared in the Winter Update 2006 when the Pits of Inferno were opened.]]},
  279.     ["Hellspawn"] = {tibia = [[The Hellspawn is a creature that is neither fully a demon nor a living creature. They are grotesque hybrids being the result of experiments to breed certain demons with beasts. Their appearance and level of intelligence can vary widely, though a number of them are so deformed that they do not even survive birth. Some Hellspawns look very much like their beast parent and often are mistaken for some animal until they show their devastating powers. The majority of Hellspawns, however, looks quite alike as the cross-breeding of demons with beasts seems to result in a certain appearance. Hellspawns are wild, always hungry and have a short temper. Even though, they are very strong, they prefer sneak attacks and to fight in groups. If cornered, a Hellspawn will fight with a fearsome ferocity that uses the power and skills of both inherited species. Possessing demonic immortality, the Hellspawn usually outlives its original purpose and is then abandoned by its creators. Hellspawns are often quite attached to their surrounding, and might stay in an area for decades or even centuries. Sometimes, however, they grow restless and start to roam the world in search for a new territory. For this reason, it is possible to encounter a Hellspawn almost anywhere.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Introduced in the Winter Update 2008. The chance for dropping valuable items has been greatly increased in Summer Update 2009.]]},
  280.     ["Herald of Gloom"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  281.     ["Juggernaut"] = {tibia = [[If there is a seemingly unstoppable force in the ranks of demon kind, it is the infamous Juggernaut. Thought to become extinct in the great wars of the gods, recent sightings of Juggernauts have proven those rumours wrong. Raised in the playpens of the deepest hells, where only the most powerful can survive, about 90% of the Juggernaut population is killed before it reaches adulthood. Those who are not torn into pieces by their merciless brethren or other creatures, grow to enormous, frightening killing machines. Juggernauts are known to be able to slash the head of a dragon with one hit, while fighting back a half-dozen of other dragons. The earth trembles where a Juggernaut walks, heralding the incoming of doom. Seemingly being made up only of armor and muscles, the Juggernaut is incredibly powerful and fast, killing the first opponent and walking to the next in a mere blink. Serving as one-creature armies, the Juggernauts are some of the most powerful weapons at the disposal of the demonlords.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The most powerful regular creature between the December Updates of 2006 and 2013, this spot has been taken over by Sight of Surrender. In the official website it says that it can slash the head of a Dragon with one hit, while fighting back a half-dozen of other Dragons.]]},
  282.     ["Kraknaknork's Demon"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  283.     ["Nightmare Scion"] = {tibia = [[It is highly unlikely that the so-called Nightmare Scion is actually the offspring of a nightmare. Some people say that the Nightmare Scions are a completely different breed than the nightmares, others claim that they are the same breed, only weaker due to injuries or some sort of demonic disease. A common theory states that the Nightmare Scions are the prototype of the actual nightmare. Just like this theory, also another one assumes that nightmares do not breed, but that all nightmares come into existence through the same process. Those creatures that do not possess the full amount of power turn into Nightmare Scions. It is not known, yet if Nightmare Scions can become true nightmares by ageing or maybe by accumulating power in some way. They are usually found in the company of nightmares and seem to get along with each other quite well for demonic races. What a Nightmare Scion lacks in raw power, it tries to make up with wickedness. They are exceptionally cruel and love to prey on weaker foes. In general, they occur in great numbers to be safe. This seems not only to combine their power but also their wickedness. Nightmare Scions love to stalk their victims in the shadow for hours. Making sure they get noticed by their prey, they seem to feed on the fear they arouse. After some while, the Nightmare Scions will begin to slowly attack their victims until the whole force will swarm around the prey. Victims of Nightmare Scions can be easily recognised by the fear frozen into their dead faces.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Added in the Christmas Update 2008.]]},
  284.     ["Nightmare"] = {tibia = [[One thing that always eludes the demons and their powers are dreams. The gift of dreaming is only granted to mortals. Still some demons lurk at the borders of dreams, watching, drooling with hatred and greed. Sometimes a dreamer gets some distant feeling of those unwelcome spectators. Such dreams often turn into nightmares. The chaos and fear, that is caused by nightmares, allow the lurking demons to steal some of the essence of these dreams. By eating more and more of this substance, demons gain certain characteristics which are normally not at disposal of demons. To some extent they are even able to haunt the dreams of the mortals, although their influence is only indirect and limited. Their physical form reflects their constant travel to a place they do not belong to and takes the shape of a ghostly horse creature. Their powers in the lands of the living are somewhat more substantial and often involve to weaken mortals and to steal their life force.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Creature added in the Christmas 2006 update. Often hunted for Death Rings and Demonic Essences, since it's one of weakest monsters that can provide such items. It is good to take caution while hunting these creatures, as they can combo hard and do so unexpectedly.]]},
  285.     ["Nightstalker"] = {tibia = [[Nightstalkers have haunted the dreams and stories of children since the dawn of mankind and probably even before that. Like some other demonic creatures, they seem to feed, at least partially, on the fear of their victims. Divination magic revealed that they are no native denizens of our realm, however, the question where Nightstalkers actually come from is still unanswered. They are cunning and intelligent creatures that are even able to talk our language. They prefer lairs in dark and abandoned places like ruins and caves. Sometimes, Nightstalkers form small colonies, but most of them are notorious loners. Sages speculate that the Nightstalkers' wish for loneliness results from their life cycle. At certain stages in their life, they leave the company of their kin to become lonely prowlers that secretly stalk the settlements of civilised creatures to haunt particularly their children. During these stages, Nightstalkers seem to dematerialise, almost like ghosts. They feed on the fears of those around them and adopt features derived from these subconscious fears. Luckily, Nightstalkers also gain a certain vulnerability in this state. After some while, Nightstalkers gradually retransform to their original state. Once they have reached it, they seem to hibernate for a while, which surely explains why they tend to leave civilised places in advance of the transformation. Thereafter, they live for a longer period in their natural state in which they might be encountered at remote places. During this phase, they do not actively prey on creatures but are more than ready to rip anyone in pieces who gets close to their lairs.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Nightstalker is about as strong as a Wyvern.]]},
  286.     ["Plaguesmith"] = {tibia = [[There is nothing that pleases the dreaded Plaguesmiths more than rot and decay. These cowardly demons are constantly scheming and plotting to bring despair and diseases to the world of the mortals. They enjoy the painful torments their poisons and plagues inflict on other beings. They rely on a disgusting diet that consists of poisonous, morbid and corrosive fluids. Their main capability lies in the creating of poisons and plagues as well as to transform usually insubstantial things like despair, pain and agony into substantial tools and weapons. Although their physique makes them powerful fighters, their inherent cowardice prohibits them to rise in the ranks of demon kind. They tend to use others to do the dirty work and operate behind the scenes. More often though, they end up forced into the service of a more powerful creature. Still they are rarely seen in the realm of men. More often they stay in the realm of demons and supply their masters and servants alike with new weapons to spread poison and sickness.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Used to drop Dragon Scale Mail as a rare drop, but it got removed shortly after Plaguesmiths were introduced.]]},
  287.     ["Rift Brood"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Summoned by Azerus in the final room of the In Service of Yalahar Quest.]]},
  288.     ["Rift Scythe"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Summoned by Azerus in the final room of the In Service of Yalahar Quest, Fenrock after the teleport for the quest Shadows of Yalahar Quest.]]},
  289.     ["Shaburak Demon"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Shaburak Demons are in war with the Askarak Demons.]]},
  290.     ["Shaburak Lord"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: These creatures will only spawn when their side in on the winning hand in the Arak War.]]},
  291.     ["Shaburak Prince"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  292.     ["Shadow Hound"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  293.     ["Yielothax"] = {tibia = [[It is hard to say when sightings of the Yielothax were first recorded. The creature seemed so bizarre and fantastic that encounters with them probably were dismissed as feverish illusions. That is when such an encounter was survived at all. It is safe to say that the Yielothax are not native to our world. They usually enter our world due to bizarre magical phenomenons, often the result of careless spell casting experiments. Sometimes dimensional travellers encounter them in what was perceived as their home dimension. Newer researches suggest that the Yielothax are an invasive life form that not unlike a swarm of locusts invades and occupies other dimensions or planes of existence while annihilating all native life. Since they change the environment in a certain way, it was often assumed that travellers meeting Yielothax in their 'native' habitat were visiting the same dimension. This was proven wrong by new scientific methods and insights, though. There are heated debates whether the Yielothax is more like carrion eaters, invading dimensions that have become weakened and fading, or if the Yielothax are the reason for the fading of those dimensions. Whatever theory might be true, it is a fact that dimensions in which the Yielothax are encountered in mass become more and more unstable and finally unreachable after a while. It is currently unknown if there is (still) such a thing as the Yielothax' home dimension at all. The Yielothax are very territorial and extremely aggressive to any non-Yielothax life forms. They can reach a surprising speed and attack rapidly, trying to rip their opponent apart. The Yielothax are omnivorous in the truest sense. They eat virtually anything. There are verified reports of Yielothax eating substances like rock, tar and even magic walls. Even if the Yielothax are probably sentient beings, they seem unwilling to communicate with any non-Yielothax life form. Since the rare cases of Yielothax sightings in our dimension are the forerunners of an impending invasion, everyone who encounters Yielothax in our realm is asked to report this to the scientific authorities immediately.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These strange creatures can be found in a different dimension which can be accessed via a portal in a tower south-west of the Zao Steppe.]]},
  294.     ["Zavarash"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Seems to be weaker than other prison bosses.]]},
  295.     ["Blue Djinn"] = {tibia = [[Although the Blue Djinns are considered entities of goodness they tend to guard their secrets well from nosy explorers, diligently performing any task they accepted. Being highly magical creatures, they are masters of illusion and transformation. Djinns are known for their witchcraft and fairy-tales commonly narrate about djinns granting people wishes. Magicians often mock this idea, arguing that only djinns bound by powerful magic feel obliged to such duties. Be that as it may, Blue Djinns are the weakest of their kind. Searching the world for the servants of evil and their eternal nemesis, the green djinns, they still pose a threat for all those they suspect of being in league with evil.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These Magic Creatures are the counterpart of Green Djinn. Even though they are more amiable towards humans than the Green Djinn are, they will not tolerate anyone that aligns themselves with their greatest enemies.]]},
  296.     ["Efreet"] = {tibia = [[The Efreet are the merciless leaders of the green djinns. Surpassing their lesser brethren both in power and in cruelty, the Efreet are truly terrible opponents who love to use their awesome powers to spread havoc among their enemies or sometimes among their own kind. The disdain they feel towards all other sentient races is second only to the undying hatred they feel towards their blue-skinned relatives, the Marid.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Efreets are a higher ranked Green Djinn and are the counterparts of Marids, these strong creatures are usually found in groups with Green Djinn.]]},
  297.     ["Green Djinn"] = {tibia = [[In ancient times the Green Djinns lost a great war against their blue brethren. Considered to be extinct, the last knowledge of these powerful beings turned into legends and legends became fairy-tales. Those who have encountered the recently resurfaced, self-proclaimed masters of evil can attest that they are indeed, a reality, and not a pleasant one. These magic-wielding enemies of all good embrace destruction and enjoy causing pain. Although only inferior members of the green-skinned race have been sighted until now, they are enemies to beware of. Their magical tricks make them more than a match for unexpecting adventurers. Despising all living beings and everything that is beautiful, their especially passionate hatred is reserved for their blue-skinned relatives, whom they regard as traitors to djinnkind.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These Magic Creatures are the counterpart of Blue Djinn and a lower rank than Efreet. They can turn you into a rat and cancel your invisibility.]]},
  298.     ["Marid"] = {tibia = [[The proud Marid are the strongest warriors among the noble race of the blue djinn. They possess amazing magical powers, and their prowess in battle is truly fearsome. However, their undeniable power as well as their race's natural tendency towards pride make them vulnerable to the temptations of vanity and arrogance. The Marid, being devout followers of the prophet Daraman's teachings, try to resist these temptations as well as they can, but it has happened before that a Marid strayed from the true path and succumbed to the corruption and the lowly desires that are hidden deep in the soul of every djinn. Beware of such fallen Marid, because they are no better than the Efreet, the Marids' green-skinned djinn cousins and arch-enemies.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These strong creatures are usually found in groups and with many Blue Djinn. In the Blue Djinn Fortress, they are also accompanied by Scarabs and Fire Elementals.]]},
  299.     ["Dragon Lord"] = {tibia = [[Dragon Lords are the leaders of the dragons. They are even more powerful than normal dragons that can usually be found in their company. Like normal dragons, they can throw fireballs, spit fire, and heal themselves, but they can also throw great fire bombs.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A really dangerous creature, it's extremely powerful and heals itself. Once, it was the most powerful creature in all of Tibia. These creatures can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife. See also: Red Dragon Leather/Skinning.]]},
  300.     ["Dragon Lord Hatchling"] = {tibia = [[Usually it takes decades or even centuries until a dragon lord evolves from an ordinary dragon. Sometimes though, when very ancient and powerful dragon lords mate, a child is born with a fraction of its parents immense power. The body of such a Dragon Lord Hatchling is protected by red scales which already hint on its powerful destiny. The powers of a Dragon Lord Hatchling outclass those of any ordinary hatchling. So to speak born into the nobility of dragon kind, the Dragon Lord Hatchlings contain the worst traits any dragon hatchling could have. Although they are able to control their appetite in a better way than other hatchlings, they only use this self-restraint for cruel cat and mouse games they love to play with their soon-to-be food. And food can be almost everything that is or has been alive, even their own kind. Particularly, old and sick dragons, that did not leave early enough for the fabled dragon cemetery, often fall prey to their malicious offspring. As dragons are not willing to teach anything to their hatchlings, the youngsters have to become keen observers to pick up a few tricks and some magic from the older generation.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are basically like dragons.]]},
  301.     ["Dragon"] = {tibia = [[Dragons were among the first creatures of Tibia and once ruled the whole continent. Nowadays, there are only a few of them left which live deep in the dungeons. Nevertheless, they are very powerful monsters and will strive for killing every intruder. Besides their immense strength, they shoot fireballs at their victims and spit fire. Moreover, they can heal themselves.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Dragons are very slow-moving, but have a potent set of attacks. A mage or paladin can kill one without taking any damage once they master the art. These creatures can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife. See also: Green Dragon Leather/Skinning.]]},
  302.     ["Dragonling"] = {tibia = [[The Dragonling is a remote cousin of the known dragons. Though sharing many traits with the dragons and sometimes seemingly getting along with each other, the Dragonling has many biological distinctions which imply that any relations to dragons are remote indeed. Above all, they share a number of traits and organs with mammals, which has led many researchers to believe that the Dragonling might rather be an artificial chimera or construct instead. Extinct creator races as well as the ancient Yalahari are named as possible origins of the Dragonlings. Whatever the real origins of the Dragonling, it is evident that today it reproduces on its own and has preferred habitats. After mating, a Dragonling lays a dozen eggs in a hidden nest at some warm or preferably hot place. It leaves the nest alone for about a year, only to return when the eggs are ready to hatch. Often it finds its nest destroyed or the eggs gone due to the actions of other creatures. If there are eggs left, they will hatch as soon as the mother is there, seemingly recognising her proximity. The young will then follow their mother who will feed and protect them for several years until they are roughly the same size as their mother. Only a fifth of the Dragonling population is male. The males will leave the clan and only seek out other Dragonlings in mating season. The females and young form wandering clans, sometimes blending with others. Membership of a clan seems more a matter of choice rather than of birth. Unlike true dragons the Dragonlings will not hoard gold, even though they are obviously fascinated by its glittering. For that reason valuable items and coins end up being devoured by the Dragonling. The Dragonlings display snakelike abilities when swallowing objects greater than their mouth would usually allow. It is known that a slain Dragonling which was sliced open was found with a complete, mostly undamaged candelabrum in its belly.]], wiki = [[Wiki: It can be tamed. Use a Decorative Ribbon or a Music Box to tame it.]]},
  303.     ["Dragon Hatchling"] = {tibia = [[Even though it might appear small and cute, one should always keep in mind that also the youngest dragon is a fierce beast. The sharp teeth and the instinct of a born predator paired with an ever ravenous appetite make the little Dragon Hatchlings not only a threat for other races but also for their brood mates. Only the most vicious of the numerous Dragon Hatchlings reach adulthood. In their tireless pursuit for food, they know no fear nor restraint. Adventurers visiting a dragons lair are often faced by a whole pack of Dragon Hatchlings, swarming over him like famished locusts. To make matters worse, Dragon Hatchlings are hardly encountered without their parents being close. Lured by the cry of their brood, the enraged parents tend to enter the battlefield in the worst moment. Furious about the threat posed to their offspring, the elder dragons become even more formidable opponents. Of course, also the Dragon Hatchlings do not cease their own attacks as they hope to get to taste some delicious adventurer.]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is usually found together with a dragon, so be careful if you meet one, as a dragon may be near!]]},
  304.     ["Elder Wyrm"] = {tibia = [[Cunning, vicious, deadly. Those are the words associated with the Elder Wyrms by those few who have seen them and lived to tell the tale. Having clawed away all potential rivals, an Elder Wyrm has grown a darker, thick scale, and has retired to an ideal lair deep below the earth, where it basks in the heat of lava streams and feeds off interesting gems, most of the time. Some of its offspring is usually around as well, prepared to hunt or scout for its parent should it develop a special appetite. Once the younger Wyrm develops an appetite for its parent's lair, though, a savage battle for the hunting ground ensues, leaving only the winner alive.]], wiki = [[]]},
  305.     ["Frost Dragon"] = {tibia = [[The constant consumption of strange magical particles which were strongly connected to the element of ice changed this type of dragons into a new breed over time. Even though they are still young compared with other dragons, they carry a strong dragon heritage and the consumed particles fuelled their strength even more. Their arrogance does not allow them to be something less than other dragons and so their temper is even worse than that of their dragon cousins. The feeling to have to prove themselves all the time makes them reckless and aggressive and with that even more dangerous. Frost Dragons usually get along well with other dragons for a while. However, mixed communities often suffer from prejudices and lethal infights between the species. Though the mostly younger Frost Dragons often lack the refined magic abilities of their cousins, they are usually more powerful when it comes to physical abilities. Their newly gained control over the element ice easily makes up for their missing command of fire. They still possess a quite impressive resistance against fire from their dragonic heritage. Unlike other dragons, the Frost Dragons do not live alone or in small families. Instead they tend to form flocks of frightening sizes. Flocks of Frost Dragons usually inhabit spacious lairs and claim large territories as their hunting ground which they fiercely protect against other predators.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are a stronger mutation of Dragon Lords thanks to their ability to Paralyze. They also behave like Hydras but their Loot and attacks are similar to Dragon lords.]]},
  306.     ["Frost Dragon Hatchling"] = {tibia = [[The offspring of the mighty frost dragons does not get pampered much by their parents. Exposed to the harsh climate, the Frost Dragon Hatchlings are taught the hard way the well-known rule of survival of the fittest. Only the most resistant and healthiest survive the first months. The always hungry hatchlings compete for food and shelter. Moreover, elder dragons too pose a constant threat as they do not shrink from devouring their own offspring in times of need. Constantly in need to raise their status in the pecking order of their lairs, the Frost Dragon Hatchlings improve their skills and become probably more lethal opponents than the ordinary adult dragon might be. Only rarely they hunt in the wilderness; it is much more likely to encounter the hatchlings in their lairs, supporting their relatives in their fight against intruders who are foolish enough to set a foot in the frost dragons' territory. The hatchlings tend to attack rather swiftly and deadly as they have to see to it that they get their food and loot before somebody else of their kin steals the prey.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Fairly low hp, gives good experience but not good loot. After Update 8.2, they drop a rare spellbook.]]},
  307.     ["Undead Dragon"] = {tibia = [[Even though the mighty dragons can become 100 years and older, their lives also come to an end at some point. Just like some humans, also some dragons simply cannot let go though. Some of them acquire dark secrets in their long lives. Others forge dark pacts with necromancers and demons to rise again after death. It is said that the first Undead Dragons were created by the malicious bonelords who are known to meddle with undeath and necromancy. Created as a weapon in some ancient war, the first Undead Dragons proved to be so powerful that they could not be controlled by their masters. They broke free of the bonelords' subterranean bone fencings and wreaked havoc on their own. The escaped Undead Dragons served as role models for other dragons who longed for this seeming immortality. Even though only a few dragons walked the shadow path that ultimately led to the embrace of unlife, those who did began to transform into even more powerful and threatening beings which finally developed to Undead Dragons. More similar to the lich than the usual undead, they have kept more of their former personality and knowledge than undeads of other races are able to. Their new powers make easily up for the loss of some of their dragon skills.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Incredibly powerful dragon skeleton, capable of destructive attacks deadlier even than those from a Demon. They appeared in the Winter Update 2006. Its boss is Dracola.]]},
  308.     ["Wyrm"] = {tibia = [[It is said that the Wyrm is a distant and primitive relative of the dragon. Dragons, on the other hand, oppose this theory like a human would oppose the theory that an orc is a primitive relative of a human. In the end, the distinction is of no importance if you face such a creature. While it lacks the fire breath of a dragon, it is still a creature of heat that knows how to melt snow and ice while passing through it. What it lacks in magic, it makes up with sheer strength. It is a much better fighter than ordinary dragons and astonishingly agile, almost like a snake. A Wyrm's teeth are prized by dwarfs since they easily cut through most materials. The Wyrm indiscriminately eats minerals and meat alike, and it is said that you sometimes find valuable metals in the excrements in their lairs. The Wyrm is a powerful predator that does not back away from attacking small towns in times of hunger. Their territory is usually quite large, though they tend to stay in their lairs most of the time. Wyrms are quite intelligent compared to other animals. Still, they are not capable of speech and at best understand a few short commands just like a trained dog. Of course, training a Wyrm is easier said than done. However, there are some scrupulous beings that capture young Wyrms and train them for their evil plans.]], wiki = [[]]},
  309.     ["Ghastly Dragon"] = {tibia = [[Ghastly Dragon is the best translation one can come up with for the unpronounceable word that the lizard people use for this creature. It seems the Ghastly Dragon is not a sub-race of the dragons but some sort of intended transformation. Sages assume that Ghastly Dragons are the failed result of a self-initiated transformation of some ancient dragon. While probably the original aim is to reach some state of transcendence, the failed outcome is a creature trapped between the spirit world and the mortal realm. The failed transformation often dangerously maddens the dragon creature. Even those who against all odds manage to retain their sanity have to cope with the knowledge that they turned in some, even in their own eyes, abominable creature instead in the intended ascended being. This leads to the fact that also the few sane specimens are usually not less aggressive and destructive than their mad fellows. Although the legends of the lizard folk also tell about some extremely wise and benevolent Ghastly Dragons, most of them that have been encountered are dangerous and powerful. The transformation of their bodies has changed their abilities significantly. They can draw upon immense powers and use them to wreak havoc on anyone foolish enough to disturb them in their eternal agony.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Its damage is similar to a Plaguesmith's, but with stronger attacks, especially the curse, so don't let your hp drop below 1500 and do not underestimate them. This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009. Their head looks the same as that of a Wyrm.]]},
  310.     ["Draptor"] = {tibia = [[The Draptor is a dangerous predator that is another result of the Zaoan breeding techniques. In the past it was common that proud leaders rode on powerful bred Draptors into battle or on parades. With the rise of the dragon kings it was seen as unfitting that a lizard would ride on a creature that somewhat resembled a majestic dragon. Nowadays, the Draptor is mostly a beast of war. Sometimes the trained Draptors are used to boost the ranks of the lizard armies. Since a Draptor is prone to fits of berserk rage, this is not a strategy which should be applied lightly. When the Draptor can be kept in line though, it is a powerful addition to the troops. With shredding claws and dreadful jaws, they tear and bite through the ranks of their enemies. Since the Draptors lay eggs but do not breed them, they seek out hidden spots to place their clutches. Again and again such hidden eggs are found by travelling adventurers who take them with them as food or out of curiosity without knowing what they have found there. That way the eggs of the Draptors sometimes travel to foreign lands. It is only a question of time until this aggressive predator will conquer new areas where it will assert its instinctive behaviour and cause great damage.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Appears during the Dragon raid on Muggy Plains (known locations during a raid). You can tame them using a Harness or Music Box.]]},
  311.     ["Bad Dream"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Its only purpose is to be soothed as part of the Roshamuul Quest.]]},
  312.     ["Choking Fear"] = {tibia = [[Like a giant, gaunt goblin, cunning and swift-footed with slender, long arms that are fearfully strong, the Choking Fear searches for anything to throttle. It has no head, but loves to twist heads off. A Choking Fear will always chase after opponents, trying to get close, eager to have his long cold fingers around their necks. It enjoys the sound and feel of the dying and delights in feeling their death rattle. It is surmised that somewhere, in a dark prison cell, horrible pains and fears had been inflicted to the father of all Choking Fears, maddening him beyond belief until his rage took a ghastly form and he escaped. Any Choking Fear will always see all that breathes as its enemy, and chase them relentlessly while taunting them about their nearing end. Choking Fears love to tease and toy with their victims, prolonging their death; and they tie up their victims in their hemp ropes as a ghastly dangling trophy attached to high trees or roof beams.]], wiki = [[]]},
  313.     ["Demon Outcast"] = {tibia = [[Demon outcasts are demons who have somehow fallen out of grace with their superiors. In demon society, this might happen for any reason and usually, punishment is swift and final. Sometimes though, annihilation may be considered too swift or too much of a waste. Outcasts are branded for eternity, and even if they manage to serve their way back into the ranks of the demons, they are still considered inferior and disgusting - if only because they remind other demons of how quickly anyone may fall. The treatment of outcasts varies with the whims of the local demonic rulers; some outcasts might serve as gladiators for entertainment, others are used as subjects for various tortures and experiments. Only in rare cases do demons bother to keep outcasts as prisoners; usually if they are supposed to be in possession of valuable information or particularly useful powers. The life of an outcast is miserable at best, and either way a constant fight for survival. The continuous hardships permit only the most cunning and resilient of them to survive, and their natural aggressiveness is magnified to an extreme extent. Outcasts are prone to going berserk, and even if they should somehow have gained their freedom, not much in their behaviour changes. Outcasts usually don't think in long terms. Surviving the next day and venting off their immense anger is everything that matters to them. Their only delight seems to be to destroy and inflict pain and suffering to others. Sometimes, that attitude has induced demonic leaders to use them as expendable shock troops or to unleash them in an area that should simply be devastated and made uninhabitable. Once loose, they usually feel nothing but contempt for other demons and are unlikely to follow orders from anyone but the strongest and most frightening demons. As there is no common ground for outcasts even with their own kind, they only "join forces" for some random destructive acts. If there is nothing else to destroy or kill, outcasts will soon attack each other, and therefore no organised outcast societies are known. Only recently, escapees of a demonic prison joined the ranks of the known outcasts. They once belonged to the entourage of powerful demon princes, and might actively act to free them or regain the attention of a demon prince. Whether this is only a temporary switch to older routines or a more pervasive cast of mind remains yet to be seen.]], wiki = [[]]},
  314.     ["Feversleep"] = {tibia = [[Some of the inquisition reports are the sole information source there currently is concerning the feversleeps. From their brief glimpses of it, the inquisitors surmise a feversleep may be an adolescent form of a terrorsleep, or maybe the decrepit, old age stage at the end of a terrorsleep's days. The only thing that can be said with some certainty is that feversleeps are somehow related to the terrorsleeps, in whose company they are often seen. Feversleeps emit a strange, sweaty heat. When victims draw near, feversleeps often cloak themselves in shadow, becoming invisible, detectable only by their foul stench and a strange weakening effect they have on their prey, distorting their prey's sense of time and draining its powers so they can feed on it. Feversleeps love cool water, and are often seen next to pools or rivers, preferably underground in a dark and dank cavern. They have been seen mainly in Upper Roshamuul and are maybe attracted to ruins of ancients settlements, or may have had another purpose when the ruins were still inhabited. However, no one so far ever ventured to investigate closer, as the feversleeps are a promise of a slow, horrible end in the throes of deathly hallucinations, for all that stay too long in their vicinity.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They exist primarily underground, although they may occasionally appear in large groups as a raid on the north-eastern part of Upper Roshamuul.]]},
  315.     ["Frazzlemaw"] = {tibia = [[Frazzlemaws are fast, fierce and above all - biting creatures. Once scented, it is not easy for a human being to escape them. Basically a ball of teeth, they have neither eyes nor ears, they are simply upon this world to feast. Their arch rivals are the equally fast and ferocious silencers. They usually avoid each other as both have strengths and weaknesses which would outmaneuvre one against the other. They share some kind of strange religion with their larger siblings, the guzzlemaws.]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is essentially a big mouth; it eats anything it finds. They are Guzzlemaws' smaller cousins. Along with the Guzzlemaws they worship a god called the Overmaw.]]},
  316.     ["Gaz'haragoth"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Gaz'haragoth is the new ultimate world boss. He has a large death UE which is announced 5 seconds prior to its execution. He also spawns many minions of Gaz'haragoth which act independently of the boss. Care must be taken when walking in Gaz'haragoth's lair as the minions turn into Strange Vortices which lead to Gaz'haragoth's Nightmare.]]},
  317.     ["Guzzlemaw"] = {tibia = [[The guzzlemaw is a larger variation of the frazzlemaw. Not only will they bite even heftier, they can actually swallow a person up in one nibble. They almost know no fear and seem to follow strange patterns and routines. Somehow these big maws have erected shrines for a probably non-existent god they worship as the "Overmaw". It is better to make short work of them as they are often surrounded by a pack of smaller guzzlemaws and wouldn't hesitate to call even more of them to join their fray.]], wiki = [[]]},
  318.     ["Mawhawk"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: When summoning Guzzlemaws he says Watch my maws!, when he says Better flee now, he will cast his Ultimate Explosion in 5 seconds. You can find the loot of this creature in a Reward Container.]]},
  319.     ["Minion of Gaz'haragoth"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Looks the same as a Demon Outcast. They are spawned by Gaz'haragoth but they act as independent monsters. When slain, they turn into Strange Vortexes which lead to the Nightmare of Gaz'haragoth.]]},
  320.     ["Nightmare of Gaz'haragoth"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Looks the same as a Terrorsleep. You will find them by stepping in a Strange Vortex, created when Gaz'haragoth's minions are slain.]]},
  321.     ["Retching Horror"] = {tibia = [[The Retching Horror is an abomination of dreams, twisted and contorted. It feeds on smaller dreams and creatures like a parasite, creeping up on them and swallowing them whole. Retching Horrors do not digest their prey, but absorb it, building it into themselves and perverting everything about it, trying to block out the eternal pain they are suffering, but only adding to it with every new victim. Occasionally, they cough up horrible diseased dreams and pains, items, flies, arrows; and if they wish, they speak with different voices to ensnare and terrify their prey. Their fingers are live white worms that they use to plunge into living flesh and suck out body fluids, filling the victim afterwards with their own chitinous glue before swallowing it. Their mouth is surrounded by pallid tendril-feelers that they use to sniff out particular delicacies, and they can smell prey several miles off. As their flesh is raw, they dislike being touched, being constantly in pain, and so keep a little distance to their victims.]], wiki = [[]]},
  322.     ["Shiversleep"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are the overlords of their brethren, but they struggle to control them. They are similar in strength or even weaker than their breathren. When you enter the chamber you are ambushed by 3 of them.]]},
  323.     ["Shock Head"] = {tibia = [[The shock head is a strange hybrid mix of a demon and a nightmare creature. It is impossible to tell if these creatures were once bred on purpose or if they are just some strange freak of nature. Their demonic nature gives them a more physical and reality-bound body, as well as the ability to breed. Their nightmarish origin bestows them several unique abilities and the resistance to the nightmare-ridden areas of Roshamuul. The shock head is disturbingly well suited to survive even in environments most hostile to life. To describe it as omnivore is an understatement since it does not only devour plants, meat and carrion without prejudice, it also consumes minerals, blood, life energy and even dreams. Its digestive system compresses everything that is not exploitable into rocklike structures that can be spat out like a bullet. Probably due to natural selection, the shock head population is extremely resilient, aggressive and dangerous. The regenerative powers of these creatures have captured the attention of alchemists that are trying to use several parts of the shock head as substitutes in health potions. Their eye-like organs are not used for vision, but as a weapon that can confuse foes in a distance and temporarily drains their skills. Lacking any form of intelligence, the shock heads are mindless beasts that roam the ruins of Roshamuul where they originated. Occasionally, large packs of shock heads band together at coastal areas for a strange ritual in which they howl to the moon in disharmonious unison, which is rumoured to drive listeners mad and trap them in eternal nightmares. Oddly enough, their bestial minds can be overwritten by certain means and they can be tamed. This process seems to be a permanent one, and has led to the shock heads leaving their original habitat of Roshamuul and breeding at other places. Inattentive and unscrupulous tamers helped to spread these creatures, and so they may be encountered in other places, since each following generation displays the normal wild and dangerous behaviour rather than that of their docile parents.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Can be tamed with a Nightmare Horn.]]},
  324.     ["Sight of Surrender"] = {tibia = [[Called "sight of surrender" because whatever they lay their sight on, will cease to exist in a matter of moments. They are loners, usually appearing solitary but will not hesitate to attack in groups. They see themselves as some kind of custodians of the walls of Roshamuul and rarely depart from their seemingly self-imposed duty of guarding what belongs to them. Fighting them is extremely dangerous and wearisome as they are extraordinary battle-hardened with near impenetrable armor and only one weak spot - their eye. They will always try to force everything in the sight to surrender so there is either victory or...]], wiki = [[Wiki: Certain conditions needs to be met in order to open the stage in which the Sights of Surrender area will become available. The Sight of Surrender is the most powerful regular creature in game.]]},
  325.     ["Silencer"] = {tibia = [[The silencers are roaming in packs and will hunt down everything which is too loud for their sensitive ears and does not belong to their kin. Of course, only if their victim is smaller or weaker. It is rumoured that they actually communicate with each other. They seem to call other silencers for help or even organise themselves in some way. However, if they are aggravated in any way, they are extremely tough and unpredictable adversaries.]], wiki = [[]]},
  326.     ["Terrorsleep"] = {tibia = [[The terrorsleep is sweating dread incorporated. It thrives in darkness, breeds under your bed and nourishes on your fear. Terrorsleeps avoid the sunlight as it stuns and disorientates them. They do not see as we do, but sense other creatures' body warmth and fear. Hungry, toothed mouths protrude on their head instead of eyes. Using their mouths like augers, they bite open their victims and bathe in their bloody carcass like birds in a water pool. Terrorsleeps have very light and flexible bones and can squeeze through anywhere. They particularly like to slither and slime through dark, dank places, searching and sniffing out anything warm, alive; feeding on its fear, coveting its warmth, sucking out its life force. Their whitish belly is swollen with terror juices that foam up as gooey, frothy saliva hanging in threads and webs from their bared teeth. Touching it instils horrible paranoia and paralyses the victim so that the terrorsleep can devour it. Their putrid, blood-soaked wings they use to stabilise themselves and to swim or soar through darkness to reach ever deeper, isolated places. Once you are in darkness, you are never safe from a terrorsleep. There are surmises that the original beasts might have once been intended as riding animals or messengers, but were corrupted by horrific experiments or the negative energies of Roshamuul. In their company, the terrorsleep only tolerate creatures similar to themselves: the feversleeps who are burning hot and sweaty to the touch and who love cool water, are perhaps the offspring of the terrorsleep or a sibling creature from a nightmare having taken shape. The shy shiversleeps however are the rarest of the terrorsleep family; they like shallow, warm water and are very territorial, disappearing like mist through suddenly opening vortices into the protective darkness, and very little is known about them at all.]], wiki = [[]]},
  327.     ["Dwarf Geomancer"] = {tibia = [[It is a widespread misconception that dwarfs dislike all kinds of magic. Dwarfs worship the powers of the elements, and the most gifted among them have managed to master the raw forces of earth and fire. Like all others of their race, Dwarf Geomancers are sturdy and strong. Instead of using the axe, they call on the power of earth to smash their enemies, hurling balls of molten rock at whoever is opposing them. Even worse, earth also confers amazing healing powers on Dwarf Geomancers, making them formidable enemies that are difficult to overcome.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These creatures heal a lot more often than Monks.]]},
  328.     ["Dwarf Guard"] = {tibia = [[Dwarf Guards are a kind of militia among the dwarfs. They are very cunning and strong fighters and know the surroundings quite well. Their strategy is to lure small groups of intruders into traps that they have built using their astonishing craftsmanship.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The strongest in Melee of the Dwarves, they also have a high defence. They move items and kill weak creatures in their way.]]},
  329.     ["Dwarf Miner"] = {tibia = [[Most dwarfs have a special connection to their profession and are very proud of it. Most professions hold several secrets which they share only among their own members. Dwarf Miners, however, are particularly protective about their secrets. This attitude often borders on obsession and in certain cases even crosses this border. To make matters worse, most Dwarf Miners are very attached to their mines, their tools, their ore, and their stones. Taking this into account, it becomes obvious that it needs only little to provoke the wrath of a Dwarf Miner. Even though, most Dwarf Miners are happy to dig through earth and stone in some mine beneath the Big Old One, some of them seek their luck elsewhere. Many of those "emigrants", however, were forced to leave their home and their beloved mines. Most of them displayed an aggressive behaviour that was unacceptable even for dwarven standards. For this reason, they were sent away by their fellow miners to search for ore in other mines. Now they are living in some kind of exile away from the dwarven society. Other dwarfs that can be found in places far away from the Big Old One are renegades. Not aggressiveness but greed made them leave the dwarven society. Some of them actually stole mining secrets to use them to gain a fortune in other areas away from Kazordoon and a society who considered them as criminals due to their evil deeds. Not driven by aggressiveness but by greed and their efforts to protect their wealth by all means, they tend to attack everyone they encounter in their mines. The result, however, is the same: a mad pick axe swinging dwarf that is trying to hack the intruder into pieces. Everything that Dwarf Miners might lack in skill, they make up with their exceptional constitution and an enormous strength, often accompanied by their anger and fury.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008. They are quite useful for training due to their high health. These creatures are very similar to Orc Warriors.]]},
  330.     ["Dwarf Soldier"] = {tibia = [[Dwarf Soldiers form the dwarfs' army. They are quite strong fighters and know how to make use of the complex terrain very well. Due to their shortness they can use passages through the mountains where nobody can follow them and attack with their crossbows from hiding-places where nobody expects them.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Strong creatures able to use both Melee and distance combat. Dwarf Guards and Dwarf Soldiers are the most hunted kind of Dwarves since they have the highest drop rate of Iron Ores. They are also among the most profitable creatures in game.]]},
  331.     ["Dwarf"] = {tibia = [[Dwarfs are a very ancient human-like race. Once they were famous all over Tibia for their craftsmanship, but since the War over the Creation they only hide in their fortresses beneath the mountains and have discontinued all contact with humans. They are very suspicious towards any intruder and will vigorously try to repel him from their realms.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These creatures live in caves and mines. They're commonly used by low level knights for training purposes.]]},
  332.     ["Enslaved Dwarf"] = {tibia = [[The Lost are some of the dwarfs that never joined one of the dwarven communities and aimlessly wandered the depths of the world in search of refuge. Sometimes in the ancient past they were found by 'those below' and cruelly enslaved by the masters of the depths. After generations of slavery and breeding, those dwarfs have lost all memory of their ancestry and culture, rendering them hardly more than aggressive animals of war. They lack a complicated language, communicating only with select gnarls and snarls. Their entire bitter lives are centred around battle and carnage. After their masters have completely broken their will, the Lost march in unquestioning obedience into battle whenever their cruel slavers order them to do so. It is hard to tell what motivation drives them. They seem not to revere to their masters in any way and show no joy in battle. The only emotion they are showing is incredible anger that rivals that of a rabid animal.]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is the strongest melee-based regular creature in Free Account areas.]]},
  333.     ["Lost Basher"] = {tibia = [[In stark contrast to the silent and emotionless thrower, the Basher is bred to behave like a fierce animal. Their sounds and their berserk behaviour often give the impression to be fighting a kind of kongra in a dwarf's body. Though the basher employ a variety of killing utensils with frightening skill, those seem strangely out of place in their hands. Generally, they daunt their enemies with grunting noises and threatening posture, before charging and unleashing their full ferocity on the battlefield. Bashers are usually the first to charge into battle - as a matter of fact, the Bashers seem almost incapable of engaging into battle without a charge - accompanied by yells that cannot mistaken for ordinary battle cries. In combat, they continue their unnerving bawling and intimidating behaviour, although they frequently display a certain cunning and seem to enjoy slowly bleeding their enemies to death rather than swiftly finishing them off. Sometimes, however, they fly into an animal frenzy, dealing out a series of vicious and brutal blows that betray their immense strength. Moreover, the bashers seem to possess an uncanny sense of direction; and since both their mindset and their senses are animal-like, they are often used as guides, trackers or hunters by the Lost, although they are easily distracted. It is not uncommon for bands of Bashers to follow their prey like bloodhounds, chasing them to death, often without any assistance of other Lost. Whether they have been dispatched by some superiors or follow some kind of hunting urge is subject to speculation. Dwarfs who wander around on their own, for instance scouts of soldiers cut off from their units, frequently become subjects of such hunts. The few survivors tell horrible stories about being chased by the bloodthirsty packs and in most stories, only the fact that another victim distracted the bashers, saved the lives of the fugitive.]], wiki = [[]]},
  334.     ["Lost Berserker"] = {tibia = [[If all Lost are somewhat deranged due to mental and physical abuse, the berserkers of the Lost are the worst of the lot. Insane to a degree that resembles rabies, they are all teeth and claws when attacking an enemy. Their masters often bind their weapons to their hands, since the lost beserkers tend to forget to use them in the heat of battle and often try to overpower their foes through clawing and biting. Gnomish troops that took enemy bases by surprise told stories that the lost beserkers are held in what resembles high security prisons chained in iron, deprived from sound and vision by leathery masks. More than other Lost they are focused on battle and carnage. Even other Lost, accustomed to injuries, wars and infighting tend to avoid them. Sometimes their bloodlust is so great that they begin to fight each other even in the midst of battle.]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is the only creature that appears in more than one Warzone. Despite the name, they have never been seen interacting with other dwarves of the Lost.]]},
  335.     ["Lost Husher"] = {tibia = [[The Husher is what comes closest to a magic-using shaman in the ranks of the Lost. Rather instinctively, and probably by having watched their ominous superiors working spells, they acquired some form of magic on their own. This led to a unique mixture of magic types which magic theorists would deem impossible, yet surprisingly enough yields results. Their magic is in no way subtle, and they probably regard it as some kind of divine wonder, rather than a product of their own actions. It is unknown whether Hushers are able to use more than the battle magic that has been observed. Given the nature of the Lost, it seems unlikely that they developed some other use of their mystical gifts, but as with so much else concerning the Lost, as they have only been encountered in battle and captives could not be reasoned with, little is known about their home and culture. Besides their magic, the Hushers are as wild and bloodthirsty as any other Lost, although some more planning and smartness can be attested to them. They are extremely resilient to pain, and part of their semi-religious acts seems to involve ritually cutting off their own skin, and scorching themselves with hot irons. Their simple religion seems centred on suffering and worship of everything that is associated with fire, heat and lava. For some reason, their magic bears an extreme affinity to smoke rather than fire itself. The intricacies of their belief system, if one exists at all, and how they teach each other their techniques, are still puzzling given the violent and animal behaviour of the Lost. It has to be assumed that somewhere in the depths of the earth where the Lost are bred, there is something like a Lost community with at least rudimentary structures, which allow them some kind of cultural identity and teaching of skills that go deeper than the mere animal-like drill which the fighting forces of the Lost seem to receive.]], wiki = [[]]},
  336.     ["Lost Thrower"] = {tibia = [[One of the most single-minded Lost yet encountered, the Thrower is often compared to some kind of insect by its dwarven enemies. The Thrower knows no fear, no mercy and no change of plans. It seems as if, once they have made up their minds or are herded to some aim, they are only to be stopped by death or by fulfilling their agenda. Though lacking the ferocity and aggression of their brethren, they share or even surpass their mercilessness, and their zombie-like dispassion forms an irritating contrast to the madness and bloodlust generally encountered in other Lost. The first assumption, that they were the raised dead of former battles, could be refuted, but the throwers seem to be completely broken in spirit and soul. It is pointless, however, to wonder whether they were broken for having a rebellious spirit, or if the raising in the slave pens do this to some of the Lost by default. The outcome is yet another killing machine at the disposal of the Lost hordes. Whereas other Lost bloodthirstily charge at the enemy ranks to engage them in close combat, the dispassionate Throwers are some of the few Lost to actually use long-distance weaponry, and use throwing axes to some efficiency. What they lack in precision they make up for in sheer force, and their thrown axes are known to bite sharp and go deep. Throwers often are part of the first wave of an attacking army of the Lost, but are also encountered in other fighting forces. Yet it is quite rare to encounter parties of Throwers on their own, and it seems that without the driving force of their brethrens' ferocity, they lack or forget any goal they might have had. They march and fight until complete and fatal exhaustion, ignoring their wounds and never leaving the battlefield, even if a combat had raged for hours or days on end. Where other Lost continue hitting a defeated foe in their frenzy, the thrower might do the same thing for the only reason that no one has told them to stop. Also, it has occurred that without leadership or examples to follow, they stayed so intent on a given order that they completely ignored enemies whilst marching to a destination point even under heavy crossbow fire. While being one of the less dangerous of the Lost, the Thrower is by no means to be underestimated.]], wiki = [[]]},
  337.     ["Dworc Fleshhunter"] = {tibia = [[The most common members of the orcish subspecies known as dworcs (which are rumoured to be a hybrid of orcs and dwarfs) are known as Dworc Fleshhunters. The name is referring to the cannibalistic habits of this disgusting race. Dworc Fleshhunters serve as scouts, and in battles they form the shock troops of the dworcish tribes. With long lance-like weapons, they try to slow down their enemies while other dworcs attack from a safe distance. Like all dworcs, the constant exposure to poison has made them immune to all toxic effects, and like all dworcs they like to apply some sort of poison on their weaponry. Without their allies their fighting abilities to delay and to distract their enemy becomes almost worthless, and so they pose only a little threat to a seasoned fighter.]], wiki = [[Wiki: If you fall in a trap, you may take alot of damage from these as well as the other creatures that fall down. A plate set should be enough to armor block its attacks.]]},
  338.     ["Dworc Venomsniper"] = {tibia = [[The Dworc Venomsnipers are usually the women of the tribes. It is disputable if this results in their weaker physical constitution or in the fact that they are simply smarter than the average dworcish male. They are the dworcs with the best knowledge and skills in brewing poison, and no Dworc Venomsniper has ever been encountered without carrying various vials filled with some toxin. Single snipers are a rare view. Usually, they hide behind the fleshhunters and hurl volleys of poisonous projectiles at their enemies from a safe distance. If they get cornered, they are easy prey since they lack the skill and weaponry to stand a serious assault on their own.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Venomsnipers are weak and fragile, even for a dworc. The poison it shots can become annoying in certain situations.]]},
  339.     ["Dworc Voodoomaster"] = {tibia = [[The most evil stirps of the dworcish race resulted in the development of likewise dark and sinister magic. The Dworc Vodoomasters are known and feared for their curses and their ability to use sinister magic that drains their victim's life and mana. Being cowardly and sneaky, they prefer to accompany other dworcs on their attacks rather than to face enemies on their own. Fighting in the second line, they pose a serious threat by using spells that allow their allies to defeat even much stronger enemies. Since the Dworc Voodoomasters are able to cover their retreat with curses and spells, it is hard to get hold of them. Lacking the ability to launch any threatening attack on their own, they fall quickly if they are actually caught alone.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Pretty easy to kill because of their low health but can be annoying if not killed quickly as they become invisible and use multiple spells so they might be a problem for inexperienced adventurers. A Dwarven Ring may be helpful while hunting them. In update 8.4 the invisibility length was increased making voodoomasters more of a challange.]]},
  340.     ["Hacker"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  341.     ["Spectral Scum"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: You need to capture 5 of these creatures using a Scum Bag in order to enter the event room of the World Task "A Pirate's Death to Me". Some dissapear after a successful journey in A Pirate's Death to Me. Even when a Scum Bag is full, it can still be used to make remaining Spectral Scum disappear.]]},
  342.     ["Elf"] = {tibia = [[Elves are a very ancient human-like race. They have a tall and beautiful figure. In former days they travelled all over Tibia, now they have retreated to an area in the north of Tibia where they live in dwellings made out of flourishing trees. Some of them are quite hospitable, but others are very suspicious towards any intruder and will try to repel him using their bows. Having a long history, the Elves are very skilled in magic, and almost every Elf knows some spells.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are weak in melee and strong in distance.]]},
  343.     ["Elf Arcanist"] = {tibia = [[Elf Arcanists are the military guides of the elves. They belong to the martial caste, the Kuridai, and all of them are very suspicious against any intruder. They are the strongest fighters among the elves, know to handle several distance fighting weapons, and are very skilled in magic. They can even heal themselves.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Strongest of the Elf Class, these elves use strong magical attacks. Good source for Wands of Cosmic Energy. The Elf Arcanist Boss is Dharalion.]]},
  344.     ["Elf Scout"] = {tibia = [[Elf Scouts are a kind of militia among the elves. They patrol the area around their dwellings and repel intruders. Due to their tall bodies, all elves are fast runners and can cover large distances. In close combat they are quite weak, but their distance fighting weapons are dreaded.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Semi-dangerous creatures. They can be good as convinced creatures.]]},
  345.     ["Firestarter"] = {tibia = [[In a foggy night, witnessed by toads and fishes alone, a sunken temple of the bog god has risen near Shadowthorn. When the elves realised what had happened, the temple was already fully ascended. Within a week after the event, most of the elves started to worship the forgotten god. But not all fell for this influence. A selected few rose against these blinded followers. When the elder god of the bog told the elves of Shadowthorn to capture all rioters, these insurgents started to sow what the lord of the bog hates most - fire. During the very short time this conflict lasted, both parties were about equal in both, strength and fanatism. In the end, the elf followers won the upper hand by an eyelash. The Firestartes were imprisoned in the dungeons beneath Shadowthorn. They are heavily guarded because the elves fear the Firestarters' wrath and the havoc they will surely wreak if ever released.]], wiki = [[]]},
  346.     ["Charged Energy Elemental"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are found in a knight-only accessible area (accessed from the Ivory Towers in Edron), after the Summer Update 2009 they are weak to Physical Damage.]]},
  347.     ["Energy Elemental"] = {tibia = [[The actual Energy Elemental is just a tiny spark that can be hardly spotted. The origin of those sparks is unknown, but their creation has been attributed to natural forces. This malicious spark strives for nothing more than mayhem and havoc. Although it is not necessarily evil, it is definitely cruel and careless. In the state of a spark, it swirls around for a while until it has gathered enough electrical charges and stirred up the wind to turn into a small storm. By 'riding' this storm, the elemental becomes more substantial and significantly dangerous. Hurling mighty energy attacks and being almost insubstantial, Energy Elementals are extremely dangerous. They have some intelligence and actually enjoy blasting their enemies with powerful lightnings. Energy Elementals can be encountered almost everywhere, as they can spawn at any place that contains some air. Their main attacks are lightnings and forceful gusts of wind, but they can also cause some form of suffocation. Almost as fast as lightning, it is hardly impossible to escape from an Energy Elemental unless it is temporarily destroyed. It can regenerate itself by drawing air from the surrounding area. Capricious as a storm, it is very unpredictable in combat and even experienced adventurers can hardly foretell how an Energy Elemental will behave.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008, since Winter Update 2008 it is profitable to hunt this creature. Since Updates/8.5 Energy Elementals loot is much better. Don't underestimate these creatures. They are more deadly than a wyrm due to their frequently used energy attacks plus the fact that you cannot avoid any of its non-melee attacks.]]},
  348.     ["Massive Energy Elemental"] = {tibia = [[Obviously some of the sparks that are the core of Energy Elementals are significantly more powerful. They accumulate quite deadly and violent storms around them. They are strong and they are fast, and these are the most positive characteristics one can say about them. Massive Energy Elementals prey on every living being to chase and torment it. The Massive Energy Elemental is by far more malicious than its smaller cousin. It enjoys particularly the chase and often uses less power than it has on its disposal to extend the hunt. Massive Energy Elementals often ride on real storms and hurricanes and enjoy the damage and destruction they are causing. Facing a Massive Energy Elemental is like facing a storm itself. They also enjoy to occur in groups and to cause a large path of destruction. You can also see them in greater numbers right before a storm is forming. So it is not surprising that they have always been seen as an evil omen.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature can make nasty combo's. In addition they are faster than a hasted Giant Spider. Not a very profitable creature to hunt, unless you are looking for a pair of Lightning Legs.]]},
  349.     ["Overcharged Energy Elemental"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Expensive and hard to kill for low level knights, after Summer Update 2009 it is not strong against Physical Damage anymore but it is still not so easy to hunt because of combos for over 600 hitpoints.]]},
  350.     ["Earth Overlord"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008.]]},
  351.     ["Energy Overlord"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008.]]},
  352.     ["Fire Overlord"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008. Do not be frightened to force it. Just run and shoot Sudden Death runes, but do not forget to keep your magic shield on.]]},
  353.     ["Ice Overlord"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008. It looks the same as Massive Water Elemental.]]},
  354.     ["Lord of the Elements"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Lord of the Elements is a boss that only can be seen in The Elemental Spheres Quest. Curiously, despite being the supposed "master" of all elements, it does not dare walk over Fire Fields unless provoked. You can skin a slain Lord of the Elements using an Obsidian Knife to obtain Neutral Matter, with no chance of failure.]]},
  355.     ["Cat"] = {tibia = [[The Tibian Cats were bred from a huge, tiger-like species. It took many centuries and the help of alchemy and magic until the domestic Cat started to take shape. The first Cats that were small enough not to devour their owners were highly prized. For a long time, only the highest nobility could afford a Cat as a pet. In the following centuries wars, misfortunes and the independent spirit of the Cats led to several escapes of this furry pet. In freedom, the Cats could rely on their old predatory instincts and though, they survived and prospered. Over the years, Cats became more and more common. Nowadays, it is not unusual that a farmer has one or two Cats on his property. Some loners even spend their lives on the city streets on their own. The Cats of the nobility are still highly prized and some pure breed can boast a more impressive and elaborate family tree than its owner.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Cats are harmless straying animals. New creature in the 8.1 Update they seem to be attached to monks.]]},
  356.     ["Lion"] = {tibia = [[Lions are beasts of prey that live in the deserts and savannahs of Tibia. They are very quick and try to hunt their victim down to kill it with a single bite. It is recommended to attack them with distance fighting weapons.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are similar to Bears but stronger.]]},
  357.     ["Tiger"] = {tibia = [[The Tiger stalks through the jungle of Tiquanda, looking for its prey. It strikes by surprise, quickly and deadly. Fast and lethal, this fighting machine is a hurricane of teeth and claws when it comes to combat. Many hunters in the jungle suddenly became the hunted one when they crossed the path of this striped predator. Tigers are solitary creatures, although small Tiger families are not an uncommon view. Even though they are mostly hunting smaller mammals of the jungle, sometimes they are also after larger prey. They easily feel threatened and like most warlike creatures, they react on threats with violence. Tigers are agile and fast but lack endurance for longer pursuits. Still it is unlikely that a chosen victim manages to escape at all.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They're a bit stronger than a bear. These creatures will kill other monsters to get to you.]]},
  358.     ["Midnight Panther"] = {tibia = [[For a long time the Midnight Panther was considered a myth like the Unjaga or the Yeti. Seemingly, the old lizard civilisation of Tiquanda has hunted these beasts almost to extinction. That way it made its way into legends and myths. As master of stealth and surprise, it strikes from the shadows, unexpected and deadly. The death of the victims were usually associated with one of the many other dangers of the jungle. Only a daring expedition of the Explorer Society that tried to uncover the myth of the Midnight Panther brought home proof of its existence. Many members of the expedition paid this discovery with their lives. As living myth, the Midnight Panther is attributed with many magic abilities and skills. Given the short and violent confrontation of the expedition with a Midnight Panther, none of those claims could be verified. For this reason, many facts concerning the Midnight Panther are still only speculation. All that can be taken as a fact is that the Midnight Panther is extremely rare, reclusive and dangerous.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Midnight Panthers are a very rare spawn in Tiquanda. You can tame them using a Leather Whip or a Music Box. There is no specific time for it to spawn, like any other boss, it's absolutely random.]]},
  359.     ["Fish"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  360.     ["Manta Ray"] = {tibia = [[The Manta Ray is a symbol of change for the more intelligent creatures of the deep. They often roam the seas in groups of two or more. Usually they are peaceful inhabitants of the depths but beware of their poison - they certainly know how to defend themselves.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature can be tamed.]]},
  361.     ["Northern Pike"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  362.     ["Shark"] = {tibia = [[Sharks are some of the most fearful killers that roam the black depths of the seas. They rarely sleep, they focus solely on their prey once they have chosen a victim, and they have enough energy to pursue even the swiftest creatures as they swim fast and extremely efficiently. Beware if you ever encounter a sleeping shark, chances are it is awake and you are just the meal it is resting for.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was implemented at the Winter Update 2011.]]},
  363.     ["Azure Frog"] = {tibia = [[Frogs come in many shapes, colours and sizes. The most common, the green Frog can be found on almost every lake or any other body of water as long as the climate is not too cold. While the green frog is harmless and only a threat to flies and other insects, the aggressive flora and fauna in the South has bred several subspecies of the frog. Distinguishable by eye-catching colours to warn their opponents, they possess a mild but annoying poisonous spittle. Usually they are harmless even if they appear in great numbers, but wounded adventurers who run out of resources face a real threat when stumbling upon a breeding ground of the little amphibians.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The main danger here is when they come with other enemies (and other colored frogs), they are fast enough to get to you first and break your shielding which can leave you wide open to other monster's attacks.]]},
  364.     ["Bog Frog"] = {tibia = [[Bog Frogs came with the rise of the bog temple in Shadowthorn. Formerly normal animals, these vicious little critters have transformed into an abomination of the bog. They are quick and ugly but should not pose a much greater threat than normal frogs. They usually appear in swarms in close vicinity to swamps and lakes.]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  365.     ["Infernal Frog"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  366.     ["Coral Frog"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Very fast. The main danger here is when they come with other enemies (and other colored) frogs are fast enough to get to you first and break your shielding and leave you wide open to other monster's attacks.]]},
  367.     ["Crimson Frog"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Very fast. The main danger here is when they come with other enemies (and other colored) frogs are fast enough to get to you first and break your shielding and leave you wide open to other monster's attacks.]]},
  368.     ["Deathspawn"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008. They are summoned by Hell Holes in the Annihilon's Ward on The Inquisition Quest.]]},
  369.     ["Filth Toad"] = {tibia = [[The swamps, bogs and ponds of Tibia are not exactly known to be the cleanest of places. Of course you can also find a lot of frogs, snakes and toads in those areas - but none of them is as vicious as the Filth Toad. It is a creature attracted by extremely dirty waters and it is somewhat tougher than a normal toad. Filth Toads are generally very old and quite possibly they have already fought for their survival since several decades.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Appears around the lake at any time.]]},
  370.     ["Green Frog"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Witches can turn you into a Green Frog. When The Frog Prince is summoned, he appears with a Green Frog.]]},
  371.     ["Orchid Frog"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Very fast. The main danger here is when they come with other enemies (and other colored) frogs are fast enough to get to you first and break your shielding and leave you wide open to other monster's attacks.]]},
  372.     ["Toad"] = {tibia = [[Toads have little in common with harmless little frogs. Aggressive and poisonous, they seem to regard everything that is moving as some kind of lunch. They attack without hesitation and use their gluey and poisonous spittle to weaken the opponent before they challenge it in close combat. Ferocious like no other reptile, they develop a berserk rage in every battle. Even without teeth, they can bite with the crushing force of a giant clam or hit the enemy with there long tongues at lightning speed. They use their powerful legs to jump towards their opponents during which they are able to reach astonishing if not frightening speed. Given their ability to slow down opponents and to speed up themselves, it is quite likely that they can cope with almost every opponent in close combat.]], wiki = [[Wiki: As a curious note, Toads give same rare loot (War Hammer) and also the same experience points as Wild Warriors.]]},
  373.     ["Cave Rat"] = {tibia = [[Cave Rats live in deep holes and in dungeons. As they are bigger and more vicious than normal rats, they can be quite dangerous for badly equipped adventurers, especially when they crop up in packs.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are a bit stronger than rats, used by players in training.]]},
  374.     ["The Halloween Hare"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: The Halloween Hare can neither be harmed, nor does it deal any damage. Therefore it can neither be killed, nor does it drop any loot. When near players it will "attack" the area around them occasionally with a non-damaging boulder which will change the appearance of all players in its radius into a Vampire, Ghost, Witch, Skeleton, Mummy, Pumpkin head. All changes per boulder are the same so all within the radius of one boulder will recieve the same costume. This attack also can affect NPCs and creatures, including itself. You can not use it to train because it won't cause effect in your skills.]]},
  375.     ["Rabbit"] = {tibia = [[Rabbits live in the meadows and forests of Tibia where they are nourished only by blades of grass. People often hunt these absolutely peaceable and very shy animals for their skins from which tanners can make fine clothes. But you must be very quick in order to catch them.]], wiki = [[Wiki: In the days surrounding the Easter holiday, rabbits can also drop Blue, Green, Purple, Red and Yellow Coloured Eggs. Before 2006, rabbits dropped regular Eggs around Easter. They no longer drop these. Fresh Dead Rabbits can be sold to Tom in Rookgaard for 2 gp.]]},
  376.     ["Rat"] = {tibia = [[Rats live in the sewers of each town, in holes, and in dungeons. Cropping up in masses they are a real plague, and the governments pay head money for dead Rats. They are quite weak, but in packs they can be dangerous for badly equipped adventurers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: You can also sell dead rats to NPCs Seymour, Billy and Tom on Rookgaard for additional cash. Also Baxter in thais buy rats for 1gp. It is said that rats are Servants of Urgith. Looks the same as a Ghost Rat.]]},
  377.     ["Silver Rabbit"] = {tibia = [[The Silver Rabbit is the northern cousin of the common brown rabbit. It's a harmless and peaceful herbivore that survives even the hazards of the icy north. Its survivability is actually that good that it might have had become a plague in this area were it not for the numerous hunters that prey on this species.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Winter version of the Rabbit. In the days surrounding the Easter holiday, silver rabbits can also drop Blue, Green, Purple, Red and Yellow Coloured Eggs.]]},
  378.     ["Squirrel"] = {tibia = [[The impish Squirrel is said to be a distant relative of skunks and leprechauns. The original diminutive Squirrels grew to enormous proportions after eating nuts from Crunor's blessed trees of life. The legend goes that the first Squirrels who ate the nuts became immortal and grew to Squirrels as large as houses over the time. Hunters avoid preying on Squirrels. The little rodents are not only extremely swift, but there is also a legend that says that the giant Squirrels take bloody revenge on all killers of their descendants. Anyway, Squirrels are also considered as force of good which puts them in opposition to the evil penguins. There seems to be a blood feud between Squirrels and penguins which is proven by the fact that you never encounter Squirrels and penguins in the same area.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the christmas update 2007.]]},
  379.     ["Killer Rabbit"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They can be pushed. New creature that was implemented on the Updates/8.5.]]},
  380.     ["Armadile"] = {tibia = [[The gnomes tell stories that the armadile once lived in deep enclosed caverns with other creatures in a form of harmony. Due to seismic activity their natural habitat was destroyed, but they managed to escape into an underground tunnel that had opened up. In the new environment they were able to escape their natural predators more easily and had less competition for nourishment. And so they prospered and became a plague for the depths of the earth, mainly invading gnomish holdings for their abundance of what the armadile consider food. As omnivores the armadile are a nuisance when encountered alone, but a threat when run into in greater numbers. Not only do they attack other creatures to devour them or destroy their food sources, their aimless digging and mineral eating often completely destroys the stability of caves and tunnels. Since there are no means to drive the Armadile out, the only solution is to exterminate them or to abandon areas with severe Armadile infestation. The main approach to identify natural competitors or threats to the Armadile have yet to meet with success. It is likely that whatever scares the Armadile off will probably be even worse itself.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The update teaser introducing the Armadile groups them with Crystalcrushers. Although the two are likely related, they are not found in vicinity of each other.]]},
  381.     ["Clay Guardian"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  382.     ["Cliff Strider"] = {tibia = [[It is yet unknown if the Cliff Strider is some sort of elemental, a golem, an organic life-form, or a strange hybrid. Usually only encountered in the hottest places of the world, they were rarely seen in the past. Recently, though, there have been more and more sightings in the depths of Tibia. When they are encountered, they are usually in liaison with 'those below'. It can only be speculated what this means for the Cliff Strider race as a whole. While they were formerly seen as some strange life-form that was only dangerous when it was disturbed in its unbearably hot and hostile living spaces, it is now speculated that the Cliff Striders are some form of cattle for 'those below' that are also commonly used in their wars as some kind of weapon. Still, there are relatively peaceful and territorial enclaves of Cliff Striders that seem to pose no threat to outward communities. In the light of the connection to 'those below' there are furious debates how to handle such known enclaves. While there are voices to eradicate them all before the enemy can employ them, the majority is still voting to monitor the situation and get more solid information before any preemptive action is taken.]], wiki = [[]]},
  383.     ["Crystalcrusher"] = {tibia = [[The Crystalcrusher is more commonly known as 'Gembane' since it seems to be magically drawn towards cut gems, which are their favourite diet. It is not known by which means they can find cut gems or why they would specialise on a food resource that cannot to be found in nature. It is probable that this fondness is connected to crystal resonances and light reflection, though even the masters of these arts, the gnomes, cannot tell for sure how these factors influence the crystalcrushers' hunger or even their life cycles. On their constant search for new food, they often settle for other minerals in lack of greater amounts of cut gems. It seems that the crystals are used in the digestive system of the creature to pulverise other minerals. Given the Crystalcrusher's appetite, such digestive gems are used up quite fast which might explain its constant search for more gems and crystals. On their hunt they usually see everything either as food or competition for food and become quite dangerous.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Often found with other earth-based creatures like Wigglers, Wyverns and Earth Elementals. They play a critical role in the Bigfoot's Burden quest line.]]},
  384.     ["Damaged Crystal Golem"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  385.     ["Damaged Worker Golem"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  386.     ["Deathstrike"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: He is an overgrown Stone Devourer.]]},
  387.     ["Diamond Servant"] = {tibia = [[After a great gathering of not so great mages planning to do great things, it was decided to launch the production of helpful servants to speed up the process of being - great. Each of them had his own special field. One was a master of manipulating all kinds of ore with his bare mind, another was able to wield powerful energies, and again another would know how to use the strangest of substances in Tibia to his benefit. All of them combined their knowledge to create their own loyal servants. Several prototypes were made. Some constructed of metal, others of gold or even diamond but all of them were based on flesh and bone. Some of them were faulty from the start. It is said that one of the mages even used whole armies of servants to take care of his experiments.]], wiki = [[]]},
  388.     ["Earth Elemental"] = {tibia = [[Followers of Crunor claim that Earth Elementals mirror the wrath of Tibia's land. All the abuse and mistreatment of the earth caused an elemental subconsciousness to wake up and to send the powerful Earth Elementals to seek revenge on the living creatures. It is said that Earth Elementals form spontaneously, so to speak anywhere and not necessarily at a place where the earth has been defiled. The Earth Elementals seem mindless, guided only by some mystic field that spans the whole world according to the followers of Crunor. If an Earth Elemental is disconnected from this field, it becomes increasingly violent and destructive. It starts a rampage that eventually will lead to its own destruction. However, even the Earth Elementals that are connected to this field are by no means peaceful creatures. They follow a universal instinct that often leads to conflicts with living beings. The ultimate goal might be to bring some kind of universal balance; but to achieve this goal, much violence is used, relying on the enormous strength and resilience of the Earth Elementals.]], wiki = [[]]},
  389.     ["Enraged Crystal Golem"] = {tibia = [[Crystal golems are a marvel of gnomish ingenuity. Though the gnomes claim that no conventional magic is a work, it is hard to believe that only sound resonances and light is involved in controlling and animating the golems. Though intended as guardians and manual labourers that substitute for the tiny gnomes with the muscle power that they might lack, sometimes a malfunction drives them 'insane' as the gnomes claim. Especially seismic activity can disrupt their control melodies and might turn them into a threat for gnomekind or anyone they might encounter. Golems are physically strong and durable. They can easily withstand great punishment and stress and will never tire. The gnomes usually use them for peaceful labour and for carrying great loads. The gnomes claim that the golems are only good for battle if there is dire need for reinforcements, since they still lack the correct battle melody that would enable the golems to use their full potential. In spite of this the golems are not to be underestimated. Even when not using their full potential, they are hardy warriors and great combatants. The gnomes have already created some special battle golems with different shapes and armaments. As long as they lack the correct melody however, the project is on hold and the golems are just gathering dust in some remote caves.]], wiki = [[Wiki: There are enraged crystal golems and damaged crystal golems.]]},
  390.     ["Eternal Guardian"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added in the Christmas Update 2009.]]},
  391.     ["Forest Fury"] = {tibia = [[The forest furies are the tragic product of careless experiments with the waters of Ashar'tel. Inspired by the rebellious amazons of Carlin, some young and restless elven maiden founded a sisterhood of their own. The futility of their protest against the rigid elven society and it's rule soon drove them to foolhardy dangerous ways of protest that bordered on criminal acts and endangered them of becoming outcasts. In an desperate attempt to hold her sisterhood together, their leader Emana Greenskull staged the theft of several amphora with the waters of Ashar'tel, branding the sisterhood as outcasts and binding her followers to her by taking from them the option to peacefully return to the society. With little knowledge about the water, but convinced it contained power, the elders refused the younger ones, Emana and her sisters inhibited themselves with the water. At first they truly felt the surge of power that they expected. But the water became like a drug the them and slowly changed their very nature and mutated them into something else. Convinced that the voices they heard in their inhibition were revelation from nature itself, the sisters embraced their change and even enforced it. The change though left them mutated not only in body but also in mind and after the last water has been used up, and symptoms of withdrawal begun to torture them, the remaining sisters were completely driven into madness. Renaming themselves as forest furies they see themselves as the chosen of nature and enacting it's revenge on the people misusing it - which is, in their twisted thinking, almost everyone bit themselves and a few allies. The furies are unpredictable but hatefully. They can not be reasoned with and the best one can hope for is, that they might be that absorbed in some holy mission, that they might simply ignore them. In battle the furies employ not only the physical force of their changed bodies, but also a variety of druidic spells, which are strangely enough often intuitive abilities, rather then spells and are unknown to other users of druidic magic.]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  392.     ["Gargoyle"] = {tibia = [[Although Gargoyles are a common sight all over Tibia, the origin of this remarkable species remains clouded in mystery. In fact, a reward offered by the great wizard Cyrius the Half-Bald to those who could solve the mystery was never claimed. However, one or two interesting facts have been discovered. It is widely agreed today that Gargoyles prefer dark places,which is why they are typically found in dreary dungeons and other subterranean complexes. There they breed and hunt, using their uncanny ability to blend in with the stony surfaces of their lairs.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Good training monster, but they heal very slowly. It's better to train with two if you can and switch targets when one has low health. Since Christmas update 2009 they do not drop ham or meat, so they are not a good source of food anymore. They still do, however, drop strawberries and potatoes.]]},
  393.     ["Golden Servant"] = {tibia = [[After a great gathering of not so great mages planning to do great things, it was decided to launch the production of helpful servants to speed up the process of being - great. Each of them had his own special field. One was a master of manipulating all kinds of ore with his bare mind, another was able to wield powerful energies, and again another would know how to use the strangest of substances in Tibia to his benefit. All of them combined their knowledge to create their own loyal servants. Several prototypes were made. Some constructed of metal, others of gold or even diamond but all of them were based on flesh and bone. The Golden Servant in particular could be considered as the master pattern. Most of the creatures the mages constructed afterwards were based on this specific design. Some of them were faulty from the start. It is said that one of the mages even used whole armies of servants to take care of his experiments.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was introduced in the Summer Update 2011. In groups these can be quite dangerous.]]},
  394.     ["Iron Servant"] = {tibia = [[After a great gathering of not so great mages planning to do great things, it was decided to launch the production of helpful servants to speed up the process of being - great. Each of them had his own special field. One was a master of manipulating all kinds of ore with his bare mind, another was able to wield powerful energies, and again another would know how to use the strangest of substances in Tibia to his benefit. All of them combined their knowledge to create their own loyal servants. Several prototypes were made. Some constructed of metal, others of gold or even diamond but all of them were based on flesh and bone. Some of them were faulty from the start. It is said that one of the mages even used whole armies of servants to take care of his experiments.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was introduced in the Summer Update 2011.]]},
  395.     ["Ironblight"] = {tibia = [[Ironblights are strange creatures that are highly magnetic. They follow unseen magnetic currents in the earth in their slow wanderings. They also emit magnetic fields of their own, sometimes moving iron-rich earth and stones seemingly at will. In the right surroundings, Ironblights can even walk on walls and ceilings. Oddly enough, their prolonged proximity to iron lets it rust at an unnatural rate. Therefore dwarfs are particularly interested in keeping the Ironblights away. In the past, successful extermination campaigns have eradicated Ironblight presences from their mines for quite a while. The Ironblights are usually as patient and slow as the stone they resemble, only to surprise the incautious with bursts of speed and aggression from one second to the next. The Ironblights are immensely irritated by the magnetic fields that most sentient beings seem to emit. The highly sensitive creatures experience pain and agony in the vicinity of people. Yet this seems to kick in only at a certain low range, far too late to avoid the cause of discomfort. Therefore Ironblights often threaten bases of underground dwellers. Young gnomes had the habit of challenging each other as to who can catch the attention of an Ironblight from furthest away compared to the others, just to prove who is smarter. This rather unwise practice has been forbidden to gnomes by law and promotional campaigns with slogans like 'it is not at all smart to challenge death by teasing Ironblights'.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Similar to a Lost Soul, the ironblight does not heal itself and runs at low health. It can be tamed. Use an Iron Loadstone or a Music Box on it to do so.]]},
  396.     ["Jagged Earth Elemental"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008.]]},
  397.     ["Massive Earth Elemental"] = {tibia = [[In ancient times, the Massive Earth Elemental was often referred to as 'Walking Mountain'. Though of course not nearly as big as a mountain, it is indeed towering and quite heavy. The sheer power of an elemental of such size is staggering, and whoever had the misfortune to face a Massive Earth Elemental knows why people of the past used to call this creature like this. The Massive Earth Elemental is as mindless as its smaller brother, but represents the more powerful version. Even though reports of the destruction of whole settlements by Massive Earth Elementals suggests that these elementals aim for bigger targets than their smaller kin, it has recently been discovered that attacks on artificial structures by earth elementals happen just as often as by massive ones. Their fame as town destroyers only arose from their strength which allows them to be much more successful than its smaller version. It is unknown why earth elementals rise in different sizes. The followers of Crunor believe in a theory according to which this depends on the concentration of earth power in the mystic field.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature implemented in the Summer Update 2008. Were as strong as a Behemoth before Winter Update 2008. After the Update of 8.4 their Melee attack got weaker and they use less special attacks.]]},
  398.     ["Medusa"] = {tibia = [[Although Medusae are relatively rare, even the earliest Tibian historians have mentioned them in their writings. There has been much speculation as to what exactly Medusae actually are and several theories were propagated. Legends have recounted stories of ancient priestesses punished in horrible ways for their vanity, creatures created as a result of forbidden rituals and some even have it that Medusae are the offspring of mankind and demons. While none of these stories is actually true, they do reflect the fact that Medusae are not regarded as a natural phenomenon, in fact, that their very existence is the result of a perversion of nature. This aspect of these stories does in fact reflect reality. Recent research conducted with the help of daring adventurers has shed a great deal of light upon the origin of Medusae. It has been discovered that they are in fact elemental creatures of earth. They are, or, more accurately, were spirits of nature and earth, probably closely related to dryads. Such spirits are known to be bound to specific places. Their appearance and nature is a reflection of the place they are bound to. While this is their strength it is also their vulnerability, as, if their home should become corrupted, the nature of the spirits bound to it becomes corrupted also. This is often a traumatic event for the unfortunate spirit, and if it does not result in the spirit's death, it is likely to drive it to madness. In the process of this change, the spirit is torn free of its link to its homeland, and is released to roam the land, spreading chaos and destruction in its wake. A tragic fate with tragic consequences. The myth of the Medusa's hideousness is greatly exaggerated - in fact it is the corruption and madness that ravages the former beauty of these creatures that creates the impression of ugliness. It is certainly not the mere sight of these beings that turns living beings into stone. Medusae are capable of petrifying their victims because they are magical beings, imbued with elemental powers which are a remnant from their previous lives, now sadly corrupted like the rest of their being. Driven by their madness and an unbearable sense of loss, they cannot bear to see beauty and attempt to destroy and corrupt what was once sacred to them to alleviate the pain they are suffering. This mentality makes them the natural consorts of demons and all things evil. Sometimes demons purposely desecrate holy sites of nature to force the creation of Medusae but that process more often then not just leads to the demise of the earth spirits. Medusae themselves are much more proficient in corrupting such places while corrupting the bound spirit as well in the process. So sometimes small covens of Medusae are formed and some of them have even managed to carve themselves a niche in the demonic hierarchy.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Medusa is a mythological creature who could transform people, who looked directly into her eyes, into a statue. (See also: Medusa in Wikipedia).]]},
  399.     ["Muddy Earth Elemental"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  400.     ["Stone Devourer"] = {tibia = [[The Stone Devourer is a creature that the dwarfs thought to be extinct, after they had exterminated all Stone Devourers they encountered in their caves and mines. The Stone Devourers have not been seen for centuries. Only recently have they resurfaced and sadly proven that the creatures the dwarfs encountered in the past were either a lesser variation or merely their juvenile forms. The true Stone Devourers are certainly more dangerous than those of the dwarven chronicles. They are underground dwellers displaying extreme aggressiveness and destructiveness. They often live in packs led by an alpha male. Oddly enough, the alpha seems to accept the submission of certain other races, which are then integrated into their packs. They are also alarmingly not territorial. Their packs wander the depths aimlessly, devouring and destroying everything in their way. The stone devourers are extremely resilient towards environmental conditions and seem not to mind to camp in areas that are extremely hazardous to other creatures. Therefore they often surprise wanderers who are familiar with the surroundings by attacking from unexpected places.]], wiki = [[]]},
  401.     ["Stone Golem"] = {tibia = [[Stone Golems are kind of living rocks. All their limbs are out of stone, and they live on stones. They live in the dungeons of Edron, where they find their favourite food, granite with quartz. Normally, they are peaceful, but they can get very angry about adventurers trampling on their food and try to slay the intruder using their incredible power.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Big and Resistant creatures, their stone skin protects them from almost every element.]]},
  402.     ["Vulcongra"] = {tibia = [[The Vulcongra is one of the fastest diggers underground. The attempts of the dwarfs to replace their digging rotworms with Vulcongras were met with little success due to the Vulcongras' untrainable nature. The Vulcongras are almost purely by its instincts. Their foremost need seems to be hunger. Vulcongras spend most of their time on finding and eating. Since they can eat almost everything from dust to stones, they are literally eating constantly without any need of sleep or water. As there seems to be no way to scare them off, Vulcongras often become a threat for gnomish holdings. As they do not seem to care what they eat, the Vulcongras shun away from nothing. They could equally destroy a gnomish house as they would devour precious tools or crystals. They stoically fight back any attackers. Even when not attacked, someone often finds himself at the centre of a Vulcongra's eating attention as it tries to sample some bites. They lack any evil intention,though. The gnomes are experimenting on driving them away with certain crystal frequencies or lights, without any notable success till now. The Vulcongra seem to be just too dumb to be affected by any scare tactic. The stupidity and hunger of the Vulcongra is so prominent that they feature in many gnomish sayings such as 'hungry as a Vulcongra'.]], wiki = [[]]},
  403.     ["War Golem"] = {tibia = [[War Golems used to serve as protectors and soldiers in the past of Yalahar. In our days, the remaining War Golems act as guards and bodyguards for high-ranking officials. Due to the high costs of their maintenance and the lack of staff required for repairs, War Golems are expensive and only seldom used, even if the problems of Yalahar are pressing. Created for war purposes, they utilise their golem abilities to the fullest. Heavily armored and enhanced with magic weaponry, the golems turn into behemoths of destruction. Only their simple-mindedness might be a weakness and hints that in former days the squads of War Golems were probably personally controlled by a Yalahari leader. War Golems are a rare sight. Most are stored away in the quarters of the Yalahari, a few are left and forgotten in abandoned areas of the city. Rumours persist that squads of War Golems were also deployed elsewhere in long forgotten wars. As they were never returned they are said to follow unknown orders of long dead commanders to the present day.]], wiki = [[]]},
  404.     ["Worker Golem"] = {tibia = [[In ancient times the mago-mechanic Worker Golems used to be a common sight in Yalahar. They made a major contribution to Yalahar's wealth and luxury, ensuring that at least the upper classes had not to worry about mundane tasks. They are constructs made of a variety of magical artefacts. Moreover, Worker Golems own some sort of intelligence gained in a ritual not too different from the one which modern wizards use to create stone golems. With powerful runes and enchantments, some spirit have been called into the golems. Worker Golems are much more limited and specialised than other golems but they are also more precise and easier to control. The Worker Golems came in many varieties, serving as construction machines, transporters, guards and butlers. In the course of the centuries, more and more of the Worker Golems malfunctioned and deteriorated. Nowadays, not many of the old golems are left. Although some cunning magicians figured out how to repair, control and even create such constructs, the processes involved are extremely time-consuming and expensive. For this reason, Worker Golems outside of Yalahar are a rather rare sight, and many of the still functioning ones are badly affected. Such Damaged Worker Golems are of course much weaker and less durable than the repaired and intact versions. Though the initial commands of the golems prevented that they attacked a Yalahari, this instructions seem not to be valid for outsiders such as humans. This is probably caused by the fact that outsiders were very rare in the glorious past of the city, nonetheless, nowadays it poses a threat and often leads to fatal attacks. Of course, this is another point while Worker Golem are hardly in usage nowadays. Although the Worker Golem has become rare over the centuries, there are still some old factories were an unsuspecting explorer might encounter some of these golems mindlessly doing some kind of work. Worker Golems attack intruders with different built-in magic tools using them quite effectively as weapons.]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  405.     ["Ghost"] = {tibia = [[Ghosts have been spotted in the haunted ruins of Drefia on Darama. Some people say that they are the souls of the former inhabitants, which died in that horrible disaster destroying the once beautiful city. Indeed they are supernatural in some way, as no physical weapon can hit them, and their shivering touch makes their opponents loose some vitality.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These Creatures are immune to Physical Damage, however, they can be damaged by weapons that have been enchanted or come with natural enchantments such as a Fire Axe or a Fire Sword. They are not weak to Holy Damage, unlike most other undead creatures.]]},
  406.     ["Phantasm Summon"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  407.     ["Souleater"] = {tibia = [[The corruption in Zao comes in many different ways. Often, the corruption which is visible is the least dangerous. Sometimes, however, the corruption rather touches the soul than the body. Sometimes, this goes unnoticed by those affected and those close to them. Sometimes, this leads to erratic behaviour, morbid fascinations, or a violent temper. Sometimes, the corruption goes unnoticed for a whole lifetime. Only in death those who are touched by the corruption learn the horrid truth about their nature. The taint in their soul twists their nature and refuses them the afterlife that awaited them. They are bound to the realm of the mortals in an ethereal form, tormented by an eternal hunger and plagued by their twisted vision of the world around them. They perceive the world as rotten and flawed, worth to be destroyed. Everything that exists is a pain to them, particularly if it is alive. Destruction and total oblivion seem to be the only salvation for them. Since their new ethereal body is inherently flawed, they constantly burn up spiritual energy in a rate that leaves them in a constant state of hunger. To satisfy this hunger, they feed on the vital force and soul energy of mortals. They absorb them by touch, although the most powerful of them drain the needed energy by their mere presence. Often, nothing more than mummified husks are left over from their victims.When the worst hunger is satisfied, they are cunning and relatively patient. They love to toy with their victims, but what they love the most is introducing them to their own twisted view of the world by demoralising the mortals, or shattering their dreams in some way. Quite soon though, their hunger takes over and they lose all interest in games and greedily feast on their prey.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added with the Summer Update 2010. They usually come in groups with other Souleaters, Mutated Bats, Mutated Rats, Mutated Tigers or Death Blobs.]]},
  408.     ["Phantasm"] = {tibia = [[Phantasms are said to be the dreams of madmen. Abducted from their dreamers on the backs of nightmares, they are unpredictable allies of chaos. Obviously destructive, their complete and absolute madness makes it hard to control them. However, some of the demonlords enjoy their service since their essence is quite close to the souls of mortals that those demons cherish. Some Phantasms are not created by the deeds of demons, but break loose from their mad dreamers by happenings in the world of the mortals or due to things that cannot be understood by those of sane minds. All Phantasms are able to shift from the realm of dreams to the real world and back at will, although their mental disposition makes it rarely a conscious decision. Still their physical form is an illusion and intangible. Their state of existence grants them some ghostly powers that they use to affect minds. Only the most powerful and mad Phantasms exists for a longer time. Their energy constantly leaking away, most of them fade into nothingness after a while if they cannot substitute this energy by stolen life forces.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Their summoned phantasms have only 65 HP and are immune to Earth Damage, but they can do a lot of damage. Phantasms' boss is Countess Sorrow located in Bazir's throne room.]]},
  409.     ["Spectre"] = {tibia = [[The more powerful a soul has been in its lifetime, the more powerful it will be as a ghost. The more malicious and intelligent a soul has been in its lifetime, the greater the variety of powers it can demand as a ghost. For most ghosts it takes great effort to maintain some sort of sentience. Most end as drifting memories of the past, driven by emotions they do no longer understand. But some sinister beings are aware of the fate that looms above them. They research forbidden knowledge and forge dark pacts in time. This allows them to rise as a sentient and powerful form of ghost, known to those with mystical knowledge as Spectre. Spectres usually posses some being that functions as shell that they have prepared during lifetime. Often they use beings to which they have a strong emotional bond like family members. In the long run, the Spectres' puppets die away and leave the Spectre stranded in the world of mortals without a suitable host. Some succumb to madness when recognising it, others turn their frustration into hatred towards humanity. Being enemies of all things alive, they both pose a great threat to mortals.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature, despite it's lack of health, has deadly attacks which can deal enough damage to give you a free trip back to the Temple.]]},
  410.     ["Tarnished Spirit"] = {tibia = [[Tarnished spirits are foul ghosts, tainted by nameless crimes they committed in life that do not permit them to rest in peace. They are feeble, sickly things that stalk dark and doomed places, trying to find victims to whisper their evil deeds to and feeding off their life force. Though not very strong, they seek to harm adventurers in their mean, petty ways, and will stalk them until slain. Tarnished spirits relish in the gloom of crypts, graveyards and other places of death, although they are often driven out to the borders by stronger undead creatures, where they linger and wait for prey.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Seems to be the same as Ghost.]]},
  411.     ["Tormented Ghost"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They appear when using a Ghost Charm on a certain tile. When you kill them, they turn into Ghost Residue.]]},
  412.     ["White Shade"] = {tibia = [[White shades are ghostly apparitions stalking the sunken graveyards of Drefia. Haunted by painful memories of unjust cruelties and an undeserved death they have suffered, they seek to drive out all living intruders, attacking and vengefully tearing at them while mourning their gloomy fate. Some adventurers believe that white shades are the remains of exceptional heroes and nobles of Drefia that cannot stand the dark summoners' presence in their once beautiful city, not even in death, and so are unable to rest in their graves.]], wiki = [[]]},
  413.     ["Wisp"] = {tibia = [[Wisps come into existence when someone dies in pain and fear in the bogs. Being an insubstantial spirit, they roam the bogs and swamps, unable to leave them. Without noticing, their light often lures unsuspecting wanderers into the bog who mistake them for the lights of a nearby village. Wisps are rather timid and try to flee whenever a human is in sight. While trying to escape, they lure those unlucky souls deeper and deeper into the bog. In the treacherous swamps, such encounters can even end deadly. The light of Wisps is blinding and confusing if you look at it directly. They are quite fast, but whoever gets too close will experience that a Wisp's touch drains the life force from all living creatures. However, as they will always try to escape, they only pose a small threat to humans.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Wisps spawn in secluded regions, and they seem to be afraid of players. They drop the extremely rare Moon Backpack. Note that you won't lose stamina if hunting them in order to get their loot. Looks the same as a Soul Spark and a Spirit of Light.]]},
  414.     ["Behemoth"] = {tibia = [[Behemoths are giant monsters that live in the ancient town deep below Edron. They look a bit like cross-breeds of humans and bulls and even talk in human language, but nobody knows yet where they come from. Although they are of minor intelligence, they are very strong fighters and throw huge stones at their opponents.]], wiki = [[Wiki: When it's hasted it's able to outrun a level 130 player. So always be prepared to use Haste or Strong Haste. It can also be skinned in order to get Behemoth Fangs.]]},
  415.     ["Cyclops"] = {tibia = [[Cyclopes are a human-like race but with only one eye and minor intelligence. They even talk in a similar language. They live in holes where they prospect for gold and other metals. Be warned that they get very angry about adventurers entering their claim. They will slay every intruder using their incredible power.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Cyclops are strong and giant creatures, also believed to be skillful in metallurgy. As rendered in Tibia, they appear to have 4 toes on one foot and 3 toes on the other.]]},
  416.     ["Cyclops Drone"] = {tibia = [[The so-called Cyclops Drones are the workers among the cyclops society. They are born physically different from their kin. The most prominent feature of a Cyclops Drone are its four muscular arms. They are stronger and more persistent than the ordinary cyclops, though they lack considerably on intelligence. They are usually calm, but their fellow cyclopes train and condition them in order to ensure that their passive attitude changes quickly when facing one of the 'lesser' races. Conditioned Cyclops Drones usually attack on sight. Fortunately, they hardly seem to understand what they are doing and therefore rarely use the full strength of their imposing arms. Still, the sheer force of a thoughtless blow can crush bones and break weapons and armour. Cyclops Drones are not numerous, and as they are also not much valued among the cyclops, they are usually found deep underground working under supervision of other cyclops.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Creature added in the Christmas Update 2007. A subspecies of cyclops with four arms. Judging from the rocks that they carry, they are the workers of cyclops society.]]},
  417.     ["Cyclops Smith"] = {tibia = [[The Cyclops Smiths are somehow the nobility amongst the cyclops. Cyclops praise those skilled in the art of blacksmithing the same way as humans praise great artists. Although cyclops work usually lacks refinement and is rather functional than pretty, the wares of the Cyclops Smiths are in great demand of all other races. All cyclops, with the exception of the simple-minded drones, are constantly trying to enhance their smithing skill. It's the aim of all cyclops to be recognised by their society as master smith. Of course being the cream of the crop is not achieved easily, and the cyclops never grant this prestigious title thoughtlessly.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The strongest variety of cyclops, they are the artisans and weaponsmiths of their race. They can easily be identified by the distinctive blue mohawk on their heads. Stronger than a Dwarf Guard, however, Cyclops Smith doesn't hit higher hits as often as Dwarf Guards]]},
  418.     ["Frost Giant"] = {tibia = [[Frost Giants are an extremely ancient race that inhabits the most northern parts of the world. Far to the north where it is cold enough to freeze even air, this race has its original home. In ancient times, when the gods waged war on each other, the world climate was shifting often. At this time, some tribes of the Frost Giants wandered to the south, following the biting cold and expanding their territory. Entire kingdoms crumbled under their feet. The Frost Giants became the ruler of the frozen waste and their icy kingdom grew every day. One day though, the seemingly eternal winter ended. Temperatures were rising again and most Frost Giants fled to the northern home of their ancestors. However, some of them became trapped on their retreat, cut off by the ocean that once used to be a frozen surface which could easily be crossed. Many of those unlucky Frost Giants perished either by the warm temperatures or by enemies who easily overwhelmed them in their weak condition. Some, however, were able to find refuge at places just cold enough to sustain their existence. Still those places are not well suited as they are much too warm for Frost Giants. Cut off from the northern Frost Giant civilisation and living in an inhospitable environment, the Frost Giants are known for their bad temper. Their sole joy seems to be to make other beings feel even more miserable than they do feel themselves. So they enjoy hunting, torturing or just smashing other creatures. Given this attitude, it's not surprising that the Frost Giants, though considerably intelligent, won't waste much time in parleying. If there is a chance to fight, they are using it. Frost Giants are extremely possessive and they fiercely defend their grounds against all intruders.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Similar to a Cyclops Drone. They are the male counterpart of Frost Giantesses.]]},
  419.     ["Frost Giantess"] = {tibia = [[The Frost Giantesses are even more ill-tempered and aggressive than their male counterparts. In the North, it is a running gag that the Frost Giantesses are supposed to be the real reason why the frost giants are humourless and easily provoked. As a matter of fact, the frost giants are, compared to their female counterparts, rather dull-witted. The Frost Giantesses usually employ weapons more often than the male giants.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are the female counterpart of Frost Giants.]]},
  420.     ["Goblin"] = {tibia = [[Goblins are human-like creatures that live in small tribes in the hills in the centre of Tibia. They are ugly, stinking beings that mainly live on tubers and roots. They are weak but cunning fighters and use their slings to ambush and rob travellers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They closely resemble Trolls but throw Small Stones and provide slightly better items.]]},
  421.     ["Goblin Assassin"] = {tibia = [[All goblins employ stealth and treachery as legitimate means to win a battle. This goes so far that the goblin culture actually encourages and adores such methods. Though Goblin Assassins are hardly anything else than 'wannabe assassins', they are indeed the most tricky and cunning of their kind. They use everything at their disposal for fighting including dirty trick. They enjoy stealthy attacks and the use of paralysing poison to eliminate their enemies. Amongst their kind, they are revered as heroes. They often hold high positions, gained by trickery to get rid of other contenders for leadership. Every goblin chieftain has a bunch of assassins as close advisors. Since the king knows that his advisors would gladly stab him in the back to succeed him as chief, he plays a difficult game of playing off the Goblin Assassins against each other and sending them on suicidal missions to get rid of them. So, being a Goblin Assassin is a mixed blessing. It is desirable as it ensures a position of power which all goblins long for. At the same time, it is a threat for a goblin's life. In battles, Goblin Assassins try to be as effective as necessary to keep their position and as inconspicuous as possible to avoid the attention of both, their opponents and their fellow assassins. To some extend, this restricts the assassin's effectiveness, though when under pressure, he usually plays out all of his tricks to either flee or to kill his opponent.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008.]]},
  422.     ["Goblin Leader"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Leaders of the goblin race. One of them seems to have an obsession with the colour green.]]},
  423.     ["Goblin Scavenger"] = {tibia = [[Goblin Scavengers play an important role in the goblin society. They are highly skilled in recycling almost any garbage into useful things. In the camps, older Goblin Scavengers sort out the loot the raiders and warriors get into their hands. The younger Goblin Scavengers are sent out into the wilderness to loot and plunder everything they can get. Usually they form parties that sneak about the lands of their enemies and try to get as much loot as possible. It is said that the loot bag, still very popular among modern adventurers, was an invention of Goblin Scavengers. When surrounded by enemies, they try to keep a distance and to attack from afar. Since Goblin Scavengers are usually seasoned scouts, they also possess some knowledge about the wilderness and plants. This enables them to poison their weapons with a moderate effect. You never know what kind of loot a Goblin Scavenger might dig up from his pockets. It can be everything from a rune to much more valuable items. Goblin Scavengers occur either alone on a mission as a scout, in small groups of two or three, or as a band consisting of up to two dozens.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008.]]},
  424.     ["Grynch Clan Goblin"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: See for more information: Santa Event.]]},
  425.     ["Demon (Goblin)"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's a Goblin with demon outfit and name. They turn to dead goblins when they die.]]},
  426.     ["Massive Water Elemental"] = {tibia = [[Massive Water Elementals are considerably bigger, meaner and more powerful than their smaller brethren. They usually live in the deep seas and it was never heard that they have ever left the sea at all. It is speculated that they draw a significant portion of their power from the surrounding sea and that they might turn into normal water elementals if they ever left the sea for a longer period. Massive Water Elementals are extremely powerful and can stand a considerable amount of damage. Using their liquid form, they can pass each terrain with ease and they usually try to get their prey as fast as they can, crushing it with their tremendous strength. Having immense magical powers, no one within sight can escape their ferocious attacks. Sometimes Massive Water Elementals seem to ally with energy elementals, particularly if a storm is approaching. It is unknown whether such alliances are formed by chance or if they are planned. Be that as it may, it is surely one of the worst nightmares that one can experience when two types of elementals attack a ship or a seaport while a violent storm is raging.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They used to be stronger before Winter Update 2008, but they are still lethal. Since Summer Update 2009 they drop loot, which makes them more profitable. Since 2010 autumn patch they drop normal loot from openable corpse, but it is still possible to fish the corpses to get Giant Shimmering Pearls and other gems.]]},
  427.     ["Roaring Water Elemental"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was implemented in Summer Update 2008.]]},
  428.     ["Slick Water Elemental"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  429.     ["Water Elemental"] = {tibia = [[Water Elementals are as powerful as a tidal wave and as moody as the sea that gave birth to them. Their interest in our existence is limited at best and they are usually summoned by sorcerers than materialising on their own. The apparently uncontrolled Water Elementals seem to follow no purpose that we mortals could comprehend. Some sorcerers believe that they react hostile to living creatures because they feel offended by all the water a living creature contains. Although enigmatic in their motivation, they are indisputably intelligent and possess an array of spells that centre around water, poison and cold.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They can only survive in vicinity of water, where they can appear in groups and overwhelm unprepared adventurers. Their corpses become a puddle of water, which can be looted but not moved. You can also fish their fresh corpses to obtain one of the following:]]},
  430.     ["Ancient Scarab"] = {tibia = [[The Ancient Scarab is ancient indeed - it is said that there are specimens that are aeons old. Rumours say that unless killed, a scarab will not die of old age but continue to grow and grow to enormous proportions. Their usual pace of movement is not impressively fast, but they are capable of doing sudden charges to catch their opponents off guard. Even more dangerous, their poison is strong enough to allow these creatures to emit large clouds of stinking death and mayhem around themselves. Ancient Scarabs are said to be the keepers of mysterious secrets swallowed by the sands long time ago. So don't be surprised if some of them might display even more cunning tactics and devastating magic.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Larva's final stage. They are almost as powerful as a Giant Spider, but can be more dangerous since they can paralyze you. It is not uncommon to get 2 or 3 on you at once in the Larva Caves.]]},
  431.     ["Blue Butterfly"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  432.     ["Brimstone Bug"] = {tibia = [[Some insects are incredibly resistant to poison, diseases, and extreme climates. The Brimstone Bug seems to be the paragon of such resilience. It is argued whether this bug is the product of corruption or rather drawn to it. As a matter of fact the Brimstone Bug actually feeds on the corrupted essence of the world regardless of its source. They are drawn to places of dark magic or magical devastation. They are also known to devour residues of undead and demonic excrements without hesitation. Like certain flies are drawn to physically rotten things, the Brimstone Bug is attracted by things that are spiritually rotten. Not only does such matter no harm to them, it also seems to fuel several unusual powers of the Brimstone Bug. Only occasionally though, they display their magical powers which are unpredictable but harmful. Even though corruption is their preferred kind of nourishment, the Brimstone Bugs are not above attacking uncorrupted beings. If not starving, the bug will carry its dead or helpless prey to a place of great corruption and wait for the victim to become contaminated by the taint. Then it will finally devour it. Brimstone Bugs live in swarms of different sizes even though they are quite aggressive among each other and fights are common, brutal, and often lethal. The Brimstone Bug is cannibalistic and will devour any fallen swarm member. However, if they can choose, they will devour corrupted prey first, which makes those theories less likely which claim that the Brimstone Bug itself is a result of corruption. Sometimes colonies of Brimstone Bugs form in seemingly uncorrupted areas. The truth is, however, that the bugs only eat the corruption faster than it can grow back. So exterminating a colony might prove even worse than the bugs itself because without the bugs the corruption might spread even further through the land.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added with the Summer Update 2010.]]},
  433.     ["Bug"] = {tibia = [[Bugs live in the forests of Tibia and are nourished mainly by carrion. However, they do not shrink back from killing other animals. When they crop up in packs, they can even become dangerous for badly equipped adventurers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are good to gain experience from because of their low defence. Be very cautious of these in Rookgaard as they can easily gang up and break your shielding spots.]]},
  434.     ["Butterfly"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  435.     ["Cockroach"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature is only found on the Tutorial isle of Rookgaard, It is the first creature a newcomer will face, they will learn to loot the creature there, as well. They respawn up to 3 sqm away from where they last died. The spawn time is around 50 seconds. Their corpses can't be moved.]]},
  436.     ["Emerald Damselfly"] = {tibia = [[The Damselfly is a giant version of the commonly known insect, so similar to the original that one must assume the animal has been magically enhanced in some way. On the other hand, it is certain that the Damselfly reproduces and has offspring of its own size. This leaves open the question whether its current state is the result of a deliberate manipulation, or whether some Damselflies accidentally came into contact with some kind of magic source, causing their giant growth. The latter theory sparked a search for this assumed source and an interest in Damselflies and their habits. So far, nothing conclusive has been announced by researchers. Meanwhile, the Damselfly has spread from the place of its first appearance in the Venorean swamps, and is frequently found in areas where its smaller cousin lives. Their diet consists of plant matter and smaller insects. Oddly enough, Damselflies are mildly aggressive when encountering larger species such as humans, which is atypical of their small variant. It is unknown what might cause this. However, the Damselfly poses a threat only to the wounded or completely unprepared wanderer. The creature can usually be found in areas with an abundance of insects they hunt and feed on. The Damselfly builds small cocoon-like structures made out of plant matter and saliva, in which they lay their eggs, on the shores of bodies of standing water. The Damselfly young hatch as worm-like creatures that spend the first stage of their lives in the water, preying on fish, frogs, insects and other, smaller Damselfly larvae. After some time, the worm crawls out of the water onto a nearby tree where his husk solidifies, and after a few days, a mature Damselfly breaks free from the crumbling remains.]], wiki = [[]]},
  437.     ["Fleshslicer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: One of the new Hive Bosses.]]},
  438.     ["Hive Overseer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are extremely slow.]]},
  439.     ["Insect Swarm"] = {tibia = [[Insect Swarms come in many sizes and forms. Two swarms can consist of entirely different insects. The most common swarms are harmless. Some of the more aggressive insects though already pose a threat by their sheer number. Such swarms can be encountered almost everywhere, however, usually they are attracted by places of decay. The term Insect Swarm describes a common threat. While not strictly evil, Insect Swarms are often aggressive and dangerous. One of the greatest dangers of an Insect Swarm is that it can be encountered almost everywhere and often unexpectedly. Sometimes, rather harmless insects form swarms out of coincidence and disperse after a while. However, if someone provokes the forming of such swarm, he better prepares for the worst. Attracted to blood and decay, Insect Swarms are often drawn to weakened creatures that might even fall under their attacks.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009. Looks the same as a Berrypest.]]},
  440.     ["Insectoid Scout"] = {tibia = [[Sightings of Insectoid Scouts are a relatively new phenomenon. After several skirmishes of the creatures with Tibian natives, a few things about them can be considered as verified facts. The Insectoid Scouts are not aggressive in the sense that they are attacking towns or settlements, instead, they are usually found in rather remote areas. When encountered though, they are rather violent and attack everyone relentlessly. Despite their build, they are rather tough and extremely strong. Their behaviour suggests that they are looking for something or spying on someone. This behaviour earned them the nickname 'scouts', and military officials of the major powers are all concerned that they might be indeed forerunners for something bigger and more sinister.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Insectoid Scouts are Insectoid Workers weakened due to a large distance from the Hive. They appear during the Insectoid Invasion World Change.]]},
  441.     ["Insectoid Worker"] = {tibia = [[Due to their versatility and resilience, the Insectoid Workers are the most commonly encountered of the Hive Born. They seem to be relatively expendable and are used as foragers and scouts in the widest sense. They test the strength of their enemies and sometimes, they are sent in great numbers to bring down a dangerous foe without risking the more valuable warriors. Usually the Insectoid Workers are chosen to become one with the hive structures to grant them their unnatural life. As expendable creatures they are encountered quite often, but their brethren show little regard for them. It has been observed in battles that they are devoured by wounded hive creatures to regain strength. They seem to depend less on the hive than other Hive Born. Although they lose strength and health when away from the hive, they survive for extended periods and so they are for now the only Hive Born that have been encountered elsewhere in the world. It is assumed that their appearance might serve the creation of new hives but so far no new hive has been established. In the hive area, they are often paired with waspoids in scouting missions and hit and run tactics. In the war of the hive against the Deeplings, the Insectoid Workers are the most basic troops. Although not as numerous as the swarmers, they usually last longer and are used at more critical points of interest. They often attack in concert with the swarmers and seem quite proficient to pick and take down wounded opponents. Like fearless soldiers led by a general, the Insectoid Workers march side by side, knowing no fear and ignoring wounds and casualties. It is their lack of emotion and passion that makes their advances so frightening.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was implemented at the Winter Update 2011.]]},
  442.     ["Kollos"] = {tibia = [[The behemoth of the Hive Born is a living tank and siege engine. Its great strength is usually used to build and dismantle hive structures. Their armor seems almost impenetrable and when they begin to move and gain some momentum, they are near to unstoppable. Astonishingly, their enormous carapace is hollow to a great extent. Sometimes, material or even smaller hive creatures are transported in these hollow spots. On other occasions, they transport eggs or nourishing goo under their carapace. Is is rumoured that the hollow carapace enables them to float on the water and serves other Hive Born as makeshift raft, but such reports are rare and rather dubious. Until now, no one has encountered a Kollos away from the hive so such rumours are probably just exaggerations. On rare occasions, though, it has been at least observed that a group of Kollos builds bridges or ladder-like structures with their bodies which are used as passage by other Hive Born. Another observation seems more disturbing, though: Sometimes it seems that the Hive Born fight more coordinated and almost strategically intelligent when they are close to certain Kollos. This led to speculations that another, still undiscovered, hive creature might ride the Kollos from the inside and commands its brethren. However, until now, no Kollos that has been defeated had harboured such a creature. In the constant war against the Deeplings, the Kollos are only of little use. Unable to dive or navigate very narrow passages, they are primarily used to repel the advances of the Deeplings. Here they serve the other Hive Born as tanks and shields while inflicting massive damage upon opponents careless enough to get into their reach.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Comes in groups amongst other Hive Born.]]},
  443.     ["Lady Bug"] = {tibia = [[The unassuming Ladybug seems harmless enough. When left alone to mind their own business, they tend the eggs, repair the delicate structures of the hive and feed other Hive Born creatures with biomass. They do this quite peacefully and without any haste or urgency. When confronted with strangers, though, the Ladybugs show an aggressiveness that rivals that of their bigger brethren and belies their unassuming appearance. They are probably the least dangerous of the Hive Born and are quite territorial. Ladybugs live only for about a week and decay quite fast into a mass that can be easily devoured by other hive creatures or absorbed by the hive. Sometimes they sacrifice themselves and die seemingly on purpose to heal wounded hive structures. Astonishingly enough, unlike other hive creatures, Ladybugs show no great difference in their behaviour when separated from the hive for an extended period of time. While other creatures become increasingly aggressive and eventually mutilate themselves or simply wither and die, the Ladybugs show no such behaviour. Quite the contrary, Ladybugs separated from the hive are reported to live considerably longer and behave more like the common giant bugs. That lets scientists believe that Ladybugs may not be hive creatures per se but a creature that lives in some kind of symbiosis with the hive. Only occasionally, Ladybugs take part in the war against the Deeplings, mainly when the hive needs to be defended.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Can be tamed by using a Four-Leaf Clover on it.]]},
  444.     ["Lancer Beetle"] = {tibia = [[The vile Lancer Beetle is the only creature that actually seems to thrive with the growing corruption of Zao. In former times a nuisance at best, the Lancer Beetles almost doubled their size and multiplied their dangerousness beyond compare. Within a few years, the vermin became a veritable threat. Campaigns to eradicate this pest by both, the orcs and the lizards, failed to bring a lasting change to the Lancer Beetle population. Not really a swarm insect, Lancer Beetles usually live in small colonies. For unknown reason though, at certain times, they unite to build enormous swarms to devastate whole areas with their ravenous hunger. Guided by an unseen force, they crawl together even from the most remote spots. Without an apparent leader or queen, they seem to share a unique instinct and will to devour and destroy. Usually such swarms are met with resistance by the natives, and sharp battles for survival are fought against such swarms. Often enough, such fights can be compared with an attempt to stop a river with bare hands though. The sheer number of the beetles ready to replace one of their slain kin seems endless. However, after a while, as suddenly as it has formed, the swarm dissolves.]], wiki = [[]]},
  445.     ["Larva"] = {tibia = [[The Larva of the Daramian desert scarab is a small, yet poisonous insect that usually avoids the sun and dwells only underground. Lacking the hard shells which protect older scarabs and moving rather slowly, they do not pose a too dangerous threat to a well armed warrior. However, in greater numbers they can bring down even a capable foe. Since they usually prefer to remain with their siblings, it is unfortunately not rare to encounter a pack of them at once.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They have low defense and are found in large groups, making them good for leveling. Looks the same as a Parasite.]]},
  446.     ["Lesser Swarmer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are only found as summons of Hive Pores, which cannot be killed. They are considerably weaker than a regular Swarmer.]]},
  447.     ["Parasite"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Summoned by Infected Weepers. Looks the same as a Larva.]]},
  448.     ["Pink Butterfly"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  449.     ["Purple Butterfly"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  450.     ["Red Butterfly"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  451.     ["Sandcrawler"] = {tibia = [[The Sandcrawler originates from the coasts of some remote small isle. Once confined to this isle, the semi-aquatic insect became an accidental traveller on ships which restocked their supplies on this isle. This led to the spreading of Sandcrawlers all over the known world. Extremely adaptive, they are mainly encountered in sand areas and despite their semi-aquatic nature, they are often found in the seemingly hostile climate of deserts and other desolate places. The Sandcrawler can endure extreme climates and periods of starvation with ease. They are not overly aggressive but they also know no fear. When they focus on one thing, their efforts are relentless and untiring. They usually do not prey on bigger creatures, and there is no aggression in their attacks, just frightening determination. Since they do not build huge colonies but rather live in small groups, it is wise to destroy each nest entirely to prevent further spreading of these creatures. Although they usually live in sandy areas, they often also move to more fertile areas. In their recklessness, they often cause much harm, and only a few Sandcrawlers can destroy a whole field.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009.]]},
  452.     ["Scarab"] = {tibia = [[The Scarab is in general associated with buried secrets and wisdom, which made this beetle an important religious symbol for the city of Ankrahmun. Typically found in their underground lairs, they also inhabit sacred places such as temples or tombs. Scarabs protect their charge with ferocious intent. They will attack anyone who dares to intrude their area and will not relent until the threat is eliminated. Their shells are immensely hard and sometimes weapons might get caught in their chitinous armor. They are able to concentrate their poison in a deadly cloud of nauseating fumes that especially cover their retreat if overwhelmed.]], wiki = [[Wiki: There is a small chance killing a Scarab will spawn a Scorpion in its place, if Horestis has been recently killed during The Mummy's Curse World Change. When this happens, the message "Horestis' curse spawns a vengeful scorpion from the body!" will appear.]]},
  453.     ["Spidris Elite"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Spidris Elite are rarely met in The Hive. They are also summoned by Hive Overseers.]]},
  454.     ["Spidris"] = {tibia = [[The Spidris serve several purposes in the hive. They act as guardians and warriors and also as garbage disposal. They are known to devour any refuse and corpses in the range of the hive. The distinction between their purposes seems artificial, though. For the hive their purpose is probably only one - to get rid of unwanted stuff. They fulfil all their tasks with frightening precision and diligence. Their endless assaults wear down any resistance and their senses are even more keen than those of other hive creatures. They are perfect war machines that know no fear or mercy, yet, they display some cunning traits to retreat or to lure an opponent into ambushes when outnumbered or hard-pressed. The enigmatic appearance of the Spidris touches something subconsciously in the human mind and strikes fear into the hearts of those who encounter them on the battlefield. The fighting style of the Spidris is considered exceedingly cruel and unnecessarily destructive. They are known to waste a considerable amount of time to mutilate the bodies of slain enemies before continuing the fight. In the fight against the Deeplings, the Spidris are often used in the later phases. When the enemy is weakened and tired, the arrival of the Spidris on the battlefield alone may turn the tides of battle. With quick strikes and fast advances, the Spidris are most effective when fighting smaller groups of opponents whose formation has been shattered. The main body of the Spidris is usually hold back until the battle turns either in favour or against the Hive Born. Then the Spidris rush in to either achieve victory in a most gruesome and bloody manner, or they are sent to throw back the probably overconfident enemy.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Usually found with a large amount of Spitters and other Spidris, occasionally also a couple of Kollos.]]},
  455.     ["Spitter"] = {tibia = [[Although the spittle of these creatures servers as a formidable weapon in combat, the Spitters original purpose for the hive seems to be entirely different. The Spitter can obviously produce quite different kinds of spittle. The most often observed feature is the ability to use some kind of gooey spittle that can trap smaller opponents and that becomes hard and resilient when drying up. It is often used to repair hive structures on the fly or even to erect some structures such as barricades when used by larger groups of Spitters. Since it takes some time to harden, it is only annoying and disgusting for bigger opponents such as humans, for this reason this kind of spittle is rarely seen in combat. In battle, they rather use their corrosive spittle. The use of this kind of spittle outside of war is somewhat up to speculations. It seems possible that it is used to dissolve hive structures that are no longer needed. The dissolved structures can be devoured by several of the hive creatures and later be used as construction material again. Adventurers that made forays into the deeper hive observed a third use of the spittle which seems the most important for the hive. The Spitters are the main feeders of the larvae in the hive. This kind of spittle seems nutritious for the Hive Born. It is not only important for their growth but also determines what kind of creature the larvae will evolve into. Though it has been assumed that there are three entirely different strains of Spitters, several observations disproved this theory. The Spitters are able to shift the usage of their spittle with little effort. They can be encountered almost everywhere in the hive although most times, they are only found in the major structures. Only in times of war considerable numbers of Spitters are seen far away from the hive. They serve as distance fighters and therefore play an important role in the composition of the melee-heavy hive armies.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was implemented at the Winter Update 2011.]]},
  456.     ["Swarmer Hatchling"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was implemented at the Winter Update 2011. It is a "baby" Swarmer and can be seen by using a Swarmer Drum to summon one.]]},
  457.     ["Swarmer"] = {tibia = [[Swarmers are usually encountered in greater numbers. They emit pheromones to coordinate their efforts, and even when their fast movements seem aimless and unprovoked sometimes, they always serve some hidden purpose. With the help of pheromones and touch, they seem to have some form of communication with each other. They are often seen to act as one, effortlessly moving in patterns that often mirror those of the other Swarmers. This strange connection of the Swarmers seems not to extend to their hive brethren, though. It has been observed that irritated Swarmers attacked other hive creatures and sometimes even devour them. When in a food frenzy, they are often compared to the feared piranhas. Swarmers seem always eager to collect biomass for the hive one way or the other. This often means the devouring of living matter, be it plants, garbage or living creatures. Brought back to the hive, it is stored as a putrid, half-digested mass. It is assumed that Swarmers also feed other Hive Born, particularly the kollos. Swarmers are assumed to be the most numerous of the Hive Born although not necessarily the ones most often encountered. Daring adventurers that have torn down hive constructs claimed to have found Swarmers in hollow areas and tunnels under the layers of the walls or the floors. What they have done there, remains a mystery. This is just one, even though the main strain of Swarmers that can be encountered. It seems the hive can breed another strain for defensive purposes in great numbers in a short time. Those Swarmers have an extremely short lifespan, however, often only measured in hours. In the war over the isle, the Swarmers are the foremost shock troops. They are used in great numbers to wear down opponents and to distract them from more valuable warriors. They suffer enormous casualties, although, it seems the hive's supply of them is limitless. Most casualties arise in the easy replaceable short-living strain, though, and so the losses for the hive are probably marginal.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was implemented in the Winter Update 2011.]]},
  458.     ["Terramite"] = {tibia = [[The Terramites share the same fondness for wood like their smaller cousins, the termites. Sadly their appetite extends to all other kind of organic substances, including livestock and sentient beings. Given the insatiable appetite of a Terramite colony, the potential for destruction caused by an unhindered population is extreme. Both, the orcs and the lizard people, consider the Terramites as delicacies. Usually the Terramites are content with the things they find in the underground but if the colony is starving, some scouts are sent out to look for more fertile areas. They consider each and everything they find in the earth as potential food, and the unlucky fellow that curiously explores one of their mounds, learns soon enough about their warlike welcome for any intruder. Unlike other insects, Terramites are generalists and lack the distinction between workers, warriors and queens. This makes it rather difficult to extinguish a colony. It is unknown what - instead of a queen - holds a colony together, but a Terramite colony seems to run effectively even without a leader.]], wiki = [[]]},
  459.     ["Wasp"] = {tibia = [[Wasps are predacious insects that live in the grasslands and forests of Tibia. Using their poisonous sting they attack other animals. As they are very quick it is impossible to flee from them. If you hear their thrilling buzz, it is too late to escape. As their defence is quite weak you should try to do the first strike.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They have good attack but low defense. They are really fast (like level 60) and it is hard to escape from them. They usually live in groups in towers or undeground lairs.]]},
  460.     ["Waspoid"] = {tibia = [[The Waspoids are the ever-busy scouts of the hive. They are highly responsive to the hive's wishes and can be found almost everywhere in the vicinity of the hive. As soon as a Waspoid encounters something tasty or threatening, it uses its powerful pheromones to call for reinforcements. So encountering a single Waspoid often means that all Hive Born in the area are on their way to assist the Waspoid in a few heartbeats. Therefore it should be killed as fast as possible. The Waspoid itself is, strangely enough, not truly aggressive. However, it displays a rude curiosity that involves stinging and biting of the encountered object which, despite its unaggressive intention, leads to a fight. The wings of the Waspoid are known to emit a highly annoying noise that can unnerve even the most stoic mammal. Insects, however, seem to be magically attracted by the noise and experiments seem to prove that the Waspoids are able to gain some kind of influence over insects that are not native to the hive. The experiments suggest that the Waspoids can control and lure foreign insects to the hive. Since it has been deemed as too dangerous to continue such experiments, they have been forbidden and it can only be speculated what the hive would 'do' to such formerly unaligned insects. In the battle against the Deeplings, the Waspoids are harassing opponents from unexpected angles, circumventing battle lines. They are an advance force that pierces the enemy's defence to disrupt the supply lines and reinforcements. Waspoids rather operate in small groups on their own than joining forces with other Hive Born. This way they can fully exploit their speed and their flight ability and so gain a considerable advantage for their army.]], wiki = [[]]},
  461.     ["Yellow Butterfly"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  462.     ["Battlemaster Zunzu"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Battlemaster Zunzu is a raid monster since February 17th, 2010.]]},
  463.     ["Draken Abomination"] = {tibia = [[Even the mighty Draken are not immune to the taint that spreads through the land of Zao. Some of them succumbed to the harrowing influence of the corruption. They have been disfigured in body and soul and became a disgrace for their own kind. And yet by decree of the emperor, they are still part of the society. That did not save them from the scorn of they brethren, though. Being physically even more powerful than the ordinary Draken but easily influenced by magic, they became slaves and servants of the spellweavers. The remains of their sentience is nearly burnt out by the cruel use of spell power with which they are programmed as loyal and obedient golems without any own ambitions. What is left of their sentience rarely recovers from this process, and so they roam the palaces of the dragon kings and their servants as nearly mindless drones. Their conditioning usually involves to attack anything that does not belong to the place they are bound to. If this command is triggered, the usually slow and passive Draken Abominations display a frightening amount of rage. It is unknown if this berserking is the result of the cruel conditioning process or an inherent state of mind caused by corruption. Either way, the rage amplifies their impressive strength and turns them into raging behemoths of destruction. Only a few Draken Abominations manage to flee into the wilderness, usually due to mistakes in their breaking ceremony which lead to violent escapes. Those individuals are driven by their instincts and hunt in an area until they are brought down by the forces of the local overseer. Draken Abominations that actually possess sentience comparable to that of other lizards are most likely only a product of myths. In those stories they usually serve as physically powerful helpers of those in peril, or are even involved into a tragic love story with an ordinary lizard. Given the persistence of such stories over many decades, it might be possible that there is a grain of truth in them.]], wiki = [[]]},
  464.     ["Draken Elite"] = {tibia = [[The Draken heritage is one of power and competence. Their training is merciless and their honour leaves little room for failure. All Draken use the best of their abilities to serve the dragon emperor, willing to die for the slightest failure. Yet, only the best of the best make it into the elite of the Draken society. The harsh and rigorous training hones their skills and makes them a living weapon at the disposal of the emperor. Wielding arcane power and weapons alike, the Draken Elite combines this with an impressive physique, turning it into a one man army. Using combat skills and spells, the Draken Elite has just the right answer to any combat situation in its claws. The Draken Elite have become some sort of knightly or religious order in the lizard society. Their grandmaster receives his order only from the dragon emperor himself, and their chapter house is part of the dragon emperor's palace. If the need arises, the emperor lends some of the elite warriors to one of the dragon kings. Sometimes out of need, another time as a boon or token of respect. The elite forces handle even the most trivial duty they are assigned to with precision and unwavering diligence. Often it is sufficient to send a single elite warrior to fulfil a task. When the need arises, small squads are sent which are capable to handle most threats on their own. Given the rarity of the elite forces, such squads are only seen under dire circumstances. Actually it seems that the elite forces are that accustomed to work alone that they do not even get along well with other members of the elite, let alone with 'lesser' warriors at the empire's disposal.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Walks in packs with other Drakens deep under Razachai.]]},
  465.     ["Draken Spellweaver"] = {tibia = [[The more cunning Draken often choose to become Draken Spellweavers. Combining their intellect with their inherent magical talent, probably comparable with that of a dragon, they make great spell casters of formidable power. Sadly, at least for the Draken this often means a rather dull life full of bureaucracy. They are high-ranking members of the hierarchy and with that they are often deeply involved in palace politics and intrigues. It is said their valued intellect binds them to such positions and all these intrigues and deceit are only ways to blow off steam. So when the rare occasion arises that a Draken Spellweaver takes part in a battle, they are often more fierce than their warrior cousins. They combine spells and physical attacks and so pose a threat to even the most experienced fighters. Although highly capable in the realms of magic, they only use a limited array of spells. Most of them are quite direct and have an immense damage output. The majority of Draken Spellweavers see battles as an welcome escape from their duties such as studying and regulating. They enjoy to leave all finesse and intrigues behind and to taste the blood of an enemy.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009. It is somewhat ironic that the Spellweaver's Robe provides +10% resistance to energy because Draken Spellweavers are weak to Energy. The more cunning Draken often choose to become Draken Spellweavers. Combining their intellect with their inherent magical talent, probably comparable with that of a dragon, they make great spell casters of formidable power.]]},
  466.     ["Draken Warmaster"] = {tibia = [[The mighty Draken Warmasters originate from ordinary lizard hatcheries. Still, in many regards Draken have many more similarities to dragons than to their lizard parents. It can only be speculated what has caused their change, but the first Draken were born in the first years of the reign of the dragon kings. In the armies of the lizard people, the strong and cunning Draken Warmasters often serve as leaders or elite units. Due to their immense power, they have little to fear and happily unleash their rage in battle. As revered members of the lizard society, they receive the best equipment the master craftsmen can supply, and they use it with skill and precision obtained in years of sedulous training. This combination of skill, natural prowess and superior equipment makes them the most valued and feared troops in the dragon empire. The raising and training of the Draken takes much time and dedication. There are rumours that Draken neither die nor get weaker when getting older, rather the opposite, they are supposed to become more and more powerful with every day. The most ancient of the Draken are said to form the 'Flame Guard', the personal elite bodyguard of the dragon emperor, as well as the fabled 'Enders', the private executioners and assassins of the dragon kings.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009. The mighty Draken Warmasters originate from ordinary lizard hatcheries. Still, in many regards Draken have many more similarities to dragons than to their lizard parents. It can only be speculated what has caused their change, but the first Draken were born in the first years of the reign of the dragon kings. In the armies of the lizard people, the strong and cunning Draken Warmasters often serve as leaders or elite units. Due to their immense power, they have little to fear and happily unleash their rage in battle. As revered members of the lizard society, they receive the best equipment the master craftsmen can supply, and they use it with skill and precision obtained in years of sedulous training. This combination of skill, natural prowess and superior equipment makes them the most valued and feared troops in the dragon empire. The raising and training of the Draken takes much time and dedication. There are rumours that Draken neither die nor get weaker when getting older, rather the opposite, they are supposed to become more and more powerful with every day. The most ancient of the Draken are said to form the 'Flame Guard', the personal elite bodyguard of the dragon emperor, as well as the fabled 'Enders', the private executioners and assassins of the dragon kings.]]},
  467.     ["Lizard Abomination"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Introduced in Summer Update 2010.]]},
  468.     ["Lizard Chosen"] = {tibia = [[Tainted by the contaminated land and driven into madness, the society of the lizard people look at these individuals as blessed. Their mad ramblings, often combined with odd behaviour, are often interpreted as prophecies. Lizard Chosen are often the centre of festivities and part of complicated rituals which they barely understand. Strangely enough, these wretched creatures seldom show any excessive aggression towards their own race. Still, they are aggressive towards outsiders and take delight in destroying pure nature just as if it they intended to spread their taint onto the land. Even though the lizard people give the Lizard Chosen a somewhat 'holy' status, they are not reluctant to use them for tasks that equal those of watchdogs. Their aggression towards outsiders combined with the remarkable abilities their tainted bodies have acquired, they make formidable foes. Knowing no fear and seemingly not caring for wounds, they are only focused on the destruction of their enemies. Although the Lizard Chosen have become more and more over the last decades, they are still rarely encountered in greater numbers. Although, there are rumours of whole colonies of Lizard Chosen behind the great dragon wall. Sometimes one of the Lizard Chosen goes on a killing spree in the southern lands. It is known that these creatures never stop or retreat and can only be stopped by killing them. The reason for these rampages is yet unknown, but the lizard people believe that the Lizard Chosen fulfil the wish of their emperor this way.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added in the Christmas Update 2009. This lizard cannot be skinned.]]},
  469.     ["Lizard Dragon Priest"] = {tibia = [[Ancient texts tell us about a time when the priests of the empire did not revere the dragons but one or more other entities. It seems that of all parts of lizard society, the priesthood changed the most due to the arrival of the dragons. In the last few decades, the old customs seem to have been forgotten if not suppressed, and an entirely new tradition was founded. Today, there is hardly any knowledge left about the dragons' predecessors. Although the Lizard Dragon Priests are a rather young order, they have been taught powerful magic by their dragon masters. Their skill in manipulating fire is rivalled only by few in the known world, and they enjoy conflagrations just like ritual arson. Still, the flame is seen only as one visual manifestation of the power of the dragons. Instead, they often use stylised dragons or items that have a relation to dragons as symbols for their belief. In their behaviour, the Lizard Dragon Priests try to emulate the dragons which is often mirrored in their fighting style. However, the powers of the Lizard Dragon Priests do not only encompass the calling of flames and blazes. Some of their apparent powers are not related to their reverence of the dragons. Whether their affinity to poison and corruption is a reminiscent of the past or somehow related to the dragons is still a mystery. Astonishingly enough for a culture so bound to traditions and formalism, the priesthood lacks proper ranks and offices. Instead an individual Lizard Dragon Priest may by skill or intrigues create its own individual office.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009. As of Summer Update 2010, this creature can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife to obtain Lizard Leather. See also: Lizard Leather/Skinning.]]},
  470.     ["Lizard High Guard"] = {tibia = [[Lizard High Guards are hand-picked former members of the legions who showed great talent or had proven themselves in battle. These individuals were schooled in advanced tactics and put to a series of challenging tests. Joining the Lizard High Guards is a secret ceremony that takes place on the Isle of Strife. It is rumoured that the candidates do not only face several creatures in the arena but also have to battle their inner demons to prove themselves worthy. With the decline of the empire and the dwindling numbers of lizards, these tests became less and less lethal. Still, failure is seen as a dire disgrace and once these unlucky individuals are back in the legions they often seek death in battle to escape their shame. The Lizard High Guards are the elite troops of the empire and fiercely loyal to their superiors following their strict code of honour. Their pride and honour let them stick to any given task, regardless how futile their mission may seem. Failure is no option for a Lizard High Guard. In the army, the Lizard High Guards form an almost monastic order with rituals and an ever present code of behaviour. The ideal Lizard High Guard is expected to be an example of absolute control over its mind and body. Lizard High Guards on ceremonial watch are known to remain so motionless that they could easily pass as statues. The Lizard High Guards are perfectly aware of their elite status in the society and they look on the ordinary legionnaires with contempt.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009. After Summer Update 2010 these creatures drop Tower Shields and can be skinned in order to obtain Lizard Leather.]]},
  471.     ["Lizard Legionnaire"] = {tibia = [[Even the lowest members of the lizard army had to complete a rigorous training. Once the vast armies of the lizard people ruled the land of Zao with an iron fist. They had freed the lands from long forgotten competitors and efficiently eradicated each major threat for the empire. Each new menace was faced by the well-trained army led by elite generals. Even when the lizard people ruled unchallenged for centuries, their legions were not allowed to disregard their training. Bound to ancient traditions, their training continued under the rules set by the founders of the empire. The training has lost little of its harshness in the course of centuries. A Lizard Legionnaire is only responsible to army members of higher ranks. A position in the legion is one of prestige, and even though they are still at the mercy of their superiors, it is a step to relative freedom because a place in the army saves the Lizard Legionnaire from the influence of the many bureaucrats of the empire. For a long period in the lizard people's history, the legions were only useful for parades and guardian duties. Still, when the great plague and the rise of the lizard people's enemies threatened the empire, the legions stood ready but saw themselves heavily outnumbered. During hasty recruitments, auxiliary troops were raised from the remaining population. But even fitted out with the best equipment, those untrained troops perished by dozens. Only the restocking of the legion ranks proved effective. With the stabilisation of the empire by the might of the dragons, the legions finally got the vitally needed time to refill their ranks and slowly managed to hold the status quo on their own. Still, the empire lacks Lizard Legionnaires to regain lost territory and looks for other means to strengthen its power.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009. As of Summer Update 2010, this creature can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife to obtain Lizard Leather. See also: Lizard Leather/Skinning.]]},
  472.     ["Lizard Magistratus"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  473.     ["Lizard Noble"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  474.     ["Lizard Sentinel"] = {tibia = [[Even the lizard people of the lowest caste follow some kind of spiritual path. Lizard Sentinels form a kind of temple guard rather than an army. Following the orders of Templars and snakecharmers, they work, fight and die for the welfare of the lizard race. Bred and raised for this purpose, only the Lizard Sentinels seem to have an almost steady supply for their troops whose strength lies in their numbers. They are rather distance than melee fighters and they try to shun close combat which seems to be a privilege of the Templars. If Lizard Sentinels are forced to fight eye to eye, they defend themselves almost reluctantly as if they were even in the face of death trying to avoid breaking any taboo.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They often appear along with other lizards; sentinels are somewhat slow. These creatures can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife. See also: Lizard Leather/Skinning.]]},
  475.     ["Lizard Snakecharmer"] = {tibia = [[Half priest and half wizard, Lizard Snakecharmers seem to be the spiritual leaders of the lizard people. They are skilled in casting several spells and show a strong affinity to snakes and poison. Like snakes, which they are assumed to worship, they like to wait until their victim shows a weakness that allows them to strike. Keeping their enemies at distance, their sudden attacks often take the victims by surprise which gives the Lizard Snakecharmers an edge in combat. Recently, they have settled their quarrels with the warriors of their race to form a formidable team to fight against their common enemy and to fend off any intruders in their territory.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Its Self-Healing is constantly used. Goes invisible often. These creatures can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife. See also: Lizard Leather/Skinning.]]},
  476.     ["Lizard Templar"] = {tibia = [[The proud holy warriors of the lizard race follow a strange code of honour which cannot be understood by the other races. Part of this code seems to be fighting valiantly the warm-blooded races which they regard as intruders in their realm. Their thick scale skin, their incredible toughness and their unwavering determination to win a fight had made the lizard people the dominating race in Tiquanda for a long time. Even their enemies must credit them skilfulness and elegance in the usage of their exotic weapons. Probably, lizards see a fight as a religious experience. Their fighting style is obviously very formalised yet very efficient. The snake-like blade-dance that they perform in combat is only clouded by their overconfidence and their inability to accept defeat.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They often appear along with other Lizards. These creatures attack with melee attacks only, and aren't very fast; thus, an easy kill for paladins and mages. Even though it has a huge amount of hitpoints, its attacks are rather weak, so they won't be a problem for experienced knights either. These creatures can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife. See also: Lizard Leather/Skinning.]]},
  477.     ["Lizard Zaogun"] = {tibia = [[For centuries, the Lizard Zaoguns were the elite of the lizard armies. They were hand-picked from the best of the best the nobility had to offer. Rigorous training honed their skills. Ancient and secret teachings in the arts of fighting and tactics prepared them well for their positions as officers and generals in the vast armies of old. With the arrival of the dragons and with them also the Draken, the star of the Lizard Zaoguns began to fade. Gradually, Draken took over the positions the Lizard Zaoguns once held. The proud Lizard Zaoguns were reduced to mere subordinates. Often nothing more than messengers for the Draken, the Lizard Zaoguns became embittered and their traditions started to change. The teachings about tactics became less and less important. The focus of their fighting training switched from an artful form containing ancient traditions and rituals to a much more aggressive and self-endangering style. The modern Lizard Zaoguns are elite warriors with little regard for their own safety. Their whole life is centred around triumph and spectacular victories. With acts of almost foolish bravery, they want to proof their value in a society that cares little about them. They seek the recognition of the dragon kings and the emperor with all means at their disposal. Though they are loyal to the dragons, they feel envy and anger towards the Draken who they see as usurpers of their rightful position.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009. As of Summer Update 2010, this creature can be skinned to obtain Lizard Leather.]]},
  478.     ["Wyvern"] = {tibia = [[Some scholars consider the Wyvern as a distant cousin of the dragons. This is far from truth though. The Wyvern we know nowadays are the result of constant breeding of some significantly smaller, only mildly poisonous flying lizards. Over several generations, orc shamans had selected the biggest and meanest of those little beasts for breeding. Subjecting those lizards to poison and alchemistic brewages as well as constant fighting, the orcs captured and killed thousands of them. Long before the breeding cycles came to an end, the original lizard race became extinct. Originally intended to be used as weapons in wars, Wyverns proved to be too uncontrollable and impulsive to be of any real use. Finally they were used for sports events in which the orcs forced them to battle each other and other creatures. So the breeding continued for a while until the orcish society was shattered by wars and many Wyverns escaped into freedom. These new and powerful predators had no problems to survive in freedom and only their natural aggressiveness, even among each other, prevented that they became a widespread plague. Nowadays, the most aggressive Wyverns became extinct. The new breed is somewhat more sociable. Wyverns often form small packs, but since they are still quite aggressive, lethal power struggles are common, especially when it comes to leadership. Given their aggressive disposition, several Wyverns still end up in solitary.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Some scholars consider the Wyvern a distant cousin of the Dragon, though this is far from truth. The Wyvern we know today is the result of constant breeding of some significantly smaller, only mildly poisonous flying Lizards.]]},
  479.     ["Minotaur Archer"] = {tibia = [[Minotaur Archers form the artillery of the minotaurs' army. Using their crossbows they shoot bolts at their enemies. Many adventurers have died in the hail of missiles. Usually, they are accompanied by other types of minotaurs.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A powerful minotaur. Popular to Summon as it is almost as deadly as a Fire Devil and requires less mana. These creatures can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife. See also: Minotaur Leather/Skinning.]]},
  480.     ["Minotaur Guard"] = {tibia = [[Minotaur Guards form the heavy troops of the minotaurs' army. They are tough short-range fighters but vulnerable by distance fighting weapons. Watch out for archers that are usually placed in the second row behind them.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Besides the bosses, Minotaur Guards have the strongest melee of the classic Minotaurs. These creatures can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife. See also: Minotaur Leather/Skinning.]]},
  481.     ["Minotaur Mage"] = {tibia = [[Minotaur Mages are the elite of the minotaurs' army. With their magic they support the other troops in a fight. They can create energy fields and shoot fireballs or magic missiles. As they are weak short-range fighters, guards will protect them while they operate from the second row.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These creatures are dangerous and usually found with Minotaur Guards because of their low defense. These creatures can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife. See also: Minotaur Leather/Skinning.]]},
  482.     ["Minotaur"] = {tibia = [[Minotaurs are cross-breeds of humans and bulls. They live in great caves where they even build proper towns. Furthermore, they arrange troops that repel every intruder from their empire. Minotaurs are average fighters, but organised as a military squad they can be quite dangerous.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A strong half-human, half-bull creature. These creatures can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife. You have around 5% chance to get a Minotaur Leather from a dead body. See also: Minotaur Leather/Skinning.]]},
  483.     ["Badger"] = {tibia = [[These creatures are a common sight in Tibian forests and plains. Although they are usually quite shy, these animals are extremely territorial. Ready to attack any intruders regardless of their size, the Badger can easily become a nasty surprise to the unsuspecting traveller.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature was once very hard to find in the wild. With the Summer 2007 update, they can now be found in considerable amounts around the barbarian camps. They have also been implemented in Tiquanda, near the Tarantula caves.]]},
  484.     ["Bat"] = {tibia = [[Often encountered in caves and ruins, Bats are often seen as a bad omen. Being little stronger than a rat, they are rather a nuisance than a threat to an experienced adventurer. Their diet usually consists of small animals and their rare attacks on people mainly happen out of self-defence. Bats often form large swarms, and it is slightly more dangerous to face such a swarm than a single exemplar. Bats can be found almost everywhere as long as there is some dark place close-by where they can breed and sleep.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Usually found in large groups. It seems to be much harder to get bat wings after the Winter Update 2008]]},
  485.     ["Ghoulish Hyaena"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  486.     ["Hyaena"] = {tibia = [[Long regarded only as a scavenger, the Hyaena is quite capable of bringing down prey as large as a deer. This strong, stocky beast is found in the Daramian deserts. Its jaws are powerful, in proportion to its size, and quite dangerous. Being truly the craven cowards they have often been depicted as, they are fast to abandon a fight and flee. They usually hunt in packs, mostly at night. They chase their prey until it is exhausted, then the pack sets upon its victim and disembowels it. These noisy animals have several types of cries and bloodcurdling howls. They make a maniacal laughing sound when attacking which turns rapidly into a miserable whimper if they suffered from too many counterattacks and see their lives endangered.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are weak like wolves. Can be summoned by Apprentice Sheng in Mino Hell (Rookgaard).]]},
  487.     ["Skunk"] = {tibia = [[Legend has it there was once a race of mischievous black rodents who were close cousins of the squirrels. They loved to fool around and to tease others all day long. However, one day they went too far. Angered by one of their tricks, a powerful fairy cursed the whole race. From that fateful moment on, these creatures were marked with a white stripe and,more importantly, with an overwhelming stench that was unbearable to most creatures who live and breathe. However, it did not take the clever critters long to work out that they could use their nauseating stench as a weapon of self-defence. Today, these rodents are known as Skunks, and few creatures dare to anger them because of their feared smell.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are weak but their poison hits can't be blocked.]]},
  488.     ["Water Buffalo"] = {tibia = [[Water buffaloes were once common inhabitants of swamps, but the large buffalo population proved to be an easy prey for the humanoid races. Against their long-ranged weapons, the slow buffaloes were defenceless. Hundreds of buffaloes were slaughtered notably during the construction of Venore. The vast buffalo population dwindled almost to the point of extinction, leaving only small packs. But what happened then is subject to speculation. The irrefutable facts are that from one day to the next, the remaining buffaloes simply had gone, vanished without a trace. Where just the day before buffaloes had been grazing, their footprints were found to end suddenly, as if they had disappeared into thin air. While this report was dismissed and the buffaloes simply thought extinct, all of a sudden they reappeared... in greater numbers and more healthy and aggressive than before. People began to form hunting parties to drive the aggressive animals away. But the hunt did not go too well and after a while, the buffaloes disappeared again, dissolving into rising mists, sometimes even right in front of the astonished hunters. Up to this day, there is no rational explanation for this occurrence. Again and again, the ghostly herds reappeared in numbers that belied the casualties they must have suffered during their last appearance. However, if a buffalo was killed, its body remained when the others vanished again and even if a buffalo had been befriended or tamed, it remained in the known world indefinitely. Still, there is no clue whereto the buffaloes vanish, and what happens there to them. The strange behaviour of the buffaloes has led to many superstitions and it is deemed unwise to hunt buffaloes or eat their meat lest it should anger some unknown force. Some speculate that Crunor himself guards the buffaloes and grants them refuge in a mystical realm outside of space and time, while others believe the buffaloes learned some instinctive magic which provided them a magical shelter. Others again have theories about an extra-dimensional race abducting the buffaloes for experiments. In any case, someone seen riding a buffalo is regarded as either extremely brave, or extremely foolhardy as it is still considered possible that the buffalo, along with its rider, may some day vanish forever into an unknown world.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Use Leech on a Water Buffalo to tame it.]]},
  489.     ["Donkey"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  490.     ["Incredibly Old Witch"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Can see invisibility.]]},
  491.     ["Modified Gnarlhound"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It's possible to tame this creature by using a Golem Wrench on it. They will respawn, even if there are players in the place.]]},
  492.     ["Crocodile"] = {tibia = [[Crocodiles lurk in the murky waters of swamps or lie seemingly lazy at the shores of rivers and seas. They are astonishing agile when they are catching their prey though, and many were misled by their otherwise slow motions. The strength of their jaws is incredible and they hunt animals much larger than themselves with ease. For hours they can wait motionlessly for the unwary to approach and then to strike at complete surprise. If they manage to catch some mammal in water, there is almost no escape. On land, their claws and their thick scale skin makes it an impressive fighter and a threat to everything alive. You are advised to stay away from shores or to go there only with utmost caution.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A fairly good source of food and drops the very popular Crocodile Boots. Since Christmas Update 2009 crocodiles no longer drop meat.]]},
  493.     ["Hydra"] = {tibia = [[The many-headed Hydra is a distant cousin of the dragon. Although probably not more intelligent than a beast, the Hydra has magical abilities. The breath of the Hydra is poisonous and it traditionally uses a forceful splash of hot water as a weapon. As dangerous as this might be, the true danger lies in the Hydra's incredible healing powers. Even severed heads grow back within a few heartbeats and each injury seems only to increase the creature's ravenous hunger. The Hydra seems to flourish in warm climate and usually build its lair close to greater bodies of water. Although the jungles climate seems to benefit their breeding, it is not uncommon to encounter small Hydra colonies in milder climate as well. Other than their dragon cousins, Hydras shun the dry heat. Hydras are not known to hoard treasures on purpose but having been on this earth for quite some time, and only randomly losing a fight, the belongings of their victims have started to fill up their caves.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Hydras are distant relatives of Dragons and Lizards. Their most distinctive feature is their triple head (reference to the mythological Lernaean Hydra). They have historic ties with low class lizards and their most populous habitat is Banuta - the previous Lizard settlement. Besides Banuta, they are typically found in natural environments. They are particularly known for their unique waves, strong and frequent paralysis and strong healing.]]},
  494.     ["Killer Caiman"] = {tibia = [[The Killer Caimans are the product of selective breeding by the lizard people over several centuries. Once rather harmless caimans, today resilient beasts - the selection changed them according to the whims of their lizard masters. In ancient times, the caiman breeding was a pastime of the royalty and a strong caiman was a vital prestige object. Caiman battles were arranged to show off and to settle conflicts. Over the years, caimans escaped or were given as present to loyal subjects who set them free or interbred them with escaped beasts. This way, they slowly found their way back into the wilds. Later lower caste lizards captured them and they became widespread pets. The Killer Caiman that is found nowadays in Zao has surpassed its ancestors in all ways. As if they weren't already dangerous enough, the royalty of the lizard people still possesses caiman hatcheries where they breed even stronger and more resilient versions of the Killer Caiman.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are usually found in groups and with some High Class Lizards. This creature was added in the Christmas Update 2009.]]},
  495.     ["Thornback Tortoise"] = {tibia = [[Everything that their more peaceful cousins lack in fighting prowess, the warlike Thornback Tortoises own all the more. Incredibly armed they come with a small but efficient array of distance attacks that compensate their lack of agility. Even though Thornback Tortoises are quite slow, they often manage to catch their enemies in close combat by incapacitating them. If it comes to one-to-one battles, they can face even the strongest opponents due to their incredible armor and their sheer strength.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Usually appears in large groups with Tortoises and Blood Crabs.]]},
  496.     ["Tortoise"] = {tibia = [[In the past, the once peaceful Tortoise of the Shattered Isles has been hunted by sailors and settlers until it was almost eradicated. It is disputed whether the Tortoise has learnt at last to defend itself or, as some members of the explorer's society claim, some kind of natural selection has set in that left only the meanest and most aggressive Tortoises. Be that as it may, nowadays the island Tortoises are quite capable to defend themselves. Heavy natural armor and a strong jaw make up for their slowness to some extent. Still their slowness is their major weakness and it is probably only a matter of time until humans rout them out in their last refuges on the isles.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They offer decent amount of money and experience for the effort.]]},
  497.     ["Calamary"] = {tibia = [[Often rather seen as food by other inhabitants of the seas than as what they really are: intelligent and cunning hunters with an amazing ability to blend in with their surroundings. They are a true menace to smaller fish and their very shape induces fear in many creatures beneath and above sea level. This undoubtedly would not shake any other calamary, however, as they have three hearts to conveniently absorb such a shock.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was implemented with the Winter Update 2011.]]},
  498.     ["Slug"] = {tibia = [[What an embarrassing defeat to be ambushed and beaten by a Slug. However, this scenario has become a shocking truth. Several forms of Slugs have been raised like cattle by various races such as the orcs and goblins since the dawn of time. It is questionable whether some of the prehistoric Slug rancher came up with the idea to breed some kind of battle Slugs or if some free roaming Slugs adapted to the constant danger by other races. It is quite likely that both effects went hand in hand. Anyhow, the Slug as we know it today was the result of this process. The Slug might not be a fearsome fighter but it has adapted to the constant threat to their race by developing resilience and an acid spitting capability that at least keeps their hunters somewhat at bay. Nevertheless, Slugs are still the favourite diet of several races and especially orcs consider Slug acid a spice. Most other giant Slug races are only known from orc and goblin myths since today's Slug successfully took over most habitats including even some from other races. This led to the incident known as the great Slug plague. In a rare and (unintentionally) combined effort of humans, dwarfs, elves, orcs, goblins and others, the Slugs were hunted, their eggs were destroyed where discovered, and poisoned traps were placed in their habitats. What most races, like the humans, conveniently left out in their history books is still known today among the goblin race as the 'Great Slug Wars'. The Slugs finally (and fittingly slowly) came back after the great purge, decimated, beaten, but not defeated. Slowly, the Slugs recovered and started to show up at unexpected places. Still, any greater Slug population often provokes attacks from Slug hunters. Also, still many races consider Slugs, their acid and their eggs a delicacy. For these reasons, greater populations have become uncommon.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Can be tamed to get the Tiger Slug mount.]]},
  499.     ["Dark Monk"] = {tibia = [[There are several monks that lost faith or were lured to the dark side, but the Dark Monks form an own secret order whose goals lie in the shadow. Not much is known about their agenda or where they have come from. The official brotherhoods of monks deny any knowledge about this special order. It is commonly assumed that Dark Monks serve some evil power since they react hostile to most people and attack them on sight. Their fighting style clearly indicates a training in martial arts and they even use a small array of spells of which some, like draining of life-force, point to a darker purpose of their order.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Be careful. They often appear in groups or with other creatures so you may find yourself surrounded quickly. A level 96 knight or level 38 paladin will have enough mana to convince these to train with on Open PvP worlds.]]},
  500.     ["Monk"] = {tibia = [[In ancient times, long before Edron has been re-discovered, some Monks, followers of the evil god Zathroth, founded a monastery in the dungeons deep below the surface. They are not well disposed towards the explorers that are now coming there, and will attack every intruder fiercely. They are skilled fist fighters and can heal themselves.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Mystical creatures, they heal themselves about every 10 seconds, which makes them great as summons. They move items in their way. Commonly used for training of knights and paladins. This is one of two monsters that can be summoned but not convinced. The other is Gozzler. They can also be summoned by the Man in the Cave.]]},
  501.     ["Mutated Bat"] = {tibia = [[Modern scientists found out that the common bat has the inherent power of transformation. For this reason, bat blood is high-priced among alchemists and probably also explains the bats connection to vampires in some way. Due to certain influences by contaminated food or magical radiation, some bats transformed into horrible beasts. These beasts are well-known as Mutated Bats. Unlike intended mutations that origin from experiments, the mutation of bats seem to happen rather spontaneous. Mutated Bats seem to lack the fertility of other mutated species as it is was never heard that they brought up offspring. The transformation into a giant-sized mutated bat seems to put some strain on the bats, turning them incredibly aggressive. Only the company of other Mutated Bats seems to calm them a little. Lonely Mutated Bats can become so aggressive that they attack their own shadow until they die of exhaustion. In certain areas with a high magical contamination, the Mutated Bat has become a dangerous plague. Swarms of those bats have killed whole small villages in a single night. Moving only in the darkness, they devastate the land like a swarm of locusts until they are stopped by military or brave heroes. As it is rather easy to create Mutated Bats on purpose, scholars of magic or alchemy often use them as watchdogs or tools of vengeance. Their aggressive and destructive nature makes such endeavours dangerous at best, and not few lost control of their vicious pet in a rather inconvenient moment.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A stronger mutated form of a bat. They have powerful attacks so low level players are advised too avoid them. After Summer Update 2009 they have slightly weaker poison shot, poison at melee and can no longer make you drunk.]]},
  502.     ["Mutated Human"] = {tibia = [[Mind and body of these poor creatures have been twisted in an agonising and horrible way. Once humans, there is nothing left than pain and hatred. Their blurred minds rarely allow them planned actions. Their mutations were caused by contaminated material or magical radiation. In most cases, this has led to more or less slow and painful deaths, but in some cases the subjects managed to survive. If they retained some degree of sentience, they would rather wish to be dead, though. Due to the mutation, hardly anything of the original physiology is still intact, and sometime during the mutation process, the mind collapses in an act of self-defence. Having endured unimaginable conditions, the mutated bodies are highly resilient and extremely strong. Packs of Mutated Humans can easily dismantle whole neighbourhoods within a single night. Driven by animal-like instincts, the mutants often form packs in which the alpha mutant leads his brethren on hunts and raids. Mutated Humans usually hunt for food rather than for plunder. Still, driven by old instincts, they tend to carry away everything they come across, only to drop it again a few minutes later, not even remembering what they had taken. Mutated Humans hardly ever use any weapons or tools, and only seldom they still wear the armor they were dressed in before their mutation took place.]], wiki = [[]]},
  503.     ["Mutated Rat"] = {tibia = [[Mutated Rats usually grow out of rats eating contaminated remains of experiments. Given the rats' ferocious appetite and the thoughtless disposal of residues by alchemists, Mutated Rats are not as uncommon as one might like. They are subject of many rumours and legends as they are hardly met during daytime. This makes it somewhat hard to give an adequate description of their attitudes and abilities. It is certain that their behaviour usually does not change much due to the mutation other than becoming more daring. Rumour has it that depending on their sources of food - the disgusting details will be left out here - they might get frightening intelligent and live much longer than usual rats. Mutated Rats always take the leadership over the common rats in their area. Being the leader, the Mutated Rats rarely leave the deepest lairs but are served and fed by their smaller brethren. In combat they are rarely seen without the company of ordinary rats that seem to serve as their soldiers. They are definitely more powerful and even vital than their smaller kin but they are still not much of a threat for an experienced fighter. It is also said that some of them actually become immortal and gain magic knowledge from devouring whole books about magic. Those Mutated Rats are actually able to learn certain rat related spells and become powerful ratomancers. However, those are just rumours and there have never been any real facts or credible reports.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are similar to Bonebeasts, but a bit weaker. Added in the Christmas Update 2008.]]},
  504.     ["Mutated Tiger"] = {tibia = [[A Mutated Tiger is the result of outrageous experiments. In most cases, the mutation is rather a by-product of another process that aims at stealing the cat's vitality and agility to produce a youth potion that is of great demand among the wealthy and powerful all over the world. Although some of the most resilient tigers survive this horrible draining-process, they turn incurably mad and wild. In addition, these rare individuals become much more vital and stronger than they have ever been in their former lives. To the dismay of some excited alchemists, who had tried to drain those beasts to gain even more powerful potions, the vital force of Mutated Tigers is toxic. This, however, did not stop the alchemists to undertake further gruesome experiments. After surviving these cruel experiments, the beasts reached a point beyond madness and rage. They are the incarnation of pain and agony, and seem to want to spread them both as much as possible. With their increased power, it becomes more and more difficult to have them in their laboratories. Sometimes, thoughtless alchemists release the beasts into the wild, when it becomes too dangerous to keep them. Others are sold to arenas, zoos or curiosity shows. The buyer usually regrets the trade quickly - that is, if he is lucky to live long enough to regret something. Unlike to their former lives, Mutated Tigers care little for stealth and lying in ambush. They usually charge an opponent and try to overwhelm him with sheer ferocity and power. They seem to need immense amounts of food after their mutation, still if they have the chance, they kill much more than they could possible need for survival.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Be weary that these creatures use invisible frequently, so you may run into more than you think when approaching them. Despite staying invisible for a short amount of time, if grouped, their combos can bring down even decent skilled players.]]},
  505.     ["Centipede"] = {tibia = [[The poisonous Centipede is a pest that is native of the Tiquandan jungle. Somehow a few of the creatures managed to sneak on ships and spread all over the world. Being mainly a scavenger, the Centipede rarely hunts actively for prey; but if it runs into a creature, it will attack it nonetheless. Given the fact that it does not have to kill for a living, the Centipede is astonishingly tough and challenging in combat. Being fast and poisonous, the Centipede can be quite dangerous, and its fertility causes its appearance in large numbers. This creature seems ineradicable, several extermination campaigns have already failed. Wherever a carrion is laying, a Centipede is close. However, it prefers to live in caves and narrow tunnels. Mould and decay seem to attract it and not little made their homes in the sewers of the cities.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Their difficulty increased during Summer Update 2008, when their experience rose from 30 to 34. Before this update they used to drop Poison Dagger as a very rare loot.]]},
  506.     ["Crawler"] = {tibia = [[The Crawler seems to be less specialised than its hive brethren. It has been observed that they fill in any role that is needed. They even change their given role so quickly sometimes that an observer might come to the conclusion that Crawlers could make decisions consciously. Still, this is disputed and it seems more likely that they are only extremely sensitive to the commands or needs of the hive. Be it as it may, the Crawler can be encountered in each part of the hive and on the battlefield. They fight less aggressive and more coordinated than their brethren, though, they lack somewhat the strength of the others. They are even known for their retreats in a battle, just to regroup and attack again. Crawlers are swift and seem never to get tired. Even in futile tasks, they will not give up. Their tireless persistence is one of their most notable traits. They seem to be able to exist for an incredible long time without any form of nourishment and are one of the few Hive Born that can operate a significant amount of time underwater. As allrounder, they often aid their brethren in battles and seem to be capable fighters on their own. Speed and effectiveness are the hallmarks of the Crawlers. Their true status in the hive, however, is somewhat enigmatic. Their use for the war against the Deeplings is somewhat limited. Although some of them accompany the marching armies of the hive, most of them stay back as rear guards and to expand hive structures in gained territory. However, groups of them also accompany greater armies to harass their opponents and particularly to single out weakened targets.]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  507.     ["Wiggler"] = {tibia = [[The Wiggler is a centipede-like pest that ironically has grown in numbers due to the numerous mushroom farms that the gnomes own. In their natural habitat there is rarely enough food to support more than a handful of Wiggler in any given area. So in the distant past the Wiggler must have been a rare sight. With gnomes cultivating mushroom gardens and sometimes even abandoning them for safety reasons, the Wiggler found enough nourishment to grow significantly in numbers. By the time the gnomes learned about the significance of the rising threat, it was too late to turn the tide. The Wiggler has become a common threat for gnomish holdings and is probably even more threatening to other underground dwellers who are ill prepared. Wigglers are usually found on gnomish mushroom fields. As they are killed, more seem to appear. All the gnomes can do is practise damage reduction by eliminating this threat in the vicinity of their holdings. Still success, if any, is usually short lived. Worse still, with all attempts to exterminate the Wigglers every new generation seems to become a little bit more resilient and more aggressive. Where in tales of old the Wigglers shunned away from light sources, in our days they seem to be drawn to them instead. If the old Wigglers fled when discovered, the new generations fight back fiercely. Though not an enormous threat if on their own, their numbers and sheer limitless reinforcements make them quite dangerous, especially as the newer breeds have shifted their strict mushroom diet to a more omnivorous one that does not shun the flesh of living beings.]], wiki = [[]]},
  508.     ["Blood Hand"] = {tibia = [[Nobody is quite sure how the blood priest cult recruits its pupils, the blood hands, and if they join of their own free will. Rumours have it that blood hands have artificially enhanced blood in their veins, making them ruthless tools that do the bidding of their masters. Blood hands are named after the red gloves they wear, but the name is not merely a metaphor: blood hands have to pass several years of training and killing in the field to prove worthy of ascending into the ranks of the priests. Though the initiation takes place behind securely closed doors, there are hints of blood rage visions, brain washing, grotesque rituals and blood transfusions during the final trial, and only those who live through these ordeals are entitled to call themselves blood priests, and receive a new name. Blood hands are often sent abroad to fulfil a mission of their master's or assisting him, and may return with strange devices, samples and stains. On the upside, blood hands are also skilled surgeons, and many an unhappy necromancer has relied on their skill to prolong his life or sew a limb back on, even if he had to pledge his services to theirs in return. In combat, blood hands use what their masters have taught them, and summon minions they managed to pressure into a blood bond, which usually means fellow necromancers who owed them a favour or two.]], wiki = [[]]},
  509.     ["Blood Priest"] = {tibia = [[Over time, different groups of dark summoners developed in Drefia who each follow their own path in using and worshipping the dark powers, loosely allying themselves, or feuding viciously, with another group from time to time. The Blood Priests are a more recent order that reveres the fluids of life and death - above all blood, which they amass in horrendous quantities. Blood priests devote their lives to the study of blood and so-called lesser fluids. They attribute the most stupefying qualities to blood, and experiment extensively with it, using strange devices in their blood hall caverns. This requires a constant supply of fresh fluids and bodies and therefore blood priests and their henchmen are avoided even by their fellow Dark Summoners for fear of their lives. Even their names reflect their love for everything associated with blood and it is said they do not exactly dye their robes blood red. Blood Priests love extravaganza in speech and habit, but they also favour symmetrical shapes and figures - nets, crosses, or abstract tree shapes - shapes that favour a flow and distribution of fluids. Their single-minded extravaganza extends to their love for other species as well. Though rats are usually preferred animals of Urgith and abound in Drefia, blood priests dote on bats, ticks and leeches, and it is even rumoured they have some kind of agreement with the vampires - though nobody dares to imagine to what purpose, and certainly will not ask.]], wiki = [[]]},
  510.     ["Necromancer"] = {tibia = [[Necromancers are powerful magicians who pursue studies on undead creatures in the haunted ruins of Drefia on Darama.Nobody knows what they intend to use their perilous knowledge for and which dreadful secrets they already have discovered, but adventurers, who have managed to escape from their realm, report that they are able to summon several kinds of undead creatures like skeletons, ghouls, and mummies. They can heal themselves and they know how to drain life energy off their opponents. Although they are quite strong fighters, they prefer distance fighting, namely shooting magic missiles and letting their summoned servants fight for them.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Necromancers have really valuable items in their loot: Boots of Haste, Noble Axes and Skull Staffs. They have a weak defense so even knights are able to kill them with a litte limitation: their Death Hit works only if you stand next to them.]]},
  511.     ["Necromancer Servant"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Part of the Gravedigger of Drefia quest. Acts very similar to a regular Necromancer, with which they share their appearance.]]},
  512.     ["Priestess"] = {tibia = [[Priestesses came to Edron together with the monks. They are also followers of the evil god Zathroth but they roam the dungeons instead of having a home. Like the monks, they will fiercely attack every intruder into their holy realm. They are weak fighters, but have a lot of magic abilities. They shoot magic missiles at their enemies and drain mana off them, summon ghouls as reinforcements, and heal themselves.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These strong creatures are similar to Necromancers. They can summon the undead as well.]]},
  513.     ["Shadow Pupil"] = {tibia = [[The Shadow Masters worship the more ephemeral aspect of the Dark Powers, and are extremely secretive to the point of never being seen. Only the Shadow Pupils, their apprentices, mingle with other students of the Dark Arts, and it is rumoured that they use the shadows of things and beings as a means of travel and transport, and can heal themselves by feeding off them. Rumours are indeed all that there is to know for sure about the shadow pupils. The shadow pupils themselves are uncommunicative to the point of being cryptic, and when addressed either reply very monosyllabically or ambiguously, as if answering something, or someone, else. They can be found where light and darkness intermingle, and seem to be monitoring things as well as building some strange shades, shrines or artificially interlaced bone piles of yet unknown use. Often, they are seen to draw strange faces or gruesome, half animal half demon-like shapes on the floors, that none dare step on. The other dark summoners suspect those to be portals to a shadow realm, and that the shadow order plots for total dominion and seeks to cloak the world in some strange unlight. Some even say that the shadow pupils are in fact not men, but several shadows inhabiting a body together, trying to prepare the way for some demonic shadow being or planning to shroud the world, consuming all living beings therein, until nothing but shadows remain. As those words savour strongly of paranoia, other necromancers do not like to dwell upon these reflections, and just try not to mention or catch the eye of a shadow pupil.]], wiki = [[]]},
  514.     ["Furious Orc Berserker"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Furious orc berserkers can't be killed with items obtained in Rookgaard. It has been killed with items brought from Dawnport through a bug and spells obtained in Island of Destiny on Test Servers.]]},
  515.     ["Orc Berserker"] = {tibia = [[Orc Berserkers are very strong fighters. Their favourite tactic is the assault, where they can use their velocity and their halberds to kill their victim with a single stroke. Having survived their attack, watch out for other types of orcs that are usually in their company.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These are dangerous creatures, their attack is very strong, but their defense skill is poor and it is better to fight one than trying to escape because they can run really fast. Warning! Most players under level 20 will die if they meet one.]]},
  516.     ["Orc Leader"] = {tibia = [[Orc Leaders are the commanders of the orcs' army. They are quite clever and know how to arrange the different troops - warriors, berserkers, spearmen, and shamans - to form powerful squads. They themselves are quite strong fighters that use even throwing knives.]], wiki = [[]]},
  517.     ["Orc Rider"] = {tibia = [[Orc Riders are orcish elite troops mounted on grim war wolves. Their fearsome steeds make them fast and agile while their heavy lances can deal impressive damage. Orc Rider patrols can mostly be found in the plains of Tibia where the terrain is ideal for mounted combat. It is very difficult to run away from a pack of Orc Riders once you have had the misfortune to meet them.]], wiki = [[]]},
  518.     ["Orc Shaman"] = {tibia = [[Orc Shamans are the magicians among the orcs. They support the other troops during a fight. They can shoot fireballs and magic missiles. They even summon snakes to set them on their enemies. Moreover, they can heal themselves.]], wiki = [[]]},
  519.     ["Orc Spearman"] = {tibia = [[Orc Spearmen are the distance fighters among the orcs. Their spears are deadly weapons, but they are weak short-range fighters. Usually, they are accompanied by other types of orcs, so that they can hide behind them and attack their enemies from the second row.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This Orc attacks with spears that can deal high damage for lower level players.]]},
  520.     ["Orc Warlord"] = {tibia = [[Fiercer than the dreaded orc berserker and more powerful even than the mighty orc leader, the Orc Warlord is the true terror of all civilised races. Orc Warlords are the strongest fighters of their race who have managed to rise to the highest ranks through treachery and murder. Even though they are extremely skilled fighters who can cut a man in two with a single stroke of their mighty blades, Orc Warlords prefer to use their superior speed and cunning to overcome their enemies. They avoid open combat whenever they can, sneaking up on unwary adventurers from behind or throwing their vicious shuriken instead.]], wiki = [[Wiki: As the most powerful orcs, they aren't called Warlords for nothing. They are tough creatures but drop good loot. They are usually found leading groups of Orc Leaders and Orc Berserkers. They can hit pretty nasty, so be ready to heal.]]},
  521.     ["Orc Warrior"] = {tibia = [[Orc Warriors are the simple fighters among the orcs. They are weaker than berserkers, but using their sabres or daggers they can be quite dangerous in the small corridors of the dungeons. Watch out for other types of orcs - like spearmen or shamans - which might hide in the second row.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A Strong and better armored orc.]]},
  522.     ["Orc"] = {tibia = [[Orcs are a very ancient race that once ruled the whole of Tibia. Later, they were expelled from the upper world by other races, and now they live in the dungeons of Tibia. They are human-like and very wily. Organised as paramilitary squads they can be quite dangerous.]], wiki = [[]]},
  523.     ["Orc Marauder"] = {tibia = [[The war in Zao required a high degree of mobility. The answer to this request was the mounted archer. However, it took some time to make this solution palatable to the savage orcs. Barely able to control their blood lust, the orcs easily forgot their intention to stay away from the enemy and steered their mounts into the fray. Those who managed to withstand such urges were often seen as cowards and were widely shunned by other orcs. Only with the coming of their new leaders such prejudices changed. The few scattered Orc Marauders were combined and received additional training. Some of the smarter orcs were picked to support the ranks of the riders and once their effectiveness was proven, the acceptance of the Orc Marauders among the orcs grew continuously. Used more efficiently, these new units of the orcish horde made the difference that was necessary to tune the tones of war at least for a while. The Orc Marauders attacked the lizard armies from afar. Slowly the casualties drained the strength of the lizard armies and the attacks of the orcs became bolder and bolder. The attacks usually started with Orc Marauders weakening the defensive lines. When the main body of the orcs attacked, the Orc Marauders switched to flanking tactics and caught scattered troops on the run. In more peaceful times, Orc Marauders serve as scouts or hunters. Only the most daring orcs are chosen as Orc Marauders. Unlike the warwolves, the gnarlhounds are not bond to a specific orc. Rather the gnarlhounds are shared by the tribe and picked randomly before a raid. Given the unpredictability of the gnarlhounds, it is of little consequence for the rider. Since gnarlhounds are prone to frenzy in battle, the Orc Marauders treat their skin with a mixture of gnarlhound excrements and herbs to avoid being ripped to shreds by their own mounts.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These mounted archers was the answer to high degree mobility. However, because of the orcs lust for blood, staying at a distance from the enemy proved a difficult task to maneuver. Before, those orcs which managed to restrain themselves from such urges were often shunned and called cowards. With the coming of new leaders such prejudice as these have since changed. The remaining Orc Marauders joined together and have since received additional training and have become what they now are today. Now only the most daring orcs are now chosen as Orc Marauders. As unlike the War Wolves, gnarlhounds are not bound to a specific rider, they are shared throughout the tribe and picked at random before a raid. Orc Marauders treat their skin to a mixture of excrements and herbs to avoid them being ripped to shreds by their own mounts. This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009.]]},
  524.     ["Rorc"] = {tibia = [[The rorcs are the creation of a power-hungry orc shaman who used water of Ashar'tel stolen from the forest furies, to emulate their fearsome strength and fury in his own warriors. His nomad tribe of orcish raiders employed a tamed variety of terrorbirds as mounts. The careless usage of the mystical water somehow mutated and fused rider and mount to a fearsome new creature, an entirely new breed of orcs, the rorcs. The shaman's delight was short lived as the changed minions were not amused by their treatment. They used their newfound prowess and scorn to overthrow and supposedly kill the shaman. Since then, the rorcs have sought out recognition by their orcish brethren. Some inherent urge drove them to seek out their own flock and reunite with them. Other orcs first greeted them with contempt. But after a first attempt of extermination failed miserably at the claws of the rorcs, the orcish warchiefs began to reconsider. For now, the rorcs are grudgingly allowed to live at the fringes of orcish territory in an uneasy alliance with their brethren. If the rorcs can prove their worth, they might be allowed to join the orcish ranks and bolster their armies. If the two breeds separate, as more and more rorc roosters demand, then the rorcs will become an unique tribe, looking for a place of their own, of course with violent force. Both options paint a dark future for neighbouring communities and the world as a whole. The rorcs are fearsome fighters, even more aggressive, single-minded and brutal than an ordinary orc. Charging into battle, they employ natural and forged weapons with ferocity. Often they are in some frenzy akin to those of the forest furies, with which they share their origin. Even in their brighter moments, they are creatures that look to prove themselves before the other orcs and their pack mates. Infightings between rorcs roosters are common and often lethal, as the orc-bird mixture leads to an aggressive pack behaviour. A severely wounded leader is often killed by some contender, even if the battle against some common enemy is still joined.]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  525.     ["Adventurer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  526.     ["Angry Adventurer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  527.     ["Asassin"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  528.     ["Assassin"] = {tibia = [[Merciless and lethal, the Assassin stands for treacherous surprise attacks. Although there are a lot of thugs, bandits and murderers that roam the realm, the assassin is one of the few who made a real profession out of murder. Usually organised in small organisations, Assassins are trained in the arts of fighting dirty tricks, backstabbing and stalking. Although they are formidable fighters, those hirable murderers prefer sneak attacks on unsuspecting victims which they attack with all kinds of dirty tricks to gain an advantage. Depending on their current mission, the Assassins work alone or in small hit squads. They are rarely encountered in greater numbers except by those that are unfortunate enough to stumble on their hideouts.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Merciless and lethal, the Assassin stands for treachery and surprise attacks. Although there are a lot of thugs, bandits and murderers that roam the realm, the assassin is one of the few who have made a real profession out of killing. Usually organized in small groups, Assassins are trained in the arts of fighting dirty with backstabbing and stalking. Although they are formidable fighters, those hirable murderers prefer sneak attacks on unsuspecting victims which, they will attack with all kinds of dirty tricks to gain the advantage. Depending on their current mission, the Assassins work alone or in small hit squads. They are rarely encountered in greater numbers except by those that are unfortunate enough to stumble on their hideouts. They give some rare loot which makes it worth the supplies used.]]},
  529.     ["Bandit"] = {tibia = [[The tale of the noble bandit that takes from the rich and gives to the poor is far away from reality. The usual Bandit does not care whom he is robbing as long as he is able to gain something of value for himself. Actually in most cases, the poor are those that are worst prepared to defend themselves and so have become the preferred victims of bandits. Bandits are armed with a variety of weapons, their armour has usually been plundered somewhere. Always avoiding the city guards, they set up their hideouts in the wilderness, often close to streets where they are feared as highwaymen. Involved in all kinds of illegal activities, they can be found in the service of all kind of persons that want some dirty work performed. Some even stand in the service of some head Bandit who has managed to suppress some remote area or village.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Bandits often appear in large groups along with other monsters.]]},
  530.     ["Black Knight"] = {tibia = [[The Black Knight is a deserted knight of the King's army. He lives deep in the swamps of Tibia and attacks every intruder of his sphere. Well-equipped, he is very strong in close combat and uses his spear for distance fighting.]], wiki = [[Wiki: He is a member of the TBI who turned the other way. "Commander of the Royal Army, assumed dead in the collapse of his unfinished home." Spawn cannot be blocked.]]},
  531.     ["Crazed Beggar"] = {tibia = [[Crazed Beggars are victims of disease, hunger and desperation. They have fled from their hopeless, dark lives into insanity. Their twisted vision and mind result from dangerous home-brewed alcohol and make them a threat to everybody, including themselves, when they roam the dark alleys of the cities they live in. They are neither impressive fighters nor do they have good equipment, but their madness gives their gaunt bodies frightening physical power and resilience. They become particularly dangerous to travellers when they appear in a group led by an invisible hand. Even though, an adventurer might rather want to mourn these pitiful beings, he will quickly raise his weapon when he is attacked with sticks, clubs, stones and teeth. Regardless of their own safety and with the fury of a madman, they might not pose a real threat to an experienced fighter, but their attacks can be fatal for an ordinary citizen. In their few sane moments, they travel much, so they can be encountered almost everywhere. Some cultures, which are usually hostile towards humans, praise Crazed Beggars as blessed beings. In rare cases, it has also been reported that one of them started to see his madness as divine providence and start to form small cults of equally mad cultists. Created by a mad mind, such cults can be devoted to almost anything, from mundane objects to completely deranged philosophies that only a madman can understand. Even without a leader or a common goal, Crazed Beggars often team up led by an instinctive need for protection and company. Astonishing enough, they seem to get along with each other quite well, most likely as they are all absorbed in their own mad worlds.]], wiki = [[Wiki: May be found alone or with other creatures throughout its quarter.]]},
  532.     ["Gang Member"] = {tibia = [[Even small cities often have gangs roaming its streets, pressing money from travellers and shop owners alike. Some gangs might follow a noble cause or only consist of some youths that banded together for protection, but in the harsh reality of Tibia, most gangs are nothing than urban bandits. Usually led by one or two powerful and charismatic individuals, they claim parts of the city as their territory. The borders of these territories are often disputed among gangs and are subject of violent and bloody fights. The inhabitants that live in such a territory mostly have arranged themselves with the situation, accepting it as given as the rule of the local king. Gang Members are usually encountered in groups, especially in greater cities with warring gangs. They tend to talk a lot about respect and honour but this is rather to comfort themselves, trying to forget how low they have come and what harm they do to the people around them. When it comes to combat they are all cowards, one way or the other. While some of them might fight to the bitter end, most will flee from it when the going gets rough.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Usually found along with other Gang Members and Outlaws. Their melee attack is quite strong.]]},
  533.     ["Gladiator"] = {tibia = [[Gladiators are professional warriors. Some of them are desperate or unscrupulous beings that willingly joined the ranks of the Gladiators, however, most Gladiators were forced into service by masters who had some sort of power over them. Already the training of the Gladiators is cruel and lethal and causes many dead bodies. In the past, the Gladiator profession seems to have been more noble than today and people came mainly to watch the impressive fighting skills. Nowadays, however, Gladiator fights are brutal and bloody battles which mostly end deadly. Only a few arenas have specialised in harmless fights which end after the first blood was spilled. Several cities have banned arena fights as they are too dangerous. When the games in Yalahar had become more and more cruel in order to distract the masses from other problems, more and more Gladiators were replaced with criminals and mercenaries of various races. At some point, the Gladiators rebelled and tried to take over the city. Even though the revolt failed in the end, the arena quarter was lost to the revolting forces. The Gladiators could not maintain some sort of leadership, though, and their community quickly splintered into several subgroups. Today, the Yalaharian Gladiators are often descendants of these rebels. The title Gladiator became rather a name than a profession. Also the new generations of Gladiators are trained like their forefathers. They take part in brutal arena fights in which opposing families want to prove their superiority over each other. Most Gladiators who are encountered in more uncivilised areas are quite likely to attack just to make a point. Gladiators are foes with deadly skills and much battle experience that often gives them an advantage in a fight. Gladiators hardly care if they attack weaker or stronger opponents. They consider both as good possibilities to train their skills.]], wiki = [[]]},
  534.     ["Grave Robber"] = {tibia = [[The ruthless individuals known as grave robbers roam abandoned crypts in search of riches. They do not like any form of competition, infights and backstabbing are part of their daily routine. Though these fights are forgotten as soon as another competitor enters. So, often surprised adventurers and explorers end up earning the wrath of the grave robbers. In rarely seen unity they put aside their quarrels and team up to eliminate the unwanted intruders. The grave robbers fight with all the cruelty and spite at their disposal. They are usually not well armed or armored, carrying around an assortment of stolen ragtag equipment. Usually recruited by a twist of fate from the ranks of the poor and hopeless, the common grave robber fears little and has respect for nothing. Though some of them might be tragic individuals, hoping to support their families or having caught some bizarre disease when investigating an ancient tomb, the majority of them are a bunch of thieves and murderers of the worst kind. Most of them have abandoned all initial hope of finding a fortune and settling down long ago. Having not much to loose and having given up all pretence of self respect, they have no honour and know neither remorse nor mercy.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Slightly stronger than a Nomad.]]},
  535.     ["Hero"] = {tibia = [[The Heroes that prowl the isle of Edron were among the first explorers. Once brave knights and loyal to the king, too close contact with evil monsters or greed for treasures - nobody knows for sure - turned their hearts. Now, they attack every intruder of their sphere using their incredible strength or their dangerous bows.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A powerful and often hunted creature, also the only creature that has the full Crown Set in its loot. It wears an outfit similar to the old gamemaster's outfit, but in different colors. It also has a misleading name, don't expect this hero to come save you any time soon.]]},
  536.     ["Hunter"] = {tibia = [[Hunters are outlaws that dwell in the large forests of Tibia. They do not only hunt animals but also attack travellers and adventurers. Although they are not strong, they are very deadly due to their quickness and their bows.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Fierce creatures that attack anyone who approaches them. Often mistaken on PVP worlds as a PKer by newbies. They are very dangerous for low level players. They can shoot you from off-screen.]]},
  537.     ["Morik the Gladiator"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Spawns when using the armor decoration in Morik's room. Runs at very Low Health.]]},
  538.     ["Nomad"] = {tibia = [[Most of the hardened desert Nomads are hospitable and honest people but some of them have become bitter due to the way they are treated by the city dwellers. Especially Ankrahmun's claim of power over the whole desert was a thorn in the side of those proud tribes. Some of them look upon the desert as their own land and don't welcome any trespassers. Others who lost their herds to famines or raids of the henchmen of the Pharaoh have turned to banditry. Be that as it may, these few Nomads have become a serious threat to the unwary traveller. They are not enough to form a raiding party of some size, but small groups of Nomad bandits can be encountered almost everywhere in the desert nowadays.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Plays white Musical Notes when they attack. The parchment they drop is needed to begin a quest. They used to drop War Hammer and Meat. Since the Christmas Update 2009, they now drop Potato.]]},
  539.     ["Poacher"] = {tibia = [[Several criminals and outcasts of society hide in the wilderness to live on roots, mushrooms, animals and everything else which is somehow edible. Those who survive the first hard months eventually become quite skilled Poachers. Making little difference between animals and humans, they see anything as fitting prey which they manage to kill. Some of them work as pathfinders and trackers for some bandits, others gather in small hunting packs just like wild animals. Again others are loners - close to insanity who turn into beings that the locals call 'wild men'. Poachers can be found almost everywhere. They hunt deer and wolfs in the woods as well as rats and insects in caves. Knowing that travellers posses useful equipment and money, they don't even shrink away from murder and thievery. Poachers have little to lose and often disregard their own safety. Hoping for a lucky shot, they even attack much stronger opponents. Poachers are most dangerous when the victims are taken by surprise while being on a hunting trip. It almost seems as if they could smell the blood of a wounded adventurer as they tend to appear when someone is in a fierce fight with some wild beast. Travelling adventurers are well advised to have some backup healing material available while passing a territory known for Poacher activity.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the Winter Update 2007.]]},
  540.     ["Primitive"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They appeared in the raids of Primitives. These raids no longer exist as they were a special raid to celebrate Tibia's 10th Anniversary.]]},
  541.     ["Smuggler"] = {tibia = [[Although the main goal of the common Smuggler is easy profit by circumventing taxes and embargoes, or by trading forbidden goods, they do not flinch from murdering and robbing those who find out about their operations. Smugglers can be found at hidden spots close to larger cities or in remote hideouts where they store their goods. Even though they are usually not well equipped for combat, their determination not to lose profit makes them still opponents to be reckoned with. Only lightly armoured, they usually try to retreat if they get seriously hurt or outnumbered.]], wiki = [[]]},
  542.     ["Stalker"] = {tibia = [[Stalkers are persons that are permanently invisible. They sneak up to their victim, and attack it suddenly. Some of these assassins have been spotted at Edron. They stab with their daggers and suck life energy out of their opponents, but if the first strike is not deadly, they are weak fighters.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Humans that can quickly go invisible. They sneak up on intruders and try to kill them quickly.]]},
  543.     ["Wild Warrior"] = {tibia = [[Wild Warriors are deserters of the Royal Army. Together with other criminals they have erected the so-called "Outlaw Camp". The king's power is too weak to reach this place, and so they feel quite safe from prosecution there. To keep up this state of lawlessness, they will attack every intruder vigorously. Equipped with heavy weapons and, due to their former training as soldiers well organised, they are quite powerful opponents.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are Royal Army traitors. A certain Wild Warrior in the Ghostlands is a master of disguise.]]},
  544.     ["Feverish Citizen"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They will spawn in Venore's streets every thirty or sixty minutes when none or too few Medicine Pouchs are handed in. A player can see the likeliness of these creatures spawning by asking Guide NPCs about the Swamp Fever. There is a random chance of them spawning no matter the amount of medicine handed in.]]},
  545.     ["Crypt Defiler"] = {tibia = [[Only a few grave robbers live to see the day to get the renown and experience needed to be known as crypt defilers. Most members of their trade die soon by traps, ancient guardians of the tombs or blades of adventurers. Only those cunning and tough enough to survive those perils become the dreaded and despised crypt defilers. They have gathered a meagre fortune to be able to afford better armor and weaponry and some of them even learned to turn the parts of buried creatures into toxins. They are responsible for leading bands of grave robbers out of their customary regions and finance expeditions to seek fortune in far lands. It is due to their dubious courtesy that parties of grave robbers can be encountered almost everywhere in the known world. They and their henchmen are often drawn to a newly discovered crypt like flies to a cadaver. Though some of the crypt defilers are in the employment of eccentric collectors or dealers of stolen goods, most of them are just unscrupulous thieves. Some of them have learned that strength comes in numbers and band together for a common goal, often employing a bunch of less experienced grave robbers. Such alliances usually don't last for long though, as these individuals are prone to betray or sacrifice each other in the face of even the slightest danger. Still it is not unheard of that some of these gangs last long enough to acquire a name for themselves, others have some form of 'representative' in the more dubious parts of the larger cities that can help in the acquiring of 'long lost objects' - for a price of course.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Slightly stronger version of a nomad.]]},
  546.     ["Ashmunrah"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: This pharaoh protects the chamber where you can merge all parts of Helmet of the Ancients. Has the ability to kill a level 120 knight with 1 strong combo. For a long time, he was considered the only Pharaoh who does not drop any Pharaoh Rares, until a Holy Scarab was looted. He will spawn even with players in the room; you can see some animations on the tile in the middle of the room when he is about to spawn.]]},
  547.     ["Dipthrah"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Dipthrah was sentenced to be locked away, after his part in the conspiracies against the pharaoh, Arkhotep. He is the pharaoh of divinity, and the only pharaoh immune to physical damage.]]},
  548.     ["Horestis"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: In order to spawn Horestis, a team has to break all the Ornate Canopic Jars in Horestis' tomb.]]},
  549.     ["Mahrdis"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Mahrdis was sentenced to be locked away, after his part in the conspiracies against the pharaoh Arkhotep.]]},
  550.     ["Morguthis"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Morguthis, Arkhotep's general, was sentenced to be locked away after his part in the conspiracies against the pharaoh. He is guarded by 8 Shredderthrowers.]]},
  551.     ["Omruc"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Omruc was sentenced to be locked away, after his part in the conspiracies against the pharaoh, Arkhotep.]]},
  552.     ["Rahemos"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Rahemos, a great conjurer, was sentenced to be locked away, after his part in the conspiracies against the pharaoh. He is guarded by a Warlock and a Magicthrower. He spawns even with players in his room.]]},
  553.     ["Thalas"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Thalas, the royal alchemist, was sentenced to be locked away, after his part in the conspiracies against the pharaoh. You can camp this monster by summoning DS to absorb the towers shots and staying in the south of the room.]]},
  554.     ["Vashresamun"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: She was sentenced to be locked away, after her part in the conspiracies against the pharaoh, Arkhotep. She is the only female pharaoh.]]},
  555.     ["Pirate Buccaneer"] = {tibia = [[The Pirate Buccaneer has already proven himself as skilled fighter that often functions as squad leader in raids. He displays an enormous arrogance and loves to bully his underlings. Some Pirate Buccaneers have already gained some fame and they do not feel good at all to stand in the shadow of their captains. They also fear to be outshone by other buccaneers. Usually not loved but feared by their crew members, they often duel each other and always look for an opportunity to exploit any weakness that their captain might show. By getting a good share of the plunder, their equipment is quite good and they usually wield some decent weapons and a good armor. Their daring and skilful manoeuvres impress friend and foe alike.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They appear in pirate Raids in small groups of 2 Pirate Buccaneers and 2 Pirate Cutthroats.]]},
  556.     ["Pirate Corsair"] = {tibia = [[The Pirate Corsairs are the leaders of the pirates. They command their own ships and rule their crews with an iron hand. Of course, one has to pay the price for having so much power. A Pirate Corsair must always watch his back for vengeful or ambitious crewmen, or for attacks of other corsairs. To climb to such a position of power in a ruthless society like that of the pirates, one has to be remorseless, cunning and lethal. Everybody that had the chance to observe a Pirate Corsair in combat, knows that they did not obtain their position by chance. They are competent fighters that are often accompanied by some henchmen to lead a surprise attack on their unsuspecting opponents. They exploit any weakness of their enemies and use every dirty trick they are able to master. Their fighting skills are backed by their weapons and armor which are, of course, the best the pirates were able to loot during their many years of piracy.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The strongest class of pirates you will come across. They look fearsome and can deal a lot of damage if you are not careful. Usually they are found with large groups of other pirates. Deadly as a Vampire, maybe more so level 40+ recommended.]]},
  557.     ["Pirate Cutthroat"] = {tibia = [[The Pirate Cutthroat has often lived a pirate's life for some years. It proves their competence that they managed to survive for so long. On the other hand, the necessity to prove themselves to be invaluable members of the crew put them up to take incredible risks. Reckless against themselves and others, they employ tactics that everyone else would call crazy or suicidal. Eager to rise in the pirates' ranks, they take risks that everybody else would avoid. Their all-out attacks are a product of this attitude as are their usage of highly explosive weapons which are almost as dangerous to the user as to his opponent. Combine this attitude and armament with their love for incredible amounts of alcohol and an ill temper and you get a good impression of the Pirate Cutthroat and the danger he poses.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Large groups should be avoided as the damage adds up quickly.]]},
  558.     ["Pirate Ghost"] = {tibia = [[Considering the lifestyle of a pirate, it is no real surprise that several of them end up as cursed souls - never able to acquire some sort of afterlife. Bound to the world of the living, they continue their evil lifework of spreading fear and of murder. Almost impossible to be hurt, they pursue their victims with reckless malice that is frightful on its own. They posses several powers that are common to ghosts, but they seem to be slightly more accustomed and adapted to murder than others of their kind. While other ghosts seem more concerned about themselves and their dire fate, the Pirate Ghost actually seems to enjoy to inflict pain on the living ones. Some say, making others suffer lets them better bear their own misery.]], wiki = [[Wiki: These chilling phantoms haunt the underground chambers on Nargor and can also be found on Goroma and Treasure Island. Like their weaker counterparts, Ghosts, they are immune to all physical damage. They offer good experience for Mages, because they are easier to kill in comparison to Undeads like Demon Skeletons. They also give decent loot for the expense.]]},
  559.     ["Pirate Marauder"] = {tibia = [[Coming from the lowest classes of society, it is easy to recruit those low-life guises into the pirates crews. Often already criminals before their career as a pirate, it is no big step for most of them to live a pirate's life. Lured by tales about freedom and treasuries, they become quickly disillusioned when facing reality. No better than a common bandit on land, Pirate Marauders care little for the health or the lives of others. Due to their living conditions they have turned into bitter and angry people who try to strike back at life by tormenting and suppressing others whenever possible. As weapons they use everything that they can purloin and loot and serves the purpose.Their agility makes up for their lack of armor. Fairly weak and cowardly, it is rather their number than their skill that might pose a threat.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Most common kind of Pirate crew you can find on Nargor island. With somewhat stronger attack and weaker defense, Marauders can fall in the same category as Cyclops.]]},
  560.     ["Pirate Skeleton"] = {tibia = [[As cursed as the dreadful pirate ghosts but lacking their willpower, these unlucky former pirates float along the corridors as mindless undead killing machines. While personal guilt or curses of their victims might be the main reason for their sad existence, many of the Pirate Skeletons also own their being to their former captains who changed into powerful ghosts after they lost their human life. Again others are said to be the creation of necromancers or similar dark creatures. Still they seem more accustomed to killing and fighting than several other undead. Having constantly to fear to lose their lives a whole lifetime long seems to have created some fighting instincts that are still present in their old bones. More a mindless machine than anything else, they are rather weak when being on their own. Their threat increases significantly if being accompanied by a pirate ghost. Headed by a pirate ghost, Pirate Skeletons seem to obtain some of the malicious intelligence of their leaders.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are not very strong because they have rather weak melee and no Life Drain. They give the same exp as Ghouls, but have more hitpoints and little bit more defense. They drop Spooky Blue Eyes which is nice decoration.]]},
  561.     ["Blazing Fire Elemental"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was introduced in the Summer Update 2008. It was summonable until July 9th.]]},
  562.     ["Blistering Fire Elemental"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was introduced in Summer Update 2008.]]},
  563.     ["Fire Elemental"] = {tibia = [[Fire Elementals are entities consisting only of fire. They have been spotted in the wake of demons, and nobody knows whether they are summoned by them or whether they are independent creatures rising out of fire. They are very dangerous fighters and create fire fields or shoot fireballs at their opponents.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Creatures made of fire. Because of their strong attacks, they are often used by Player Killers. With two Fire Elemental's Summoned and a mage's Sudden Death attack they can surprise even an experienced adventurer, so be prepared if you notice a player with these summoned, especially with a skull. If you are a knight with high hitpoints, you could try to not kill summons first, but instead go for the summoner making the Fire Elementals also hit their owner.]]},
  564.     ["Hellfire Fighter"] = {tibia = [[Rage sometimes becomes an urge too strong to be controlled. Which is true for creatures like humans, is even more evident in the demon kind. In some of the demons the fire of hatred grows so strong that they are consumed by this inner, hellish fire. Some of them are powerful enough to fight back that urge for a while. They are equipped with hellish armors to contain the destructive energy that burns through them. They save their lives for the price of an existence in consuming and eternal pain, hatred and rage. Driven to the edge of madness and sometimes beyond, those demons love to release some of their anger and inner fire upon others. Exhaustive fight is their only way to find relief. The so-called Hellfire Fighters fight and destroy with everything that is left of their minds and consciousness in the ocean of rage and pain that had become their lives. Never expect a Hellfire Fighter to give in or to retreat. They will always fight to the bitter end.]], wiki = [[]]},
  565.     ["Infected Weeper"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  566.     ["Lava Golem"] = {tibia = [[In the deepest depths of Tibia daring explorers sometimes find ruins that were probably ancient even at the dawn of mankind. Not much has been left by the ravages of time. Pictograms can be found in some places which show a civilised octopus-like race which apparently once dwelt in the deep. On those portrayals the race is served by creatures that look like the Lava Golems we know today. It seems the Lava Golems were once creations, servants or pets of that long extinct race. The fact that the Lava Golems of our time are now in service of 'those below' can be interpreted in many ways. Given the facts, it is most likely that the octopus creatures were conquered and annihilated by 'those below' and their creatures enslaved by the vile conquerors. Now the Lava Golems serve as faithful and unquestioning minions of their new masters. The Lava Golems are astonishingly passionless in their duty, usually doing nothing more than they were ordered to do. They quite obviously lack the destructiveness and rage that seems inherent in the other servants of 'those below'. Their masters coped with this issue by obviously giving them a set of rather broadly defined and extremely destructive orders like killing everything foreign in a certain area. That combined with their sheer power and destructive ability raises them to a completely different level of dangerousness: in the end the Lava Golems have to be seen on par with the other minions of those below.]], wiki = [[]]},
  567.     ["Magma Crawler"] = {tibia = [[The Magma Crawler is probably an artificially bred life form. Its sheer mindless aggressiveness compared to the obvious strategic deployment of the Magma Crawler can lead to no other conclusion than that it is a biological weapon which is very difficult to control. It can safely be assumed that it originated in the breeding pens of what the gnomes call 'those below'.If this is the case, it is bred for war and destruction. It is probably deployed to do maximum damage in underground environments. After a Magma Crawler has been set loose, it is usually abandoned. This explains why wandering specimens can be found almost anywhere underground, usually at the end of a path of destruction. As only male Magma Crawlers have been found, it is assumed that the female creatures are retained for breeding purposes, and to prevent the race from spreading excessively. Given the longevity of the Magma Crawlers, this precautionary measure is not overly effective. Some captured specimens survived for dozens of years without showing significant signs of aging. Considering the threat even a single Magma Crawler poses, it is not unusual for a group of them to cause entire cave systems to collapse. It is not yet known if the Magma Crawlers somehow manage to escape the havoc they wreak or if they perish in it.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Magma crawlers position themselves at a distance and use fire-based distance attacks. It can be tamed using Glow Wine or a Music Box.]]},
  568.     ["Massive Fire Elemental"] = {tibia = [[Compared to normal elementals, the massive fire elementals are not only a mere concentration of the elemental fire, but also of fear and primal anger. It is their nature to destroy, to kill and to devour. Though intelligent, it is rarely known of such an elemental to control their anger long enough to be reasoned with. Even though they are not truly allied with the demonic forces, their desire to fight and to destroy more often than not has put them into uneasy alliances of destruction. Sometimes demonic overlords even manage to cull the massive fire elementals into servitude. It is said that some truly powerful magicians also managed this feat. There are also ancient rumours of something that the massive fire elementals desire above anything else; a desire in them burning so hot that it even pales their hatred. With this as bargaining tool, in the past some creatures managed to enlist the help of these elementals. Others knew long-lost spells to bind the elemental forces to their will. Thus vast armies of fire elementals, lesser and great, marched in the battles of the god wars. Several places in the known world still bear the mark of their doing, even after all these centuries. For now, the threat of another such attack seems unlikely and no greater numbers of massive fire elementals in our world have yet been encountered. Gnomish intelligence reports, however, speak of fire elementals of all kinds in the service of the enigmatic rulers 'below'. If they are servants, allies or only attracted by the mayhem and heat attributed to the activities of 'those below', is up to speculation. All evidence suggests though that there are far more of them left in the world than was assumed for a long time.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Mostly found with Hellfire Fighters in the Demon Forge. A two spawn also exists in the deeper parts of Banuta.]]},
  569.     ["Orewalker"] = {tibia = [[The Orewalker is a creature of fire and heat. To be more precise, what seems to be the physical body of the Orewalker is just magma, stone and ores, held together by a spirit of heat and fire. The non-corporeal beings create the bodies by sheer force of will, which in turn serve as some kind of anchor in the physical world. If their bodies are destroyed, they are hurled back into the spirit realm from which they originate. It is hard to comment on the Orewalkers' intelligence and intentions, since they seem to be so unfamiliar with the world. Given the fact that they serve in the armies of those below, it is assumed that the Orewalker spirits are called from beyond and more or less forced into a physical body before being unleashed with some rudimentary orders. The spirits are probably highly intelligent, but given the differences between the worlds it seems impossible for any form of communication other than forcing them to do something. It is not known whether they follow those below for their own unfathomable reasons or are reluctant, perhaps even rebellious helpers. Given the treatment of other minions by those below, a form of slavery seems most likely, but an unholy alliance of sorts cannot be ruled out. Any experiments to call and bind such a spirit are futile as long as so little is known about those spirits and their world. In battle, the Orewalkers are somewhat clumsy. Only few of them seem to remain in our world long enough to get some sense of coordination. What they lack in manoeuvrability, they make up for in brutal strength of their snakelike bodies and the heat of the blood-like magma that flows within their veins.]], wiki = [[]]},
  570.     ["Weeper"] = {tibia = [[The Weepers are more living minerals than anything else. Though the gnomes fiercely deny it, it can be assumed that the Weepers served as inspiration for the construction of the first crystal golems. As an oddity of life, Weepers physically share only a few characteristics with truly living beings. It is all the more astonishing that in appearance and behaviour they could be confused with biological live forms. This raises a lot of questions about the Weepers and is fuel to dozens of more or less educated guesses about their origin. Some speculations see them as surviving servants of a long extinct race. Others point out the possibility that they are the offspring of early gnomish experiments. Some see the Weepers more in the array of elemental beings, going so far as to say that the Weepers are the incarnation of a new and to date undiscovered element. They got their name from the fiery 'tears' that usually leak in what would be considered their eye region as well as the odd sobbing sounds it emanates. Weepers are extremely unpredictable in their behaviour. The only constant seems to be their hatred for biological life which they attack fiercely and without restraint.]], wiki = [[]]},
  571.     ["Quara Constrictor"] = {tibia = [[The strange Quara Constrictors have kraken or squid like qualities due to manipulations that are found on all members of the quara race. They are quite intelligent and seem to be, together with the quara hydromancer, the leaders of this sinister race. Their tentacles make them dangerous foes. They allow the Quara Constrictor to attack more than one target at once and to grapple or strangle their helpless prey. Using the same abilities like electric eels, they are also able to stun their enemies for a short time. To stand a better chance to defeat them, you should try to fight them on land where they are somewhat weaker than swimming in water. Only few of them exist and since they are somewhat cowardly by nature, you don't meet them too often in combat. If forced to fight, they are quite capable to defend themselves. They often surprise their enemies with dirty tricks and an iron resolve. This subspecies seems to be somehow responsible for modifying and altering the other quara. How exactly this is done and to which extent the Quara Constrictor is involved in these transformation processes is unknown.]], wiki = [[Wiki: It is a fusion of quara and a squid. After update 8.5 they became profitable (they drop more gps now).]]},
  572.     ["Quara Constrictor Scout"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: A weaker version of Quara Constrictors. This monster can be seen during raids on Liberty Bay.]]},
  573.     ["Quara Hydromancer"] = {tibia = [[Although less altered than the other quara subspecies, the Quara Hydromancer poses no smaller threat. People often underestimate them for their bloated bodies. However, their strength lies not in exotic body traits but in their dark minds. They are the priests and witchdoctors of the quara. Their legacy is the dark magic of their long extinct masters. Although their power is only a fraction of the power that once ruled the murky depths of the ocean, it is still enough to be more than a match for the unsuspecting adventurer. The only chance of a more balanced fight is to challenge them ashore where they are somewhat weaker than in their maritime habitat. They wield powerful curses with ease and they can combine their sinister powers for old, forbidden rituals that call upon darkness and doom to do their bidding.]], wiki = [[Wiki: As the magic user of the quaras, it wields powerful cold bubble attacks which deal Ice Damage. In addition, it uses distance Life Drain and a Life Drain beam.]]},
  574.     ["Quara Hydromancer Scout"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Has the same life, gives the same exp and has the same magic power as the normal Quara Hydromancer, but loot has a lower drop chance.]]},
  575.     ["Quara Mantassin"] = {tibia = [[The shrewd Quara Mantassins are often not recognised until it's too late. Like all quara, they have undergone massive modifications of their bodies which have made them an own subspecies. Especially in their native, maritime habitat, they are masters of camouflage and disguise. However, also on land they are known for stealthy sneak attacks. But away from their natural element, the water, they are weaker and easier to defeat. Usually they serve their race in special operations and they are the ones that target the leaders of their enemies in big battles. With an arsenal of tricks the Quara Mantassin are quite capable on their own. Their love for covert operations gives them their place in the quaran warfare but they are not seen too often in open battles. On the other hand, a Quara Mantassin that you do not see is four times deadlier than a Quara Mantassin that you do see.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Quara Mantassins are used to destroy the leaders of the Quaras enemies (which basically means all non-quara and Hydro-Elementals) ranks, and are also used as spies and assassins for special operations.]]},
  576.     ["Quara Mantassin Scout"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: This monster can be seen during a quara raid in Liberty Bay. An easier version of Quara Mantassins.]]},
  577.     ["Quara Pincher"] = {tibia = [[Transformed into a living and walking fortress, there is little a Quara Pincher has to fear. Seemingly unstoppable, they attack stoically without remorse or hesitation. It is rumoured that the grip of their pincers can break a good sword into pieces. Being aware of the facts that they are somewhat clumsy and rather simpleminded, gives one an advantage whenever fighting a Quara Pincher. Another chance to win a fight against them is to duel them ashore where they are much weaker than in water, their natural habitat. Quara Pinchers are usually encountered along with other quara who probably serve as their superiors and leaders. In larger battles the Quara Pinchers fortify the positions of the troops and provide cover for the other quara while they move forward.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Hard to get down because of its heavy armor. It is the slowest of the quaras, equal to the speed of a lvl 95-100 (without Boots of Haste).]]},
  578.     ["Quara Pincher Scout"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: It has very strong defense against physical attacks, but they are very slow. It has half the hit points and yields half the experience of the regular Quara Pincher. This monster can be seen during Liberty Bay Quara raids.]]},
  579.     ["Quara Predator"] = {tibia = [[Even more bloodthirsty than the other quara and even feared by their own kind for their murderous frenzy, Quara Predators are usually found in the first lines of a battlefield whenever the quara decide to fight their sworn enemies (which basically means all non-quara). Obviously a mixture of quara and sharks, they share the most disgusting and most lethal attributes of both. Ruthless and vicious they know no mercy and no surrender. Quara Predators are known to fight until the last spark of life leaves their bodies. Sometimes they even fight against each other after slaying all enemies in sight.On shore they are somewhat weaker, losing their speed and agility, but their huge jaws are still fatal.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Bloodthirsty Quaras that even fight other Quaras after a battle. They look like a shark.]]},
  580.     ["Quara Predator Scout"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: This monster can be seen during the quara raid on Liberty Bay. They look like a shark.]]},
  581.     ["Salamander"] = {tibia = [[The Salamander is a creature that is quite common in swamp areas. In this harsh environment only the most aggressive and capable individuals can survive, so that the relatively harmless Salamander has evolved into a creature that can scare off at least some attackers. However, a Salamander is still an easy prey and so it often relies on the protection granted by its colouring. The diet of the Salamanders are smaller insects that are often found in abundance in their habitat. Only this allows for the continued survival of the Salamander species while surrounded by more powerful predators. The Salamanders are considered very distant relatives of the dragons, an assumption that is based solely on the fact that they are lizards and have a penchant to collect hoards. The so-called 'hoards' of the Salamanders usually consist only of a few shiny things they have gathered in the swamp, typically junk discarded or lost by adventurers in the area. Still, sometimes they are hunted by foolhardy soldiers of fortune who dream about an easy way to acquire some exotic treasure. Due to their tasting odd, Salamanders are hunted by trolls and orcs for food when times are dire. Sometimes local witches breed Salamanders as familiars, or as ingredients for their cooking or even alchemical usage.]], wiki = [[]]},
  582.     ["Cobra"] = {tibia = [[The desert-creeping Cobra has become a symbol of assassination and venom throughout the world. Contrary to the slithery green snakes which dwell the swamps and in general prefer a moist surrounding, Cobras have well adapted to the dry and hostile environment of the desert. The silent killers usually prey on smaller animals and even insects, digging their bodies into a sandy dune until they are almost not visible anymore to the unaware eye. As soon as a potential victim passes by, the Cobra will perform a fast and surprising strike, injecting its highly dangerous poison into the prey. Usually only chasing for nurture, Cobras can be easily provoked or irritated and might consider any encounter a threat, fearlessly attacking everything regardless of its size. Although the tales of the fatality of its poison and its toughness are wildly exaggerated, they still pose a significant threat to all unaware wanderers and explorers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are like Snakes but more dangerous. They are also summoned by Lizard Snakecharmers.]]},
  583.     ["Sea Serpent"] = {tibia = [[The legendary Sea Serpent is a mysterious and powerful creature. For a long time Sea Serpents were exiled into the world of fairy tales just like the bogeyman or the man in the cave. However, during the years of the serpents, it became shockingly clear that Sea Serpents are a horrible reality. For many years, hordes of Sea Serpents made the ship passage between Carlin and Svargrond impassable. Then, almost over night, they vanished as suddenly as they had appeared. Still, sightings of Sea Serpents are not uncommon nowadays. Sea Serpents are omnivores but prefer meat over seaweed and tang. They hunt seals, sharks, octopuses and small whales, and occasionally also quara. The quara are in a strange relationship with the Sea Serpents. Some of them worship single Sea Serpents like gods, while others organise large hunting parties to exterminate Sea Serpents that enter their territory. Normally, Sea Serpents are afraid of the strange ships humans tend to travel with. Some of them, however, seem to have overcome their fear. Those Sea Serpents attack ships with all their strength, and they are able to destroy even the biggest ships that cruise the seas. If they are able to wreck a whole ship, one can imagine what a single diver or swimmer has to expect from these beasts. While most Sea Serpents avoid the noisy big ships, a single human is always a welcome snack. Sea Serpents attack immediately, and only the fact that they are not used to meet with resistance might be an advantage of their victims.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Creature added in Summer Update 2008 After Summer Update's first patch (8.21), it was widely debated if Sea Serpents' continued dropping their old rares. In Summer Update 2009, the loot was changed again to be more profitable.]]},
  584.     ["Serpent Spawn"] = {tibia = [[The hideous Serpent Spawn is rumoured to be the creation of some ancient serpent god once worshipped by the lizardmen of Tiquanda. In ancient times, this creature, chosen by the gods, was a vital part of the lizard culture and the centre of numerous gruesome rituals. With the downfall of the lizard civilisation, the Serpent Spawn became more and more uncontrollable, and finally started to become a threat to the lizards themselves. As if their minds had been darkened by a madness that mirrored the turmoil in the lizard society, they made no difference between friend or foe and their lethal wrath struck both. By making the most holy places of the lizards inaccessible, they sealed the fate of the lizard civilisation during the apes' revolt. It is rumoured there are still species of the Serpent Spawn around. Still guarding the sacred places with eternal vigilance, they are waiting for their creator to rise again and to lead them once more to reign the jungle of Tiquanda on the god's behalf. Being servants of the serpent god, they are blessed with magic abilities and their serpent heritage grants them enormous physical strength and constitution.]], wiki = [[Wiki: In the past they were only available via the Creature Illusion spell, but after they were introduced to the game they were removed from that spell. It is the only creature that was added in the Christmas Update 2005.]]},
  585.     ["Snake"] = {tibia = [[Snakes live in the grasslands and forests of Tibia where they hunt small animals. Their tactic is to hide in the grass and pop up when a victim approaches. Relying on their poisonous bite they even attack humans when they feel cornered.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A snake is a weak monster that can envenom others with its bite. They are also summoned by Orc Shamans. Some players use the snakes summoned by Orc Shamans for training. They Trap the Orc Shaman in a way he cannot shoot any magic missiles at them and then basically have an endless supply of constantly spawning snakes. Lizard Snakecharmers drop Dead Snakes as loot.]]},
  586.     ["Young Sea Serpent"] = {tibia = [[The first lesson a newly hatched sea serpent has to learn is the survival of the fittest. Amongst a flock of other hungry baby serpents, only the strongest survive the ferocious appetite of their siblings. While fighting for food with each other, they have to elude the occasional attacks of their uncaring parents. Quickly, the fight for survival becomes natural to the Young Sea Serpent. It's not such a surprise that Young Sea Serpents are aggressive and predatory. To reach the immense size of an adult sea serpent, a Young Sea Serpent has to eat almost constantly. Always driven by hunger, they are often more daring and aggressive than adult serpents. Gladly they are too small to pose a threat to ships but they may attack small fisher boats. They often follow fish schools to devour as much of them as they can. When doing so, it is not uncommon that they cross the path of a fisherman. Lucky are those who come out of such meetings with nothing worse than ruined nets. Often the ferocious attacks of the Young Sea Serpents capsize whole boats and the fishermen lose their catch and sometimes also their lives. Given their appetite and the aggressiveness of their species towards each other, it is not astonishing that Young Sea Serpents often are loners. In the rare cases they stick together, they have hatched from the same nest and have established a strict hacking order that is necessary to avoid bloodshed and cannibalism.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in Summer Update 2008. After changing the looktype of this creature, CipSoft made a mistake, causing the items within the corpse to end up outside at the moment of disappearing (when rotting/decaying). This bug was fixed in Updates/8.41‎.]]},
  587.     ["Mimic"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are shape shifters. Legends say they shapeshift into items that are of your inner-most desire. They were summonable for a short period.]]},
  588.     ["Betrayed Wraith"] = {tibia = [[Revenge is the drive of a Betrayed Wraith, revenge whose cause is long forgotten and whose source has likely died decades ago. Still trapped in their lust for revenge, they mindlessly attack everything they encounter. Mercy is no option and its futile to argue with these maddened ghosts. Their broken and twisted minds are constantly tormented by the ever-present memory of their gruesome death. Entrapped in their feelings and memories, they only find relief when inflicting some of those feelings on living beings. In an insane surge of joy, they attack the life force of others, feeding their pain and amplifying it by projecting their own agony and horror upon their victims. It is said that those who survived the attacks of a Betrayed Wraith are driven insane, they age before their time and turn into white-haired shadows of their former selves.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They can put Hydras to shame with their healing abilities. They appeared in the Winter Update 2006 haunting the deepest Pits of Inferno. Looks the same as a Sloth Wraith.]]},
  589.     ["Bonebeast"] = {tibia = [[The result of an unspeakable ritual that mocks the holy secrets of creation, the Bonebeast is a harbinger of doom and pestilence. It is best described as a hideous conglomerate of bones and rotten flesh vaguely resembling a bull. Bonebeasts are often created by some unscrupulous lich, and they mindlessly obey their master's orders no matter what they are. More often than not, these orders include impaling one or more hapless victims on one of the Bonebeast's massive horns.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Skeletal creatures, they are summoned by Liches. After a patch, Bonebeasts started using the Poison Beam. Can be skinned to get Hardened Bones. See also: Hardened Bone/Skinning.]]},
  590.     ["Bone Beast"] = {tibia = [[The result of an unspeakable ritual that mocks the holy secrets of creation, the Bonebeast is a harbinger of doom and pestilence. It is best described as a hideous conglomerate of bones and rotten flesh vaguely resembling a bull. Bonebeasts are often created by some unscrupulous lich, and they mindlessly obey their master's orders no matter what they are. More often than not, these orders include impaling one or more hapless victims on one of the Bonebeast's massive horns.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Skeletal creatures, they are summoned by Liches. After a patch, Bonebeasts started using the Poison Beam. Can be skinned to get Hardened Bones. See also: Hardened Bone/Skinning.]]},
  591.     ["Demon Skeleton"] = {tibia = [[Demon Skeletons are undead monsters that live in the deepest dungeons of Tibia. Nobody knows where these creatures come from. They are much stronger and faster than normal skeletons - from which they differ externally only by colour. Like them, they can drain life energy off their opponents.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This is an excellent summon because its immune to many elements, its used a lot for hunting Dragons, Wyverns, Djinns, Necromancers, Hydras, Infernalists and Nightmares.]]},
  592.     ["Dreadbeast"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are constantly summoned by carved stone tiles.]]},
  593.     ["Honour Guard"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Spawns in the desert of Ankrahmun when Horestis has been slain. It is said that all Honour Guards need to be killed in order for the monsters in Horestis Tomb to spawn again after Horestis fall.]]},
  594.     ["Lost Soul"] = {tibia = [[Some people die in so much agony and pain that they rise again in a ghostly form. They are by far more powerful than ordinary ghosts, fuelled by the memory of those painful emotions. Roaming the place of their death, they seek revenge, not distinguishing between guilty and innocent. Usually they haunt crypts, graveyards or places of torture and great pain.Sometimes though, these Lost Souls are snatched away by demons and forced into their service by the use of magical powers. Although the demons do not consider the Lost Souls as really useful, they enjoy to have an incarnation of suffering and pain around. Some of the more powerful and cruel demons even enjoy to 'breed' such ghosts on their own. They subjugate abducted mortals and expose them to unspeakable procedures which culminate in the painful death of their victims. Sometimes a demon is able to 'harvest' one of those unfortunates out of the procedure to make an especially impressive exemplar of a Lost Soul which it can brag about to other demons.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They may look rather harmless but do not underestimate this fearsome creature. Usually avoided in mines due to the fact it has very high hitpoints, so it takes a longer time to kill, increasing the chance of being swarmed by respawns of other creatures. It is common to see these creatures left at low red health by someone hunting in the area in which they spawn - this is so that players can avoid wasting supplies on the Lost Souls as they have high points, deal fairly good damage, and rarely drop good loot. After the Updates/8.5, their hp was lowered from 8500 to 5800.]]},
  595.     ["Party Skeleton"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New players test different weapon types on these creatures. Sometimes they may appear to be teleporting, but this is actually caused by magical boundaries preventing them from leaving the party tents.]]},
  596.     ["Skeleton"] = {tibia = [[Skeletons are undead monsters that live in the dungeons of Tibia. It is rumoured that they are the bodies of dead adventurers that have been revived by some evil power. Cropping up in packs and occasionally accompanied by other undead creatures like ghouls, they are quite nasty opponents, particularly because they are able to drain life energy off their opponents.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They can be found in various regions (including Rookgaard) and are a excellent source of loot. Also, they can be summoned by an angry bonelord or by a mage using either the Animate Dead or Summon Creature spells.]]},
  597.     ["Skeleton Warrior"] = {tibia = [[While animated skeletons possess no intelligence at all and are only driven by some universal evil, a Skeleton Warrior is indeed an independent and intelligent creature. Most Skeleton Warriors came into existence by free choice of will. Many of them used to be heroes or dutiful soldiers in life who volunteered to become the eternal guardian of some object or place. During their life, they were prepared for their eternal guard duty: they were trained in meditation, tattooed with powerful magic runes, and participated in arcane rituals. After their death, they are dressed in their best ceremonial armor which has further enchantments. For a while the corpse is as inanimate like any other corpse. Instead of rotting, these corpses slowly become mummified in the course of time. At some point, which may take years to reach, the Skeleton Warrior will rise into its undead existence. As Skeleton Warriors are unable to communicate, it is unknown where their consciousness resides in the time between death and resurrection. It is assumed by mages that the risen Skeleton Warrior usually begins his guard duty in a more or less sane state of mind. In the course of years, the once devoted warrior becomes more and more aware of his state and the consequences of his decision. Such knowledge slowly erodes the minds of all but the most stable beings. Moreover, the spells preserving the guardians are often more powerful than the ones on the guarded objects. So often, the guarded object is destroyed after some time leaving the Skeleton Warrior without any purpose. This ultimate futility of their sacrifice breaks the mind of even the most strong-minded individuals and turns them into undead killing machines, not very different from any other undead. In the end, only few of them are still capable of truly fulfilling their duty which means to kill only those that are not allowed to enter the guarded places. Often enough it occurred that an unsuspecting priest visited a guarded place and was killed by a Skeleton Warrior that he had helped to prepare for his eternal duty. Physically the Skeleton Warrior combines undead strength and resilience with the prowess of his former life. This and the formidable equipment make Skeleton Warriors to a significant threat to anyone unlucky enough to find one of the places that they are guarding.]], wiki = [[]]},
  598.     ["Undead Gladiator"] = {tibia = [[A curse, necromancy or some magic plague has turned the Undead Gladiator in his current state. Unlike other undead, his will power and determination let him retain a certain degree of his former self. A few gladiators were even able to stay almost the complete same person considering personality and intelligence which makes them to especially fearsome opponents. Undead Gladiators can wield a large variety of weapons, and their undead state has even enhanced their fighting skills. Without any moral restraints, immune to pain, and tireless, an Undead Gladiator is a virtual fighting machine that wears down his opponent before he finishes them off in a burst of skilful attacks. Without the need for sleep or food, their existence has turned into a constant battle, a permanent test of their skills. They strive for perfection, but ironically, their undead state prevents them from enhancing their skills further or to train their body. So the emptiness of their existence is haunting them every moment, and feeds the rage and jealousy towards the living. Undead Gladiators often participate in gruesome duels with each other to test their skills in a macabre and tireless dance of death, sometimes lasting for days.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A very powerful melee creature with substantial hitpoints to survive many attacks. They can move as fast as a level 50 player so lower levels should avoid them. It's resistances do not comply with the resistances of most Undead, as this is the only undead creature that is weak against Death Damage and Earth Damage instead of being strong against/resistant to them. It is also the only undead creature strong against Holy Damage.]]},
  599.     ["Undead Minion"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Strong Demon Skeleton. Appeared during raids in Darashia. These raids were removed from the game.]]},
  600.     ["Undead Mine Worker"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Similarly to Undead Prospectors, these creatures are restless spirits of lost miners haunting a mine in Edron. This creature was added with the Christmas Update 2009.]]},
  601.     ["Ghazbaran"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Ghazbaran - the "Lord of Blades", is a member of the Triangle of Terror. The cultists in the Formorgar Mines are said to be trying to revive the frozen demons in there to conjure the mighty archdemon. They are melting the ice in his name.]]},
  602.     ["Morgaroth"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Morgaroth, the schemer, is an Archdemon and also a member of the Triangle of Terror.]]},
  603.     ["Azerus"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: He wears the Yalahari Set.]]},
  604.     ["Dark Apprentice"] = {tibia = [[Some of the fallen dark magicians take their apprentices with them when being cast out of the magic orders. Others take apprentices later to have compliant henchmen at their disposal. The Dark Apprentices are nothing than a shadow of their masters who greedily hide their secrets and only share small parts of their knowledge if there is no choice. Kept in line by the promise to gain forbidden knowledge and parts of their master's power, they are just as scrupulous as their masters. Sometimes a dark magician has several apprentices and enjoys their rivalry for his attention. This way, the Dark Apprentices usually focus their scheming minds on other apprentices instead on their master. Being constantly treated badly by their masters, they use every opportunity to demonstrate their own malice over other beings. Usually more ambitious than competent, they are minor threats only. However, several apprentices that are trying to support and impress their master can still be fatal for badly prepared adventurers though.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the Winter Update 2007. They seem to be a parody of low level Sorcerers. Note that if they turn you into a cyclops or a broom they will cancel your invisibility.]]},
  605.     ["Dark Magician"] = {tibia = [[The road of sorcery has led many to great wisdom and power. Others have left the way that the magician orders have aspired. Fallen victim to the misuse of their magical powers for personal and selfish goals, those magicians have turned their backs on their fellow sorcerers and tread forbidden paths to acquire more and more power. Some magicians are pursuers of the dark arts of sorcery right from the beginning of their career, others became Dark Magicians by looking for revenge or sometimes only survival after being cast out by the magic orders. Still, knowing that they are magically gifted and thus feeling superior to humanity and ordinary mortals, the Dark Magicians carve their own niches in existence. They can be found in hidden caves as well as in ruins or remote hideouts. Although usually loners, they sometimes have minions to help them with their evil schemes or serve themselves under the rule of a more powerful being. In the service of some scrupulous leader or for their own good, they pursue sinister researches and projects. In their aspiration for power, they often meet their death by the hands of more skilled adventurers. Only a few of the Dark Magicians have what it takes to endure the long road to become a necromancer or a warlock after years of studying and gathering power.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the Winter Update 2007. They are often found with other Dark Magicians, Dark Apprentices and Mad Scientists. They seem to be a parody of high level Sorcerers.]]},
  606.     ["Energized Raging Mage"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was introduced in the Summer Update 2011.]]},
  607.     ["Fury"] = {tibia = [[These female demons are known to enrage themselves into such hatred and fury that their hair starts to burn and tiny flames sprout all over their body. Although of deceptive beauty, the Fury is a bloodthirsty monster that knows no remorse. A Fury will not listen to logical arguments or accept surrender. Fight is everything they think about and care for. Her hands can turn into fiery claws that can shred a shield to pieces with ease and their incredible strength belies their slender and fragile stature. A Fury's hatred is so strong that it provides them with an unearthly resilience which can only be stopped by death. Literally too hot-headed to lead any sizeable force into battle, the demons employ them on missions of carnage and chaos. Even when not in combat, they tend to destroy things just for the fun of it. After all a Fury is a creature of hatred and destruction. Some demons employing the services of Furies keep them chained until the very last moment. Needless to say that this treatment drives the Fury in an even greater frenzy. Other demons enjoy to lock up prisoners in a cell with a handful of Furies and to watch the spectacle.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A creature of hatred and destruction fueled by insatiable rage. These creatures are able to use strong haste and thus become incredibly fast and almost IMPOSSIBLE to outrun. In 2008 winter update a bug made Furies buff the players which increased the skills with about 25-55+ for few seconds. People believe they have orange hair, but they have actually red hair.]]},
  608.     ["Ice Witch"] = {tibia = [[Ice Witches are fallen shamans who rose from the ranks of the raiders and learned their arts from their head shaman. They rely on some strange kind of substance or drug to maintain their powers over ice and cold. Several of them serve the raider tribes with their magic, others are on missions for their sinister leader and can be encountered almost everywhere in the North. Again others became renegades and work only for their own agenda. Those renegade witches are even more hostile and dangerous. Ice Witches make use of icy variants of known spells and are schooled in the basics of shamanism and nature magic. This strange blend of sorcery and animism hints that they have been influenced by both magical schools in some way. It is speculated that a sorcerer might have tried to 'convert' shamans to the conventional ways of teachings and shared some wisdom with them.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature fights much like a Necromancer, however doesn't summon, but paralyzes instead and have a tough armor. Be warned, if you're turned into a snowman your invisibility will be canceled. Ice Witch had 540 Hit points before Summer Update 2009. Ice Witches heal a lot, it could be a good idea to team with a mage to shoot Thunderstorms at groups. Since summer update 2009 all loot from this creature became rare drops, most witches you kill will be empty, so you'll be hunting for a while to get anything from them.]]},
  609.     ["Incredibly Old Witch"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Can see invisibility.]]},
  610.     ["Infernalist"] = {tibia = [[At all times, doomsday cults have found followers. Infernalists are usually high-ranking followers of such cults that like to take things into their own hands. Instead of waiting for the apocalypse to come, they actively aim for their goal of total destruction. Though Infernalists used to be eager students of magic, they discarded a good deal of spells in their repertoire in favour of more destructive and flashy spell effects. It is surely not astonishing that their favourite element is fire, as these spells are not only highly destructive put also have some glamorous effects. Infernalists are easily won over for any task that causes destruction. They lack any form of patience though and often leave one job to join another. Several Infernalists work as mercenaries and some even find employment in armies. However, their short temper and their eagerness to start arguments about minor incidents make them bad employees. Even the cults they belong to are not very fond of them. For this reason, they are often sent on dangerous or even suicidal missions in the hope that they will never return. Despite all the destruction they have caused and enemies they have made, in the end, most Infernalists die either of their own machinations like destroying a building they are still in, or at the hands of allies that want to get rid of them.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Behaves similar to a Warlock. The difference is that Infernalists can make several combos.]]},
  611.     ["Mad Mage"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  612.     ["Mad Scientist"] = {tibia = [[Genius and madness are often only a fine line apart. Mad Scientists have for sure crossed that line. Putting their science and researches above everything else, they put themselves above human morals and see other humans as test objects at best. In combat, Mad Scientists fight with everything at their disposal and use a vast array of dirty tricks. Being bad fighters, they use their tools, gadgets and inventions as dangerous weapons. Protective about their secrets and fearing punishment for their amoral experiments, they tend to attack outsiders on sight. Mad Scientists often join confraternities with other scientists to profit from more resources. Others find employment by unscrupulous beings that fund their researches in exchange for their services. Most of them are too absorbed in their researches to become leaders themselves. Some, however, are worldly enough to hire minions and plan and coordinate operations as the scientific mastermind.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Mad Scientist are sorcerers. Usually found with lots of other Creatures. Note: these creatures created the creature Mutated Human.]]},
  613.     ["Raging Mage"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was introduced in the Summer Update 2011. Spawns after the Energized Raging Mage has been killed. This, however, will not happen until your server has killed 2000 Yielothaxes. This raid message will appear when he has been killed: The remains of the Raging Mage are scattered on the floor of his Tower. The dimensional portal quakes. Five minutes later the dimensional portal gets closed and this message appears: With a great bang the dimensional portal in Zao collapsed and with it the connection to the other dimension shattered.]]},
  614.     ["Warlock"] = {tibia = [[Warlocks are among the most powerful magicians of Tibia, but they do their research not for the benefit of mankind but only for their own interests. Nobody, however, knows what their plans are, hiding deep in the dungeons of Tibia and attacking and killing every intruder of their sphere, so that hardly any information about them can permeate.Of course, Warlocks know a lot of fighting spells. They can shoot fire and energy in various forms, summon stone golems as vassals, paralyze their victims and drain mana off them. Moreover, they know how to heal themselves and how to make themselves invisible.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The fourth most powerful mage in Tibia and the strongest sorcerer-type monster that is not a boss (equivalent to Infernalist). They will regularly spam you with 2-3 different magic attacks each turn. Besides Great Cloud Beam, Energy Missile and melee, all damage they do is fire damage, even their burst and explosion. Their Fire Field spell is five spaces instead of one, adding one Fire Field in each direction: North, South, East & West.]]},
  615.     ["Witch"] = {tibia = [[Witches are magically skilled women that usually live deep in the forests and swamps of Tibia. There they collect herbs and other ingredients, e.g. parts of dead animals, from which they brew potions in their large iron cauldrons. Rumour has it that they can fly using their brooms. Most of them are quite malicious and short-tempered and attack adventurers by casting fireballs at them.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Witches are women with strong magical abilities. They are frequently found with Amazons and Valkyries, and have become very involved with cult activities on the Shattered Isles. Some people believe that Witches are leaders of the amazons and valkyries. Although Witches only use fire attacks, they are not immune to fire.]]},
  616.     ["Yalahari"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  617.     ["Deathslicer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Deathslicers cannot be killed or wounded by you. Note that they are pushable. Old rumors said they hit over 1000 hp with Melee, however that's not true.]]},
  618.     ["Flamethrower"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  619.     ["Hive Pore"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  620.     ["Lavahole"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  621.     ["Magic Pillar"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: After Ferumbras death, there will be Demons in his room. These demonic beings are summoned by Magic Pillars.]]},
  622.     ["Magicthrower"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  623.     ["Plaguethrower"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  624.     ["Shredderthrower"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  625.     ["Frost Troll"] = {tibia = [[Frost Trolls are a variety of normal trolls that live in the holes and dungeons of the ice islands in the north-west of Tibia. Like their cousins, they hunt animals and seek treasures. But they are a bit stronger than them and can be quite dangerous to inexperienced adventurers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are stronger than regular Trolls.]]},
  626.     ["Furious Troll"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the summer update 2009. They can be found in an area accessible during the Royal Rescue Quest.]]},
  627.     ["Island Troll"] = {tibia = [[The Island Trolls are by no means more courageous than their cousins all over the world. Quite weak, they are usually easily defeated. However, their existence on remote isles is a clear proof for the versatility of the troll race. Their lifestyle does not differ much from that of other trolls. They prefer to roam in caves and form small tribes and clans.The only notable difference to other trolls might be their habit to collect all sorts of things and to hoard them. This might come from the lack of resources on the isles or, as some suggest, from some religious background. Considering the disinterest in the topic trolls, no one bothered yet to investigate that further.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Island Trolls are similiar to Trolls and have similar loot, they hold a Marlin and use it as a weapon. But it's a food.]]},
  628.     ["Swamp Troll"] = {tibia = [[Swamp Trolls are a variety of normal trolls that live in the swamps in the east of Tibia. Like the other tribes of trolls, they hunt animals and seek treasures. But they are a bit stronger and they soak their claws with the extracts of some poisonous herbs they collect in the swamps in order to envenom their opponents. So they can be quite dangerous to inexperienced adventurers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are a bit stronger than Trolls and Frost Trolls and they can poison you, but they are not immune to earth themselves which means Druids with Snakebite Rods or Terra Rods are able kill them rather easily, although not recommended for level 13- Druids. After the 8.2 summer update they now drop Spears as loot which makes them a good choice for low level Paladins to hunt.]]},
  629.     ["Troll"] = {tibia = [[Trolls are a human-like race that lives in small tribes in the holes and dungeons of Tibia. There they hunt animals and seek treasures over which they keep a jealous watch. They are weak and silly fighters, but as a squad they can become quite dangerous.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Many players prefer not to train on trolls since they run away when they have low hp. However, since they drop spears some paladins may hunt them with spears in an attempt to raise their distance fighting skill.]]},
  630.     ["Troll Champion"] = {tibia = [[Sometimes a hero rises even amongst cowards. Well, in the case of trolls the term hero might be a bit far-fetched. The Troll Champions receive their title mainly for their slyness and brutality. Raising in status seems great in the beginning but it quickly becomes a matter of survival. Even though cowardly, most trolls are incredibly greedy and envious. As a result, a troll with a special status has to fight for its life and to survive many attempts of backstabbing or arranged accidents by its brethren. Of course, every Troll Champion abuses shamelessly his privileges in his tribe. Therefore, it is only natural that a Troll Champion has to constantly watch his back and stay as fit and well-equipped as he can manage. This again makes him one of the toughest fighters of the tribe that other trolls turn to when in danger. Troll Champions are usually the leaders of small raiding parties or the personal bodyguards of the equally abusive chieftains. They love to bully weaker trolls and are hardly encountered without some henchmen that they can bully around and sacrifice in battles.]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the christmas update 2007. Despite their appearance, not that much stronger than a regular troll.]]},
  631.     ["Troll Guard"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  632.     ["Troll Legionnaire"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature in the summer update 2009. They can be found in an area accessible during making Royal Rescue Quest. Drops quite high amount of gold for such a monster, so hunting these might be profitable.]]},
  633.     ["Young Troll"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: As the name implies, a weaker version of the Troll.]]},
  634.     ["Armenius"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  635.     ["Banshee"] = {tibia = [[The Banshee is an undead creature of sheer terror. Legend has it she once was a mortal woman of great beauty who has killed herself over some long forgotten grievance. Death refused her sacrifice and sent her back, cursed and distorted. Now the Banshee is a ghastly sight to behold. Her body is not ethereal like that of a ghost, but her burning gaze and the withering look of infinite pain in her face strike terror in every mortal's heart. Even worse than her fearsome looks, however, is her unworldly song. The Banshee's wail is a melody of pure death which drains her unfortunate victims of all life and hope. Few mortals who have encountered a Banshee have lived to tell the tale.]], wiki = [[Wiki: A banshee, according to the irish myth, is the spirit of a deceased woman that is an omen of death or generally a messenger from the underworld. On Tibia, a banshee is a beautiful woman who has been betrayed and committed suicide, but death did not accept her sacrifice and sent her back.]]},
  636.     ["Blightwalker"] = {tibia = [[The essence of death, plague and decay is indeed a powerful one as some demons quickly realised. They used their powers to gather this essence through their minions just like bees gather honey. Then they bound these disruptive powers into tangible shapes and added a little bit of demonic spirit. Filled with decay and a malicious will, the Blightwalkers were born. Whenever they find a way into the realms of the living, their steps are followed by death and decay. Everything fertile and healthy is considered as enemy and their dark instinct drives them to destroy and ruin everything they encounter. Even though demons often summon them as individuals to bring decay upon the ranks of their enemies, some enjoy to employ Blightwalkers as shock troops and footsoldiers of their armies.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Blightwalkers are renowned minions of the demons who enjoy using those corrupted creatures as a shock troop in their army.]]},
  637.     ["Crypt Shambler"] = {tibia = [[For a long time it was believed that the Crypt Shambler was a mere myth, and even though today most scholars agree that this undead abomination exists, little else is known about it. A common theory holds that Crypt Shamblers are created from the bodies of lesser necromancers and death cultists who were turned into undead creatures while they were still alive! Although this theory remains unconfirmed, it would help to explain the burning rage that seems to be a common trait of all Crypt Shamblers. Whatever the truth, Crypt Shamblers are dangerous undead that far exceed many other undead in power and ferocity.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Very slow, similar to Demon Skeletons, but weaker. Elder Bonelords and Enlightened of the Cult summon these.]]},
  638.     ["Death Priest"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  639.     ["Elder Mummy"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  640.     ["Ghoul"] = {tibia = [[Ghouls are undead monsters that live in the holes and dungeons of Tibia. They are quite strong and extremely dangerous if they crop up in packs. Hiding in the darkness, they wait for incautious adventurers. They can heal themselves and suck life energy out of their opponents.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This kind of Undead is found usually in groups and can be dangerous for unexperienced players. Only fight them while wearing good equipment or keeping them at distance, otherwise their melee combined with life drain can do a lot of damage. When summoned, ghouls make good hunting partners because they can heal themselves, a trait that makes them good for training on as well. They are fairly slow so mages and paladins should be able to run and attack. They are commonly used as a summon for knights in training, but not so much for paladins due to the higher chance of killing them. A level 91 knight and a level 36 paladin can convince these to train. Unlike most of their undead counterparts, Ghouls leave bloodstains when damaged.]]},
  641.     ["Grim Reaper"] = {tibia = [[Grim Reapers are malignant spirits that control undead bodies. They are independent, serving no master but their own malicious goals. As long as they can cause pain and fear to living beings, they are also prepared to ally with other evil entities. The nature of these possessive spirits is currently disputed. The most popular theory implies that the spirits are actually some ancient race that never had any corporeal form other than that of possessed undead beings. They cloak their possessed bodies with rags, and they arm them with a scythe imbued with part of their own mystical energy. These scythes are known to rend horrible wounds that heal only slowly and often become infected. The scythes are nearly indestructible and are able to cut through any armor with ease. The worst thing about the reapers is that they cannot be killed for good. Even if the undead body is hacked into pieces, the possessing spirit escapes unharmed, ready to possess another undead body. Some Grim Reapers haunt their opponents again and again until they finally kill them. Dread and fear are the things the spirits are looking for. It is assumed that the spirits feed on these emotions and also on pain and agony. For this reason, it is no surprise that Grim Reapers prefer places where they can inflict pain or fear.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Grim reapers have isolated spawns and do not come in massive groups. The best place for grim reapers is the Yalahar Cemetery Quarter however Paladins may prefer the main Drefia spawn. Although their name suggests a specialization of death damage, most of the damage usually taken is physical (assuming the beam is avoided).]]},
  642.     ["Lich"] = {tibia = [[To become a Lich is the ultimate goal of all those who follow the dark path of necromancy, and there is no one among these lost souls who would not give his life gladly in exchange for the immortality and the frightful powers of these undead wizards. The Lich are true masters of their kind who have learnt to harness the vilest powers of death and corruption, and they know how to channel these unholy energies onto their unfortunate victims with deadly precision. Worse, they typically control legions of lesser undead, so a single Lich may be enough to bring whole cities to ruin. Thankfully, they are very rare and they often prefer to hide in old libraries and laboratories where they ceaselessly continue their wicked research.]], wiki = [[Wiki: The summons will vanish when killed and thus cannot be skinned with an Obsidian Knife.]]},
  643.     ["Mummy"] = {tibia = [[Mummies are undead monsters that can be found in the ancient pyramids and ruins in the north of Tibia. No one knows where they come from, but they guard the burial chambers and attack every adventurer trying to get the legendary treasures. Their scaring sight can paralyze the bravest fighters, and they try to drain life energy off their shocked victims. Be aware of their poisonous daggers!]], wiki = [[Wiki: Be careful as a low level because they can use quite heavy paralyze sometimes. Mummies are worth the trouble though because of their relatively good loot.]]},
  644.     ["Vampire"] = {tibia = [[Vampires are undead creatures that live in the haunted ruins on Darama. They are very strong, and live on blood which they suck out of their victims. Dressed with long capes, which are black as night, they are hunting in the dungeons and, at night, even on the surface. Some people actually believe that they are able to fly, like bats which look like small vampires. Their scaring sight and their bloodcurdling cries have already paralysed many brave adventurers.]], wiki = [[Wiki: You have a chance to obtain Vampire Dust when you use a Blessed Wooden Stake on a slain vampire's fresh corpse. See also Vampire Dust/Dusting.]]},
  645.     ["Vampire Bride"] = {tibia = [[Vampire Brides are the favoured few of the rare and elusive master vampires. While lesser vampires have often been turned by the spread of the curse, Vampire Brides were bitten almost exclusively by master vampires. At their lifetime, they have been women of extraordinary beauty who often had a strain of cruelty in their personality. As undead, they are powerful vampires of a haunting beauty that own a respectable array of abilities. They love to play cat and mouse with their chosen victim, and are rather picky in their choice whose blood they are going to drink. Also those that are not worthy as a blood donor are not safe from death, though. Quite the opposite, Vampire Brides love to cruelly torture their victims to death. Their cleverness makes many of them good magicians and alchemists. Some use magic or alchemy to look like a human and so make it easier to lay hands on their victims. They are vain creatures who love to surround themselves with small courts of undead in catacombs or under cities. It can take centuries before a Vampire Bride and its ghostly court are routed out by vampire hunters or the inquisition. Even then, the shrewd brides are often able to escape, ready to plan a horrible revenge.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Since Updates/10.1, it is possible to use a Blessed Wooden Stake to collect Vampire Dust. See also Vampire Dust/Dusting.]]},
  646.     ["Vampire Viscount"] = {tibia = [[Always with an air of style, insouciant and sniggering, the Viscount ambles through undeath looking for the next blood drink, entertaining fight or other pleasure to while away eternity. Viscounts can be charming in a casual way, but only to distract their prey until the final bite - they say it sours the flavour when their meal is scared or distressed. Masters of the rapier, they love to see their enemy bleed, heightening the pleasant anticipation of the kill while simultaneously letting their victim believe it could still win the fight. When hurt or when trying to impress his foe, the Viscount will eventually change form to scare his opponent away, and take on the shape of a vicious manbat.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Use a Blessed Wooden Stake to collect Vampire Dust by Dusting. See also Vampire Dust/Dusting.]]},
  647.     ["Vicious Manbat"] = {tibia = [[An enemy not to be underestimated, the vicious manbat is swift and deadly, with a little magic ability that make it a dreaded foe. It is assumed by some of the wise in Tibia that the manbats are degenerated vampire viscounts unable to change back, or maybe some hellish breed between vampires and bats from a dark unnamed place. In appearance a more than man-tall giant blue bat with sharp claws and teeth, the manbat is both intimidating and grotesque. It will chase its victim relentlessly, slashing and clawing at it, and sometimes calling bats to its aid in order to harass and disorient its prey. Anyone unfortunate enough to encounter a manbat should be swift-footed and well-armed.]], wiki = [[]]},
  648.     ["Zombie"] = {tibia = [[Necromancy knows many forms of zombiefication. There are potions, spells and even apparatuses to raise the dead to serve their masters. While it is quite easy to raise a Zombie, it is more complicated to gain control. A good deal of aspiring zombie masters have died at the rotting hands of a creature that was meant to become their minion. Zombies have hardly any intelligence. If they do not have somebody controlling them, they tend to follow primal instincts such as eating and hunting. The undead state makes Zombies resilient and quite strong. However, their process of decomposing never stops and so sooner or later, a Zombie turns into a skeleton, losing strength and resilience, but strangely enough, gaining some intelligence. Sometimes the ingredients for zombiefication potions are set free in disadvantageous environments such as town wells through which the Zombie plague spreads like an infection. If this happens, whole towns are overrun by transformed Zombies that later haunt the surrounding area for months, or even years. For such incidents, all potential zombie masters are chased by the inquisition. In some years, the popularity to burn suspicious alchemists even outstripped the popularity of witch trials.]], wiki = [[Wiki: None.]]},
  649.     ["Undead Prospector"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: They are restless spirits of lost miners haunting a mine in Edron. Interesting enough, even though their location is connected to quest, everyone can enter the mine and face these creatures. Since they don't have the Life Drain spell and they heal like Ghouls, these creatures are perfect for training. They were added with the Christmas Update 2009.]]},
  650.     ["Nightfiend"] = {tibia = [[Nobody yet knows whence the nightfiends came from, but it may be the depths of the earth, or even your most feared nightmare. They arrived in Drefia in the wake of the vampire nobles, and they seem to be the fiercer cousins of the manbats, but darker, stronger and even more vicious. Some surmise that the nightfiend might be the result of strange experiments with vicious manbats in Drefia, where both species have first been sighted. Some speculate that they are a sort of bodyguard or pet for the vampire nobles that reside there, but considering the nightfiends' strength, the latter seems unlikely. In any case, nightfiends are fierce fighters that will be aided by manbats if attacked. The first man to see a nightfiend was the only survivor of a large exploration party searching for a lost artefact, and barely made it out in one piece.]], wiki = [[]]},
  651.     ["Tomb Servant"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  652.     ["The Pale Count"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Affected by the boss chest loot system and special AI. When summoning a Nightfiend he says Out of the dark I call you, fiend in the night!. Once the Pale Count reaches yellow health he will say Dare to follow me to my Sanctuary below and you shall DIE! and teleport himself downstairs at full health. A raid message appears in the Server Log:]]},
  653.     ["Black Sheep"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  654.     ["Boar"] = {tibia = [[Once an ordinary beast that was at worst victim of occasional hunts, the rise of heroes in the land signified doom for the Boar species. Hunted almost to extinction, Boars have become a rare sight indeed. As heroes moved on to more powerful foes, the Boars slowly recovered. Only the most resilient specimens had survived the massive hunting and so the new generations of Boars that slowly arose proved to be tougher, meaner and by far more dangerous their ancestors. These Boars are more than capable to defend themselves and now, they are not only retaking their former habitats. Usually found in the deep woods far away from civilisation, their boldness and insatiable hunger drives them more and more to human settlements which mean easy food for them. Their foraging often leaves fields and farms devastated, however, an ordinary farmer knows better than to try fighting the fearsome beasts that usually form small flocks and are rarely encountered alone. So it is once more up to the heroes to strike the Boars down. But this time they are facing much tougher opponents on a more equal ground.]], wiki = [[Wiki: It can be tamed with a Hunting Horn.]]},
  655.     ["Deer"] = {tibia = [[Deer live in the forests and are nourished only by plants. They are absolutely peaceable and very shy. They provide a wealthy source of food, but you must be very quick or work in teams in order to hunt them down. Bows are effective weapons for that task.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Note that if summoned, the deer can attack other players on PvP worlds. Found in many places, they drop meat and ham.]]},
  656.     ["Desperate White Deer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: To fight one, you must kill a regular White Deer. If the deer doesn't become enraged, it will despair.]]},
  657.     ["Doom Deer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature that was implemented on the Updates/8.5.]]},
  658.     ["Dromedary"] = {tibia = [[The Dromedary is one of the few Darashian beasts that never played a greater part in the spiritual world. Although, it became important as beast of burden in the people's daily lives. In the earliest days of Ankrahmun, the nomads used Dromedaries to explore the desert. Later it became common to use them in caravans between the settlements. When Drefia was destroyed and Darashia and Ankrahmun ceased most contact due to their philosophical differences, the Dromedary breeding came to a sudden halt. Many Dromedaries were released to freedom, only to perish by the predators of the desert. Some of them survived though and revitalised the free roaming Dromedary population. For a while Dromedaries played almost no role in the settlements of Darashia, until recently, foreign adventurers rediscovered the Dromedary as mount. Dromedaries are somewhat hostile towards mankind though and are not easy captured and tamed. The biting, kicking and spitting involved in the taming makes the process somewhat tedious. Of course, it also does not help that the Dromedary itself does not behave any better than that as well. In the end, you end up with a very stoical mount, although it is rarely frightened at all. This, however, makes it somewhat difficult to induce the Dromedary to a higher speed.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Was introduced in the Summer Update 2011. This animal stands at a distance, although it has no distance attacks. It will melee opponents if trapped. Use a Fist on a Stick on the animal to tame it.]]},
  659.     ["Elephant"] = {tibia = [[For a long time, tales about such creatures have been discarded as unbelievable stories of people who went mad or had feverish dreams. The Elephant has two enormous, if not absurdly long, teeth that could hint at a vampiric nature. The tentacle that it owns instead of a nose probably functions like a leech. However, the life-draining abilities of the Elephant must still be confirmed yet. Even without those rumoured powers, these beasts are aggressive against any intruders and their sheer size and strength is enough to crush any humanoid with ease. There are reports that the creature is becoming even more dangerous if it is enraged. The large teeth are valuable to craftsmen and alchemists but they are hard to obtain since those creatures' strength makes it very difficult to kill them. Also those teeth break easily in combat and become that way useless.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Knights, should fight them with an one-handed weapon and shield. These creatures will kill monsters and move objects in their way to get to you. They can also Retarget.]]},
  660.     ["Enraged White Deer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: To fight one, you must kill a regular White Deer. If the deer doesn't become desperate, it will enrage. Good for training since they aren't too strong and heal themselves regularly. You can find a safe zone and another monster to train your shielding. Can be tamed by using a Golden Fir Cone or a Music Box on it.]]},
  661.     ["Evil Sheep Lord"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature that was implemented on the Updates/8.5.]]},
  662.     ["Evil Sheep"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: New creature that was implemented on the Updates/8.5.]]},
  663.     ["Horse"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Unlike Wild Horses, regular horses cannot be tamed. However, Rented Horses can be temporarily obtained from Appaloosa and Palomino.]]},
  664.     ["Horse1"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  665.     ["Horse2"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  666.     ["Horse3"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  667.     ["Mammoth"] = {tibia = [[The strange Mammoth might be the creation of magical experiments as some Tibian sages claim it. Little facts are known but some cave drawings indicate that the Mammoth race is quite old. The peaceableness of the Mammoths led nearly to their extinction in the past. The shamans tell stories that the greed of the humans almost made the great Mammoths herds vanish from the face of the isles. When only a few Mammoths were still alive, the great north wind Chyll looked into this matter and decided to intervene. He whispered something into the ears of the Mammoths and the great beasts learned a new secret. This secret was aggression. From this day on, the Mammoths fought back. They learned to defend themselves from the greed of man. Still, the Mammoths never again became as numerous as they had been in the past. The days of the great Mammoth herds, which were roaming the icy land, are gone forever. Nowadays, Mammoths are able to defend themselves and only the bravest hunter who faces a mammoth will survive to carry home the meat and pelt as his rightful treasure.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Mammoths are a bit stronger than Elephants. And Beware, they can crush your parcels!]]},
  668.     ["Mushroom Sniffer"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Looks the same as a Pig.]]},
  669.     ["Pig"] = {tibia = [[Pigs are domestic animals which are kept by farmers. They stem from wild boars and have been raised by humans for a long time to gain meat. They are absolutely peaceable and eat or sleep the whole day. However, the farmers will be upset if you kill one of them.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They can be found at farms like the McRonald's Farm, in Thais. Pigs are the best among the creatures whom do not give experience because they almost always drop Meat, good when you have no Mana and you are in hard places (like Nargor), you can trap then with the map geography or some items and kill them. They are slow and walk in groups.]]},
  670.     ["Sheep"] = {tibia = [[Sheep are domestic animals which are kept by farmers and herdsmen. They have been raised by humans for a long time to gain meat and wool. They are absolutely peaceable and live as herds in sheepfolds or on pastures. However, the owners will be upset if you kill one of them. A Tibian saying states that there is a black sheep in every herd.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Sheep are very useful to get meat from to regain hp or mp. They are cousins of the Black Sheep found around Tibia.]]},
  671.     ["Stampor"] = {tibia = [[Scientists have various theories about the nature of the Stampor. Some of them see the Stampor as holy animal of a long forgotten god. Others claim that the Stampor must be some surviving experiment of an ancient and now extinct race. Another faction sees the Stampor as an ordinary animal with a high affinity to the element earth. All of them base their theories on the Stampor's astonishing abilities which nonetheless seem rather natural and not based on magic at all. Be it as it may, the Stampors that have been encountered were quite powerful and often a threat to travellers. This is not caused by an unusual aggressiveness of the Stampor, but rather on their stupidity and bad eyesight. They seem to mistake unknown intruders as members of other Stampor herds which they try to drive off. While a Stampor is very resilient and tough and can easily withstand the 'friendly poking' and spitting, for an ordinary human such friendly warnings can become life-threatening. They seem to be drawn to places aligned to elemental earth in some way and there were sightings of Stampors in areas to which they would be physically unable to travel. Of course this only fuelled rumours and the above mentioned theories, though none of this sightings could be confirmed, yet.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Stampors are a tameable creature.]]},
  672.     ["Terrified Elephant"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[]]},
  673.     ["Vampire Pig"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: ]]},
  674.     ["White Deer"] = {tibia = [[The majestic White Deer were once thought to be an elven myth. Even the elves, who once were familiar with the beasts, could not recall a time when one of them had been sighted. Therefore the reappearance of the White Deer has been considered a good omen by the elvish society. In recent years under the protection of the elves, the population of the White Deer has recovered to a healthy base. Still the population is somewhat fragile and several local carnivorous animals, most prominently the wolves, have become dependent of the White Deer as prey. So despite elvish efforts, the deer are still endangered. Should too many of them meet an early demise, the population would have a hard time to recover, given all the predators of the woods. The White Deer itself is a magnificent yet peaceful creature of grace and beauty. Its fur and antlers are valued by traders though it is somewhat difficult to find a trader that does not fear the elvish ire. In modern days, the deer has been mostly demystified. The assumption of great wisdom has been discarded and the myths about its magical abilities have been disproved. Neither can the deer change the weather nor can they turn invisible when in danger. The human view of 'just another type deer' has led to confrontations with elvish rangers who vigorously defend the deer from hunters. So despite the profitable loot, the hunting of White Deer has become the domain of a few unscrupulous or daring individuals that do not mind to clash with self-proclaimed elvish protectors.]], wiki = [[Wiki: It has a 30% chance of appearing as enraged and 70% as desperate. Only Enraged White Deer can be tamed with a Golden Fir Cone.]]},
  675.     ["Acolyte of the Cult"] = {tibia = [[The Acolytes of the Cult received some training in the dark arts, at disposal to the cult. They are proud of their status and are usually quite fanatic about the cult. Acolytes of the Cult feel superior to outsiders and often think the powers bestowed upon them make them invincible. They only respect higher ranks of the cult whom they obey like slaves their masters. Their magic is still fairly weak and does by far not match their ego. Having gained a glimpse at the work of the cult, it is not easy to sacrifice their curiosity and so they use their whole energy to strive for the higher ranks. Acolytes of the Cult are only involved in affairs if they are considered of importance for the cult.]], wiki = [[Wiki: In Goroma, they appear in large numbers often with Adepts of the Cult in Formorgar Mines appear in smaller groups.]]},
  676.     ["Adept of the Cult"] = {tibia = [[Adept of the Cult is the highest rank that a normal cultist can dream to acquire. Strong-willed and loyal, they use the secrets of the cult to amplify their magic to a threatening degree. Ruthless and cunning, they pose a threat to every opponent. They see themselves as too valuable to the cult to be lost. For this reason, they are always accompanied by some members of lower ranks who support and protect them. Their esteem of other cultists is not very high though and they sacrifice them at their whim whenever a threat occurs. They hold important knowledge about the cult and they are so fanatic that they would rather die than to get caught alive.]], wiki = [[Wiki: Make sure to have Dwarven Ring when facing adepts. Usually they spawn in groups amongst other monsters like Witches, Bonelords, Elder Bonelords and all other cult members.]]},
  677.     ["Enlightened of the Cult"] = {tibia = [[The Enlightened of the Cult are the only ones with true and full knowledge of the cult's magic, its dark source and the goals behind it all. They usually work behind the scenes and are rarely encountered. If they appear, they fight with fervour and without remorse. They command all other cultists and would never risk facing an opponent alone. Their magical powers are immense. Equipped with expensive armor and weapons, they are a lethal threat to everyone that tries to uncover the secrets of the cult. No Enlightened would ever betray their cult. If it is pure fanaticism or some spell placed upon them, is unknown.]], wiki = [[Wiki: This creature hits fairly well when in close quarters summoning Crypt Shamblers and Ghosts which can add to the stress while fighting them. Although this creature has a relatively large loot list, most rare items have a very low drop rate.]]},
  678.     ["Novice of the Cult"] = {tibia = [[The members of the lowest rank of the sinister cult still lack any greater powers but are eager to prove themselves worthy. Their inherent cowardice is somewhat compensated by first signs of fanaticism. Determined to protect their cult, they are capable but not too impressive opponents. What they lack in strength, they try to make up with quantity. Usually Novices of the Cult band together for a fight, often accompanied by a member of a higher rank whom they protect with their lives. Quite clueless about the true agendas and teachings of the cults, they are seen as disposable shock troops by their superiors.]], wiki = [[Wiki: They usually come 1-2 at a time, certain areas can have up to 5 Novices at a time, with Tarantulas, a Dark Monk, and very often with one or two Witches. If you are a free account user and want look as if wearing a premium outfit, just use the Creature Illusion spell.]]},
  679.     ["Wild Fire Magic"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Wild Fury Magic does not attack and cannot be attacked.]]},
  680.     ["Wild Fury Magic"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Wild Fury Magic does not attack and cannot be attacked.]]},
  681.     ["Wild Nature Magic"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Wild Nature Magic does not attack and cannot be attacked.]]},
  682.     ["Wild Water Magic"] = {tibia = [[]], wiki = [[Wiki: Wild Water Magic does not attack and cannot be attacked.]]},
  684. }
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