
Iguva - Negative Energy

Nov 22nd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. —a hand of skin and bones reached out and grabbed his neck. “I—I was created by my master as his minion…! Do you really think you can destroy me…so easily?!”
  3. The grip seemed like it would be easy to break away from if he tried, but—“Gwaaaaagh!”—a scream escaped Zaryusu’s lips as intense pain shot through his entire body.
  5. Negative energy was flowing in, robbing Zaryusu of his life. Even Zaryusu, who had been trained in ways to withstand pain, had no way to manage a pain like the chill that was being directly injected into his veins.
  7. “Diiiiiiie, lizardman!” Part of Iguvua’s face chipped off and floated up, crumbling into the sky. His life was almost at its end, but his devotion to his master made him cling to it.
  9. Zaryusu desperately resisted, but he was frightened that his body wouldn’t move quite right. Zaryusu himself didn’t have much life force left, and the injection of negative energy from Iguvua’s touch was completely sapping him. His gaze wavered, and his vision started to go dim. A white fog seemed to be covering the world.
  11. ***
  13. Volume 4, Chapter 3.5
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