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Apr 24th, 2018
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  1. Dear Daphne
  3. I found the letter very sweet and thoughtful. Your reasons behind it are a bit confusing. "More real"? C'mon! I know you're over there. I won't deny though that for awhile there were times I would've appreciated that a little bit more though. Mainly back in ol' FI days on merk (:P) as for a long time I was fairly detached. Days blended together and it was frighteningly easy to look at other human beings as pieces of text. Pitiful, I know...
  5. I remembered the conversation about Advent Children Complete and how I missed out on it. I actually realized randomly some day that it's what you must have sent and 'WALLA'! It all became clear after I saw the packaging. I'm very grateful and am writing this while the credits are rolling. As a film it sure does stand on its own feet a lot better and doesn't seem to lean on the game so much for clarity. 'Anxious Heart' when Cloud and Tifa together was great even if a bit too brief for my liking. The backstory of Denzel, extra Turk scenes, changes in dialogue and so much more made it very worthwhile. Ol' Sephy holding poor Cloud mid-air and slicing him (with bloodshed!) was amazing, really. The scene of the Nibelheim reactor where that happened was always one that stuck with me. I felt like a kid again! Made for a much more fitting climax and paid some homage to Seph's defeats prior.
  7. I hope you'll forgive my terrible handwriting and online absence. I've barely written all year and needed a break from online schtuff. I hope you'll forgive me and my lack of communication. Still working on it...
  10. -Take care
  11. Rainier
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