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Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. package mobiledeveloperconsole
  3. import (
  4. "context"
  5. "fmt"
  6. "testing"
  8. ""
  9. ""
  10. ""
  11. ""
  12. ""
  13. ""
  14. ""
  16. integreatlyv1alpha1 ""
  17. mdc ""
  18. moqclient ""
  19. v1Route ""
  20. coreosv1 ""
  21. operatorsv1alpha1 ""
  22. marketplacev1 ""
  23. corev1 ""
  24. metav1 ""
  25. pkgclient ""
  26. fakeclient ""
  27. )
  29. func basicConfigMock() *config.ConfigReadWriterMock {
  30. return &config.ConfigReadWriterMock{
  31. ReadMobileDeveloperConsoleFunc: func() (ready *config.MobileDeveloperConsole, e error) {
  32. return config.NewMobileDeveloperConsole(config.ProductConfig{}), nil
  33. },
  34. WriteConfigFunc: func(config config.ConfigReadable) error {
  35. return nil
  36. },
  37. }
  38. }
  40. func basicInstallation() *v1alpha1.Installation {
  41. return &v1alpha1.Installation{
  42. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
  43. Name: "installation",
  44. Namespace: defaultInstallationNamespace,
  45. },
  46. TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
  47. Kind: "installation",
  48. APIVersion: v1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
  49. },
  50. }
  51. }
  53. func getBuildScheme() (*runtime.Scheme, error) {
  54. scheme := runtime.NewScheme()
  55. err := integreatlyv1alpha1.SchemeBuilder.AddToScheme(scheme)
  56. err = operatorsv1alpha1.AddToScheme(scheme)
  57. err = marketplacev1.SchemeBuilder.AddToScheme(scheme)
  58. err = corev1.SchemeBuilder.AddToScheme(scheme)
  59. err = coreosv1.SchemeBuilder.AddToScheme(scheme)
  60. err = mdc.SchemeBuilder.AddToScheme(scheme)
  61. err = v1Route.AddToScheme(scheme)
  62. return scheme, err
  63. }
  65. func TestReconciler_config(t *testing.T) {
  66. cases := []struct {
  67. Name string
  68. ExpectError bool
  69. ExpectedError string
  70. ExpectedStatus v1alpha1.StatusPhase
  71. FakeConfig *config.ConfigReadWriterMock
  72. FakeClient pkgclient.Client
  73. FakeMPM *marketplace.MarketplaceInterfaceMock
  74. Installation *v1alpha1.Installation
  75. }{
  76. {
  77. Name: "test error on failed config",
  78. ExpectError: true,
  79. ExpectedError: "could not read mobile developer console: could not read mdc config",
  80. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseFailed,
  81. Installation: &v1alpha1.Installation{},
  82. FakeClient: fakeclient.NewFakeClient(),
  83. FakeConfig: &config.ConfigReadWriterMock{
  84. ReadMobileDeveloperConsoleFunc: func() (ready *config.MobileDeveloperConsole, e error) {
  85. return nil, errors.New("could not read mdc config")
  86. },
  87. },
  88. },
  89. {
  90. Name: "test namespace is set without fail",
  91. Installation: &v1alpha1.Installation{},
  92. FakeClient: fakeclient.NewFakeClient(),
  93. FakeConfig: &config.ConfigReadWriterMock{
  94. ReadMobileDeveloperConsoleFunc: func() (ready *config.MobileDeveloperConsole, e error) {
  95. return config.NewMobileDeveloperConsole(config.ProductConfig{
  96. "NAMESPACE": "",
  97. }), nil
  98. },
  99. },
  100. },
  101. {
  102. Name: "test subscription phase with error from mpm",
  103. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseFailed,
  104. ExpectError: true,
  105. Installation: &v1alpha1.Installation{},
  106. FakeMPM: &marketplace.MarketplaceInterfaceMock{
  107. InstallOperatorFunc: func(ctx context.Context, serverClient pkgclient.Client, owner ownerutil.Owner, os marketplacev1.OperatorSource, t marketplace.Target, operatorGroupNamespaces []string, approvalStrategy operatorsv1alpha1.Approval) error {
  108. return errors.New("dummy error")
  109. },
  110. },
  111. FakeClient: fakeclient.NewFakeClient(),
  112. FakeConfig: basicConfigMock(),
  113. },
  114. }
  116. for _, tc := range cases {
  117. t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
  118. _, err := NewReconciler(tc.FakeConfig, tc.Installation, tc.FakeMPM)
  119. if err != nil && err.Error() != tc.ExpectedError {
  120. t.Fatalf("unexpected error : '%v', expected: '%v'", err, tc.ExpectedError)
  121. }
  122. if err == nil && tc.ExpectedError != "" {
  123. t.Fatalf("expected error '%v' and got nil", tc.ExpectedError)
  124. }
  125. })
  126. }
  127. }
  129. func TestReconciler_reconcileCustomResource(t *testing.T) {
  130. scheme, err := getBuildScheme()
  131. if err != nil {
  132. t.Fatal(err)
  133. }
  135. cases := []struct {
  136. Name string
  137. FakeClient pkgclient.Client
  138. FakeConfig *config.ConfigReadWriterMock
  139. Installation *v1alpha1.Installation
  140. ExpectError bool
  141. ExpectedStatus v1alpha1.StatusPhase
  142. FakeMPM *marketplace.MarketplaceInterfaceMock
  143. }{
  144. {
  145. Name: "Test reconcile custom resource returns in progress when successful created",
  146. FakeClient: fakeclient.NewFakeClientWithScheme(scheme),
  147. FakeConfig: basicConfigMock(),
  148. Installation: &v1alpha1.Installation{},
  149. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseCompleted,
  150. },
  151. {
  152. Name: "Test reconcile custom resource returns failed when cr status is failed",
  153. FakeClient: &moqclient.SigsClientInterfaceMock{
  154. CreateFunc: func(ctx context.Context, obj runtime.Object) error {
  155. return errors.New("dummy create error")
  156. },
  157. },
  158. FakeConfig: basicConfigMock(),
  159. Installation: &v1alpha1.Installation{},
  160. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseFailed,
  161. ExpectError: true,
  162. },
  163. }
  164. for _, tc := range cases {
  165. t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
  166. reconciler, err := NewReconciler(tc.FakeConfig, tc.Installation, tc.FakeMPM)
  167. if err != nil {
  168. t.Fatal("unexpected err ", err)
  169. }
  171. phase, err := reconciler.reconcileCustomResource(context.TODO(), tc.FakeClient)
  172. if tc.ExpectError && err == nil {
  173. t.Fatal("expected an error but got none")
  174. }
  175. if !tc.ExpectError && err != nil {
  176. t.Fatal("expected no error but got one ", err)
  177. }
  178. if tc.ExpectedStatus != phase {
  179. t.Fatal("expected phase ", tc.ExpectedStatus, " but got ", phase)
  180. }
  181. })
  182. }
  183. }
  185. func TestReconciler_handleProgress(t *testing.T) {
  186. scheme, err := getBuildScheme()
  187. if err != nil {
  188. t.Fatal(err)
  189. }
  191. unreadyPods := []runtime.Object{}
  192. for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  193. unreadyPods = append(unreadyPods, &corev1.Pod{
  194. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
  195. Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", resourceName, i),
  196. Namespace: defaultInstallationNamespace,
  197. },
  198. Status: corev1.PodStatus{
  199. Conditions: []corev1.PodCondition{
  200. corev1.PodCondition{
  201. Type: corev1.ContainersReady,
  202. Status: corev1.ConditionUnknown,
  203. },
  204. },
  205. },
  206. })
  207. }
  209. readyPods := []runtime.Object{}
  210. for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  211. readyPods = append(readyPods, &corev1.Pod{
  212. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
  213. Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", resourceName, i),
  214. Namespace: defaultInstallationNamespace,
  215. },
  216. Status: corev1.PodStatus{
  217. Conditions: []corev1.PodCondition{
  218. corev1.PodCondition{
  219. Type: corev1.ContainersReady,
  220. Status: corev1.ConditionTrue,
  221. },
  222. },
  223. },
  224. })
  225. }
  227. cases := []struct {
  228. Name string
  229. ExpectError bool
  230. ExpectedStatus v1alpha1.StatusPhase
  231. ExpectedError string
  232. FakeConfig *config.ConfigReadWriterMock
  233. FakeClient client.Client
  234. FakeMPM *marketplace.MarketplaceInterfaceMock
  235. Installation *v1alpha1.Installation
  236. }{
  237. {
  238. Name: "test failure to list pods",
  239. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseFailed,
  240. ExpectedError: "failed to check mdc installation",
  241. ExpectError: true,
  242. FakeClient: &moqclient.SigsClientInterfaceMock{
  243. ListFunc: func(ctx context.Context, opts *client.ListOptions, list runtime.Object) error {
  244. return errors.New("dummy create error")
  245. },
  246. },
  247. FakeConfig: basicConfigMock(),
  248. Installation: &v1alpha1.Installation{},
  249. },
  250. {
  251. Name: "test unready pods returns phase in progress",
  252. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseInProgress,
  253. FakeClient: moqclient.NewSigsClientMoqWithScheme(scheme, unreadyPods...),
  254. FakeConfig: basicConfigMock(),
  255. Installation: &v1alpha1.Installation{},
  256. },
  257. {
  258. Name: "test ready pods returns phase complete",
  259. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseCompleted,
  260. FakeClient: moqclient.NewSigsClientMoqWithScheme(scheme, readyPods...),
  261. FakeConfig: basicConfigMock(),
  262. Installation: &v1alpha1.Installation{},
  263. },
  264. }
  266. for _, tc := range cases {
  267. t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
  268. reconciler, err := NewReconciler(tc.FakeConfig, tc.Installation, tc.FakeMPM)
  269. if err != nil && err.Error() != tc.ExpectedError {
  270. t.Fatalf("unexpected error : '%v', expected: '%v'", err, tc.ExpectedError)
  271. }
  273. status, err := reconciler.handleProgress(context.TODO(), tc.FakeClient)
  274. if err != nil && !tc.ExpectError {
  275. t.Fatalf("expected error but got one: %v", err)
  276. }
  277. if err == nil && tc.ExpectError {
  278. t.Fatal("expected error but got none")
  279. }
  280. if status != tc.ExpectedStatus {
  281. t.Fatalf("Expected status: '%v', got: '%v'", tc.ExpectedStatus, status)
  282. }
  283. })
  284. }
  285. }
  287. func TestReconciler_fullReconcile(t *testing.T) {
  288. scheme, err := getBuildScheme()
  289. if err != nil {
  290. t.Fatal(err)
  291. }
  293. // initialise runtime objects
  294. objs := []runtime.Object{}
  295. objs = append(objs, &corev1.Namespace{
  296. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
  297. Name: defaultInstallationNamespace,
  298. OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
  299. {
  300. Name: "installation",
  301. APIVersion: v1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
  302. },
  303. },
  304. },
  305. Status: corev1.NamespaceStatus{
  306. Phase: corev1.NamespaceActive,
  307. },
  308. }, &v1Route.Route{
  309. TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
  310. Kind: "Route",
  311. APIVersion: "v1",
  312. },
  313. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
  314. Namespace: defaultInstallationNamespace,
  315. Name: mdcRouteName,
  316. },
  317. })
  318. for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  319. objs = append(objs, &corev1.Pod{
  320. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
  321. Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", resourceName, i),
  322. Namespace: defaultInstallationNamespace,
  323. },
  324. Status: corev1.PodStatus{
  325. Conditions: []corev1.PodCondition{
  326. corev1.PodCondition{
  327. Type: corev1.ContainersReady,
  328. Status: corev1.ConditionTrue,
  329. },
  330. },
  331. },
  332. })
  333. }
  335. cases := []struct {
  336. Name string
  337. ExpectError bool
  338. ExpectedStatus v1alpha1.StatusPhase
  339. ExpectedError string
  340. FakeConfig *config.ConfigReadWriterMock
  341. FakeClient client.Client
  342. FakeMPM *marketplace.MarketplaceInterfaceMock
  343. Installation *v1alpha1.Installation
  344. Product *v1alpha1.InstallationProductStatus
  345. }{
  346. {
  347. Name: "test successful reconcile",
  348. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseCompleted,
  349. FakeClient: moqclient.NewSigsClientMoqWithScheme(scheme, objs...),
  350. FakeConfig: basicConfigMock(),
  351. FakeMPM: &marketplace.MarketplaceInterfaceMock{
  352. InstallOperatorFunc: func(ctx context.Context, serverClient pkgclient.Client, owner ownerutil.Owner, os marketplacev1.OperatorSource, t marketplace.Target, operatorGroupNamespaces []string, approvalStrategy operatorsv1alpha1.Approval) error {
  353. return nil
  354. },
  355. GetSubscriptionInstallPlanFunc: func(ctx context.Context, serverClient client.Client, subName string, ns string) (plan *operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlan, subscription *operatorsv1alpha1.Subscription, e error) {
  356. return &operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlan{
  357. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
  358. Name: "mdc-install-plan",
  359. },
  360. Status: operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlanStatus{
  361. Phase: operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlanPhaseComplete,
  362. },
  363. }, &operatorsv1alpha1.Subscription{
  364. Status: operatorsv1alpha1.SubscriptionStatus{
  365. Install: &operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlanReference{
  366. Name: "mdc-install-plan",
  367. },
  368. },
  369. }, nil
  370. },
  371. },
  372. Installation: basicInstallation(),
  373. Product: &v1alpha1.InstallationProductStatus{},
  374. },
  375. }
  377. for _, tc := range cases {
  378. t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
  379. reconciler, err := NewReconciler(tc.FakeConfig, tc.Installation, tc.FakeMPM)
  380. if err != nil && err.Error() != tc.ExpectedError {
  381. t.Fatalf("unexpected error : '%v', expected: '%v'", err, tc.ExpectedError)
  382. }
  384. status, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), tc.Installation, tc.Product, tc.FakeClient)
  385. if err != nil && !tc.ExpectError {
  386. t.Fatalf("expected error but got one: %v", err)
  387. }
  388. if err == nil && tc.ExpectError {
  389. t.Fatal("expected error but got none")
  390. }
  391. if status != tc.ExpectedStatus {
  392. t.Fatalf("Expected status: '%v', got: '%v'", tc.ExpectedStatus, status)
  393. }
  394. })
  395. }
  396. }
  398. func TestReconciler_testPhases(t *testing.T) {
  399. scheme, err := getBuildScheme()
  400. if err != nil {
  401. t.Fatal(err)
  402. }
  404. cases := []struct {
  405. Name string
  406. ExpectedStatus v1alpha1.StatusPhase
  407. FakeConfig *config.ConfigReadWriterMock
  408. FakeClient pkgclient.Client
  409. FakeMPM *marketplace.MarketplaceInterfaceMock
  410. Installation *v1alpha1.Installation
  411. Product *v1alpha1.InstallationProductStatus
  412. }{
  413. {
  414. Name: "test namespace terminating returns phase in progress",
  415. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseInProgress,
  416. Installation: basicInstallation(),
  417. FakeClient: moqclient.NewSigsClientMoqWithScheme(scheme, &corev1.Namespace{
  418. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
  419. Name: defaultInstallationNamespace,
  420. OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
  421. {
  422. Name: "installation",
  423. APIVersion: v1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
  424. },
  425. },
  426. },
  427. Status: corev1.NamespaceStatus{
  428. Phase: corev1.NamespaceTerminating,
  429. },
  430. }),
  431. FakeConfig: basicConfigMock(),
  432. FakeMPM: &marketplace.MarketplaceInterfaceMock{
  433. InstallOperatorFunc: func(ctx context.Context, serverClient pkgclient.Client, owner ownerutil.Owner, os marketplacev1.OperatorSource, t marketplace.Target, operatorGroupNamespaces []string, approvalStrategy operatorsv1alpha1.Approval) error {
  434. return nil
  435. },
  436. GetSubscriptionInstallPlanFunc: func(ctx context.Context, serverClient client.Client, subName string, ns string) (plan *operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlan, subscription *operatorsv1alpha1.Subscription, e error) {
  437. return &operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlan{}, &operatorsv1alpha1.Subscription{}, nil
  438. },
  439. },
  440. Product: &v1alpha1.InstallationProductStatus{},
  441. },
  442. {
  443. Name: "test subscription creating returns phase in progress",
  444. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseInProgress,
  445. Installation: basicInstallation(),
  446. FakeClient: fakeclient.NewFakeClientWithScheme(scheme),
  447. FakeConfig: basicConfigMock(),
  448. FakeMPM: &marketplace.MarketplaceInterfaceMock{
  449. InstallOperatorFunc: func(ctx context.Context, serverClient pkgclient.Client, owner ownerutil.Owner, os marketplacev1.OperatorSource, t marketplace.Target, operatorGroupNamespaces []string, approvalStrategy operatorsv1alpha1.Approval) error {
  450. return nil
  451. },
  452. GetSubscriptionInstallPlanFunc: func(ctx context.Context, serverClient client.Client, subName string, ns string) (plan *operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlan, subscription *operatorsv1alpha1.Subscription, e error) {
  453. return &operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlan{}, &operatorsv1alpha1.Subscription{}, nil
  454. },
  455. },
  456. Product: &v1alpha1.InstallationProductStatus{},
  457. },
  458. {
  459. Name: "test components creating returns phase in progress",
  460. ExpectedStatus: v1alpha1.PhaseInProgress,
  461. Installation: basicInstallation(),
  462. FakeClient: fakeclient.NewFakeClientWithScheme(scheme),
  463. FakeConfig: basicConfigMock(),
  464. FakeMPM: &marketplace.MarketplaceInterfaceMock{
  465. InstallOperatorFunc: func(ctx context.Context, serverClient pkgclient.Client, owner ownerutil.Owner, os marketplacev1.OperatorSource, t marketplace.Target, operatorGroupNamespaces []string, approvalStrategy operatorsv1alpha1.Approval) error {
  466. return nil
  467. },
  468. GetSubscriptionInstallPlanFunc: func(ctx context.Context, serverClient client.Client, subName string, ns string) (plan *operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlan, subscription *operatorsv1alpha1.Subscription, e error) {
  469. return &operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlan{
  470. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
  471. Name: "mdc-install-plan",
  472. Namespace: defaultInstallationNamespace,
  473. },
  474. Status: operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlanStatus{
  475. Phase: operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlanPhaseComplete,
  476. },
  477. }, &operatorsv1alpha1.Subscription{
  478. Status: operatorsv1alpha1.SubscriptionStatus{
  479. Install: &operatorsv1alpha1.InstallPlanReference{
  480. Name: "mdc-install-plan",
  481. },
  482. },
  483. }, nil
  484. },
  485. },
  486. Product: &v1alpha1.InstallationProductStatus{},
  487. },
  488. }
  490. for _, tc := range cases {
  491. t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
  492. reconciler, err := NewReconciler(tc.FakeConfig, tc.Installation, tc.FakeMPM)
  493. if err != nil {
  494. t.Fatalf("unexpected error : '%v'", err)
  495. }
  497. status, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), tc.Installation, tc.Product, tc.FakeClient)
  498. if err != nil {
  499. t.Fatalf("expected no error but got one: %v", err)
  500. }
  501. if status != tc.ExpectedStatus {
  502. t.Fatalf("Expected status: '%v', got: '%v'", tc.ExpectedStatus, status)
  503. }
  504. })
  505. }
  506. }
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