
Normal Norman: Beach Party

Jul 21st, 2013
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  1. >Be Norman
  2. >School finally ended and i can finally enjoy the priviliges summer has to offer to me.
  3. >No annoying people calling me racist, no more lessons, no more homework, no more SCHOOL!
  4. >The final day at school ended with a party, which celebrates the end of the year.
  5. >Nothing too unusual happened except that Brad fell into the punch bowl.
  6. >And now i can sit at home all day and play on my Xbox, just like i always wanted.
  7. >Also Can't wait to go to the beach.
  8. >Summer rocks!
  11. >Be Pinkie
  12. >I'm so excited, i have some plans for Norman and the rest of the school.
  13. >Even though Norman will be a bit mad I invited the WHOLE school, because some people will call him racist.
  14. >But even though, we are still gonna have a good time
  15. >Even the teachers and Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna are invited.
  16. >It's gonna be so much fun!
  17. >Don't you think Gummy?
  20. >Be Norman again
  21. >When i got home from the school party, my parents were discussing the news on the tv
  22. >The government screwing up, or some shit.
  23. >Then it was time for the weather forecast.
  24. >Tommorow was gonna be 38 degrees.
  25. >Kind of a hot day, I guess.
  26. >Then they said that the sea was suprisingly warm, only 27 degrees!
  27. >Perfect for the beach, maybe I should invite some of my friends too.
  28. >I went upstairs in my room to play the rest of the day off (fuck yeah Xbox all day long!)
  29. >While I was sitting pwning some 9-yo's on CoD, I got a text from Pinkie
  30. >It reads: "You are invited to the beach party tommorow afternoon, pets are allowed, so feel free to take your pet with you, be there at 2pm."
  31. >"PS: Everyone from the school is invited."
  32. >Beach party? AWESOME! But why did Pinkie decide to throw a beach party
  33. >And why did she invite the whole school?!
  34. >I guess the annoying douches who call me racist are gonna be there? Goddammit, the ride never ends! And pets? But I don't have one.
  35. >Oh well.
  36. >Went back to the Xbox and my jaw dropped, i was knifed 42 times by that 9-yo faggot! What the fuck?
  37. >Meh, decided to tell mom that im going to the party tommorow afternoon, so I went downstairs again.
  38. >"Mom, Dad, Im gonna go to the beach party Pink organised for tommorow." - I said.
  39. >"Well, honey, since you're invited, go to the party if you want." - My mom said with a somewhat excited voice
  40. >Hell yeah, beach party here I come!
  43. >Next day
  46. >Its early in the morning and im in my bed just laying there thinking about the party.
  47. >Decide to see what the time is.
  48. >8:30 AM.
  49. >What? How am I awake so early, I usually wake up at 11 AM, when im not at school of course.
  50. >Might aswell get up and go have breakfast.
  51. >Walk downstairs to see mom cooking some pancakes.
  52. >No way!
  54. >OH MY GOD!
  55. >She hasn't made her awesome pancakes in years.
  56. >So I sit on the table, and wait for mom to notice me, just like everyday.
  57. >After like 10-15 minutes she finally notices me.
  58. >"Ah, Norman, how are you awake so early?"
  59. >"I dunno, maybe because im excited for the party."
  60. >"Oh I made pancakes just because of that."
  61. >"..."
  62. >I sat there thinking about what my mom just said.
  63. >"What's your point?"
  64. >"Well since you are invited to a party, I decided to make your favourite pancakes." She says that with a huge smile.
  65. >"Thanks, mom, you're the best!"
  66. >"Aw, you're welcome sweetie!" She then puts the pancakes on the table and goes to the sink to continue her cleaning.
  67. >Nom nom nom.
  69. >When I finished the pancakes It was only 9:25, so I decided to watch some baseball with dad.
  70. >White sox VS Dodgers
  71. >We spent most of the time screaming stuff like: "SCOOOOOOORE" "HOME RUN" "FUck YEAH, WHITE SOX!".
  72. >Had a good time though.
  73. >Check time.
  74. >11:30
  75. >Have some spare time.
  76. >Shit eating grin on my face.
  77. >"Oh Xboooooooox."
  80. >1:15 PM
  81. >Whoops, time to get ready.
  82. >Blanket:Check
  83. >Swimwear: Check
  84. >Sunglasses: Check (For infinite Swag!) - Just kidding.
  85. >Sun Screen: Check
  86. >Beach balls: Check
  87. >Underwater mask: Check
  88. >"Ok let's just find some clothes and im do-"
  89. >I saw some really nicely folded clothes on my bed.
  90. >"Oh mom, you are so awesome when you are not at parties."
  91. >OK time to head to the beach!
  92. >Get another text.
  93. >From Pink again.
  94. >"Norman, me and the girls are gonna come to your house to pick you up at 1:40 so stay there!"
  95. >"Ps: Im so excited to show you my new car, and don't worry I have a license!"
  96. >Car? Pink? Time for some mega destruction derby.
  97. >Look at clock.
  98. >1:37.
  99. >"Oh shit, they are almost here!"
  100. >Go downstairs with all my shit.
  101. >Tell mom that Pink and the others are gonna come and pick me up.
  102. >Sit on the table and wait for the crew.
  103. >2 minutes later, there's a knock on the door.
  104. >"Well, they're here."
  105. >Go and open the door.
  106. >See pink and the others in the car.
  107. >...
  108. >What. the. FUCK?!
  109. >Pinkie was driving a pink 911 Porsche with a convertible top with 4 seats!
  110. >"Pink, how on earth did you afford getting this car?"
  111. >"Well, I have lots of money from the rock farm I worked at, so I decided to buy something I can drive around town."
  112. >"Nice!"
  113. >"C'mon hop in the back with Applejack, Rainbow dash and Fluttershy. Everyone with their pets"
  114. >Orange with her dog.
  115. >Yellow with her bunny.
  116. >And Blue with her... turtle?
  117. >I saw the three of them on the back talking about something.
  118. >Aryan Beauty was with her cat and was in the front seat next to Pink, who was with her pet alligator.
  119. >I remained stunned with my jaw dropped.
  120. >She was sitting there with a nice summer hat and cute light blue with diamonds on the frames sunglasses, she was wearing a sky blue summer dress she had personally made for this occassion
  121. >I exited from my trance and put my stuff in the trunk
  122. >Then i sat between Blue and Yellow.
  123. >And off we go!!!
  124. >I was excpeting a demolition derby, but remained shocked by Pink's driving skills. She was soo good, she might be better than most proffesional racers.
  125. >20 minutes have passed and we were finally nearing the beach. I was so goddamn excited.
  128. >At the party
  129. >Oh yes!
  130. >Finally im at the beach, i waited too damn long.
  131. >Now I can relax and enjoy the view of the se-
  132. >"Hi, Norman, can i join you?" said Aryan Beauty with a soft voice.
  133. >"Of course you can." I replied stunned once again by the white goddess as she put her blanket on the sand next to me
  134. >"Hey, Norman, are you enjoying the party?" suddenly said Pink behind me
  135. >"Hehe, im sure everyone will enjoy it but we just got here, so i can't tell yet."
  136. >"Aw, it's okay, I understand. Well, im at the bar if you need me."
  137. >"See you later then."
  138. >"See ya."
  139. >Then i decided to start a conversation with Aryan Beauty
  140. >"So, what have you been doing the past few days?"
  141. >"Well I actually striked it big with the dress business, since Pinkie planned this party, everyone wanted a cute summer dress."
  142. >"How did you make all of them in one day?"
  143. >"Hmm? I don't know what you're talking about, I had 3 weeks, because Pinkie planned this a lot earlier?"
  144. >"Then why did I get an invitation yesterday?"
  145. >"She wanted to suprise you."
  146. >"Well, that's really nice of her."
  147. >"Hey , Norman, can you put some sun screen on my back"?
  148. >My face turned red like a rose
  149. >OH shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, what do i do?
  150. >"Sure." I said and my voice cracked
  151. >When she turned, my face turned even redder, it was so visible, i could be seen one mile away.
  152. >"Could you use mine, its in my bag."
  153. >"Okay."
  154. >I poured some cream on my hand and started rubbing her back
  155. >Her skin was so soft, I wish my hands could stay there forever.
  156. >I finished and left Aryan to sunbathe.
  157. >I laugh in my mind and think: "What else will happen in this party?"
  160. >Be Rarity
  161. >It was really nice of Norman to put cream on my back, but i really don't want to talk to him because I feel how much he likes relaxing on the beach
  162. >I wonder where are the other girls
  163. >I start looking along the entire beach.
  164. >The first thing I see is Norman sleeping on his blanket. Aw, he's so cute when he's sleeping.
  165. >I also see Rainbow dash and Pinkie, talking at the bar.
  166. >Applejack is in the sea
  167. >But I can't see Twilight and Fluttershy.
  168. >Well, I guess we will see them later
  171. >Be Pinkie
  172. >I'm so so so excited.
  173. >There is going to be a dodgeball tournament here in the beach.
  174. >Im really sure Norman is going to be the first to sign up after he hears about it
  175. >I get to be the referee
  176. >Even though he has to sign up in a team with someone else
  177. >Norman would do good even when he is solo
  180. >Be Norman
  181. >Goddamn, how much have I been sleeping?
  182. >Look at the time.
  183. >2:35
  184. >Oh, so i've been sleeping for only half an hour.
  185. >I see Aryan Beauty staring somewhere near the crowd
  186. >"What's up?"
  187. >"Oh, you're awake, well Pinkie is about to make a message".
  188. >Then I hear Pink talking through a megaphone
  189. >"Signing up for the dodgeball tournament starts now!"
  190. >WHAT?
  191. >I stand up and run to pinkie at the speed of sound.
  192. >I'm the first to sign up
  193. >Lots of people are signing up
  194. >When the last contestent signed up, Pink made a new message
  195. >"We will now arrange the teams, come back later to see in which team you will be in."
  196. >Excitment overload
  197. >"Now might be a good time to take a swim." I say to myself
  198. >Went near the sea and put my foot in the water.
  200. >Goddamnit, that nearly froze my foot
  201. >Meh, it's always like that in the beginning
  202. >Gather all my bravery and jump in the sea, while making a double backflip + 180 Twist
  203. >Cold, it's so COLD!
  204. >I was entirely freezing, but I felt better after 2 minutes.
  205. >Ahh, this is the life.
  206. >Nothing unusual happened then
  209. >I've been in the sea for 20 minutes now, its so relaxing.
  210. >Finally hear Pink announce that the teams are ready
  211. >Get out of thw water and go to the boards
  212. >They placed 3 of them so that there won't be too many pushing
  213. >I'm in a team with:
  214. >Orange
  215. >Blue
  216. >Some guy named Bruce
  217. >And.... BRAD?
  218. >Then I hear him shout: "BRADICAL!"
  219. >Great, now he's gonna ruin my whole game
  220. >I search for Pink and find her
  221. >"Pink why on earth did you team me up with BRAD?"
  222. >"Oh, a computer did most of the job. Me and dad made only a few teams, i'd never put you in a team with Brad, i know how much you hate him."
  223. >"Aw, thanks Pink"
  224. >"No problem Norman"
  225. >"See ya after the tournament
  226. >"Bye"
  227. >Then Pink announces that the tournament will start in 15 minutes
  228. >Then me and the team meet up.
  229. >"Sup guys, Im Bruce" says the guy im teamed up with
  230. >"Hi, dude" said Brad
  231. >Then he noticed me
  232. >"BRADICAL!"
  233. >"Looks like i'm in one team with my best bro"
  234. >"Yea."
  235. >"This is Bruce" says Brad while pointing with his head
  236. >"Oh you're the racist"
  237. >"Im NOT racist!!!"
  238. >"Chill bro, I know that's all fake."
  239. >"Finally someone understand."
  240. >Tournament starts in 5 minutes
  241. >The team and I set up and are ready to dodge balls to the death!
  242. >Pinkie announces the tournament has begun.
  243. >"We should give our team a name, just like everyone else." I say
  244. >"Yea, how about the BRADICALS!" Brad says
  245. >"I have an idea,what about the Rockin' Dynamites?" Says Bruce quite confident to talk to us
  246. >We all agree and sign up with that name
  250. >Pinkie announces the first group
  251. >The phoenixes VS Tornado Twists
  252. >Nothing special happened except one guy from The Phoenixes made a backflip dodge and hit a guy in the face with a ball
  253. >The Tornado Twists are out
  254. >Next comes The Cobras VS PuZZleZ
  255. >The cobras get pwned in an epic way
  256. >Pinkie announces:
  257. >"The Rockin' Dynamites VS The Hax0rs
  258. >We get the balls first
  259. >It's orange's turn to shoot
  260. >Not that there were turns, but everyone was playing 1 at a time
  261. >She throws the ball with such strength, it could bury her entire arm in the sand
  262. >Dude in the enemy team barely dodges and makes a quick counter-attack which suprised Orange.
  263. >But she catches the ball and the dude has to leave the game
  264. >"Good work, Orange!"
  265. >Now it's Blue's turn
  266. >Before she threw the ball she easily jumped like, I dunno 2-3 metres in the air
  267. >Everyone looked in shock, including me as she threw the ball with the force of a thousand buffalos
  268. >Hits the guy in the leg, and he has to leave the game
  269. >Now it's their turn.
  270. >A guy decided to throw a ball at me
  271. >Bad choice
  272. >As he threw the ball, while i was looking away, I suddenly felt like a ninja as I caught the ball between my hands infront of my face
  273. >Then i threw it at the speed of light taking him out before he could proccess what just happened
  274. >2 guys remaining
  275. >Their turn again
  276. >Some cute girl stepped up and hit Brad in the face before he could shout" "NOT BRADICAL!"
  277. >He lost
  278. >Oh well, makes the game better for me
  279. >Bruce's turn
  280. >Before I could hear him he had already made a double K.O. on the rest of the team
  281. >Wow, that dude is really awesome
  282. >The crowd started screaming
  283. >We won this time
  284. >But it will keep getting harder and harder
  285. >But for now...
  286. >"20 Minute break" announced pink on her megaphone
  289. >Pink says the tournament continues.
  290. >We were able to reach the finals.
  291. >The Rockin' Dynamites VS PuZZleZ.
  292. >Oh these guys are going down!
  293. >Game starts and they all swarm at us everyone of them at once
  294. >They hit Everyone except me
  295. >odisgonbgud.gif
  296. >Time to prepare my inner ninja for a fight
  297. >"My turn"
  298. >Lift two balls of the ground with my feet and kick them both in the air while making ninja flips 'n' shit.
  299. >KO two of the guys
  300. >3 remaining
  301. >Grab a ball preparing for my ultra move
  302. >Throw the ball up high in the air
  303. >Jump
  304. >Triple frontflip + 360 twist
  305. >Kick ball while upside down, and make a TRIPLE K.O.
  306. >Everyone from the crowd literally lost their minds while screaming
  307. >Even though I've done it before, I can't believe i did it again.
  308. >The PuZZleZ were defeated
  309. >We won
  310. >Pink comes with a trophy
  311. >It Labeled: "The Rockin' Dynamites - dodgeball champions"
  312. >It all happened so fast
  315. >3:30
  316. >It's still afternoon, and there will be alot more beach fun
  317. >Probably Pink has other plans
  318. >Gonna take a small nap
  321. >Be Pinkie
  322. >Norman was so so cool with that final move.
  323. >It's probably gonna be remembered for ages.
  324. >"Aw, Norman's napping, he's so cute when he sleeps"
  325. >"That's the exact same thing i thought when i saw him sleep" said Rarity
  326. >"There's gonna be outdoor club event here and im hosting it." I said
  327. >"Maybe this will be a chance to get invited by Norman for a dance, am i right?"
  328. >"I suppose its true".
  329. >"Well gotta go, see ya"
  330. >"Later, Pinkie"
  333. >Be Rarity
  334. >I haven't seen Twilight or Fluttershy yet, im starting to worry about them
  337. >Be Twilight
  338. >"No one ever has to know about this" i say
  339. >"Yes, i won't tell anyone"
  340. >"Good."
  343. >Be Norman
  344. >Wake up and look at the time
  345. >5:08
  346. >Oh well, another 30 minute nap is good
  347. >I look around me and I see Aryan Beauty, sleeping on her blanket next to me
  348. >Even though I could stay there and admire her beauty, I have to find somewhere I can eat
  349. >Go to the bar and see Pink
  350. >"Cool performance on the tournament Norman, that was awesome!"
  351. >"Thanks, Pink, do you know where I can eat?"
  352. >When I asked she immediatly handed me a menu
  353. >"Order anything you want."
  354. >"Thanks."
  355. >I see:
  356. >Lotsa different meats
  357. >Lotsa salads
  358. >Lotsa drinks
  359. >and...
  360. >What? WHAT?!
  362. >OMG
  363. >Regain sanity and call pink
  364. >"Ordered already?"
  365. >"Yea, I want 2 medium Lazanjias and some alfredo please."
  366. >"Right away Norman."
  367. >She comes 4 minutes later with all the stuff I ordered
  368. >"Wow, how are you so fast?"
  369. >"Oh we prepared them before the guests came, we have like 50 lazanjias in there."
  370. >Oh boy.
  371. >Nom nom nom.
  372. >Oh good golly im stuffed
  373. >Pink comes and says:
  374. >"Here's the check Norman"
  375. >Okay lets see
  376. >This can't be right
  377. >Only four dollars for 2 medium Lazanjias and alfredo?
  378. >Nice!
  379. >So I pay and then go mind my own business
  382. >Be Twilight
  383. >"Are you sure this is gonna work twilight?"
  384. >"Don't worry, Fluttershy, Im sure it will work."
  385. >"I hope so"
  388. >Be Norman
  389. >15 minutes of random walking around the beach trying to find something to do
  390. >4:00
  391. >Time for the second event
  392. >Pinkie makes an announcment
  393. >"Ready yourselves party people, because its time to paaaartie"
  394. >Everyone cheers from joy
  395. >Finally get the chance to dance with Aryan
  396. >Go to the bar
  397. >See pink. She looks like she drinked a bit, but can talk and walk normally.
  398. >Party time
  399. >"Please welcome our guest DJ, Vinyl Scratch, or also known as DJ-PON3."
  400. >Crowd starts cheering
  401. >"Let's Party!"
  402. >The Music starts off with some classical disco
  403. >Get epic idea
  404. >Walk to the center of the crowd and shout
  406. >Then start breakdancing like a professional
  407. >Everyone cheering
  408. >Then bruce steps up
  409. >"I Challenge you to a breakdance battle, norman."
  410. >"I accept your challenge"
  411. >"You can call me Mr.Breaker" said Bruce, then making a very hard move
  412. >I counter him in my own way no one has ever defeated
  413. >But he manages to reject it
  414. >What a pro
  415. >Still manage to beat him.
  416. >We take a break at the bar
  417. >Start chatting with bruce
  418. >"So, wheredo you some from bruce?"
  419. >"Oh, im from Argentina, my parents recently got a job in this town"
  420. >"What a coincidence my parents got a job here too, and we had to leave home."
  421. >We chatted for a really long time
  422. >4:46
  423. >Music switched to slow romantic music
  424. >"Everyone find their couple, because its about to get lovely in here" announced Pink
  425. >I say bye to bruce and started searching for Aryan
  426. >Instantly find her on her blanket enjoying the view of the sea
  427. >"Hello Aryan, would you like to dance with me?"
  428. >"I would love to" she says as she takes my hand
  429. >Then we procceed to dance romantically for hours
  430. >5:30
  431. >"After the disco, we will all go jumping from the cliff!"
  432. >And the crowd goes "WOOOOOHOOOO"
  433. >We all go on the top of the cliff
  434. >wasn't really that high
  435. >Only 100 meters high!
  436. >So i ask pink if its safe
  437. >"Sure its safe norman"
  438. >Guess i'll take this risk
  439. >As we were walking up the cliff with aryan she whispered with her soft voice in my ears:
  440. >"Norman I want to jump with you"
  441. >I Stunned yet once again say "I would love to"
  442. >It was nearing our turn and i was getting more and more nervous while aryan looked perfectly calm.
  443. >Then I said i was acting stupid, and gathered all of my bravery, trying to look like Aryan beauty.
  444. >It was our turn
  445. >We looked each other in the eyes
  446. >She gives me a deep kiss when she jumped off the cliff dragging me with her
  447. >We were kissing all the way down
  448. >Then we fell in the water
  449. >Still kissing underneath the surface of it
  450. >The water was kind of hot for some reason
  451. >I felt so... good.
  452. >Never felt anything like it
  453. >We finally got out
  454. >7:52
  455. >Enjoy the sunset and then fireworks next to aryan beauty
  456. >Go home, have dinner and lay in bed thinking about the siren who has made me her slave (not literally)
  457. >Get a text
  458. >From her
  459. >"I had a wonderful afternoon norman, see you tommorow."
  460. >Text her back
  461. >"Good night and sweet dreams."
  462. >Today was a good day
  464. END
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