
Text Adventure Chapter 47 Log

Jul 11th, 2014
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  1. >You think for a moment on how to word this, as they’re going to be the words that are going to make or break Redheart’s decision.
  2. >You take a second to breath before you start.
  3. “It's true that I do feel something for Pinkie, but I would never follow through with anything like this if it meant I might lose you, Red. But you're right. After everything Pinkie told me, I wanted a solution that I hoped wouldn't leave anyone with a broken heart so badly that I used my own guilt to try and rationalize this without thinking about how it would affect either of you. That was wrong of me, and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”
  4. >Redheart keeps staring at you, her hoof slowly lowering from your chest.
  5. “I know what I said was stupid and didn't have any thought behind it, but I couldn't hurt Pinkie when she was suffering so much. I tried to find a quick fix to solve the problem, but I now realize can't make everyone happy, no matter how much I try.”
  6. >”Didn’t you know that in the first place?”
  7. >You look her in the eyes as you finish.
  8. “But now that I can see how much it would hurt you, I won't be making that mistake again. I don't know how I can show you, but if you have something in mind, I'll listen. Until then, all I can do is put all my trust and faith in you to forgive me and give me another chance. I don't know if you can forgive me for my stupidity... and if you want to end things because of it, I’ll completely understand. Just know that I do love you and never wanted to hurt anyone.”
  9. >For a moment, Redheart looks away from you to gather her bearings.
  10. >As if she is thinking.
  11. >She’s thinking and not outright saying no.
  12. >After what seems like an eternity waiting for her to say something, Red finally turns and looks at you again, and you watch her lips as they move.
  13. >”I have to know… I have to know you won’t ever do anything like this again.”
  14. “Anything, anything at all.”
  15. >“If… If you tell Pinkie that nothing will ever happen between you two, or… us, then maybe I can stand to forget. Don’t kick her while she’s down, but… make sure that she knows, then I can look past this… okay?”
  16. >Do you agree to Redheart’s terms?
  20. “Yes, I promise. I promise with all of my heart, so I’ll tell her nothing will ever happen the very next time I see her. I’ll apologize, too…”
  21. >”...Okay. And… I want to be there, this time.”
  22. “Of course, babe.”
  23. >You both look at each other, and you try and lean in for a hug once more.
  24. >Red accepts it this time, and you embrace each other tightly, only now realizing how close you just were to separation.
  25. >Then you feel a hoof knock against your head like a coconut.
  26. >”Don’t do anything this stupid again, okay? And if you somehow do, at least come to me first!”
  27. “Ow… Yeah, yeah…”
  28. >You smile at her and she manages her own, and you dry her tears.
  29. >It’s time to forget it, and that’s what you’re going to do.
  30. >If you ever make a mistake like this again, you won’t be so lucky.
  31. >In the effort to put it behind you, you decide to tentatively change the subject.
  32. “So, what did you find out at the hospital? Anything about the patients or the corruption?”
  33. >Red’s face contours back into its familiar curious look.
  34. >”Oh... I checked them over and gave them a full physical to the best of my ability, and I gave a report to one of the higher up doctors.”
  35. “And?”
  36. >She hesitates.
  37. >”Well… After a long look at the similarity of the symptoms, we concluded that it wasn’t the same as Steel Magnolia’s illness.”
  38. >...But, the black eyes and pale skin were definite matches.
  39. >How could it not be the same?”
  40. “How?”
  41. >”For every test we did on the blood, we received two different results from magical testing. Every time.”
  42. >Could the shadow be copying another severe illness to disguise itself?
  43. >”The key difference between the two in the way they affect the body though is the original illness that Steel has weakens him like the flu, and worse.”
  44. “And the shadow infection does the opposite.”
  45. >You look at each other again, fearing the worst.
  46. >”So, what now?”
  47. “I think I need to finish looking for some books I promised to look for here, and we’ll try and get to Cadance as quickly as possible.”
  48. >You stand up and look around
  49. >Pinkie and AJ are looking over the patients at the hospital, but they should be coming back to the library soon.
  50. >Gable’s most likely still out getting that magical chain undone at Fortuna Potions.
  51. >Iron Will is still getting the gems appraised.
  52. >A quick scan of the lobby and you can actually see Berry out in the distance headed for the library, likely done with her trip to the guard station.
  53. >Red’s going to be staying with you at your side until you carry out your promise.
  54. >It is currently 4:00 P.M., one hour after your original split.
  55. >What would you like to do?
  59. >ANONYMOUS (cc) / SIR DUCKSALOT [HP: 25/25]
  60. [HP: 130/130][MP: 20/20][Stats: 20 PD, 25 MD / +10 PA, +15 MA wep / +75 PA ranged]
  62. Inventory: Med. Pamphlet (First Aid 101/Procreation), Med. Book (Diseases), Wallet, Bit pouch (empty), Roll of duct tape, Rope, Book of Dark Magic (W/ potential info about Shadow), Notes of Starswirl the Bearded: Portals, Potion-making Kit, Blowdart, Blue herbs (3), Red herbs (1), Supply Medkit (3), Small mana potion (2), Alchemy/Engineering Books (Transmogrification/Practical), Lifeleaf (6), Rizzleberry bunch (4), 9 oz. of Kablooie powder, 4 ounces of combustible powder, Wisp weed (5), 2 handfuls of bolts, Haze Flower (9), Yeti Hair (2), iPhone, Medical Expertise Books (Bleeding, clots, nasty gashes; stitches and poison treating), Fishing Rod and kit (Grants ability Fish), Pickaxe (+10 PA, grants ability Mine), (Book) Introduction to Architecture, Screwdriver kit (reduces bolt and screw cost by 3), Socket wrench kit (reduces wheel & axle and nut cost by 1), Foal’s Guide to Magic (Gives basic knowledge of magical theory, allows learning of basic level spells, levitation and luminate), 1 Oz. of Thermite, Four-Barrel Lead Ammo (23, +25 PA to fight), Black Marker, Hoofcuffs (3), Cock Ring, Ultimate Knowledge of Medical Expertise: Volume XXVII, Medium Healing potion (66% restore, 1), Map to the Tundra Outpost, Firewood (2), Window of Reality (Allows you to see into the future of different possibilities of your choices with limitations), Iron-Hide Brew (10, +5 PA for 3 turns), 1 piece of coal, Iron ingot (4), Platinum Ingot (1), Small mana crystal (6), Uncut Ruby, Equestrian Wildlife: A History of the Evolution of Animals
  64. >You didn’t have much luck for the last hour looking for any books specifically what you were looking for, so you decide not to return to it seeing as you could only find the one.
  65. >Besides, this one would most likely be all you need.
  66. >You attempt to look through your previous memories to see if you couldn’t remember something, anything about this disease that Charm Rose’s brother has.
  67. >You have no luck.
  68. >You haven’t read that book of diseases in quite a while, but you can’t even recall any snippet about magical diseases in general, let alone this one.
  69. >With a nod to Redheart for her to follow you, you run back up through the library and up to the top floor where you know Twilight is headed.
  70. >Sure enough, you see her back in her office, sifting through a rather large portion of papers.
  71. >You quickly knock on the side before walking in, and she looks back up at you with a surprised look on her face.
  72. >She becomes even more shocked to see Redheart was following you, and without your head under her hoof.
  73. >”Oh, did everything uh, go well?”
  74. “Well, we’ll get to that later. I had a few more questions, if you don’t mind?”
  75. >She nods as she levitates a few papers to the side so she wasn’t distracted while she listens to you.
  76. >As much as you’d like to praise Celestia that be that you and Red are okay, right now there are more important matters at hand. Hoof?
  77. >Speaking of the Princess...
  78. “First of all, did you get any letters back from Princess Celestia? It’s very important I learn of her response to what I told her about the illness.”
  79. >”I’m sorry Anon, but the letter probably hasn’t even reached her, yet. The Crystal Empire Post Office isn’t exactly the perfect example of efficiency, and it’s a long way to Canterlot from here. Give it a few days and she should send word right away.”
  80. >You feared as much.
  81. “Alright… I need to give you an update, anyways. I didn’t get a chance to tell you before.”
  82. >”Lay it on me, Anon.”
  83. >You begin to explain to Twilight Sparkle everything that Redheart told you, being sure to include every detail.
  84. >Once you had told her all of this, you also went on to elaborate further on your adventure to the Winter Tundra Outpost and how you’ve come across a Royal pass, and finally the true nature of Princess Cadance’s condition.
  85. “...It’s only a hunch, but she has the same exact symptoms as the two guards we admitted into the hospital. I think it’s imperative that as soon as everyone’s done with what they’re doing, that we go straight in there and help her.”
  86. >Twilight rubs her temples furiously, leaping over her desk and swiftly pacing around the room.
  87. >”This is something you could’ve started our meeting on, you know! I think the well-being of the Princess is just a little more important than your personal squabbles! Oh, what if it’s already too late? What if she’s already advanced into that… aggression stage? But if she is, how are we going to stop her? I mean, we don’t even have a cure for the corruption yet!”
  88. “I think we do.”
  89. >She looks right back at you, stopping in her tracks.
  90. “On our way back here, we also got sidetracked by a leopard with gems on it. It was corrupted too, but when I managed to hit it with a sleeping dart and put it under, I… was able to remove the shadow from it.”
  91. >Twilight’s jaw drops, and she slowly approaches you.
  92. >”But… How did you manage that?”
  93. “I’m not quite sure, but I put my hand near it, and the shadowy substance sort of pulled out of its body, and tried to absorb into my markings. I was able to blast them off with relative ease, and I’m pretty sure I destroyed it in the process. So… It’s not technically a cure, but I can remove it alright.”
  94. >”What does this mean… Your markings were made for powerful magic and as an antithesis to whatever this looming threat is, and the tree responsible has our elements of harmony embedded within it. I need to go see Celestia, right after Cadance and the hospital. Ohhh, there’s just so much to do and not enough time!”
  95. >She could not be more right.
  96. >You hear the slight ring of the front door’s bell, indicating that Berry has made it back.
  97. >Looking back at Twilight, you see she’s already rummaging through her papers.
  98. >”I think I’m going to have to really study on this… When you’re all ready to go to the Palace, meet me at the hospital.”
  99. “See you there.”
  100. >You finish your conversation with Twilight and turn around to Red, walking out of Twilight’s office with her.
  101. >It is currently 4:10 P.M.
  102. >What would you like to do?
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