

Dec 22nd, 2017
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  1. -Unturned, Unity game with no config files and no launch commands. I have found nothing to make a video about.
  3. -Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, it uses a very restricted version of the anvil engine and I have been unable to find anything on this apart from changing the resolution.
  5. -Assassin’s Creed: Unity, the game is a bit of a disaster. The configuration file is very limited and I could not measure any difference using old AC commands.
  7. -Arkham Knight: gave it another try, but still refuses to work.
  9. -Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War: configuration files only mirrors the config screen. Nothing hidden or extra.
  11. -Fortnite: the developers blocked changing configuration files, and there does not seem to be any way to overcome it.
  13. -Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare / WW2: The configuration files are weirdly structured, but I have more or less figured out what each variable means. They do not seem to allow any value outside what the config screen offers.
  15. -Left 4 Dead 2: The great majority of console commands are blocked, very little left of use.
  17. -Fifa 18: I might be missing something, but so far no results.
  19. -War Thunder: plenty of Options in the Game, but not much to add via configuration files or such.
  21. -Rainbow Six Siege: Apart from the resolution the config file does not offer any tweaks. There are no launch commands and driver tweaks can easily lead to a ban.
  23. -Arma 3: There are some slight tweaks floating around, but I have unable to measure any improvement in performance, CPU, GPU or RAM use while using them. I am might be missing something, but it does not seem really twekeable at the moment.
  25. -Saints Row 3: tried finding something for the game, but so far everything in the configuration file is also on the config screen, so no extra tweaks.
  27. -Saint Row 2: same situation as 3. People often quote the “Gentleman of the Row” mod as a way to fix performance issues, but this is a collection of mods that adds things to the game while fixing some bugs. I have found no performance difference in the low end using Gentleman of the Row, and I have found no mention in the mod’s documentation regarding performance improvements. Powertools has a tweak for speed, but this does not seem to help if the GPU or CPU is under minimum requirements.
  29. -Just Cause 3: limited configuration file, no extra tweaks apart from resolution.
  31. -Ghost Recons Wildlands: I have yet to find any extra tweaks.
  33. -Cuphead: works on IntelHD and IntelAtom. Unity. No config files. All 2d so no much to change.
  35. -Far Cry 5: modding tools are yet to be updated, so no way to get into the game for changes.
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