
IRC planing

May 24th, 2012
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  1. <misterCreazil> Is Cirrin still hateflirting with Tursun or is it platonic dickery?
  2. [16:12:39] <Blapnk> last they talked, platonic dickery I think
  3. [16:12:57] <Blapnk> Possibly mild hateflirting?
  4. [16:13:10] <misterCreazil> He's finally learning that Tursun is oblivious to it
  5. [16:13:14] <misterCreazil> At best
  6. [16:13:28] <misterCreazil> At worst, he'll take something as hateflirting with Paloma
  7. [16:13:55] <Blapnk> yes
  8. [16:14:13] <misterCreazil> Reboot!Tursun is a bit dim
  9. [16:14:23] <misterCreazil> but on the plus side, he isn't as vain
  10. [16:15:05] <Blapnk> Cirrin's taking the vainity
  11. [16:15:13] <misterCreazil> yep
  12. [16:15:19] <misterCreazil> Cirrin is the new hateslut
  13. [16:15:22] <Blapnk> And then he gets his tongue cut out
  14. [16:16:09] <misterCreazil> Might he still angle for making sweet hate to Cucali?
  15. [16:19:06] <Blapnk> No, he wouldn't deliberatly aim to hateflirt with her at this point, being a highblood and because she mutilated him (which he finds unromantic)
  16. [16:19:24] <misterCreazil> Yeah
  17. [16:19:27] <Blapnk> But the way she's been bugging him, he'll probably start having hatey feelings regardless
  18. [16:19:47] <misterCreazil> It's bad blackrom etiquette to do something that would impair makeout capabilities like that
  19. [16:20:46] <Blapnk> Yeah, but ironically its one of the few things that'll make him keep on standing up to her, rather than bowing meekly to the stronger troll
  20. [16:31:29] <misterCreazil> I still have some hope for that plane
  21. [16:36:53] <Blapnk> as do i
  22. [16:40:59] <misterCreazil> may make things with sol hawkward though
  23. [16:41:14] <Blapnk> Less so than platonic hate
  24. [16:42:36] <misterCreazil> true
  25. [16:47:25] <Blapnk> As least with her around Cirrin is more likely to trust Cucali won't cut anything else off
  26. [16:47:59] <Blapnk> It's funny talking about trust in a relationship based on hate
  27. [16:48:35] <misterCreazil> heh
  28. [16:50:50] <Blapnk> kinda true though I think
  29. [16:51:01] <misterCreazil> yeah
  30. [16:51:21] <misterCreazil> gotta know that they won't just kill you and find someone new
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