

Oct 25th, 2024
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  1. "...You will never escape our sight."
  2. The Holy Lance unleashed a flurry of attacks, clashing directly with the mythril bird in a fierce exchange. These weren't the same slashes of light the knight had used earlier, he was now striking with the spearhead itself!
  3. Even while mounted, each blow carried immense weight. While pure speed could have allowed the warrior's axe to shatter the spear, it was this very weight that gave the spear its edge. It deflected the axe and tore into the warrior's steel-like arms, delivering deadly thrusts that threatened to pierce his heart and reach the Spirit Core beyond.
  4. "Ughh!"
  5. The warrior gritted his teeth, struggling against the overwhelming force.
  6. In truth, he barely held on, clinging precariously to one of the mythril bird's wings. But his spirit remained unbroken. Despite his mounting injuries, he managed to parry the knight's attacks with impressive focus, just barely avoiding the fatal blows aimed at his Spirit Core.
  7. "Ha! You're hella strong, Sir Percival!"
  8. "You’re a worthy foe yourself."
  10. Fate/Lost Einherjar, Chapter 3
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