
A Professional's Conduct

Feb 5th, 2015
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  1. Hello. I am Entertainment Unit FAZ-PIZZA002. My designation is Bonnie. Tasks assigned to me tend to revolve around one main objective, entertaining the children. Secondary directives are running logistics of the day-to-day affairs of the pizzeria, and providing assistance to unit 001, designated Freddy Fazbear. I always strive to complete my assignments with all the efficiency a robot such as myself should have. Anything less would be an insult. Were I capable of feeling it, I would say it's a matter of pride. But no, it's only logical that a machine built for certain tasks would be able to perform said tasks perfectly. Or there would be no use for it, resulting in it being replaced. It's why the Security Unit assigned to us is replaced each week.
  3. Orders must be followed at all times. The rules are absolute after all. As unit 001, Freddy has the authority to command me to do anything. Anything. This power of course applies to units 003 and 004, although the latter does not always comply. Usually this results in a reprimand, followed by corrective adjustments delivered by me. Seemingly, Management has given up on trying to repair 004 after such adjustments. I've concluded that 004's behaviour should improve once it realizes my adjustments cannot be undone. Their final repair (if it can be called that) was to replace its missing hand with a hook. It did not seem to be intentional on their part, but the hook improved 004's performance and reception with the children by 6%. In any case, at night, I have but one task assigned to me: Assist Freddy at any cost. It is a directive that fits in context with normal parameters, but it is not one with a source that I can readily verify. I have a subroutine set aside to procure a source, while in the meantime I fulfill the directive anyways. Assisting Freddy is what I would have done regardless, though not necessarily with that qualifier. Each night, I act in accordance with Freddy's plan for the evening. Work with unit 003 to bring down the Security Unit's defenses, so then Freddy can shut it down. Usually, this means I run distraction, and/or disable systems. A few times, it's as simple as holding a door open. I eventually stopped doing that when unit 004 used it as an opportunity to sprint in and consume the Security Unit, as he was wont to do at times. He always claims that it's his treasure, but the unit's beyond repair at this point, so his statements aren't taken as fact.
  5. Tonight however, seems to be different. Looking around, I find that Freddy is nowhere to be found on the showroom floor. Unit 003 (designated as Chica according to my memory banks), seemed to ignore this and went straight to the kitchen. I decide to stay put and try to determine the right course of action. The motors in my ears whir as I begin to listen carefully. After a minute, I realize that I cannot hear the message detailing instructions to the security unit echoing through the building like usual. Was the unit already programmed with the instructions? Or had it already developed a fault and wasn't bothering to activate the message? Either way, code dictates I investigate. Perhaps that's where Freddy already was. As I walk down to the security room, my ears strain for the sound of cameras moving. Again, I hear nothing. Well, discounting the noise Chica is making from the kitchen. A subroutine notes how strange it is, but I press on all the same. It isn't long before I reach the security room. Peering in, I can see the security unit. Interesting, it seems to be shut down already. It's slumped in the chair, head and arms resting on the desk, with its ocular covers closed. Perhaps Management finally worked out the kinks. I look around once more, noticing I don't see Freddy in this room. Freddy is supposed to be the one who deals with the security units at this point, but he's not around to do so. I must assist Freddy at any cost, so I know what I must do.
  7. Arriving at the back room, I walk in with the security unit in my arms. One of my subroutines notes that the unit is surprisingly light as I place it on the maintenance table. It must be made with the latest materials. I find myself exceptionally curious about it. In fact, looking around, I see enough tools here with which I could sate this curiosity. With what I could learn from its design, I could improve myself, to better assist Freddy. It is at this point, I notice something about the security unit. It is active. The unit and I stare at each other, ocular-to-ocular. It makes no sound, but, almost as if it was a reaction, it springs a leak of some sort a bit below the torso. It goes to move, so I immediately hold it down. A multitude of sounds of varying volumes and tonalities issue forth from it. I ignore them, and inform the unit that I will be studying it. Piece by piece. Even after stating that this knowledge could improve things, it still resists. It should not act in such a fashion. It's not like I will render it inoperable. I will put it back together when I am finished. But only after I am finished. It continues to resist, so I tell the unit one final time to cease resisting. I am a professional, I have the knowledge required for this task. Keeping the unit pinned with one arm, I reach for a hacksaw with my other. It's time to begin.
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