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Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. 3) The Enclave
  3. [DISCLAIMER: Shaun has seen this section and is working proactively to remedy the issues]
  5. 3a) The Enclave has a severe communication problem. The higher-ups, from those I’ve spoken to, acknowledge this to some extent. Some do not like each other, and some do not discuss things because they know it would be disallowed by the main faction lead (Shaun).
  7. 3b) The Enclave’s members have broken faction rules and had little-to-no known retribution for it. The most recent example of this is [redacted] - apparently, he believes he was metagamed by members of the faction, who also left the faction base when it was on “lockdown”. The member-in-question lied about having permission from a faction lead, and no action was taken to anyone’s knowledge. This action should be known by at least those in charge of the faction, so that it discourages this sort of activity from occurring again.
  9. 3c) The Enclave has a leadership rift with Shaun’s sudden removal from power. Until he is back, the faction leads should have a serious sit-down and discuss what the plan is, as the current state should not continue. From my personal knowledge, members are told to not follow orders from other members by their friends in command, and overall the faction seems rather messy in its leadership. This point is lesser my own opinion, and the opinion of those who have mentioned it (none of this is meant as an insult to the Enclave faction leaders either - the faction is doing a tremendous job publicly with activity).
  11. 3d) The faction should have some clear-cut rules as to when people should be flagged-on/flagged-off. I’ve seen people sat in the base working on PACs, people sat in the base memeing around, and people just in-general AFK on their characters. Personally, I think that people who are AFK on a faction character should automatically be flagged-off as soon as 20-or-so minutes pass.
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