
Everyone is John (Jalathas Edition)

Feb 14th, 2016
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  1. - You are John. Or rather, you are a Voice in John's head.
  2. - John is an insane man from Minneapolis.
  3. - Each Voice has three characteristics. An Obsession, some Skills, and a pool of Willpower. These characteristics are secret from the other players, unless you want them not to be.
  5. - Your Obsession is, effectively, your win condition. You gain points for completing your Obsession, and the player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
  6. - Traditionally, the GM assigns your Obsession a point value from 1 to 3 before the game, based on the difficulty of the task. I'm probably going to handle it differently this game, though.
  8. - Your Skills are what you're good at. You have two of them.
  9. - Whenever John attempts something that an ordinary person has a chance of failure at, he rolls a d6.
  10. - If the player in control of John has a relevant Skill, they must roll a 3 or more to succeed.
  11. - If not, they must roll a 6 to succeed.
  12. - A note on my GMing style: I like creative uses of Skills. But I'm more likely to allow strange uses of skills the more weird and specific they are. Using "basket weaving" to attempt to "weave" a "basket" of lies is actually MORE likely to succeed than using "stealth" to try to "hide" your intentions from someone.
  14. - Willpower is a pool of points you use during the game. You begin with 10 of them.
  15. - During character creation, you drop yourself to 7 Willpower to add a third skill.
  16. - BEFORE attempting a roll, you can spend any number of Willpower points to add to the end result. This _can_ make the die roll unnecessary, if you spend 2 Willpower on a Skilled roll or 5 on a normal roll.
  17. - Willpower is also used to bid for control of John.
  19. - Whenever John wakes up, whenever he gets hurt, whenever the active Voice fails a roll, and whenever the active Voice completes their Obsession, players bid Willpower to gain control of John.
  20. - Each player, in secret, sends the GM the number of Willpower points they're willing to pay. The player who bids highest spends that many Willpower and gains control. The other players do not lost their bid.
  21. - In the result of a tie, all tied players roll and the highest roll wins, spending their Willpower and gaining control as usual.
  22. - A final warning: John is easily distracted, and a bit of a narcoleptic. Whenever ten minutes go by without something interesting happening, there's a chance he'll fall asleep, prompting a bid for control when he wakes up. When this happens, all Voices regain a point of Willpower.
  24. - The game ends when all Voices are out of Willpower points, or if John dies.
  25. - At that time, Obsessions are tallied. For each time your Obsession was completed, even if another Voice was active, you gain points. The player with the most points wins.
  26. - Caveat: if you are the active Voice and John is killed, you cannot win, even if you have the most points.
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