
Raiden/Jack Scene w/SW-Hein. 5/10/2019

May 13th, 2019
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  1. [10:20] ʀᴀɪᴅᴇɴ ғʀᴏsᴛ (lateprincefrost): - ye ye, and dont small me, I can turn you mortal into ashes without hard work, have we stick to this, I get the information you mortals keep your lives.. I did the most warm welcome a wrath demon can do, if I am a different wrath demon, I already killed you all even it kills me -yawns- dont try my patience... even god of hell didnt handled me well-
  2. [10:21] Valkyrie Ansu'so (asha.silvershade) is online.
  3. [10:21] Caleb 'Wolf' Ravenheart (acheron.charisma) is offline.
  4. [10:22] Valkyrie Ansu'so (asha.silvershade) is offline.
  5. [10:24] Zora simply shook her head, not about to give him any information that he wanted. She silently looked over to Jack, raising a brow as if to ask 'what the fuck??' with a look. This demon, really wasn't very smart. She still stood with the umbrella towards him, just in case he was feigning his seemingly now calm demeanor.
  6. [10:24] Jack would just shake his head a little more " More guards please!" he shouted out with a roll of his eyes "you are aware.. you have just threatened to get revenge on the baroness of Idoreth ... to those that live here... that is not very smart so Im going to have you arrested can either go the easy way or i can have every guard down here beat the living shit out of you and then toss you into a cage? what way would you like to take it" he rolled his eyes a bit more actually kind of shocked at what he was having to deal with today and no doubt by now more and more guards would of shown up at the door
  7. [10:24] Heinrich Liam (chaoticinsanity): ((please hold before further posts))
  8. [10:24] [CoL] Titler v2.0: RP Tool Commands:
  9. /5 <name> to change the name
  10. /7: <text> to speak IC
  11. /7 <emote> to emote
  12. /7! <text> to shout
  13. /7# <text> to whisper
  14. [10:24] [CoL] Titler v2.0: Use /22 to talk in OOC
  15. [10:24] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Turning your Title OFF!
  16. [10:25] [CoL] Hud v2.0: ...Setting Character Slot 2!
  17. [10:25] [CoL] Hud v2.0: Turning your Title ON!
  18. [10:25] [CoL] Titler v2.0: Name changed to STORYWEAVER
  19. [10:25] Rogmesh Ugosha (lillith.eberhart) is online.
  20. [10:29] ʀᴀɪᴅᴇɴ ғʀᴏsᴛ (lateprincefrost): 'this such a waste of time, I shall go *turns into smoke and goes to an unknown place ((sorry about my rp flow, kinda cranky its 2:30am maybe just my mind. awesome rp tys))-
  21. [10:29] STORYWEAVER The guards were coming from all over at the call from the infirmary. It wasn't normal for there ever to be calls from there. But march in they did, four of them, each human and ready to do what needed to be done. Three marched into the room, the forth in the back, ready to start conjuring magic if need be. "What seems to be the problem here, Sir?" the head guard would ask, trying to get a feel for the situation.
  22. [10:31] ⒶⓟⓟⓛⓔⓅⓘⓔ (kaisumi) is online.
  23. [10:32] ʀᴀɪᴅᴇɴ ғʀᴏsᴛ (lateprincefrost): ((ok, someone crossed my RP Limits, such a bully, I will be going now. I will readjust and fix rp later or next time.))
  24. [10:32] ʀᴀɪᴅᴇɴ ғʀᴏsᴛ (lateprincefrost): ((I am in lumiya viewer, my actions are limited thank you))
  25. [10:32] Heinrich Liam (chaoticinsanity): ((lets please keep the OOC down))
  26. [10:33] Eerik Jogeirrson (blasphemysangel) is online.
  27. [10:35] Todd (jayce.iredell) is online.
  28. [10:38] Todd (jayce.iredell) is offline.
  29. [10:38] Mathilda Kale (straitsilver.lekvoda) is online.
  30. [10:39] ~*S.E.*~ Scholar's Library - Crowned Bookshelf (Empty) whispers: Sorry. Menu has timed out. Please try again.
  31. [10:39] Jenn (jenixa) is online.
  32. [10:44] Dyson (dyson.indigo) is offline.
  33. [10:45] Anjire (anjyre) is online.
  34. [10:52] Rogmesh Ugosha (lillith.eberhart) is offline.
  35. [10:54] Eerik Jogeirrson (blasphemysangel) is offline.
  36. [10:58] Heinrich Liam (chaoticinsanity): ((we are going to continue the scene. and we will continue the post order, which was Zora, Jack, Raiden, SW))
  37. [10:58] Colt 'Coyote' Carson (athertonwing) is offline.
  38. [10:58] Blake Michelsen (zeuserebos) is offline.
  39. [10:59] Lucy Crow (1anne3.melson) is online.
  40. [10:59] Halcyon (davidleechild) is online.
  41. [10:59] Blake Michelsen (zeuserebos) is online.
  42. [11:00] Zora looked to the guards who entered into the infirmary and she was able to relax a little, letting out a sigh as she lowered the umbrella finally. She would not however, put it away as she moved closer to her desk, much preferring to put some distance between her and the demon. As the head guard was asking Jack, she nodded at him, letting him answer.
  43. [11:01] QTπ (oogee) is online.
  44. [11:01] Jack would just sigh rather loudly standing up and looking at the guards "this... whatever it is thought it to be smart to try and threaten the baroness the leader of idoreth and well obviously this can not be taken lightly so if you would be so kind as to arrest him and shove him into one of the cages that would be fantastic" he sighed a little more clearly not to impressed or happy
  45. [11:03] Colt 'Coyote' Carson (athertonwing) is online.
  46. [11:04] [CoL] Hud v2.0: LatePrinceFrost Resident has rolled... 30 on a d100
  47. [11:04] Valkyrie Ansu'so (asha.silvershade) is online.
  48. [11:04] ʀᴀɪᴅᴇɴ ғʀᴏsᴛ (lateprincefrost): -tried to shake off the guards"first attempt"-
  49. [11:05] [CoL] Hud v2.0: chaoticinsanity Resident has rolled... 81 on a d100
  50. [11:05] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
  51. [11:06] Synade is offline.
  52. [11:07] Valkyrie Ansu'so (asha.silvershade) is offline.
  53. [11:07] STORYWEAVER The guards would stand by the door, looking at the man. Hearing the words from Jack, they simply gave a nod. "Sir, your choices are simple. You can be jailed and explain such a threat to the baroness, or this could be very bad. Should you manage to get by us, it will be very unlikely that you survive in the city. There are guards everywhere. Do the smart thing." The guards were apparently diplomats.
  54. [11:07] Mathilda Kale (straitsilver.lekvoda) is offline.
  55. [11:08] Valkyrie Ansu'so (asha.silvershade) is online.
  56. [11:08] ʀᴀɪᴅᴇɴ ғʀᴏsᴛ (lateprincefrost): -rages off and tried to heat off to slip and get away-
  57. [11:08] Char'BQ Tastes Regretful (angelina.farslider) is offline.
  58. [11:08] [CoL] Hud v2.0: LatePrinceFrost Resident has rolled... 70 on a d100
  59. [11:08] [CoL] Hud v2.0: chaoticinsanity Resident has rolled... 98 on a d100
  60. [11:09] Char'BQ Tastes Regretful (angelina.farslider) is online.
  61. [11:10] Zora stood by the desk still, watching the scene unfold now. She worried most about anyone getting hurt during the arresting, but didn't intervene or speak, keeping an eye on Jack.
  62. [11:11] Jack would just draw his sword pointing it towards the demon "just come quietly and they may not put you to death or just keep being a pest and it shall end the bad way"
  63. [11:11] ʀᴀɪᴅᴇɴ ғʀᴏsᴛ (lateprincefrost): -get off me, cause of the heat he released, the smoke and tried to attempt again-
  64. [11:11] [CoL] Hud v2.0: LatePrinceFrost Resident has rolled... 93 on a d100
  65. [11:13] [CoL] Hud v2.0: chaoticinsanity Resident has rolled... 29 on a d100
  66. [11:14] ʀᴀɪᴅᴇɴ ғʀᴏsᴛ (lateprincefrost): -ignis uses all his power to go out idoreth withering him, and transformed into a dog and escaped with 2 hearts left, It was all a joke and I ruined oh well.. I guess its regen for me... 'laughs in hurt'-
  67. [11:16] EvilLittleStew (lordstu.nyoki): ((fuck me sideways))
  68. [11:20] Razgriz Aeon (ayra.mazi) is online.
  69. [11:21] Diocletian (unlivedphalanx.mcmahon) is offline.
  70. [11:21] Jenn (jenixa) is offline.
  71. [11:24] Blake Michelsen (zeuserebos) is offline.
  72. [11:25] Blake Michelsen (zeuserebos) is online.
  73. [11:26] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
  74. [11:27] Jack wondered on into the infirmary he felt like he had just had a really dam weird dream and boy was it not a fun one! "ah zora you are here great you know what i could use.... I could really use some tea I just had a really weird fucking dream not overly fun" he shook his head a little and shrugged a little
  75. [11:27] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
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