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- <?php
- /*
- UserSpice 4
- An Open Source PHP User Management System
- by the UserSpice Team at
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
- class DB {
- private static $_instance = null;
- private $_pdo, $_query, $_error = false, $_errorInfo, $_results, $_resultsArray, $_count = 0, $_lastId, $_queryCount=0;
- private function __construct(){
- if (!$opts = Config::get('mysql/options'))
- $opts = array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET SESSION sql_mode = ''");
- try{
- $this->_pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=' .
- Config::get('mysql/host') .';dbname='.
- Config::get('mysql/db') . ';charset=utf8',
- Config::get('mysql/username'),
- Config::get('mysql/password'),
- $opts);
- } catch(PDOException $e){
- die($e->getMessage());
- }
- }
- public static function getInstance(){
- if (!isset(self::$_instance)) {
- self::$_instance = new DB();
- }
- return self::$_instance;
- }
- public function query($sql, $params = array()){
- //echo "DEBUG: query(sql=$sql, params=".print_r($params,true).")<br />\n";
- $this->_queryCount++;
- $this->_error = false;
- $this->_errorInfo = array(0, null, null);
- $this->_resultsArray = [];
- $this->_count = 0;
- $this->_lastId = 0;
- if ($this->_query = $this->_pdo->prepare($sql)) {
- $x = 1;
- if (count($params)) {
- foreach ($params as $param) {
- $this->_query->bindValue($x, $param);
- $x++;
- }
- }
- if ($this->_query->execute()) {
- $type = substr($sql, 0, 6);
- if ($type == 'SELECT' && $this->_query->columnCount() > 0) {
- $this->_results = $this->_query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
- $this->_resultsArray = json_decode(json_encode($this->_results), true);
- }
- if ($type == 'INSERT') {
- $this->_lastId = $this->_pdo->lastInsertId();
- }
- $this->_count = $this->_query->rowCount();
- } else {
- $this->_error = true;
- $this->_errorInfo = $this->_query->errorInfo();
- }
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function findAll($table){
- return $this->action('SELECT *',$table);
- }
- public function findById($id,$table){
- return $this->action('SELECT *',$table,array('id','=',$id));
- }
- public function action($action, $table, $where = array()){
- $sql = "{$action} FROM {$table}";
- $values = array();
- $is_ok = true;
- if ($where_text = $this->_calcWhere($where, $values, "and", $is_ok))
- $sql .= " WHERE $where_text";
- if ($is_ok)
- if (!$this->query($sql, $values)->error())
- return $this;
- return false;
- }
- private function _calcWhere($w, &$vals, $comboparg='and', &$is_ok=NULL) {
- #echo "DEBUG: Entering _calcwhere(w=".print_r($w,true).",...)<br />\n";
- if (is_array($w)) {
- #echo "DEBUG: is_array - check<br />\n";
- $comb_ops = ['and', 'or', 'and not', 'or not'];
- $valid_ops = ['=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '<>', '!=', 'LIKE', 'NOT LIKE', 'ALIKE', 'NOT ALIKE', 'REGEXP', 'NOT REGEXP'];
- $two_args = ['IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL'];
- $four_args = ['BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN'];
- $arr_arg = ['IN', 'NOT IN'];
- $nested_arg = ['ANY', 'ALL', 'SOME'];
- $nested = ['EXISTS', 'NOT EXISTS'];
- $nestedIN = ['IN SELECT', 'NOT IN SELECT'];
- $wcount = count($w);
- if ($wcount == 0)
- return "";
- # believe it or not, this appears to be the fastest way to check
- # sequential vs associative. Particularly with our expected short
- # arrays it shouldn't impact memory usage
- #
- if (array_values($w) === $w) { // sequential array
- #echo "DEBUG: Sequential array - check!<br />\n";
- if (in_array(strtolower($w[0]), $comb_ops)) {
- #echo "DEBUG: w=".print_r($w,true)."<br />\n";
- $sql = '';
- $combop = '';
- for ($i = 1; $i < $wcount; $i++) {
- $sql .= ' '. $combop . ' ' . $this->_calcWhere($w[$i], $vals, "and", $is_ok);
- $combop = $w[0];
- }
- return '('.$sql.')';
- } elseif ($wcount==3 && in_array($w[1],$valid_ops)) {
- #echo "DEBUG: normal condition w=".print_r($w,true)."<br />\n";
- $vals[] = $w[2];
- return "{$w[0]} {$w[1]} ?";
- } elseif ($wcount==2 && in_array($w[1],$two_args)) {
- return "{$w[0]} {$w[1]}";
- } elseif ($wcount==4 && in_array($w[1],$four_args)) {
- $vals[] = $w[2];
- $vals[] = $w[3];
- return "{$w[0]} {$w[1]} ? AND ?";
- } elseif ($wcount==3 && in_array($w[1],$arr_arg) && is_array($w[2])) {
- $vals = array_merge($vals,$w[2]);
- return "{$w[0]} {$w[1]} (" . substr( str_repeat(",?",count($w[2])), 1) . ")";
- } elseif (($wcount==5 || $wcount==6 && is_array($w[5])) && in_array($w[1],$valid_ops) && in_array($w[2],$nested_arg)) {
- return "{$w[0]} {$w[1]} {$w[2]}" . $this->get_subquery_sql($w[4],$w[3],$w[5],$vals,$is_ok);
- } elseif (($wcount==3 || $wcount==4 && is_array($w[3])) && in_array($w[0],$nested)) {
- return $w[0] . $this->get_subquery_sql($w[2],$w[1],$w[3],$vals,$is_ok);
- } elseif (($wcount==4 || $wcount==5 && is_array($w[4])) && in_array($w[1],$nestedIN)) {
- return "{$w[0]} " . substr($w[1],0,-7) . $this->get_subquery_sql($w[3],$w[2],$w[4],$vals,$is_ok);
- } else {
- echo "ERROR: w=".print_r($w,true)."<br />\n";
- $is_ok = false;
- }
- } else { // associative array ['field' => 'value']
- #echo "DEBUG: Associative<br />\n";
- $sql = '';
- $combop = '';
- foreach ($w as $k=>$v) {
- if (in_array(strtolower($k), $comb_ops)) {
- #echo "DEBUG: A<br />\n";
- #echo "A: k=$k, v=".print_r($v,true)."<br />\n";
- $sql .= $combop . ' (' . $this->_calcWhere($v, $vals, $k, $is_ok) . ') ';
- $combop = $comboparg;
- } else {
- #echo "DEBUG: B<br />\n";
- #echo "B: k=$k, v=".print_r($v,true)."<br />\n";
- $vals[] = $v;
- if (in_array(substr($k,-1,1), array('=', '<', '>'))) // 'field !='=>'value'
- $sql .= $combop . ' ' . $k . ' ? ';
- else // 'field'=>'value'
- $sql .= $combop . ' ' . $k . ' = ? ';
- $combop = $comboparg;
- }
- }
- return ' ('.$sql.') ';
- }
- } else {
- echo "ERROR: No array in $w<br />\n";
- $is_ok = false;
- }
- }
- public function get($table, $where){
- return $this->action('SELECT *', $table, $where);
- }
- public function delete($table, $where){
- return empty($where) ? false : $this->action('DELETE', $table, $where);
- }
- public function deleteById($table,$id){
- return $this->action('DELETE',$table,array('id','=',$id));
- }
- public function insert($table, $fields=[], $update=false) {
- $keys = array_keys($fields);
- $values = [];
- $records = 0;
- foreach ($fields as $field) {
- $count = is_array($field) ? count($field) : 1;
- if (!isset($first_time) || $count<$records) {
- $first_time = true;
- $records = $count;
- }
- }
- for ($i=0; $i<$records; $i++)
- foreach ($fields as $field)
- $values[] = is_array($field) ? $field[$i] : $field;
- $col = ",(" . substr( str_repeat(",?",count($fields)), 1) . ")";
- $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} (`". implode('`,`', $keys)."`) VALUES ". substr( str_repeat($col,$records), 1);
- if ($update) {
- foreach ($keys as $key)
- if ($key != "id")
- $sql .= " `$key` = VALUES(`$key`),";
- if (!empty($keys))
- $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1);
- }
- return !$this->query($sql, $values)->error();
- }
- public function update($table, $id, $fields){
- $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET " . (empty($fields) ? "" : "`") . implode("` = ? , `", array_keys($fields)) . (empty($fields) ? "" : "` = ? ");
- $is_ok = true;
- if (!is_array($id)) {
- $sql .= "WHERE id = ?";
- $fields[] = $id;
- } else {
- if (empty($id))
- return false;
- if ($where_text = $this->_calcWhere($id, $fields, "and", $is_ok))
- $sql .= "WHERE $where_text";
- }
- if ($is_ok)
- if (!$this->query($sql, $fields)->error())
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- public function results($assoc = false){
- if($assoc) return $this->_resultsArray;
- return $this->_results;
- }
- public function first($assoc = false){
- return (!$assoc || $assoc && $this->count()>0) ? $this->results($assoc)[0] : [];
- }
- public function count(){
- return $this->_count;
- }
- public function error(){
- return $this->_error;
- }
- public function errorInfo() {
- return $this->_errorInfo;
- }
- public function errorString() {
- return 'ERROR #'.$this->_errorInfo[0].': '.$this->_errorInfo[2];
- }
- public function lastId(){
- return $this->_lastId;
- }
- public function getQueryCount(){
- return $this->_queryCount;
- }
- private function get_subquery_sql($action, $table, $where, &$values, &$is_ok) {
- if (is_array($where))
- if ($where_text = $this->_calcWhere($where, $values, "and", $is_ok))
- $where_text = " WHERE $where_text";
- return " (SELECT $action FROM $table$where_text)";
- }
- public function cell($tablecolumn, $id=[]) {
- $input = explode(".", $tablecolumn, 2);
- if (count($input) != 2)
- return null;
- $result = $this->action("SELECT {$input[1]}", $input[0], (is_numeric($id) ? ["id","=",$id] : $id));
- return ($result && $this->_count>0) ? $this->_resultsArray[0][$input[1]] : null;
- }
- }
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