
Anon Gets Brushies

Oct 6th, 2016
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  1. >”anon, I've never seen such disgusting teeth”
  2. >be anon
  3. >you got a toothache last week and decided to go to the dentist
  4. >only dentist in Ponyville is Colgate
  5. >she can be intense about oral hygiene
  6. “Well tell Ponks to stop fattening me up with sugar cakes and they wouldn't be so bad!”
  7. >she snorts
  8. >”It doesn't even look like you brush. What are you doing to take care of your teeth?”
  9. “Uhhhhh. Welll…”
  10. >she glares
  11. >”well?”
  12. “I don't really do anything.”
  13. >she rolls her eyes
  14. >she floats a pokey tool from the table next to your chair
  15. >”this is why we brush”
  16. >she jabs the tool into a back molar
  17. “AH YOU BITCH”
  18. >”I'm going to give you a picture of me. Hang it up in your bathroom. Hopefully it reminds you to brush twice every day.”
  19. >shrug
  20. >she finishes polishing your teeth and leaves you feeling minty
  21. >get back to the treehouse
  22. >Twilight is waiting on you
  23. >”Hi anon! How was your appointment?”
  24. “Sucked. I have bad teeth.”
  25. >”I'm sorry Anon. Should I throw away this box of eclairs that Pinkie brought over?”
  26. “Why is that even a question? Give’em up Princess Porkle.”
  27. >and they were delicious
  29. >be anon
  30. >time for bed
  31. >”Goodnight Anon! Don't forget to brush your teeth!”
  32. “Fuck you twiggles”
  33. >you stomp into the bathroom
  34. >she's hung the picture of Colgate up on the mirror
  35. >it's her stupid face with a speech bubble
  36. >’don't forget to brush!’
  37. >meh
  38. >you paste up your brush and rub it around your mouth for a bit
  39. >you rinse and spit
  40. >looking up at the mirror, the picture has changed
  41. >she's got a frown and the speech bubble is different
  42. >’is that the best you can do?’
  43. “Yes”
  44. >nothing happens
  45. >you pick your brush back up and rub for another 30 seconds
  46. >picture goes back to smiling
  47. >’thank you anon’
  48. “I knew the mint bleach was too good to be true”
  49. >you go upstairs and curl up next to your favorite pony
  50. >”anon, I'm trying to sleep!”
  51. “Shhhhhh, can't sleep downstairs. Picture haunted.”
  52. >”Whatever, just don't be jerking off in your sleep”
  53. >you snicker to yourself as you pull her in closer
  55. >be anon
  56. >next morning
  57. >wake up with Spackle buried into your chest
  58. >this would be adorable if you didn't have to pee
  59. >you carry her to the bathroom with you
  60. >out of the corner of your eye, you get spooked
  61. >picture changed again
  62. >her smile is way creepier now
  63. >’lemme see your teeth anon’
  64. “Gaaaaah”
  65. >you rip the picture down
  66. >twilight stirs
  67. >”what are you doing anon? Why are we in the bathroom?”
  68. “I didn't want to wake you but I needed to pee but then I got spooked by Colgate”
  69. >”you said you only get spooked by skeletons”
  70. “Well let's add weird dentists to that list now”
  71. >”lemme see the picture”
  72. >she jumps down and magically picks up the picture
  73. >you pee while she does magic shit
  74. >she looks on, disgusted
  75. >”you're an animal”
  76. “Hey, if I wanted to be an animal, I'd go live with fluttershy.”
  77. >”well I don't know what charm she put on this, I'll need more time with it. Don't forget to bush your teeth since you're in here.”
  79. >"Shut the fuck up and brush your teeth"
  80. >you look back at the picture
  81. >she's sticking her tongue out
  82. >'yeah anon, brush your teeth'
  84. >you spend a solid two minutes brushing evenly all over
  85. >you spit blood from your swollen gums, but your mouth does feel a little cleaner
  86. >you leave the picture up and go get dressed
  87. >you come back after a minute and pick up the photo
  88. >It's back to the standard 'brush your teeth' message
  89. >you take it down to Twilight's lab
  90. "You forgot this"
  91. >"Okay, while I'm working on this, will you run errands for me?"
  92. "Is it just going to be a trip to the store for more hayburgers?"
  93. >"Well, yes, but I also need other things. List is on the counter in the kitchen."
  94. "Yes your majesty"
  95. >you bow sarcastically
  96. >she doesn't notice
  97. >fuck you twilight
  99. >be anon
  100. >hanging out at the general store
  101. >shopping for twilight
  102. >you're trying to decide on which hayburger twilight will hate
  103. >not that you don't love living with her
  104. >she's just so easy to wind up
  105. >and that scrunch face is cute as fuck
  107. "AHHHH!"
  108. >spooked by Colgate again
  109. "Leave me alone devil horse!"
  110. >she giggles
  111. >"Did I scare you anon?"
  112. "No, my species just screams for fun every now and then."
  113. >"Did you brush your teeth today?"
  114. "Yes, no thanks to your stupid haunted picture."
  115. >"Are your gums still bleeding?"
  116. "Not real- wait, how did you know that"
  117. >Lucky guess?"
  118. "Bullshit"
  119. >"show me your teeth anon"
  120. >she's being more forceful now
  121. "You're really weirding me out"
  122. >she's practically drooling over your teeth
  123. >"Come on Anon, lemme see your teeth! I won't hurt you. I just want to examine you again."
  124. >she bats her eyelashes
  125. >Is she coming on to you?
  126. "Teeth are not for sexual Colgate."
  127. >"Yes they are!"
  128. >Like a switch flipping, she goes full rage
  129. >she magically grabs your head and pulls you to the ground
  130. >PANIC
  131. "Get out of my mouth!"
  132. >you push her off and run
  133. >you're at the door
  134. >you feel your feet rise and you swing forward
  135. >you hit your head on the ground and blackout
  137. >be anon
  138. >you wake up in a dark room
  139. >your head is pounding
  140. >you go to rub it and find your wrists bound to a chair
  141. "HELLO!?!?"
  142. >a door opens behind you
  143. >hooves clop toward you
  144. >your chair starts to lean back
  145. >you heart races as a bright light appears above you
  146. >"Good morning Mr. Anon. Thanks for coming in for a cleaning."
  147. >fucking Colgate
  148. "What are you doing to me?"
  149. >you strain against the knots on your hands
  150. >"I'm cleaning your teeth silly"
  151. >she's entire too chipper about this situation
  152. >she magics over a tray with various tools
  153. >you clamp your mouth shut and look away
  154. >"Oh this just won't do Anon."
  155. >a warm glow envelops your head as your forced to look back at the ceiling
  156. >your mouth is pried open and she forces something in to keep it from closing
  157. >"Now, let's take a look at the damage."
  158. >she pokes at your gums and teeth
  159. >"Your gums are so swollen, you really need to brush more gentle. Let's try flossing too."
  160. >she floats some string into your mouth and works it in between each tooth
  161. >the pain is excruciating
  162. >it's like she's stabbing you in each gap
  163. >If you make it out alive, you'll never go a day without brushing again
  164. >after hours of pain, she finishes
  165. >"Now, Anon, are you ready for the polishing?"
  166. >she floats a tooth brush off the table
  167. >you close your eyes
  168. >"I have the perfect flavor for you"
  169. >she shoves the toothbrush into your mouth
  170. >this isn't normal toothpaste
  171. >it's peppermint, but also slightly sweet and a little musky
  172. >wait
  173. >no
  174. >you open your eyes
  175. >she takes the toothbrush out and dips it into her vag
  176. >"You like that? It's my special blend."
  177. >despair, but also erection
  178. >"Now time for your fluoride rinse"
  179. >she jumps on top of you and sits on your face
  180. >she grinds into your mouth, dripping marecum into your mouth
  181. >"Yeaaaah Anon, take as much of me as you want"
  182. >she's flooding your mouth with her peppermint juice
  183. >you try to breath but end up choking on marecum
  184. >you flail about trying to get her off you
  185. >"Unf, don't stop"
  186. >your vision fades
  187. >you're about to pass out when she climbs off
  188. >gasping
  189. >"Don't forget to swish and swallow!"
  190. "H-*cough*-HELP! I NEED AN ADULT!"
  191. >"All done Anon! That's wasn't so bad was it?"
  192. >she releases your binds and you bolt for the door
  193. >it's the middle of the night
  194. >you're sprinting through the streets to get to the treehouse
  195. >you burst through the door
  196. >"Oh Anon! There you are. Did you get my hayburgers?"
  197. >FUCK. THIS. TOWN.
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