
Scribble's Scribbles: Scribble's First Winter

May 27th, 2015
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  1. >The sky had fallen grey a few weeks ago, pulling away the breath from the once golden red trees, leaving them to shiver bare in the cold that seemed relentless to all but the evergreens who stood boldly against faint white.
  2. >Though snow had not come for a while, especially inside the little village. Cold was common. Snow? Snow was rare.
  3. >Scribble giggled lightly, rubbing her hooves and holding them in front of the fire, looking under the tree nearby, her tail swaying excitedly as she squinted at the two wrapped presents with her name written neatly across the small tags attached.
  4. >She was certain it was a quill… Maybe even ink! She had been asking for months, and she felt she had been behaving well – maybe stealing books from the library was a little bad, but weren’t books good?
  5. >Scribble frowned to herself, pondering over the complexities of good and bad in her innocent mind. When suddenly something caught the corner of her eye.
  6. >She turned toward the window, which had been decorated in a light frost. Just beyond the blurred glass, she could see small shapes moving slowly down. They looked like circles… no… They were too weird for circles.
  7. >Scribble hopped up on the sofa, struggling a bit before pulling herself up and leaning on the armrest, rubbing her hoof to the window to clear a small circle she could look through.
  8. >Before her, little crystals fell with the delicacy of her own wings, silvery specs that seemed to capture what little light seeped through the clouds, before disappearing in the sea of white that had formed below.
  9. >Her mouth hung open, speech and though escaping her as she watched the snow slowly rise.
  10. >Of course Scribble had seen snow in books, heard it in stories… But to see it in real life? It was incredible!
  11. >She darted outside, wings flapping excitedly as she jumped into the first pile she could find, sinking into it almost immediately.
  12. >She whined for a moment, before jumping up and landing in another deep pile, bouncing around and around until she had made a little path for herself.
  13. >She chomped down on a patch of snow, frowning as it melted to water in her mouth, disappointed it hadn’t been sugar.
  14. >This went on for hours, the little filly eventually tiring herself out and trotting slowly back inside, curling up next to the fire—cheeks a gentle red, blush painted by the cold. Nose numb, yet so delightfully sensitive.
  15. >She scooted closer to the flames, sighing happily as the fire warmed her snowy fur.
  16. >As she closed her eyes, ready to sleep and dream of her newest experience, the last thought to dance across her mind.
  17. >”When I open my presents… I know what I want to write about~”
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