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Feb 17th, 2019
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  1. Jade: Dream.: Jade's bed and uh, robo-vault have 4 little towers with orbs on top that light up when she's dreaming. Very similar to the 4 towers on Prospit and Derse that hold the kernel orbs, or possibly the dreamer towers on the moons, although there's two of those on each moon in this session.
  3. ==> (993): Jade is the only player here that doesn't have some sort of subconscious dream grafitti all over her dream room's walls.
  5. ==> (994): RETCON WATCH: arm on the lower left of the first panel.
  7. Jade: Open the Package.: I don't know why "Package" is capitalized here.
  9. RETCON WATCH: Oil on the wall of the dream stairwell.
  11. ==> (998): From: GT? Who might this 'GT' character be?
  13. Months in the past...: John's defaced bedroom walls are first visible here! A clever way to rapidly establish that the scribblings have existed for a long time
  15. ==> (1000): The juxtaposition between the introduction of the trolls and the revelation of John switching from GT to EB makes it seem like Hussie already had come up with the oblique consequences of this seemingly innocuous action, vis-a-vis weird universe DNA stuff. Also he is really amping up the mystery for a box containing a shirt and some pumpkin seeds. Also, this is the first time that a pesterlog begins with 'X began pestering Y' without including a timestamp for the conversation. It makes sense that this aspect of the program was quietly dropped.
  17. John: Make totems.: And the first time we see the clown scribbles in the present, very shortly after, causing a serious bit of intentional discontinuity for serial readers.
  19. Rose: Flee room.: Maplehoof seems to be the originator of the pet naming trend, although she is never renamed.
  21. Years in the future...: Homestuck Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 were released at this time.
  23. ==> (1021): I believe this is the final exile page with a link to a /waywardvagabond/ sub-page containing more images.
  25. Rose: Build as much as you can as fast as you can.: A really clever bit of gaslighting here. The tinyURL links here are in the format 'O413' instead of the original ones' '0413'. And they link to files named '7' and '8', whereas the originals were titled '07' and '08'. There's also versions of the other single-digit-numbered files with the preceding 0 taken off them, although 7 and 8 are the only ones where John's drawings are visible. There's even a separate set of tinyURL links with a preceding 'O' beyond the ones linked to in the story (try as an example).
  27. John: Alchemize.: The Bunny Sassacre fedora? It comes BACK. What doesn't?
  29. ==> (1025): STRIIIIIIDEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!" becomes a common battlecry for the unjustly wounded.
  31. [S] Jade: Dream up extra arms and play advanced bass solo.: Music: "The Beginning of Something Really Excellent" by Robert J! Lake in Homestuck Vol. 5
  33. The little shot of Jade playing the piano in time to the music was added when the music in this flash was changed (to better fit the timing):
  34. "Guardian v2" by Bill Bolin in Homestuck Vol. 4
  35. Remix of "Guardian" by Bill Bolin
  37. Robert J! Lake has released several independent albums and composed the Omegalodon! soundtrack.
  39. Jade: Change wardrobifier to cycle thru STAR HEART HORSESHOE: STAR - HEART - HORSESHOE is a code used in Problem Sleuth. I believe to call up some leprechauns through a shitt magical phone. Leprechauns reappear in Homestuck in a totally different format, although their relationship to stars, hearts, and horseshoes somewhat remains.
  41. Jade: Go explore the golden city.: The one big difference from Jade's house to her dream tower is the existence of the separate orb where her bedroom is located (the 'main' orb is Grandpa's lab).
  43. ==> (1033): Not only do we understand where the white carapacians come from now, this is also the first time seeing an exile in their previous lives in the session, raising a host of questions.
  45. ==> (1049): That weird clown doll on his bed is later revealed to be a chucklevoodoo created by Gamzee. Was that the intention at this point of the story?
  47. ==> (1051): No clue as to why being outside during an eclipse would be dangerous for someone who can fly. Skaia's vision-clouds are essentially harmless.
  49. John: Alchemize in a 1980's time-lapse montage.: John's alchemy binge was actually directed by a reader poll. Hussie listed an absurd amount of items (80!) that could be found around John's house, and readers selected the ones they most wanted to see used in alchemy.
  51. Also, SBaHJ comic #10 was released at this time. Don't know yet when 8 and 9 were released.
  53. John: Combine glasses and PDA.: Hands-free communication devices become standard fare. Although it's never quite made clear how you actually input text on them. The easiest choice would be voice-to-text, but that raises the question of why the kids never communicate through voice chat (it's for story reasons, obviously).
  55. John: Captchalogue/punch Heath Ledger Joker figurine.: You can follow the tale of that incredible painting here:
  57. BTW the amount of money he paid for it ($425) corresponds to the amount of grist needed to alchemize it.
  59. John: Combine Dad's hat and Problem Sleuth game.: Problem Sleuth always carries candy corn under his hat, for obvious reasons.
  61. John: Combine Hammer and Problem Sleuth game.: The mystery item here is clearly implied to be the Warhammer of Zillyhoo, which originated from one of the donation commands from Problem Sleuth. Although the hammer is later shown to have an alchemy cost of one zillion zillium grist, we're much later shown that items can have different alchemy costs depending on what combination of objects are used to make them, therefore closing the only plot hole in all of Homestuck.
  63. ==> (1069): RETCON WATCH: Arm among the huge jumble of items.
  65. [S] Dave: Strife!: Dave's sword confirmed to be a "cheap piece of shit". Also, the flame design used for Bro's rocket skateboard becomes the standard design for all rocket-propelled modes of transportation.
  67. Music: "Versus" by Toby "Radiation" Fox on Homestuck Vol. 5
  69. This page originally used different music:
  70. "Contention" by Bill Bolin and Toby "Radiation" Fox on Homestuck Vol. 4
  72. ==> (1071): RETCON WATCH: Oil to the left of Dave.
  74. [S] Jade: Pester John.: BONUS TRIVIA ANSWER: Jack Noir.
  76. Music: "Ballad of Awakening" by Malcolm Brown in Homestuck Vol. 4
  78. Dave: Captchalogue beta.: "what are you made of time" again associates Dave with time. And later, used to describe a Maid of Time.
  80. Dave: Pester Rose.: RETCON WATCH: Another jumble of items, another hidden arm.
  82. dear rose,: The birthday present notes begin to appear at this point. The crappy drawings are supposed to be of each kid's shirt icons.
  84. Dave: Answer.: This page provides the title for Act 3. We also get to see different wallpapers for Rose and Dave's computers here. The troll that confuses Dave for a girl is either Terezi or Aradia (check later). Between both of these conversations, we're shown the trollhandles for the remaining 7 trolls (Aradia, Tavros, Nepeta, Kanaya, Terezi, Equius, Feferi).
  86. AR: Examine the wall behind you.: RETCON WATCH: Oil on the hieroglyphs.
  88. AR: Quickly retrieve side arms.: More "retrieve arms".
  90. ==> (1106): Note Grandpa's face on the crates of weapons.
  92. ==> (1108): First sign of the Dersite attitude towards frogs and frog iconography.
  94. AR: Be the law.: "I AM THE LAW" is a famous quote from "Judge Dredd".
  96. PM: Scamper quickly to the newly created hole.: RETCON WATCH: Oil in the bottom left corner.
  98. ==> (1134): RETCON WATCH: You can just baaarely make out an arm in the distance.
  100. dear jade,: Finally explaining why John and Jade have swapped shirt icon colors, and further canonizing the Green Slime Ghost merch's story. Hey, did you notice the Topatoco logo on the shirt label?
  102. ==> (1146): It also mirrors the goofy cartoon pig Jade from when she was introduced.
  104. [S] Enter.: Of course we get a glimpse of the timer when it's at 4:13. "STRIIIDEEEEEER!!!!!" of course is a callback. Zazzerpan's broken hand in the future is explained, and we get our first real look at the confusing nature of many object's personal timelines. But honestly, it's a pretty straightforward flash, all things considered.
  106. SBaHJ comic #11 (that Dave is drawing at the beginning of this flash!) was released at this time).
  108. Music: "Sburban Jungle" by Michael Guy Bowman in Homestuck Vol. 4
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