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Mar 13th, 2019
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  1. [PHP Version]
  2. [WordPress Version] 4.9.9
  3. [Unbounce Plugin Version] 1.0.44
  4. [Checks] [
  5. Domain is Authorized: true
  6. Can Fetch Page Listing: true
  7. Curl Support: true
  8. XML Support: true
  9. Permalink Structure: true
  10. Supported PHP Version: true
  11. Supported Wordpress Version: true
  12. SNI Support: true]
  13. [Options] [
  14. ub-route-cache: [
  15. [
  16. proxyable_url_set: [,,,,]
  17. proxyable_url_set_etag: '"2841e04aae0ffda470606abde0416726"'
  18. proxyable_url_set_cache_timeout: '10'
  19. proxyable_url_set_fetched_at: 1552474537
  20. last_status: 'SAME'
  21. failure_message: 'An error occurred while retrieving routes;
  22. HTTP code: \'0\';
  23. Error: OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to ']
  24. [
  25. proxyable_url_set: []
  26. proxyable_url_set_etag: '"0d0659b53baedafcb92ccde596c53543"'
  27. proxyable_url_set_cache_timeout: '10'
  28. proxyable_url_set_fetched_at: 1543494394
  29. last_status: 'SAME']]
  30. ub-remote-debug: '0'
  31. ub-page-server-domain: ''
  32. ub-remote-log-url: ''
  33. ub-remote-events-url: ''
  34. ub-api-url: ''
  35. ub-api-client-id: '660a311881321b9d4e777993e50875dec5da9cc4ef44369d121544b21da52b92'
  36. ub-authorized-domains: [
  37. 1: '']
  38. ub-has-authorized: '1'
  39. ub-user-id: '1069523'
  40. ub-domain-id: '2833511'
  41. ub-client-id: '2859961'
  42. ub-proxy-error-message: ''
  43. ub-allow-public-address-x-forwarded-for: '0'
  44. ub-use-curl: '1'
  45. ub-plugin-version: '1.0.44']
  46. [Permalink Structure] /blog/%postname%/
  47. [Domain]
  48. [Domain Authorized] true
  49. [Has Authorized] true
  50. [Active Plugins] [
  51. 0: 'polylang/polylang.php'
  52. 1: 'better-search-replace/better-search-replace.php'
  53. 2: 'cf7-pipedrive-integration/cf7-pipedrive.php'
  54. 3: 'contact-form-7-dynamic-text-extension/contact-form-7-dynamic-text-extension.php'
  55. 4: 'contact-form-7-get-and-show-parameter-from-url/getparam.php'
  56. 5: 'contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php'
  57. 6: 'custom-field-suite/cfs.php'
  58. 7: 'disqus-comment-system/disqus.php'
  59. 8: 'duplicate-page/duplicatepage.php'
  60. 9: 'easy-load-more/easy-load-more.php'
  61. 10: 'easy-table-of-contents/easy-table-of-contents.php'
  62. 11: 'formidable-pro/formidable-pro.php'
  63. 12: 'formidable-zapier/formidable-zapier.php'
  64. 13: 'formidable/formidable.php'
  65. 14: 'hierarchical-html-sitemap/hierarchical-sitemap.php'
  66. 15: 'international-telephone-input-for-contact-form-7/functions.php'
  67. 16: 'lazy-load/lazy-load.php'
  68. 17: 'optimus/optimus.php'
  69. 18: 'permalink-manager/permalink-manager.php'
  70. 19: 'reading-time-wp/rt-reading-time.php'
  71. 20: 'recent-posts-widget-with-thumbnails/recent-posts-widget-with-thumbnails.php'
  72. 21: 'redirection/redirection.php'
  73. 22: 'related-posts-thumbnails/related-posts-thumbnails.php'
  74. 23: 'safe-svg/safe-svg.php'
  75. 24: 'sassy-social-share/sassy-social-share.php'
  76. 25: 'tablepress/tablepress.php'
  77. 26: 'tinymce-advanced/tinymce-advanced.php'
  78. 27: 'unbounce/Unbounce-Page.php'
  79. 28: 'updraftplus/updraftplus.php'
  80. 29: 'wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php'
  81. 30: 'wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php'
  82. 31: 'wp-changelog/wordpress-changelog.php'
  83. 33: 'wp-link-status/wp-link-status.php'
  84. 34: 'wp-migrate-db-pro-media-files/wp-migrate-db-pro-media-files.php'
  85. 35: 'wp-migrate-db-pro-theme-plugin-files/wp-migrate-db-pro-theme-plugin-files.php'
  86. 36: 'wp-migrate-db-pro/wp-migrate-db-pro.php'
  87. 37: 'wpforms-drip/wpforms-drip.php'
  88. 38: 'wpforms/wpforms.php']
  89. [Plugin Details] [
  90. autoptimize/autoptimize.php: [
  91. Name: 'Autoptimize'
  92. PluginURI: ''
  93. Version: '2.4.1'
  94. Description: 'Optimize your website\'s performance: JS, CSS, HTML, images, Google Fonts and more!'
  95. Author: 'Frank Goossens (futtta)'
  96. AuthorURI: ''
  97. TextDomain: 'autoptimize'
  98. DomainPath: ''
  99. Network: false
  100. Title: 'Autoptimize'
  101. AuthorName: 'Frank Goossens (futtta)']
  102. better-search-replace/better-search-replace.php: [
  103. Name: 'Better Search Replace'
  104. PluginURI: ''
  105. Version: '1.3.2'
  106. Description: 'A small plugin for running a search/replace on your WordPress database.'
  107. Author: 'Delicious Brains'
  108. AuthorURI: ''
  109. TextDomain: 'better-search-replace'
  110. DomainPath: '/languages'
  111. Network: true
  112. Title: 'Better Search Replace'
  113. AuthorName: 'Delicious Brains']
  114. cf7-pipedrive-integration/cf7-pipedrive.php: [
  115. Name: 'CF7 Pipedrive Integration'
  116. PluginURI: ''
  117. Version: '1.3.1'
  118. Description: 'CF7 Pipedrive Integration is a minimal plugin that creates a Pipedrive Deal using the form information when a Contact form 7 form is successfully submitted. Enter your API key and the forms you want Deals submitted for and you\'re done.'
  119. Author: 'Lucas Healy'
  120. AuthorURI: ''
  121. TextDomain: 'cf7-pipedrive'
  122. DomainPath: ''
  123. Network: false
  124. Title: 'CF7 Pipedrive Integration'
  125. AuthorName: 'Lucas Healy']
  126. contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php: [
  127. Name: 'Contact Form 7'
  128. PluginURI: ''
  129. Version: '5.0.5'
  130. Description: 'Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.'
  131. Author: 'Takayuki Miyoshi'
  132. AuthorURI: ''
  133. TextDomain: 'contact-form-7'
  134. DomainPath: '/languages/'
  135. Network: false
  136. Title: 'Contact Form 7'
  137. AuthorName: 'Takayuki Miyoshi']
  138. contact-form-7-dynamic-text-extension/contact-form-7-dynamic-text-extension.php: [
  139. Name: 'Contact Form 7 - Dynamic Text Extension'
  140. PluginURI: ''
  141. Version: ''
  142. Description: 'Provides a dynamic text field that accepts any shortcode to generate the content. Requires Contact Form 7'
  143. Author: 'Chris Mavricos, SevenSpark'
  144. AuthorURI: ''
  145. TextDomain: 'contact-form-7-dynamic-text-extension'
  146. DomainPath: ''
  147. Network: false
  148. Title: 'Contact Form 7 - Dynamic Text Extension'
  149. AuthorName: 'Chris Mavricos, SevenSpark']
  150. contact-form-7-get-and-show-parameter-from-url/getparam.php: [
  151. Name: 'Contact Form 7 Get and Show Parameter from URL'
  152. PluginURI: ''
  153. Version: '0.9.7'
  154. Description: 'Get and Show Parameter from URL Contact Form 7 Plugin'
  155. Author: 'Chad Huntley'
  156. AuthorURI: 'http://URI_Of_The_Plugin_Author'
  157. TextDomain: 'contact-form-7-get-and-show-parameter-from-url'
  158. DomainPath: ''
  159. Network: false
  160. Title: 'Contact Form 7 Get and Show Parameter from URL'
  161. AuthorName: 'Chad Huntley']
  162. custom-field-suite/cfs.php: [
  163. Name: 'Custom Field Suite'
  164. PluginURI: ''
  165. Version: '2.5.12'
  166. Description: 'Visually add custom fields to your WordPress edit pages.'
  167. Author: 'Matt Gibbs'
  168. AuthorURI: ''
  169. TextDomain: 'cfs'
  170. DomainPath: '/languages/'
  171. Network: false
  172. Title: 'Custom Field Suite'
  173. AuthorName: 'Matt Gibbs']
  174. disqus-comment-system/disqus.php: [
  175. Name: 'Disqus for WordPress'
  176. PluginURI: ''
  177. Version: '3.0.16'
  178. Description: 'Disqus helps publishers increase engagement and build loyal audiences. Supports syncing comments to your database for easy backup.'
  179. Author: 'Disqus'
  180. AuthorURI: ''
  181. TextDomain: 'disqus'
  182. DomainPath: '/languages'
  183. Network: false
  184. Title: 'Disqus for WordPress'
  185. AuthorName: 'Disqus']
  186. duplicate-page/duplicatepage.php: [
  187. Name: 'Duplicate Page'
  188. PluginURI: ''
  189. Version: '2.9'
  190. Description: 'Duplicate Posts, Pages and Custom Posts using single click.'
  191. Author: 'mndpsingh287'
  192. AuthorURI: ''
  193. TextDomain: 'duplicate-page'
  194. DomainPath: ''
  195. Network: false
  196. Title: 'Duplicate Page'
  197. AuthorName: 'mndpsingh287']
  198. easy-load-more/easy-load-more.php: [
  199. Name: 'Easy Load More'
  200. PluginURI: ''
  201. Version: '1.0.3'
  202. Description: 'Add an ajax load more button to any of your archive pages without editing your templates.'
  203. Author: 'Idiom Interactive'
  204. AuthorURI: ''
  205. TextDomain: 'easy-load-more'
  206. DomainPath: '/lang/'
  207. Network: false
  208. Title: 'Easy Load More'
  209. AuthorName: 'Idiom Interactive']
  210. easy-table-of-contents/easy-table-of-contents.php: [
  211. Name: 'Easy Table of Contents'
  212. PluginURI: ''
  213. Version: '1.7'
  214. Description: 'Adds a user friendly and fully automatic way to create and display a table of contents generated from the page content.'
  215. Author: 'Steven A. Zahm'
  216. AuthorURI: ''
  217. TextDomain: 'easy-table-of-contents'
  218. DomainPath: '/languages'
  219. Network: false
  220. Title: 'Easy Table of Contents'
  221. AuthorName: 'Steven A. Zahm']
  222. formidable/formidable.php: [
  223. Name: 'Formidable Forms'
  224. PluginURI: ''
  225. Version: '3.04.03'
  226. Description: 'Quickly and easily create drag-and-drop forms'
  227. Author: 'Strategy11'
  228. AuthorURI: ''
  229. TextDomain: 'formidable'
  230. DomainPath: ''
  231. Network: false
  232. Title: 'Formidable Forms'
  233. AuthorName: 'Strategy11']
  234. formidable-pro/formidable-pro.php: [
  235. Name: 'Formidable Forms Pro'
  236. PluginURI: ''
  237. Version: '3.04.03'
  238. Description: 'Add more power to your forms, and bring your reports and data management to the front-end.'
  239. Author: 'Strategy11'
  240. AuthorURI: ''
  241. TextDomain: 'formidable-pro'
  242. DomainPath: ''
  243. Network: false
  244. Title: 'Formidable Forms Pro'
  245. AuthorName: 'Strategy11']
  246. formidable-zapier/formidable-zapier.php: [
  247. Name: 'Formidable Zapier'
  248. PluginURI: ''
  249. Version: '1.05'
  250. Description: 'Integrate with everything through Zapier'
  251. Author: 'Strategy11'
  252. AuthorURI: ''
  253. TextDomain: 'formidable-zapier'
  254. DomainPath: ''
  255. Network: false
  256. Title: 'Formidable Zapier'
  257. AuthorName: 'Strategy11']
  258. hierarchical-html-sitemap/hierarchical-sitemap.php: [
  259. Name: 'Hierarchical HTML Sitemap'
  260. PluginURI: ''
  261. Version: '1.3'
  262. Description: 'Generates hierarchical HTML sitemap wich displays hierarchically sorted categories with posts links. You need add <code>[htmlmap]</code> shortcode at any page. It\'s working easy and fast. Super lightweight PHP code, without external CSS/JS files.'
  263. Author: 'Alexandra Vovk & WP Puzzle'
  264. AuthorURI: ''
  265. TextDomain: 'hierarchical-html-sitemap'
  266. DomainPath: '/languages'
  267. Network: false
  268. Title: 'Hierarchical HTML Sitemap'
  269. AuthorName: 'Alexandra Vovk & WP Puzzle']
  270. international-telephone-input-for-contact-form-7/functions.php: [
  271. Name: 'International Telephone Input for Contact Form 7 geo Update'
  272. PluginURI: ''
  273. Version: '1.5.2'
  274. Description: 'This plugins uses a jQuery plugin called International Telephone Input to add the capability to choose in a falg dropdow your country code'
  275. Author: 'Damià Rita'
  276. AuthorURI: ''
  277. TextDomain: 'international-telephone-input-for-contact-form-7'
  278. DomainPath: ''
  279. Network: false
  280. Title: 'International Telephone Input for Contact Form 7 geo Update'
  281. AuthorName: 'Damià Rita']
  282. lazy-load/lazy-load.php: [
  283. Name: 'Lazy Load'
  284. PluginURI: ''
  285. Version: '0.6.1'
  286. Description: 'Lazy load images to improve page load times. Uses jQuery.sonar to only load an image when it\'s visible in the viewport.'
  287. Author: ''
  288. AuthorURI: ''
  289. TextDomain: 'lazy-load'
  290. DomainPath: ''
  291. Network: false
  292. Title: 'Lazy Load'
  293. AuthorName: '']
  294. optimus/optimus.php: [
  295. Name: 'Optimus'
  296. PluginURI: ''
  297. Version: '1.6.0'
  298. Description: 'Smart compression and optimization of uploaded images in WordPress. Automatic, reliable, effective.'
  299. Author: 'KeyCDN'
  300. AuthorURI: ''
  301. TextDomain: 'optimus'
  302. DomainPath: ''
  303. Network: false
  304. Title: 'Optimus'
  305. AuthorName: 'KeyCDN']
  306. permalink-manager/permalink-manager.php: [
  307. Name: 'Permalink Manager Lite'
  308. PluginURI: ''
  309. Version: '2.1.1'
  310. Description: 'Advanced plugin that allows to set-up custom permalinks (bulk editors included), slugs and permastructures (WooCommerce compatible).'
  311. Author: 'Maciej Bis'
  312. AuthorURI: ''
  313. TextDomain: 'permalink-manager'
  314. DomainPath: '/languages'
  315. Network: false
  316. Title: 'Permalink Manager Lite'
  317. AuthorName: 'Maciej Bis']
  318. polylang/polylang.php: [
  319. Name: 'Polylang'
  320. PluginURI: ''
  321. Version: '2.4'
  322. Description: 'Adds multilingual capability to WordPress'
  323. Author: 'Frédéric Demarle'
  324. AuthorURI: ''
  325. TextDomain: 'polylang'
  326. DomainPath: '/languages'
  327. Network: false
  328. Title: 'Polylang'
  329. AuthorName: 'Frédéric Demarle']
  330. reading-time-wp/rt-reading-time.php: [
  331. Name: 'Reading Time WP'
  332. PluginURI: ''
  333. Version: '2.0.1'
  334. Description: 'Add an estimated reading time to your posts.'
  335. Author: 'Jason Yingling'
  336. AuthorURI: ''
  337. TextDomain: 'reading-time-wp'
  338. DomainPath: '/languages'
  339. Network: false
  340. Title: 'Reading Time WP'
  341. AuthorName: 'Jason Yingling']
  342. recent-posts-widget-with-thumbnails/recent-posts-widget-with-thumbnails.php: [
  343. Name: 'Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails'
  344. PluginURI: ''
  345. Version: '6.3.0'
  346. Description: 'Small and fast plugin to display in the sidebar a list of linked titles and thumbnails of the most recent postings'
  347. Author: 'Martin Stehle'
  348. AuthorURI: ''
  349. TextDomain: 'recent-posts-widget-with-thumbnails'
  350. DomainPath: '/languages'
  351. Network: false
  352. Title: 'Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails'
  353. AuthorName: 'Martin Stehle']
  354. redirection/redirection.php: [
  355. Name: 'Redirection'
  356. PluginURI: ''
  357. Version: '3.6.3'
  358. Description: 'Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors'
  359. Author: 'John Godley'
  360. AuthorURI: ''
  361. TextDomain: 'redirection'
  362. DomainPath: '/locale'
  363. Network: false
  364. Title: 'Redirection'
  365. AuthorName: 'John Godley']
  366. safe-svg/safe-svg.php: [
  367. Name: 'Safe SVG'
  368. PluginURI: ''
  369. Version: '1.8.0'
  370. Description: 'Allows SVG uploads into WordPress and sanitizes the SVG before saving it'
  371. Author: 'Daryll Doyle'
  372. AuthorURI: ''
  373. TextDomain: 'safe-svg'
  374. DomainPath: '/languages'
  375. Network: false
  376. Title: 'Safe SVG'
  377. AuthorName: 'Daryll Doyle']
  378. sassy-social-share/sassy-social-share.php: [
  379. Name: 'Sassy Social Share'
  380. PluginURI: ''
  381. Version: '3.2.8'
  382. Description: 'Slickest, Simplest and Optimized Share buttons. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, WhatsApp and over 100 more.'
  383. Author: 'Team Heateor'
  384. AuthorURI: ''
  385. TextDomain: 'sassy-social-share'
  386. DomainPath: '/languages'
  387. Network: false
  388. Title: 'Sassy Social Share'
  389. AuthorName: 'Team Heateor']
  390. tablepress/tablepress.php: [
  391. Name: 'TablePress'
  392. PluginURI: ''
  393. Version: '1.9.1'
  394. Description: 'Embed beautiful and feature-rich tables into your posts and pages, without having to write code.'
  395. Author: 'Tobias Bäthge'
  396. AuthorURI: ''
  397. TextDomain: 'tablepress'
  398. DomainPath: '/i18n'
  399. Network: false
  400. Title: 'TablePress'
  401. AuthorName: 'Tobias Bäthge']
  402. tinymce-advanced/tinymce-advanced.php: [
  403. Name: 'TinyMCE Advanced'
  404. PluginURI: ''
  405. Version: '4.8.0'
  406. Description: 'Enables advanced features and plugins in TinyMCE, the visual editor in WordPress.'
  407. Author: 'Andrew Ozz'
  408. AuthorURI: ''
  409. TextDomain: 'tinymce-advanced'
  410. DomainPath: '/langs'
  411. Network: false
  412. Title: 'TinyMCE Advanced'
  413. AuthorName: 'Andrew Ozz']
  414. unbounce/Unbounce-Page.php: [
  415. Name: 'Unbounce Landing Pages'
  416. PluginURI: ''
  417. Version: '1.0.44'
  418. Description: 'Unbounce is the most powerful standalone landing page builder available.'
  419. Author: 'Unbounce'
  420. AuthorURI: ''
  421. TextDomain: 'unbounce'
  422. DomainPath: ''
  423. Network: false
  424. Title: 'Unbounce Landing Pages'
  425. AuthorName: 'Unbounce']
  426. updraftplus/updraftplus.php: [
  427. Name: 'UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore'
  428. PluginURI: ''
  429. Version: '1.16.0'
  430. Description: 'Backup and restore: take backups locally, or backup to Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, (S)FTP, WebDAV & email, on automatic schedules.'
  431. Author: 'UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson'
  432. AuthorURI: ''
  433. TextDomain: 'updraftplus'
  434. DomainPath: '/languages'
  435. Network: false
  436. Title: 'UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore'
  437. AuthorName: 'UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson']
  438. wp-changelog/wordpress-changelog.php: [
  439. Name: 'WordPress Changelog'
  440. PluginURI: ''
  441. Version: '1.0'
  442. Description: 'WordPress changelog - logs any uploads, updates, installations/uninstallations, activations/deactivations of themes, plugins and WordPress core.'
  443. Author: 'Webolatory Team'
  444. AuthorURI: ''
  445. TextDomain: 'wordpress-changelog'
  446. DomainPath: '/languages/'
  447. Network: false
  448. Title: 'WordPress Changelog'
  449. AuthorName: 'Webolatory Team']
  450. wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php: [
  451. Name: 'WordPress Importer'
  452. PluginURI: ''
  453. Version: '0.6.4'
  454. Description: 'Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a WordPress export file.'
  455. Author: 'wordpressdotorg'
  456. AuthorURI: ''
  457. TextDomain: 'wordpress-importer'
  458. DomainPath: ''
  459. Network: false
  460. Title: 'WordPress Importer'
  461. AuthorName: 'wordpressdotorg']
  462. related-posts-thumbnails/related-posts-thumbnails.php: [
  463. Name: 'WordPress Related Posts Thumbnails'
  464. PluginURI: ''
  465. Version: '1.6.5'
  466. Description: 'Showing related posts thumbnails under the posts.'
  467. Author: 'WPBrigade'
  468. AuthorURI: ''
  469. TextDomain: 'related-posts-thumbnails'
  470. DomainPath: ''
  471. Network: false
  472. Title: 'WordPress Related Posts Thumbnails'
  473. AuthorName: 'WPBrigade']
  474. wp-link-status/wp-link-status.php: [
  475. Name: 'WP Broken Link Status Checker'
  476. PluginURI: ''
  477. Version: '1.0.4'
  478. Description: 'Check and manage HTTP response codes of all your content site links and images.'
  479. Author: 'Pau Iglesias, SeedPlugins'
  480. AuthorURI: ''
  481. TextDomain: 'wplnst'
  482. DomainPath: '/languages'
  483. Network: false
  484. Title: 'WP Broken Link Status Checker'
  485. AuthorName: 'Pau Iglesias, SeedPlugins']
  486. wpforms/wpforms.php: [
  487. Name: 'WPForms'
  488. PluginURI: ''
  489. Version: '1.4.9'
  490. Description: 'Beginner friendly WordPress contact form plugin. Use our Drag & Drop form builder to create your WordPress forms.'
  491. Author: 'WPForms'
  492. AuthorURI: ''
  493. TextDomain: 'wpforms'
  494. DomainPath: 'languages'
  495. Network: false
  496. Title: 'WPForms'
  497. AuthorName: 'WPForms']
  498. wpforms-drip/wpforms-drip.php: [
  499. Name: 'WPForms Drip'
  500. PluginURI: ''
  501. Version: '1.1.0'
  502. Description: 'Drip integration with WPForms.'
  503. Author: 'WPForms'
  504. AuthorURI: ''
  505. TextDomain: 'wpforms-drip'
  506. DomainPath: 'languages'
  507. Network: false
  508. Title: 'WPForms Drip'
  509. AuthorName: 'WPForms']
  510. wp-google-analytics-events/ga-scroll-event.php: [
  511. Name: 'WP Google Analytics Events'
  512. PluginURI: ''
  513. Version: '2.5.3'
  514. Description: 'Adds the Google Analytics code to your website and enables you to send events on scroll or click.'
  515. Author: 'Yuval Oren'
  516. AuthorURI: ''
  517. TextDomain: 'wp-google-analytics-events'
  518. DomainPath: ''
  519. Network: false
  520. Title: 'WP Google Analytics Events'
  521. AuthorName: 'Yuval Oren']
  522. wp-migrate-db-pro/wp-migrate-db-pro.php: [
  523. Name: 'WP Migrate DB Pro'
  524. PluginURI: ''
  525. Version: '1.9.3'
  526. Description: 'Export, push, and pull to migrate your WordPress databases.'
  527. Author: 'Delicious Brains'
  528. AuthorURI: ''
  529. TextDomain: 'wp-migrate-db'
  530. DomainPath: '/languages/'
  531. Network: true
  532. Title: 'WP Migrate DB Pro'
  533. AuthorName: 'Delicious Brains']
  534. wp-migrate-db-pro-media-files/wp-migrate-db-pro-media-files.php: [
  535. Name: 'WP Migrate DB Pro Media Files'
  536. PluginURI: ''
  537. Version: '1.4.13'
  538. Description: 'An extension to WP Migrate DB Pro, allows the migration of media files.'
  539. Author: 'Delicious Brains'
  540. AuthorURI: ''
  541. TextDomain: 'wp-migrate-db-pro-media-files'
  542. DomainPath: ''
  543. Network: true
  544. Title: 'WP Migrate DB Pro Media Files'
  545. AuthorName: 'Delicious Brains']
  546. wp-migrate-db-pro-theme-plugin-files/wp-migrate-db-pro-theme-plugin-files.php: [
  547. Name: 'WP Migrate DB Pro Theme & Plugin Files'
  548. PluginURI: ''
  549. Version: '1.0.5'
  550. Description: 'An extension to WP Migrate DB Pro, allows for migrating Theme & Plugin files.'
  551. Author: 'Delicious Brains'
  552. AuthorURI: ''
  553. TextDomain: 'wp-migrate-db-pro-theme-plugin-files'
  554. DomainPath: ''
  555. Network: true
  556. Title: 'WP Migrate DB Pro Theme & Plugin Files'
  557. AuthorName: 'Delicious Brains']
  558. wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php: [
  559. Name: 'Yoast SEO'
  560. PluginURI: ''
  561. Version: '9.2.1'
  562. Description: 'The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.'
  563. Author: 'Team Yoast'
  564. AuthorURI: ''
  565. TextDomain: 'wordpress-seo'
  566. DomainPath: '/languages/'
  567. Network: false
  568. Title: 'Yoast SEO'
  569. AuthorName: 'Team Yoast']]
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  572. age: 4
  573. features: 4179869
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  576. host: 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu'
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  580. [SNI Support] 1
  581. [Configuration Options] [
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  586. '1'
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  661. ic24.sec.initial_notify: 'always'
  662. ic24.sec.initial_state: '1'
  663. ic24.sec.stop_on_error: '1'
  664. ic24.sec.trusted_include_paths: NULL
  665. ic24.slt: '7'
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  668. iconv.internal_encoding: ''
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  695. max_input_nesting_level: '64'
  696. max_input_time: '3600'
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  698. mbstring.detect_order: NULL
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  702. mbstring.http_output: NULL
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  727. memcached.sess_persistent: '0'
  728. memcached.sess_prefix: 'memc.sess.key.'
  729. memcached.sess_randomize_replica_read: '0'
  730. memcached.sess_remove_failed_servers: '0'
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  732. memcached.sess_sasl_username: ''
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  771. newrelic.browser_monitoring.attributes.include: ''
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  825. newrelic.loglevel: 'info'
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  833. newrelic.special.enable_extension_instrumentation: ''
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  838. newrelic.transaction_events.attributes.exclude: ''
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  842. newrelic.transaction_tracer.attributes.exclude: ''
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  845. newrelic.transaction_tracer.custom: ''
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  847. newrelic.transaction_tracer.enabled: '1'
  848. newrelic.transaction_tracer.explain_enabled: '1'
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  851. newrelic.transaction_tracer.internal_functions_enabled: '0'
  852. newrelic.transaction_tracer.record_sql: 'obfuscated'
  853. newrelic.transaction_tracer.slow_sql: '1'
  854. newrelic.transaction_tracer.stack_trace_threshold: '500'
  855. newrelic.transaction_tracer.threshold: 'apdex_f'
  856. ''
  857. ''
  858. '0'
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  863. opcache.enable_cli: '0'
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  884. opcache.restrict_api: ''
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  918. redis.arrays.names: ''
  919. redis.arrays.pconnect: '0'
  920. redis.arrays.previous: ''
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  922. redis.arrays.retryinterval: '0'
  923. redis.clusters.persistent: '0'
  924. redis.clusters.read_timeout: '0'
  925. redis.clusters.seeds: ''
  926. redis.clusters.timeout: '0'
  927. redis.session.lock_expire: '0'
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  930. redis.session.locking_enabled: '0'
  931. register_argc_argv: '0'
  932. report_memleaks: '1'
  933. report_zend_debug: '1'
  934. request_order: NULL
  935. sendmail_from: NULL
  936. sendmail_path: '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i'
  937. serialize_precision: '100'
  938. session.auto_start: '0'
  939. session.cache_expire: '180'
  940. session.cache_limiter: 'nocache'
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  944. session.cookie_path: '/'
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  946. session.gc_divisor: '100'
  947. session.gc_maxlifetime: '1440'
  948. session.gc_probability: '0'
  949. session.lazy_write: '1'
  950. 'PHPSESSID'
  951. session.referer_check: ''
  952. session.save_handler: 'files'
  953. session.save_path: '/var/lib/php/sessions'
  954. session.serialize_handler: 'php'
  955. session.sid_bits_per_character: '4'
  956. session.sid_length: '32'
  957. session.trans_sid_hosts: ''
  958. session.trans_sid_tags: 'a=href,area=href,frame=src,form='
  959. session.upload_progress.cleanup: '1'
  960. session.upload_progress.enabled: '1'
  961. session.upload_progress.freq: '1%'
  962. session.upload_progress.min_freq: '1'
  964. session.upload_progress.prefix: 'upload_progress_'
  965. session.use_cookies: '1'
  966. session.use_only_cookies: '1'
  967. session.use_strict_mode: '0'
  968. session.use_trans_sid: '0'
  969. short_open_tag: '1'
  970. SMTP: 'localhost'
  971. smtp_port: '25'
  972. soap.wsdl_cache: '1'
  973. soap.wsdl_cache_dir: '/tmp'
  974. soap.wsdl_cache_enabled: '1'
  975. soap.wsdl_cache_limit: '5'
  976. soap.wsdl_cache_ttl: '86400'
  977. sys_temp_dir: NULL
  978. track_errors: '0'
  979. unserialize_callback_func: NULL
  980. uopz.disable: '0'
  981. upload_max_filesize: '50M'
  982. upload_tmp_dir: NULL
  983. url_rewriter.hosts: ''
  984. url_rewriter.tags: 'a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset='
  985. user_agent: NULL
  986. user_dir: NULL
  987. user_ini.cache_ttl: '300'
  988. user_ini.filename: '.user.ini'
  989. variables_order: 'EGPCS'
  990. xbithack: '0'
  991. xmlrpc_error_number: '0'
  992. xmlrpc_errors: '0'
  993. zend.assertions: '1'
  994. zend.detect_unicode: '1'
  995. zend.enable_gc: '1'
  996. zend.multibyte: '0'
  997. zend.script_encoding: NULL
  998. zend.signal_check: '0'
  999. zlib.output_compression: '0'
  1000. zlib.output_compression_level: '-1'
  1001. zlib.output_handler: '']
  1002. [Extensions] [Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, Reflection, SPL, sodium, session, standard, apache2handler, uopz, mysqlnd, newrelic, PDO, xml, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dba, dom, mbstring, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, gnupg, iconv, igbinary, imagick, imap, intl, json, ldap, exif, msgpack, mysqli, pdo_mysql, Phar, posix, readline, redis, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, ssh2, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, wddx, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, memcached, ionCube Loader, Zend OPcache]
  1003. [Operating System] Linux pod-113785 3.13.0-164-generic #214-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 5 10:42:33 UTC 2018 x86_64
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