
farmrpg fishing v2.1

Jan 28th, 2022
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  1. ;tab nation with help from Chris Kimbrell
  2. xpos1=
  3. xpos2=
  4. SetMouseDelay,-1
  5. SetBatchLines, -1
  6. CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
  7. CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
  8. Process, Priority,, High
  10. InputBox, howmuchbait, Bait Amount,How much bait to use?, ; Input Amount of Bait to Use
  11. tooltip, Put mouse in top left corner of pond and press F1
  12. Return
  13. f1::
  14. If xpos1 =
  15. {
  16. MouseGetPos, xpos1, ypos1
  17. tooltip, Put mouse in bottom right corner of pond and press F1
  18. Return
  19. }
  20. If xpos2 =
  21. {
  22. MouseGetPos, xpos2, ypos2
  23. ; tooltip, Put mouse in the Left Middle of pond and press F1
  24. ; Return
  25. }
  26. tooltip, fishing will begin in 3 seconds. Press F2 to end early
  27. sleep 3000
  28. tooltip
  29. Random randsleep1, 600, 900
  30. loop {
  31. loop {
  32. PixelSearch, 1Px, 1Py, %xpos1%, %ypos1%, %xpos2%, %ypos2%, 0x50452F, 90, Fast ; Find Fish
  33. if (ErrorLevel = 1)
  34. {
  35. ; tooltip, No Fish Found
  36. }
  37. else if (ErrorLevel = 0)
  38. {
  39. 1Py:= 1Py+=30
  40. 1Px:= 1Px-15
  41. MouseClick, left, %1Px%, %1Py% ; Click on Fish
  42. ; tooltip, Fish Found, Click
  43. fishcount++ ; Increase Fish Count
  44. break
  45. }
  46. }
  47. sleep %randsleep1%
  48. loop 10 {
  49. ; loopcount++ ; Displays a count on screen to verify search is progressing
  50. PixelSearch, 2Px, 2Py, %xpos1%, %ypos1%, %xpos2%, %ypos2%, 0xFF0000, 5, Fast ; Find Blue Button
  51. if (ErrorLevel = 1)
  52. {
  53. ; tooltip, No Circle Found. Attempt %loopcount%
  54. }
  55. else if (ErrorLevel = 0)
  56. {
  57. ; tooltip, I found the Circle!
  58. 2Py:= 2Py+=50
  59. MouseMove, %2Px%, %2Py% ; Used to test Mouse Click Position
  60. MouseClick, left, %2Px%, %2Py% ; Click on Blue Button
  61. ; tooltip, I tried to click the Circle!
  62. break
  63. }
  64. }
  65. sleep %randsleep1%
  66. if fishcount = %howmuchbait% ; End Fishing if Fishcount = Bait Wanted to Use
  67. break
  68. }
  70. f2::
  71. Msgbox, Fishing Completed! You have caught around %fishcount% fish! ; Display number of fish caught
  72. reload ;exitapp
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