Guest User


a guest
Oct 14th, 2018
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  1. [user]
  2. email =
  3. name = Wulf C. Krueger
  4. [diff]
  5. renameLimit = 0
  6. renames = true
  7. [alias]
  8. a = add
  9. b = branch
  10. c = cherry-pick
  11. cm = commit
  12. co = checkout
  13. d = diff --patch-with-stat
  14. dc = diff --cached --patch-with-stat
  15. fm1 = format-patch --stdout -1
  16. s = status
  17. plog = log --patch-with-stat -M -C
  18. rp = "!git pull --rebase && git push"
  19. pr = pull --rebase
  20. rebase = "!git rebase ${@}; cd . ;"
  21. changes = "!git --no-pager diff --name-only"
  22. staged = !git --no-pager diff --cached --name-only
  23. commit = !git commit --verbose
  24. # alias = !git config --global alias.$0 $1
  25. recent-branches = for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' --sort=-authordate --count=5 refs/heads/
  26. [pack]
  27. window = 250
  28. depth = 250
  29. [core]
  30. # pager = tig
  31. editor = kate
  32. [color]
  33. ui = auto
  34. [format]
  35. pretty = fuller
  36. [log]
  37. decorate = short
  38. [github]
  39. user = Philantrop
  40. password =
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