
Yin & Yang

Jun 18th, 2021
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  1. Day 20: Yin & Yang
  2. I was floating upwards for a while. Was this mountain hollow or something? Regardless of the answer, there was definitely something weird going on.
  4. During this ascension, I heard a large BOOM and a low rumbling that lasted for quite some time. As I started to look around, I found the source: a gigantic floating sphere, seemingly made of ice.
  6. The ball of ice started floating up towards me, and eventually it had enough speed and force to push me up against my own will, shooting me up this chasm faster.
  8. Eventually, the walls around me began to narrow, funneling both me and the sphere towards the middle. There wasn't much room for me to move, but just enough to make sure I don't get crushed between the walls.
  10. As I looked closer at these walls, I noticed two significant things: first, that the walls were extremely shiny, almost to a mirror-like finish, and that my reflection in them wasn't normal.
  11. I'm not talking about the sense in that the shape was deformed like a funhouse mirror; with a "natural" formation like this mountain, I expected distortions. However, it was a lot more different from that.
  13. As I looked over, the reflection had bright white clothes, contrasting the dark clothing I was wearing, and he was riding a sphere that looks like it was pulled out of a fire; molten hot, embers and sparks flying out of it.
  15. Before I could try and figure out what was going on, the ball of ice I was riding took a sudden turn towards the wall in which I saw my "reflection" and charged full speed into it.
  17. I hopped off, not wanting to get myself severely hurt, but that didn't help much as the shockwave of the impact between the spheres of fire and ice rammed into each other.
  19. I looked around for the reflection of myself, only to find him standing right in front of me. As I got a closer look, I realized what this was all about.
  21. This reflection was my antithesis; the parts of me that I just couldn't ever shake if I tried. He represented my flaws, my problems, my self-conscious issues, and anything else that I hated about myself. It seems like what he's trying to do here is make my issues worse.
  23. Whatever he is, I knew that it wasn't gonna be as simple as getting rid of him entirely. With all things in the universe, there's good in the bad; bad in the good. There is a balance between the two forces, and one can't exist without the other.
  24. As much as I don't want some of these things, they're necessary to maintain my own identity; they're a part of me as much as the positive aspects.
  26. I stood my ground, took another deep breath, and charged at him headlong, bracing for the impact.
  28. If it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get.
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