

Sep 30th, 2022 (edited)
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  2. Abachi
  3. Abaci
  4. Acacia
  5. African blackwood
  6. African ebony
  7. African mahogany
  8. African Mahogany
  9. African padauk
  10. Afzelia
  11. Agba
  12. Alder
  13. Alerce
  14. Alpine ash
  15. American basswood
  16. American beech
  17. American Birch
  18. American Chestnut
  19. American elm
  20. American hophornbeam
  21. American hornbeam
  22. American Mahogany
  23. American muskwood
  24. American Red Alder
  25. American sycamore
  26. American Whitewood
  27. Andaman marblewood
  28. Apple
  29. Araucaria
  30. Arizona cypress
  31. Ash
  32. Aspen
  33. Astronium
  34. Atlantic white cedar
  35. Australian blackwood
  36. Australian oak
  37. Australian red cedar
  38. Ayan
  39. Balau
  40. Bald cypress
  41. Balsa
  42. Balsam fir
  43. Balsam poplar
  44. Bamboo
  45. Banglay
  46. Basswood
  47. Bead-tree
  48. Beech
  49. Bigleaf mahogany
  50. Bigtooth aspen
  51. Birch
  52. Black alder
  53. Black ash
  54. Black birch
  55. Black cherry
  56. Black ironwood
  57. Black locust
  58. Black maple
  59. Black poplar
  60. Black spruce
  61. Black tupelo
  62. Black willow
  63. Blackbean
  64. Blackbutt
  65. Bloodwood
  66. Blue ash
  67. Blue gum
  68. Borneo ironwood
  69. Bossé
  70. Boxelder
  71. Boxwood
  72. Brazilian ironwood
  73. Brazilian Pine
  74. Brazilian walnut
  75. Brazilwood
  76. Brown mallet
  77. Buckeye
  78. Bur oak
  79. Butternut
  80. California bay laurel
  81. Camphor tree
  82. Canyon live oak
  83. Cape chestnut
  84. Carapa
  85. Catalina ironwood
  86. Catalpa
  87. Cedar
  88. Celery-top pine
  89. Ceylon ebony
  90. Ceylon ironwood
  91. Ceylon satinwood
  92. Chamaecyparis
  93. Cherry
  94. Chestnut
  95. Chestnut oak
  96. Chinese mahogany
  97. Chinkapin oak
  98. Coachwood
  99. Coast Douglas-fir
  100. Coast redwood
  101. Cocobolo
  102. Common ash
  103. Common walnut
  104. Corkwood
  105. Cottonwood
  106. Cricket-bat willow
  107. Cucumbertree
  108. Cumaru
  109. Cupressus
  110. Cypress
  111. Dark bosse
  112. Dark Red Meranti
  113. Desert ironwood
  114. Diesel tree
  115. Dogwood
  116. Douglas fir
  117. Douglas-fir
  118. Downy birch
  119. Eastern black oak
  120. Eastern black walnut
  121. Eastern cottonwood
  122. Eastern hemlock
  123. Eastern red cedar
  124. Eastern Red Cedar
  125. Eastern white pine
  126. Ebony
  127. Ebène marbre
  128. Elm
  129. English elm
  130. English oak
  131. Eucalyptus
  132. European aspen
  133. European Birch
  134. European black pine
  135. European crabapple
  136. European larch
  137. European Oak
  138. European pear
  139. European yew
  140. Fir
  141. Flooded gum
  142. Flowering dogwood
  143. Genuine mahogany
  144. Giant ironwood
  145. Gonçalo alves
  146. Gray birch
  147. Green ash
  148. Greenheart
  149. Grenadilla
  150. Grey ironbark
  151. Guaiacwood
  152. Guanandi
  153. Gum
  154. Gumbo limbo
  155. Hackberry
  156. Hemlock
  157. Hickory
  158. Hinoki cypress
  159. Holywood
  160. Honey locust
  161. Hoop pine
  162. Hornbeam
  163. Horse-chestnut
  164. Huon pine
  165. Hybrid black poplar
  166. Indian mahogany
  167. Indian sandalwood
  168. Indonesian mahogany
  169. Ipe
  170. Ipê
  171. Iroko
  172. Ironwood
  173. Jacarandá de Brasil
  174. Jacarandá-boca-de-sapo
  175. Jack pine
  176. Japanese larch
  177. Japanese nutmeg-yew
  178. Jarrah
  179. Jatobá
  180. Juniper
  181. Karri
  182. Kauri
  183. Kingwood
  184. Kosipo
  185. Kwila
  186. Lacewood
  187. Larch
  188. Laurel oak
  189. Lawson's cypress
  190. Lebombo ironwood
  191. Light bosse
  192. Light Red Meranti
  193. Lignum vitae
  194. Limba
  195. Lime wood
  196. Linden
  197. Loblolly pine
  198. Lodgepole pine
  199. London plane
  200. Longleaf pine
  201. Lyptus
  202. Mahogany
  203. Maple
  204. Marblewood
  205. Marri
  206. Mediterranean cypress
  207. Meranti
  208. Merbau
  209. Monkey puzzle tree
  210. Monterey pine
  211. Mopane
  212. Mountain ash
  213. Mountain hemlock
  214. Mountain mahogany
  215. Mugga
  216. Noble fir
  217. Nootka cypress
  218. Northern red oak
  219. Northern silky oak
  220. Northern white cedar
  221. Norway spruce
  222. Nuttall's oak
  223. Oak
  224. Ohio buckeye
  225. Okoumé
  226. Olive
  227. Olive wood
  228. Oregon ash
  229. Oregon Pine
  230. Overcup oak
  231. Pacific Coast mahogany
  232. Pacific dogwood
  233. Pacific silver fir
  234. Palmwood
  235. Panga-panga
  236. Paper birch
  237. Paraná pine
  238. Pear
  239. Pear tree
  240. Pecan
  241. Persian ironwood
  242. Philippine mahogany
  243. Pignut hickory
  244. Pine
  245. Pink ivory
  246. Pitch pine
  247. Plane tree
  248. Ponderosa pine
  249. Poplar
  250. Post oak
  251. Prunus
  252. Pumpkin ash
  253. Purpleheart
  254. Quaking aspen
  255. Queensland kauri
  256. Queensland maple
  257. Queensland walnut
  258. Radiata Pine
  259. Ramin
  260. Red alder
  261. Red Cedar
  262. Red cherry
  263. Red mahogany
  264. Red maple
  265. Red oak
  266. Red pine
  267. Red spruce
  268. Redheart
  269. Redwood
  270. Rimu
  271. River red gum
  272. Robinia pseudoacacia
  273. Rock elm
  274. Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir
  275. Rosewood
  276. Rubberwood
  277. Sal
  278. Sandalwood
  279. Sapele
  280. Sassafras
  281. Satiné
  282. Scots pine
  283. Sequoia
  284. Shagbark hickory
  285. Shellbark hickory
  286. Sheoak
  287. Shortleaf pine
  288. Silky oak
  289. Silver birch
  290. Silver fir
  291. Silver maple
  292. Silver wattle
  293. Sipo
  294. Sitka spruce
  295. Slippery elm
  296. Sourwood
  297. Southern live oak
  298. Southern red oak
  299. Southern sassafras
  300. Southern yellow pine
  301. Southern Yellow Pine
  302. Spanish Cedar
  303. Spanish elm
  304. Spanish-cedar
  305. Spruce
  306. Sugar maple
  307. Sugar pine
  308. Sugi
  309. Swamp chestnut oak
  310. Swamp cottonwood
  311. Swamp mahogany
  312. Swamp white oak
  313. Sweet birch
  314. Sweetgum
  315. Sycamore maple
  316. Sydney blue gum
  317. Takian
  318. Tallowwood
  319. Tamarack
  320. Tamboti
  321. Taxodium
  322. Teak
  323. Thailand rosewood
  324. Tiama
  325. Tulip tree
  326. Tulipwood
  327. Tupelo
  328. Turpentine
  329. Walnut
  330. Wandoo
  331. Water oak
  332. Weeping willow
  333. Wenge
  334. West Indies mahogany
  335. Western hemlock
  336. Western larch
  337. Western red cedar
  338. Western Red Cedar
  339. Western white pine
  340. White ash
  341. White basswood
  342. White Elm
  343. White mahogany
  344. White oak
  345. White pine
  346. White spruce
  347. White willow
  348. Wild Apple
  349. Wild cherry
  350. Wild Oak
  351. Wild Pear
  352. Willow
  353. Willow oak
  354. Wych elm
  355. Yellow birch
  356. Yellow buckeye
  357. Yellow Cedar
  358. Yellow lapacho
  359. Yew
  360. York gum
  361. Zingana
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