
Bye New York

Jan 18th, 2019
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan was sitting on the couch in his living room with Hennessy in his lap repeatedly stroking over her short fur. His eyes were set on the tv because he intended to relax while Kelsey fussed about his new crockpot which he had no intentions of helping with. // CJ was in the kitchen hovering over the blender as she slushed up some nice margaritas because she believes margs go with everything. Adding the alcohol and the ice to the blender, she hit the crush button and it exploded to life making a crapton of noise with Guiness didnt like so he's hiding under the kitchen table.-
  2. Covet: Kelsey was finishing up adding the noodles to the crock pot so they could cook without being super mushy. The soup base was creamy and had all the good stuff like celery, and carrots and parsley, along with the chicken that had been cooking in it all day, slowly. "I think I'm actually going to miss being here a little bit. New York has kind of grown on me." Kelsey said as she stirred the crock pot.
  3. Alexithymiaa: "It has that effect on everyone because New York is the best." Bryan retorted, not looking away from the tv. // CJ rolled her eyes, stopping the blender and reaching for the glasses she'd set out, pouring frosty drinks into each of them. "He would say that regardless, but New York has grown on me too. I didnt really want to come here at first, but now I can'timagine if we hadn't."-
  4. Covet: "I think that also means Bryan is growing on you too." Kelsey said with a laugh. "Soup should be ready in another twenty minutes or so." She said, taking the margarita from CJ, sipping on it. "Mmm, This is a great way to have a send off. Thanks for making the drinks."
  5. Alexithymiaa: "I grow on everyone! I'm like a mold!" He yelled, amused with himself. // CJ rolled her eyes and picked up her margarita and Bryan's walking his over into the living room to pass off. "Truer words have never been spoken."-
  6. Covet: "Gross... You know they make cleaners for that." She said to CJ with a laugh. "Thank you guys for everything I appreciate your support and company while I've been here."
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan broke his gaze from the tv, turning on the couch to look over at her. "Of course. We weren't just going to leave you alone to be in New York by yourself. That's ridiculous." // CJ smiled to Kelsey, gently slipping her arm around her shoulders because she was just as tall. "Exactly. And we're family. This is what family does."-
  8. Covet: "I mean, you could have I would have figured it out, Brad knows his way around, just means I'd be contacting him... but the whole point of this was supposed to be to have a bit of a break and get ourselves together. He's been doing really good with Connor, which made all of this a lot easier to do without worrying." Kelsey told them.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Well if he werent doing well with Connor, you probably would have known that he wouldn't and you wouldnt have left them together." Bryan said in monotone like she should have known that. // "Yeah, you knew things would go well. He's your son, afterall. You don't just leave him with someone you don't think will be able to care for him."-
  10. Covet: "Well, duh Bryan." Kelsey said rolling her eyes. " But you never know what will happen. Connor could have taken to me being gone really bad, and not behave for Brad, but he had my mom checking in on them too. So even if I'm not there, I knew they were well taken care of."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "And Holly." He added quickly, giving his glass a bit of a raising gesture. "No one was going to let this plan fail." // "Yep, you've got plenty of support." CJ moved to take a seat down at the kitchen table, twisting to face them.-
  12. Covet: "Yeah, But it wasn't Holly's responsibility to be the parent there for him. So if I found out he pawned that off on her more than expected, Oh he and I are going to have a very interesting conversation." Kelsey said, getting up to go check on the noodles.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "I just meant he had help if he needed help. Kids are hard sometimes." He said, taking a sip of his drink. // "I think she just means Brad was supposed to be the one caring for him, not Holly. Holly is there to supervise Connor if Brad can't be, not as a crutch."-
  14. Covet: "Yes exactly, See CJ gets it." Kelsey said. "And Bryan you're only saying that because you are a kid. I'm sure CJ knows all about how difficult children can be." She said going about getting bowls out because she'd made herself familiar with their kitchen.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "She's a doctor, she gets everything. It's not my fault she's like... a genius. That can't be held against me because I'm the fun realistic one." // Cj started to smirk because he's used this excuse numerous times before, shaking her head as she drank margarita. "How am I supposed to even go back against that?"-
  16. Covet: "It's okay to use the word childish too, Bryan." Kelsey said starting to dish the soup up for them. " He's just kissing your butt because he knows who wears the pants around here."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "You say that like it's a good thing. Everyone knows wearing pants is a negative thing." He said as he got up, putting the dog on the floor and walking over to Kelsey to take his bowl of soup from her. // "You're right, I do wear the pants around here because getting him to put pants on is like pulling teeth."-
  18. Covet: Kelsey laughed, "It's great that you really have this whole balance thing situated." She told them bringing the soup over to the table for them. "Soup's on."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "That's what we do. We're like a well oiled machine." He said as he took his bowl to the table, not hesitating to dig in and start slurping. // CJ stood up to get herself a bowl of soup, returning to her spot. "This smells wonderful, Kels. Thank you for cooking tonight."-
  20. Covet: "No problem. Now if you can just get Byran to follow the recipe since he wasn't paying attention when I was doing it, That'd be perfect for you guys." Kelsey said.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Who needs the recipe when I can just look it up? Also I'm literally a robotics specialist, I think I can navigate a fuckin' crockpot." He scoffed, eating more soup. // CJ coughed a little, clearing her throat and mumbling to herself. "Didn't stop you from breaking the ice maker...."-
  22. Covet: "Well excuse me Mr. Roboto." Kelsey said then snickered along as CJ blew up his spot. "I think that just means he knows how to fix what he breaks."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I mean I do, but I didn't break the ice maker. It broke on it's own and you just happened to come home while I was fixing it and assumed. That's not my fault." // "It's true, he does at least fix what he breaks. But if he would stop screwing around it wouldn't get broken in the first place."-
  24. Covet: "How does an ice maker just break?" Kelsey asked him raising an eyebrow. "What did you have to do to fix it?"
  25. Alexithymiaa: "The little outside trigger switch wasn't making connection to the inside to release the ice down when you pressed on it. So I just needed to reconnect it on the inside of the door so that the switch functioned. That's not my fault." // "Except that you've repeatedly slammed your cup into it and you probably just did that one too many times and it gave out." She said, not letting him get away with his shit.-
  26. Covet: "See look Balance." Kelsey said with a smile. "She figures out how you break it and you still fix it, knowing it's you're fault."
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Well if I don't fix it, then it stays broken and no one gets to use the ice maker." He said as he finished off his bowl of soup. // "I'm not having this argument with you." She said in monotone, looking over to Kelsey. "It's nice youre trying to make this into a good thing, but he's still a pain in my ass."-
  28. Covet: "Yeah, but what would you do without him?" Kelsey said with a laugh. " I say the same thing about Brad."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "You would have all the broken things." Bryan chimed in for her, getting up to dish himself up some more soup. // "Live a more peaceful life? Have to clean the apartment less? Actually be able to read my books in silence?" She listed off on her fingers, trying not to crack up.-
  30. Covet: Kelsey laughed, " But those things are well sacrificed in order to spend the rest of your life with him though right? So there's got to be some good qualities to him."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "What are you talking about? I leave you alone when you want to read." He said as he sat down with more soup, digging in. // "Of course, he's just a pain. It equals out." She paused to look at Bryan, raising her brows. "Going downstairs and blasting the tv is not silence, Bryan."-
  32. Covet: "You know, they make bluetooth headphones that he can plug in, so the sound is as loud as he wants without bothering you for your reading. I will have to hunt some down, not through amazon." Kelsey said.
  33. Covet: *that he can hook up to the TV
  34. Covet: [the whole point of being bluetooth is so that they don't have to plug in...thanks brain]
  35. Alexithymiaa: "It's not the same though. I like my tv loud, not in my head." // CJ sighed, picking up from the table and walking her bowl over to the dishwasher to set it inside, leaving the door open so Guiness could lick the dishes. "The point is supposed to be compromise."-
  36. Covet: "Exactly, that's like marriage rule number one or something." Kelsey said. "Not that I'd know, but.. it sounds like a good place to start." She said finishing up her bowl of soup.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah yeah yeah." He finished his soup and got up, sticking it into the dishwasher and leaning over to rustle Guiness' head. // "Seeeeee." She chimed in, readjusting the bowl Bryan put in the dishwasher and walking over to hold her hand out for Kelsey's.-
  38. Covet: She handed it over to CJ. "Face it Bryan, right now it's 2 against one. You can't win this tonight. Not until I'm at least gone."
  39. Alexithymiaa: "When are you going back to Portland again?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. // "Oh be quiet." She shot back at him, sticking Kelsey's bowl in the dishwasher and closing the door, cutting the dog off from leftovers.-
  40. Covet: "I'm leaving on Saturday morning. I want to spend Sunday with Brad and Connor, I miss them." Kelsey said.
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Class starts Monday?" He asked to confirm even though he kind of already knew the answer. // CJ turned and walked into the bathroom, gently closing the door behind her to leave Kelsey and Bryan alone.-
  42. Covet: "Yeah." Kelsey said with a yawn. "Well, if it's alright with you, I'm going to take off and head back to my place, so I can start getting all my things together. I'll make sure to stop by one more time before I head back to Portland though." She said going to give her cousin a hug. "Tell CJ I say goodnight."
  43. Alexithymiaa: "Alright, get home safe." He said to her, leaning in to give her a hug goodbye. "She's probably getting ready for bed already so I'll tell her you're going to stop by again before you leave."-
  44. Covet: "Will do, Goodnight!" She said getting her things gathered to leave so she could call Misha to come pick her up and all that shit.
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