
Anon and Flitter the pony Part 3: Of Mares and Milkshakes

Sep 22nd, 2014
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  1. >Flitter stared blankly ahead
  2. >her head facing towards Anon's chest
  3. >she was being carried through Ponyville again
  4. >at least this time he cradled her in his arms
  5. >instead of them being wrapped under her front legs uncomfortably
  6. >...and her private appendage out for all to see
  7. >she glanced down her body
  8. >at least it had gone back into it's hidey place
  9. >Flitter let out a lengthy sigh
  10. >she ached
  11. >a deep, throbbing ache emanating from her nethers
  12. >a dull pain that she believed probably permeated her very soul
  13. >she glanced up towards anon
  14. >He had a determined look on his face
  15. >"this moron..." she thought, her frustrated mind wandering
  16. >he had ruined a perfectly wonderful thing
  17. >she was so close...
  18. >her first with another pony...
  19. >and he...
  20. >
  21. >...and he just snatched it away!
  22. >Is this human stupid? Does he just not know anything about ponies? and their needs?
  23. >it felt as if dark clouds were forming over Flitter's head
  24. >She did figure that they had at least ONE thing in common, so maybe he'd know
  25. >"maybe he's so stupid, he doesn't know how his own parts work?" she questioned in her mind
  26. >She wasn't even a male
  27. >...mostly
  28. >and she knew how the parts worked
  29. >you can't just... quit!
  30. >"...maybe he's just barely intelligent?" she thought while her brow furrowed
  31. >just capable to communicate and not attack anything that moves?
  32. >maybe he doesn't know what his own thing is for?
  33. >and according to Twilight whatshername, he loves to pick up ponies and treat them like pets
  34. >Flitter had witnessed this first hoof
  35. >and he was constantly getting names wrong...
  36. >maybe he didn't even know the difference between mares and stalliions
  37. >and that she was-
  38. >
  39. >...weird
  40. >anon shifted the mare in his arms, breaking her wandering thought process
  41. >the ache in her private extremities intensified
  42. >"Anon..." she mumbled with a hint of anger
  43. >he looked down at her
  44. "What?"
  45. >anon said flatly
  46. >Flitter's eyes shot wide open
  47. >had she said that out loud?
  48. >"I-I-uh..."
  49. >come on words, do word things
  50. "did you say my name?"
  51. >anon said with a soft voice
  52. >she had said it out loud
  53. >he was staring into her big eyes
  54. >for a split second, Flitter thought about burying her hoof into his face
  55. >screaming every bad thing she could think of at him
  56. >
  57. >no, she wasn't like that
  58. >she had never harmed any pony before
  59. >some playful teasing, but nothing to actually HURT some pony
  60. >or some person
  61. >anyway, that would go over like an earth pony on a cloud
  62. >she would probably be banished to the center of the everfree with her wings tied for attacking the one-of-a-kind creature
  63. >"I-I'm sorry, anon"
  64. "For what?"
  65. >"I-"
  66. >why had she apologized?
  67. >he just kept looking at her
  68. >best make the most of this
  69. >"I'm sorry for picking on you"
  70. "It's okay Flits"
  71. >Flitter started to stare at her hooves
  72. "You actin' like I ain't been picked on before"
  73. >"yeah..."
  74. "One time in school..."
  75. >school...
  76. >her mind flashed back to flight school, when she was first picked on
  77. >"dick chick, dick chick" the foals would chant at her
  78. >one day a colt came up to her and said "Show us your dick, Flitter!"
  79. >"I don't wanna" she said between sobs
  80. >but one day she got fed up and did show them
  81. >"She's bigger than me..." her bully whimpered covering himself
  82. >and after that, they stopped picking on her
  83. >the tables had turned and she picked on them
  84. >Flitter smiled slightly, returning to the present
  85. >oh yeah, Anon's talking
  86. "...then they would take me and throw me into the ceiling tiles filled with asbestos and..."
  87. >"Anon"
  88. >the pegasus said softly
  89. >Anon trailed off
  90. "yeah?"
  91. >"Do you..."
  92. >probably best to get this out of the way now
  93. >but how to do this without making him feel stupid...
  94. >"do you know the difference between mares and stallions?"
  95. "Well, stallions are bigger and don't like to be picked up as much as mares do"
  96. >okay maybe he is not intelligent
  97. "And they generally don't like being hugged and cuddled. Except one time this one cried into my chest"
  98. >"woah"
  99. >Flitter said in shock
  100. >her mind wondered who it could be...
  101. >no, no get back on track
  102. >no time for juicy gossip
  103. "And mares are-"
  104. >she cleared her throat
  105. >"Anon, I mean, like, the REAL difference between them"
  106. >anon stared at her and blinked
  107. >"...he might be dumb" the mare thought
  108. >she might just have to explain this to the human
  109. "You talking about poles and holes?"
  110. >
  111. >"um... that's one way to p-put it."
  112. "Oh yeah"
  113. >the mare sighed in relief
  114. "people work in the same general way"
  115. >good, she wouldn't have to explain this to him as he was walking through the middle of the town
  116. >"well, you can tell i'm..."
  117. >she swallowed
  118. >"weird, can't you"
  119. >anon cocked his head to the side
  120. "Whatchu mean by weird?"
  121. >Flitter looked around
  122. >ponies were hustling and bustling around everywhere
  123. >oh no
  124. >they were in the middle of the market
  125. >and she was going to have to explain something very awkward to him
  126. >Flitter felt her face turning red
  127. >how to explain her sensitive subject to the being that she wasn't sure how intelligent it was
  128. >maybe if they were somewhere more private...
  129. >"umm... well..."
  130. "Flitter"
  131. >anon interrupted her
  132. "I've seen weird"
  133. >the pegasus stared up at anon
  134. "Ever since I got here it's been weird"
  135. >A serious tone was starting to creep into his voice
  136. "At first, I was amazed by the cute, colored talking ponies. I mean, you got little ponies with horns, little ponies with wings-"
  137. >Flitter felt anon's hand pat her side
  138. "And some ponies with both!"
  139. >his eyes locked onto hers
  140. "but some of the things here..."
  141. >for some reason, the look in anon's eyes scared Flitter
  142. "The dragons, the manticores, timberwolves, the magic some ponies take for granted. Those are merely things of fantasy where I come from. And some of the things here are like the stuff of nighmares. It would break a lesser man than I. Or at least someone who cared."
  143. >anon had leaned closer to the mare in his arm's face
  144. "And that's not even counting the stuff I saw in my own world."
  145. >he leaned back
  146. >Flitter's heart fluttered
  147. >his world must have been scary...
  148. "So whatever you think is weird, I can probably handle."
  149. >the pegasus released a breath she didn't know she was holding
  150. >"Ok"
  151. >wait where was she
  152. >oh yeah, herself
  153. >and her member
  154. >She leaned in towards anon's ear
  155. >whispering just barely
  156. >"So you know I've got a stallion's part..."
  157. >anon nodded
  158. >"even though i'm a mare..."
  159. "Wait, REALLY?"
  160. >a smirk grew on anon's face
  161. >a few ponies near them turned their head at anon's outburst
  162. "And I thought the bow was just some sort of gag or something!"
  163. >anon said, dripping with sarcasm
  164. >at least ponies had started to turn awa- hey!
  165. >she liked her bow
  166. >anon stopped walking
  167. >"Woah..." Flitter said as she felt herself being moved around in anon's arms
  168. >within a second, she was being flipped by anon
  169. >her front hooves now hanging in front of her face
  170. >she was upside down, her back to him
  171. >anon's hands on her flanks, her butt facing the sky
  172. >Anon shifted her tail
  173. "Well, looky there"
  174. >anon stared at the small, velvety slit hidden by the mare's tail
  175. >the pegasus looked about at the upside down world
  176. >one mare was staring
  177. >the pegasus's face started burning with embarrassment
  178. >that was one mare too many
  179. >Flitter felt herself being moved again
  180. >and just as fast as she had been flipped, she was right-side up again, curled up back in anon's arms
  181. "That ain't that weird"
  182. >anon started walking again
  183. >gee, thanks
  184. >Flitter huffed
  185. >"Ano-"
  186. >then her eyes grew wide as she gasped
  187. >something was touching her privates
  188. >Flitter's ache made itself known again
  189. >her eyes quickly darted around at the various ponies and booths open in the market
  190. >she looked up at anon
  191. >he was stone-faced
  192. >a blank expression as he continued walking
  193. >the mare started squirming in his arms
  194. >a single finger of his exploring the outer edges of her marehood
  195. >a light touch, barely making contact, up and down her sensitive area
  196. >"hnnnngnnn" the mare moaned
  197. >she was trying to be quiet
  198. >hopefully the hustle and bustle of the busy marketplace would be enough to cover her noises
  199. >anon's finger stopped at the top end of the slit and started making small circles
  200. >"ahhnnnnghh"
  201. >...maybe not
  202. >Anon had found the sweet spot
  203. >the sensitive upper edge of her opening, which also connected to her other sensitive part
  204. >speaking of that aching part, it was stirring within the mare's sheath
  205. >trying to keep her cool, she stared down at her body
  206. >the light purple head was coming out to greet the town
  207. >nonononononono
  208. >Flitter started breathing faster
  209. >anon's finger running the length of her outer edges again and again
  210. >he slowed down as he reached the lower edge
  211. >his smallest finger rested on the mares bootyhole
  212. >"Hhhmmmnnmmnn" Flitter let out a long grunt at the new sensation
  213. >it began gently teasing the mare's behind, moving all around
  214. >her rear legs twitching, she pulled them close to her body
  215. >it was all she had not to arch her back
  216. "What's up, Flits?"
  217. >she just stared at anon with tears forming in the corner of her eyes
  218. >a grin started to form on his face, breaking his facade
  219. >he quickly glanced down at the mare, her eyes following his
  220. >Flitter noticed her member was starting to significantly poke out from its hiding spot
  221. >her tail quickly flipped up, trying to hide herself from the world
  222. >her front hooves grasping the tail for good measure
  223. >still poking and prodding her mare bits, anon started turning down a street
  224. "Let's go get a snack!"
  225. >Flitter didn't answer him. she was too busy shifting around in his arms
  226. "Whatcha think, Feathers?"
  227. >his finger sliding up her entrance again
  228. >"Hnngnnhehn"
  229. >he slowed his hand
  230. >"Please, anon..." the mare panted
  231. "Aight"
  232. >she started nibbling the end of her tail
  233. >"Anon..." she grunted
  234. >the human's walking slowed to a stop
  235. >Flitter glanced up
  236. >Sugarcube corner
  237. >"oh please don't let them be busy..." the tormented mare thought
  238. >it was like... mid-afternoon
  239. >her chances were decent that nopony she knew would see her
  240. *BAM*
  241. >anon kicked the door to the establishment open
  242. >anon's hand quickened on the edge of her marehood
  243. >then he entered
  244. >Flitter let out a gasp
  245. >and then anon walked into the shop
  246. >"HI NONNY" called a voice from the other side of the counter
  248. >anon stopped at the counter
  249. >the mare in his arms quivering as his fingers ran up and down the very inside edge of her
  250. >"Aww, and you made a friend today! Hi Flitter!" the excitable pink mare said
  251. >"H-hi Pink-kie~" the pegasus said, almost cooing
  252. >Flitter's member was at full attention
  253. >combined with today's earlier activities, she was aching something fierce
  254. >luckily her tail and hooves were just enough to cover her
  255. >hopefully
  256. >"Nonny, why dontcha carry me round like that? it looks fun!"
  257. "Oh, I will Pinkum. But I got Flitter right now, so maybe later"
  258. >"Yay!" the party pony said with a hop
  259. >Flitter just hoped that she could contain her "fun" for a little while longer, before it ends up shooting off in her face
  260. >"Soo... what brings ya here, 'non and Flitter?
  261. "We want something sweet"
  262. >"Well, I'm pretty sure this is the right place! Whatcha want?"
  263. >Anon removed his hand from Flitter's sacred area
  264. >she immediately wanted him to put it back
  265. >he stuck his finger and thumb to his chin
  266. "Hmmm..."
  267. >he looked at Flitter
  268. "Whatcha want?"
  269. >the pegasus squeaked
  270. >What she wanted was what she was denied earlier
  271. >what she was just denied
  272. >she wanted his wonderful fingers to keep performing their magic for her
  273. >the mare opened her mouth to try to speak
  274. "I know what would be good!"
  275. >then she shut it
  276. "A big, thick, frosty milkshake!"
  277. >"Two?"
  278. "Please."
  279. >the party mare zipped away
  280. >then zipped back
  281. >"What flavor, Nonners?"
  282. "Vanilla"
  283. >then the mare zipped away again
  284. >anon looked at the mare in his arms and smiled
  285. >he placed his hand back on her behind, his palm laying over the entrance
  286. >feeling the heat radiating from her
  287. "is that good?"
  288. >"...yes" Flitter finally managed to speak up
  289. >she had to be coating his hand in her juices
  290. >the whirr of a blender started up
  291. >then the rattling of various utensils came from the kitchen
  292. >Flitter had finally started to calm down, with no sensation from anon
  293. >her member would ache for a while, but at least she could get out of here
  294. >she started to stare daggers at anon
  295. >he looked at her with a smirk on his face
  296. >Pinkie bounced back in the room with two cups on her head
  297. >"Here ya go Nonny!"
  298. "Thank you, Pinker"
  299. >he removed his hand from Flitter's rear again, took the cup from the pink pony and set in in between the light purple pony's front hooves
  300. >"Hngh"
  301. >her eyes shot open
  302. >the cool bottom of the cup had come in contact with head of the pegasus's sensitive length
  303. >anon took his cup from Pinkie
  304. >"They're extra thick, extra frosty and extra shakey!" the mare said with excitement
  305. "Oh Polpot, you know me too well"
  306. >anon said with a chuckle
  307. >the pink mare's face lit up
  308. >anon held his cup to Flitter's cutie mark with one hand while his other hand dug in his coat pocket
  309. >his cup was cold too, the pegasus noted with a hiss
  310. >he placed a handful of bits onto the counter
  311. "There ya go, Pinkerator"
  312. >the mare giggled
  313. >anon turned to walk away, both arms back to cradling Flitter
  314. >"Hey Nonny! I need to ask you a thing!"
  315. >Anon spun back around in place
  316. "Yo"
  317. >"Is today no-pants-day? I would have participated, but I didn't know! And I usually don't wear pants, but I would have got some for today."
  318. "Nah, you're good Pot Pie, we'll have an official no-pants-day sometime soon"
  319. >"Kay, I'll plan a celebration for it"
  320. >anon turned to leave again
  321. "Remember, It's formal attire"
  322. >"Kay, Nonny" Pinkie yelled out
  323. "See ya Pink 'ems"
  324. >Anon kicked his way out of Sugarcube Corner with Flitter in tow
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