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Apr 18th, 2014
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  1. Agyness Glover (Amber)
  2. SHSL Fashion Designer
  3. Gender: Female
  4. Age: 16
  5. Height: 5"7 1/2
  6. Birthday: March 8th
  7. Personality: Amber is a girl who could really care less about others. She can be blunt and is easily irritated. She likes to have peace and quiet, since she's used to it whenever she is designing an outfit or a collection of outfits. She is short-tempered and will get angry even over the littlest of things. She also has trust issues, which is why she never bothers to interact with other people and barely has any friends.
  8. Appearance: Platinum blonde hair that's straight and goes down to her shoulders. Has bangs that covers her forehead. Bright blue-grey eyes. Everyday, she always wears a big, costume-y outfit.
  10. Warren Blair (Brunswick)
  11. SHSL Bodyguard
  12. Gender: Male
  13. Age: 18 3/4
  14. Height: 6"4
  15. Build: RIP IT UP
  16. Birthday: February 6th
  17. Personality: Brunswick is a very serious guy who doesn't speak alot. Whenever he does, he speaks very few words in a formal fashion. He can get very protective and aggressive over the person he has been assigned to watch over, and keeps an eye on them 24/7.
  18. Appearance: Fair skin. Blonde buzzcut. Green eyes. Wears a black suit with a white button-down undershirt and black leather dress shoes.
  20. Preston Campbell (Cadet)
  21. SHSL Soldier-in-Training
  22. Age: 18 3/4
  23. Gender: Male
  24. Height: 6"0
  25. Birthday: February 14th
  26. Personality: Cadet is a very serious person who expresses himself quite loudly. He is very ambitious when it comes to military career that is right in front of him. He likes to have authority over other people and will try to get them to obey his orders. Although he is intimidating by the way he acts, he can actually be a very friendly guy. He is also a quick learner.
  27. Appearance: Fair-tan skin. Dark brown hair that reaches to the back of his neck. Hazel eyes. Wears a black and cadet-colored Class A Cadet uniform.
  29. Collin Wright (Cerulean)
  30. SHSL Aristocrat
  31. Gender: Male
  32. Age: 17
  33. Height: 5"8 1/4
  34. Build: Above-Average
  35. Birthday: June 6th
  36. Personality: Cerulean is a guy who can be very awkward around other people. He would take pauses before speaking and occasionally stutter, making him a pretty bad conversationalist. If you spend more time with him, though, he'll begin to open up and you'll find that he can be a very kind person who is respectful and lenient.
  37. Appearance: Slicked back spiky cerulean hair that is mid-neck length. Gray eyes. Wears navy trousers and a long-sleeved coat with black buttons, buttoned up to his middle chest. Wears a white long-sleeved undershirt with a white cravat. Black leather dress shoes.
  39. Wilhelm Ferguson (Neptune)
  40. l̶m̶a̶o ̶n̶o̶ ̶t̶a̶l̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶n̶e̶r̶d̶ No SHSL
  41. Gender: Male
  42. Height: 5"9 3/4
  43. Age: 21
  44. Build: Above-Average a̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶v̶i̶s̶i̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶a̶b̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶e̶c̶s̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶g̶h̶s̶
  45. Birthday: March 26th
  46. Personality: Neptune is a delusional character. He sees himself as the king of the seas and claims that he has powers that can change the ocean and command it to do his bidding. Due to this, he believes that he's above others and treats them with disrespect. He's not very familiar when it comes to romance and, when involved in it, often stutters, sweats, and blushes alot.
  47. Appearance: Tan skin. Neptune-colored hair that go to the bottom of his neck. Light blue eyes. Has two helix piercings on his right ear and a piercing on the left side of his nose. Has a turquoise tribal tattoo going from his right wrist all the way up to his right shoulder. Electric blue flame tattoo starting at his left wrist and ending at the ulna. On his back is a blue sun tattoo in the center, and blue ocean waves in the background covering his entire back. Carries around a neptune-colored trident, the length meeting with the end of his hair length at the top. Wears two neptune fingerless gloves that go from his wrist to his elbow. Wears a black tanktop underneath a dark blue jacket with cuffed sleeves and a high neck collar and a dark blue scarf. Dark blue pants with black knee-high leather boots.
  49. Rosalie Griffin (Ivory)
  50. SHSL Candy Enthusiast
  51. Gender: Female
  52. Age: 18
  53. Height: 5"2 1/2
  54. Birthday: October 4th
  55. Personality: Ivory is a girl who is blunt and is not afraid to tell anybody her true thoughts. She likes to laugh at people who make mistakes, and often teases others. However, if you talk to her about her height or mess with her stuffed animal, she will blow up on you. She is also still a kid at heart, favoring stuffed animals and candy, along with getting bored easily.
  56. Appearance: Chestnut flowy hair that land in front of the shoulders. Fair skin. Fairly light green eyes. Wears a dark green slightly oversized long-sleeved sweater dress with black flats and dark brown and maroon striped stockings. Always carries a white bear plush with her she calls Mimi.
  58. Lionel Walker (Flame)
  59. SHSL Punk Rock Lead Singer
  60. Gender: Male
  61. Age: 18 1/2
  62. Height: 5"10
  63. Birthday: July 5th
  64. Personality: Flame is an irascible guy who has a habit of swearing and using his fists whenever annoyed or angered. He is sarcastic and he focuses on himself more than he focuses on others, plus he doesn't really care to talk to people, so he's usually seen alone. Upon interacting with him, you'll find that he'll immediately have a low opinion of you--only because he's been bullied when he was young and for that he doesn't see any good in people, plus it's the reason why he'd often get physical and run his mouth, along with not talking to people. Although, he's bound to be tsundere. He also often doesn't really think before he acts or speaks, and he can be fairly disrespectful.
  65. Appearance: Fair-tan skin. Green-gray eyes. Orange hair that reaches to his earlobes, spiked upward in the center. Has a single gray earstud on his right ear. Wears a wide black spiked neck collar and spiked black wrist cuffs on both of his arms. Wears a plain black short-sleeved t-shirt with a flaming skull on it. Wears black skinny jeans and black lace-up ankle boots.
  67. Garrett Hartley (Charcoal)
  68. SHSL Train Engineer
  69. Gender: Male
  70. Height: 5"8
  71. Age: 18
  72. Birthday: January 17th
  73. Personality: Charcoal is a very quiet guy who's afraid of making a fool of himself in public. He often gets lost in thought and ponders about his own feelings. He prefers being alone and often pushes people away from him to prevent further interaction, for he's socially anxious and afraid of what people think of him. He's read and seen alot of awful things that society can do, and for that, he prefers to be invisible to everyone else so that he would be unable to experience the same things.
  74. Appearance: Tan skin, short, black messy hair. Hollow brown eyes. Wears a gray shirt and blue overalls with brown boots and a dark blue cap with white stripes. His body is covered in many spots of dirt and coal.
  76. Cayden Rowe (Sunglow)
  77. SHSL Felinologist
  78. Gender: Male
  79. Age: 20
  80. Height: 5"6 3/4
  81. Birthday: August 23rd
  82. Personality: Sunglow is a very shy person who speaks very softly and quietly when spoken to. He relies on a set of notecards to help him get through conversations, since he has trouble communicating with other people on his own, stuttering and running off alot without them. He is a coward and whenever he's in fear, will look for the nearest hiding place. Back home, he has two cats that he likes to take care of, often thinking about them and, when asked, never hesitates to talk about them.
  83. Appearance: Pale skin. Blue eyes. Short golden hair that is neatly combed. Wears a maroon colored Peruvian beanie with a white horizontal stripe across it, a white pom pom, and white s̶t̶r̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶c̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶l̶u̶f̶f̶y̶ ̶s̶t̶u̶f̶f̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶e̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶i̶n̶g̶s̶. Wears a maroon hoodie with white drawstrings, denim jeans, and sneakers with the colors white, black, and red.
  85. Lawrence Townsend (Midnight)
  86. SHSL Geologist
  87. Gender: Male
  88. Age: 18
  89. Height: 6"2
  90. Birthday: December 26th
  91. Personality: Midnight is a quiet but thoughtful guy who always speaks in a formal manner. He often likes to spend his time reading and looking at the stars. Losing his parents in a car accident, he ended up become detached to the world and the people around him, so whenever there's someone who tries to interact with him, it's a whole new concept to him. He would often try to think of ways to initiate or continue the conversation, but he ends up just cutting it off abruptly this way.
  92. Appearance: Pale skin, short jet black hair in wet curls, dark green eyes, long black coat with cuff sleeves and a high neck collar, a white t-shirt, black fingerless gloves, dark blue denim jeans, and leather black shoes.
  94. Vincent Garner (Onyx)
  95. Gender: Male
  96. Age: 17
  97. Height: 5"7 3/4
  98. Build: Sort of Muscular
  99. Birthday: May 15th
  100. Personality: Onyx is a pessimistic person who never looks on the bright side of life. He's very cautious and constantly acts like an awful event is going to take place. He's also not the easiest person to talk to, since he feels paranoid about why people are talking to him (thinking that they're going to use him for something, because they're bored and have no one to talk to, etc.) He can be blunt and isn't afraid to speak his mind.
  101. Appearance: Dark brown windswept hair that reaches to his upper-neck. Hazel eyes. Fair-to-tan skin. Short-sleeved black shirt with the logo of a rock band. Red pants with a chain hanging from the front right pocket. Black converses. Two ear piercings and a Labret snakebite (two chin piercings).
  103. Celia Carpenter (Diamond)
  104. SHSL Baker
  105. Age: 17
  106. Height: 5"7
  107. Gender: Female
  108. Birthday: April 3rd
  109. Personality: Diamond is an upbeat and happy girl who loves to make friends. She can sometimes come off a little intimidating, because when she finds someone to socialize with, she becomes extremely talkative and doesn't give the person she speaks with any time to reply to what she's saying. She is also very passionate about her talent, and loves to share it with other people by baking sweets for them.
  110. Appearance: Bright cotton candy blue hair that's flowy and goes down to the middle of her back. Blue-grey eyes. Fair skin. Wears a baby blue dress with a dark blue ribbon tied around the waist and has four tiers. Wears a white unbuttoned cardigan over it with baby blue buttons. Wears electric blue and light blue striped stockings on her left leg, and white tennis shoes.
  112. Rebecca Cox (Ruby)
  113. SHSL Miner
  114. Gender: Female
  115. Age: 18
  116. Height: 5"9
  117. Birthday: July 15th
  118. Personality: Ruby is a girl who is kind and respectful to her peers. She's a slob and could care less about hygiene and cleanliness, for she's been down in the mines for years and doesn't bother getting the dirt off her anymore. She occasionally cleans herself, but other that, she will not do any other cleanly acts. She's also a hopeless romantic, but doubts that she'd find someone to be with because of her carelessness for cleanliness.
  119. Appearance: Bright red curly hair that goes down to the lower part of her back with bangs. Shy emerald green eyes. Usually wears a gray top and light blue denim jeans with black boots for mining, coated in many layers of dust, dirt, and coal. When she occasionally cleans herself, she wears a dark red petticoat, a crimson long-sleeved coat, a salmon-colored tanktop undershirt, and brown boots with heels and white fur.
  121. Charlotte Duncan (Sapphire)
  122. SHSL DJ
  123. Gender: Female
  124. Age: 17 1/2
  125. Height: 5"6 3/4
  126. Birthday: September 26th
  127. Personality: Sapphire is an energetic girl who enjoys the company of other people. If you decide to interact with her, she is a chatterbox and will talk to the point where it is intimidating. She is a try-hard when it comes to being funny, and she is a daredevil and isn't afraid to pull any stunts. She loves music, especially techno, electronica, and dubstep, and is always seen with an i-pod and headphones.
  128. Appearance: Fair skin. Has jet black hair that goes down to the middle part of her back, streaked with various bright colors. Wears dark blue headphones on her neck with a black cord, the cord connected to a purple I-pod with dark blue, electric blue, and light blue swirls tucked into her right glove. Purple eyes. Silver ear stud on her right ear. Wears a light blue short-sleeved shirt with the logo of a rock band on it. Fingerless forearm-length gloves, her left glove the color of neon pink, and her right glove the color of electric blue. Wears a dark blue tiered ruffled skirt with a dark red and neon blue striped-stocking on her right leg. White tennis shoes.
  130. Chelsey Hawkins (Emerald)
  131. SHSL Doctor
  132. Gender: Female
  133. Age: 18 3/4
  134. Height: 5"9 1/2
  135. Birthday: March 27th
  136. Personality: Emerald is a girl who isn't very fond of jokes. Pranks, knock-knocks, you name it. She is a very serious person who can get easily irritated if any bull is pulled on her. She can get defensive when someone says something negative about her personality, sometimes even going out of her way to prove that she isn't what they say of her. She can also be pretty bossy and scold people for their actions and/or words. Despite all of this, she is a moderately quiet, caring person deep down who rarely smiles at other people. It can be seen when she does anything related to her SHSL.
  137. Appearance: Fair skin. Straight light blonde hair that reaches to mid-back length. It is always tied back in a ponytail, held by a white hairband. Emerald green eyes. Wears a seafoam green Scrubs uniform underneath a white buttoned Doctor's coat with white nurse mates. A stethoscope is around her neck.
  139. Dylan Goodman (Almond)
  140. SHSL Musician
  141. Gender: Male
  142. Age: 18 3/4
  143. Height: 5"10
  144. Birthday: August 5th
  145. Personality: Almond is a slightly serious guy who is very well-mannered, kind, and respectful to people, especially women. He is friendly and easygoing to new people, and sometimes likes to tell jokes. Although, when it comes to him and two of his best friends, he doesn't like to goof around like they do. He is very passionate about art, music, and theater, and can be seen drawing, playing an acoustic guitar, or heading out to see a play or musical.
  146. Appearance: Fair skin. Light blue eyes. Short, chocolate-colored combed back hair, clean cut. Wears a black ear stud on his left ear. Wears thick white square-framed glasses with no lenses. Wears a short-sleeved light gray button-down with white buttons, tucked into black slim straight jeans with thin black suspenders, a red bowtie, and gray converses.
  148. Amy Hawthorne (Rose)
  149. SHSL Botanist
  150. Gender: Female
  151. Age: 16
  152. Height: 5" 1/2
  153. Birthday: May 4th
  154. Personality: Rose has had a history of family abuse, and thus is very intimidated by the world around her. She's always in constant fear of danger lurking around every corner, and often hides, going unnoticed as a result. When she's out and about, she stands very awkwardly, just hoping that someone doesn't go up to her and try to interact with her. If someone does, she ends up shaking and emitting nervous squeaks, overwhelmed and worried they'll end up harming her. She loves plants and animals dearly, but spends her time around plants more--if there's one around, she'll take care of it and even talk to it. If you somehow end up getting her to talk, she talks very shakily, nervously looking around the room--or if you'll get through to her, you'll find that she is a very caring and clingy person who speaks softly.
  155. Appearance: Fair skin. Faded pink straight hair that ends in curls, reaching down to her chest. Gray-blue eyes. A cotton candy pink long-sleeved dress with label art of music, animals, and plants on it. White knee-high socks and pink converse sneakers.
  157. Lynette Shelton (Mint)
  158. SHSL Blogger
  159. Gender: Female
  160. Age: 17
  161. Height: 5"4
  162. Birthday: March 20th
  163. Personality: Mint is a very timid person who often stutters and is very clumsy. She often trips and is quite accident-prone. Due to this, she fears people hate her for causing accidents and constantly apologizes. Mint likes to try and get to know the people around her, but due to her shy nature, she doesn't make the best conversationalist. She will often be seen on a laptop, updating her blog where she shares the vast amount of knowledge that she holds on different topics--food, pets, make-up, etc.
  164. Appearance: Mint curls with a bun in the back. Hazel eyes. Pale skin. Has permanent blush marks on her face. Wears a white long-sleeved cotton sweater that starts at her shoulders. Black leggings. Brown slip-on shoes.
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