
Noa shows Lotlhuitl his, but she has nothing to show him.

Apr 15th, 2018
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  1. [2018-Apr-11 23:57:02] He...
  3. He couldn't help but to stare as this woman now as they stood across from one another. Falling into this throne made of stone as he practically drape himself over it in the most casual of mannerisms. If by any means he was meant to be showing fear to this woman standing before him it was plainly obvious he didn't dare show it.
  5. "I wonder... You worked so hard to defend a woman who marked you. To defend my wife, when you could hardly defend yourself." He seemed to muse with a tint of gold flashing through his gaze once more. Perhaps it was sitting in a position of power that caused it though all the same he seemed to be enjoying himself a little too much.
  7. "I can't help but wonder, will you actually be able to stay away from Xitlalli? Do you even want to?"
  9. Questions, questions.
  10. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. [2018-Apr-12 00:07:38] Lotlhuitl stared up at Noa, her expression stony to say the least. "I can defend myself just fine, thank you very much." She snapped. Her tail twitched. It was a lie. She didn't believe it, and she didn't even have the barest conviction to make it even sound convincing.
  14. Her ears had pinned back. Her expression conflicted. "Xoconan made me promise that I would, so." Not exactly an answer to his question if she would or could or even wanted to stay away from his wife -- her best friend.
  16. She didn't want to stay away from Xitlalli, but it was the best way to keep her safe. Xoconan was a jealous lover, and, well. He'd surely hurt Xitlalli if she didn't.
  18. But she missed her. Missed the presence of the rune at the back of her neck. Hatsune had excised much of the corruption within her. But.. it had left Lotlhuitl feeling vulnerable. Weak -- even weaker than normal.
  20. Lotlhuitl made quite a contrast to the white-haired lad, sitting up on Ezmara's throne. He seemed bemused, cheerful, calm, relaxed.
  22. She was tense, angry, worked up. Vulnerable.
  24. The only thing the two really had in common was that they were both staring at the other.
  26. "You shouldn't be sitting there, Noa. That's.. improper."
  27. (Lotlhuitl)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [2018-Apr-12 00:13:06] Her spark...
  32. Something that he had come to enjoy from this woman was seemingly gone. Once upon a time she would of shown anger though now she seemed almost entirely too reserved. Those who were weak falling so carefully into the hands of this Magi who stood at this very pinnacle of absolute power. That alone could be their only use afterall, with nothing more to offer this world than becoming a pawn for the strong.
  34. "You should think for yourself, Lotlhuitl. I dislike what they did to you, you feel so much more boring now." He spoke with a heavy sigh escaping from his lips. "If you truly love Xitlalli, if you value her? Meet her in secrecy, show her you hold that devotion." His words carried on with a sudden quirk of his brow pushing upwards. The mention of this throne causing him to motion towards this area where he sat so confidently.
  36. "But... It's so much fun. Would you like to join me, Lotlhuitl?"
  38. How scandalous.
  39. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. [2018-Apr-12 00:23:48] Her hands slowly curled into fists.
  44. "I.. I am thinking for myself." She protested. "What they did? They.. they.." She wanted to protest further, but in truth, Lotlhuitl wasn't so certain that what Hatsune had done had helped her. She felt so empty. Vulnerable.
  46. And with the way that Lotlhuitl had blinked, staring up at Noa, it should have been obvious.
  48. "N-Noa, how could you suggest that?" Meet in secret? The idea had obvious appeal to her. "I swore to Xoconan I wouldn't keep secrets from him. And.. he me."
  50. At the mention of joining him, Lotlhuitl's skin had taken on a distinct blush. Anger flashing at her gaze.
  52. "Stop messing around, Noa!" She snarled, taking a step towards him. "I.. I love Xitlalli more than you can know."
  53. (Lotlhuitl)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. [2018-Apr-12 00:29:18] That...
  58. That was the spark he sought to unleash in this woman. Though her jealousy and anger continued to grow he remained as excited as ever to see it boiling over. He was the culprit of this all, he was causing her to grow irritated as that was a right he alone seemed to hold. Practically squirming from such excitement in place upon this throne he could no longer keep these words to himself.
  60. "Are you thinking for yourself? Do you truly believe that, Lotlhuitl? As much as you protest, you only make me believe you are thinking for Xoconan." His proclamation rang as true as ever now as he came to fix his posture. No longer draped over this throne as hands folded all too perfectly in his lap. He had to practically restrain himself from the assault of laughter that so desperately wanted freedom.
  62. "... You understand why Dmex chose me, don't you? Though I am flawless, I could think for myself. I could shut out anyone I needed to, if it meant our dream of a perfect Agartha would survive. You lack that, Lotlhuitl."
  64. She lacked a spine of her own.
  65. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [2018-Apr-12 00:41:03] Lotlhuitl's entire body went stiff.
  70. "You're wrong."
  72. Her voice was hoarse. Her eyes slowly narrowed. That same, strangely metallic quality was building once more. Mirror-like, they reflected the light which radiated from Noa's form... as her skin grew darker.
  74. Swirls of black began to cover her skin. Radiating out from her mana circuits.. until her lovely (largely unblemished!) skin was an unnatural shade of black.
  76. "I alone choose whether I speak to Xitlalli or not. Not you. Not Xoconan." She felt her jealousy flare. How could Xitlalli love him? "I'm not a coward who lurks in the dark. I.. I won't keep it secret, if I speak with her."
  78. Something twisted within her. Pain, agony. Her soul was raw and vulnerable. Reaching out for something, anything, to patch the holes which Hastune had left in it.
  80. And then he said it. Dmex chose him. Her breath had audibly hitched in her throat. "You're wrong. I'm.. I'm her favourite. She just blessed you out of charity." Lotlhuitl spat. The jealousy within her was like poison. She wanted to spit it at Noa. She wanted him to feel like she did.
  82. "She offered me the chance to sit at her right hand in the spiritual realms, Noa! Not you. Not you."
  84. The woman took another step towards him, lightning now crackling at her fingertips. She looked like she wanted to strike him.
  86. "I bet she didn't really bless you, anyway. You're a liar, Noa Huitzilopochtli."
  87. (Lotlhuitl)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [2018-Apr-12 00:48:48] ... He was many things.
  92. Though a liar was far from one of them. Dropping from this throne now he took only a single step forwards, his very aura seeming sickly now. The golden hue around his body attempting to overpower even the brightness of The Sun itself as a hand reached up to grasp at the chin of Lotlhuitl. His very physical manifestation of pride itself working to overpower any feelings that may of continued to linger in the mind of this Nagual.
  94. "I do not lie, Lotlhuitl. I am blessed, as you have witnessed with your own eyes. The one who will become the savior of Agartha, willed by someone who won't offer you what we have." His words were almost as sickly as this horrendous glow that continued to pour from his form. Though even then he had nothing to prove to this woman, this supposed blessing fading in a moment as his face pulled itself closer towards Lotlhuitl.
  96. "She offered me everything. Now, will you continue to allow others to guide your life? Or, do you perhaps to finally take hold of it for yourself?"
  98. How... Vile.
  99. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [2018-Apr-12 00:49:31] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: (finally intend to take hold of it for yourself.*
  103. [2018-Apr-12 00:49:32] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((oops
  104. [2018-Apr-12 00:49:35] LOOC - Noa Huitzilopochtli: ((sleepy
  105. [2018-Apr-12 01:00:24] Her ears pinned back, her perfect, lightly pointed teeth bared at Noa as he took that step forward. For a second, it looked like the Nagual really would attack him. Lotlhuitl desperately wanted to hurt him. To make him feel pain. Agony. She wanted to savage him.
  107. She did not look away. Not even as he reached his hand out, grasping her chin. Not even as his aura seemed to take on a painful level of brightness. It was worse than looking at the sun. It was --
  109. "No...!" Lotlhuitl hissed, her entire body filled with tension. She felt his will. Felt the magic coursing through her veins, flooding her senses. Threatening to overpower and overwhelm what feelings that she possessed.
  111. Lotlhuitl resisted.
  113. Her breathing was ragged, her face twisted into a grimace, as she felt the jealousy rising within her.
  115. It was the same energy Dmex had. The same power. That which had once flowed through her.. Corruption-- but not viewed as such by Lotlhuitl. Dmex had claimed it was divine energy, and Lotlhuitl believed her.
  117. His face was right next to hers. Her pupils were as large as dinner plates. Dilated. The intense, painful light he shed reflected in her gaze.
  119. "Nn," Lotlhuitl growled, her tail twitching.
  121. Something within the woman revolted. And.. If Noa wasn't careful, he'd find himself getting a solid headbutt delivered to the bridge of his nose.
  122. (Lotlhuitl)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [2018-Apr-12 01:08:12] Aha...
  127. That was all he had hoped to gain from this. Even struck in the nose by this woman his movements were as quick as a viper, hands snapping from her chin all to grasp at her neck. Only a moment of seconds was all it took, his nose crooked and bent by her strike forcing itself back into place with that horrific glow aiding it once more. What came next roared as nothing short of a demand given to this woman.
  129. "You are not to speak of my blessing. I feel the need to say this, for that is entirely beneath you. If I so much as see you telling a single soul about this?" His words were filled with malice as his grip on her neck had begun to grow firm. If he wanted he could of snapped it in a single movement, if he had willed such actions he could end her life without so much as a second thought! What came instead, was his hands pulling back beneath his cloak.
  131. "... I am glad I could awaken that spark in you once more. I am a bastion of perfection,if you are going to hold jealousy? Hatred for anyone? Hold it for me, allow me to fuel that inside you."
  133. To think of him alone as perfect, as above her! What better a world?
  134. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [2018-Apr-12 01:08:34] Noa Huitzilopochtli says, "... Continue to hate, Lotlhuitl. To think for yourself."
  138. [2018-Apr-12 01:08:36] Noa huff.
  139. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. [2018-Apr-12 01:19:20] Lotlhuitl's feet had scrambled for purchase, Noa's hand choking her, lifting her off the ground. The Nagual's hands immediately went to his, fingernails digging in.
  144. She'd broken his nose. Lotlhuitl really hadn't been holding back when she'd slammed her forehead into him. And yet, it was with a horrified sort of awe that she found herself watching the break heal before her very eyes.
  146. She couldn't breathe. He was squeezing the life out of her. Crushing her throat. She kicked out at him, a rasping, rattling sound coming from her as she struggled for air. She could feel the power -- his relentless pride -- radiating around her. Sinking into her flesh. Her soul.
  148. And then he released her.
  150. His hands went back beneath his cloak as she stumbled backwards. Hate in her gaze.
  152. In truth, she.. she didn't want to tell anyone what she had seen here. Noa had stolen what should have been rightfully hers. Noa had humiliated her.
  154. "Fuck you, Noa. I don't.. I don't need you."
  156. Lies.
  158. The Nagual turned to leave.
  160. (Lotlhuitl)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [2018-Apr-12 01:25:26] Gleeful!
  165. His mind was practically a rush of thoughts at this point though he stood in silence. Constantly moving from one after another as any wound that had been inflicted upon his form worked swiftly to repair itself. He had proven more than what had been required of him, shown her of this world that he alone stood in. One where absolute power was grasped in the palm of his hand only waiting to be utilized.
  167. "... I truly do enjoy that fire. I can not wait to mold it into obsession over me." His words filled with absolute glee as his body practically trembled from such. Moving not to stop her as she made her departure all as Noa worked to ponder if this was what bliss was. Had this been how Dmex felt working to make those so far beneath her boots praise her as though she was a god?
  169. "Until next time, Lotlhuitl. Your savior will always have time in the event you wish to talk, for that is my benevolence."
  171. He could only imagine...
  172. (Noa Huitzilopochtli)
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