
loading zone count (for revised route)

Jun 25th, 2015
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  1. Loading zone count attempt:
  3. NOTE: this is not every loading zone, some are definitely neglected but these should be almost the same between each route. This is not a good way to compare the route to JP, just to compare these two routes.
  5. Revised route (couple's + temples cycle 2)
  7. 15 after getting kicked out of sonata (counting being kicked out of sonata as a loading zone)
  8. 3 after getting kicked out after magic bean (counting getting caught as loading zone)
  9. 8 at pictobox
  10. 5 at lens
  11. 6 at h&d 1 (door to kafei's mask =/= loading zone)
  12. 2 at exit woodfall temple
  13. 8 at don gero
  14. 4 when enter main part of pf (did not count door to hp room)
  15. 9 at end of PF (did not count 2 doors on each side of pirate fight)
  16. 7 after exit ocean spider house
  17. 2 at nwbn
  18. 13 at deku 1
  19. 1 (enter snowhead temple, not counting any loading zones that might be in temples, just entering)
  20. 4 at gold dust
  21. 3 after exit bomb shop
  22. 20 for gold dust duping
  23. 4 after deposit letter
  24. 13 at enter mountain village (snowhead intro cs is skipped, did not count void after hp)
  25. 3 at razor sword (counted being forced to leave smithy)
  26. 2 after exit woodfall w/ princess
  27. 7 at mask of scents
  28. 9 when exit CT to termina before biobaba
  29. 2 for biobaba grotto (counting as 2 for now, idk if goron drowning is worth it yet)
  30. 4 after exit beavers (not counting loadings that might exist between races)
  31. 9 at enter GBT (counted doors in zora hall + TCS)
  32. 1 at double defense (not counting stuff in temples, don't think there are any though)
  33. 2 at deposit razor sword (included being forced to leave smithy)
  34. 6 at h&d 2
  35. 11 after exit inn (counted being forced to leave h&d 2, 2 doors in inn don't count)
  36. 2 after deku 3
  37. 2 after witch minigame and leave building
  38. 2 after swamp shooting
  39. 2 after GB cliff HP (not counting any that might be in torch minigame)
  40. 10 at letter to postman
  41. 4 at powder keg
  42. 2 after STT (counted enter normal and then entering inverted)
  43. 4 after sakon's hideout (counted being forced to exit hideout)
  44. 5 at dampe bottle (did not count doors/stairs insides graves/house)
  45. 4 after exit ocean gossips (assumed enter WCT then enter termina)
  46. 6 at couple's mask (did not count door to anju's room)
  47. ------- end of cycle 2 -------
  48. 15 at garo's mask (counted doors to dog HP and bunny hood)
  49. 3 at secret shrine HP (didn't count doors inside)
  50. 9 when enter NCT for blast mask (counted being forced to leave octo shooting)
  51. 2 at circus leader's mask
  52. 2 at mirror shield
  53. 1 at aliens
  54. 1 when enter ECT after romani's mask (didn't count stuff during romani's mask cutscene)
  55. 3 at all-night mask
  56. 2 at elegy (ledge clip w/ zora)
  57. ------- end of cycle 3 -------
  58. 4 when exit ect after stories
  59. 9 when enter ect again
  60. 7 when exit ect again
  61. 1 when enter clock tower
  63. --- saved a loading zone by depositing anju's letter later, -1
  65. total = 284?
  67. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. current route (blast mask + temples cycle 2)
  71. 17 when kicked out after sonata
  72. 11 at picto
  73. 15 at don gero
  74. 2 when deposit sword (including when forced to leave)
  75. 8 at blast mask
  76. 10 at zora mask
  77. 13 at end of pf
  78. 11 at nwbn
  79. 11 when enter snowhead temple (including the void)
  80. 6 at gold dust
  81. 3 at double magic
  82. 2 at STT
  83. 3 at exit temple w/ princess
  84. 6 when enter WCT
  85. 20 for gold dust dupe
  86. 4 when enter GB
  87. 12 when enter GBT (TCS included)
  88. 5 when exit house with gilded sword
  89. 2 at powder keg
  90. 8 at mask of scents
  91. 8 at all-night mask
  92. ----- end of cycle 2 -----
  93. 20 at garo's mask
  94. 13 after exit post office w/ hp
  95. 15 at circus leader's mask
  96. 18 after h&d 3
  97. 9 after sakon's hideout
  98. 5 at dampe bottle
  99. 5 at elegy
  100. ----- end of cycle 3 -----
  101. 16 after exit chest minigame
  102. 6 when enter clock tower
  104. total: 284?
  106. ... they are about the same in terms of loading zones
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