
List of Recursion Programming Problems

Dec 26th, 2017
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  1. - ALL FRACTALS (Sierpinski Triangle/Square, Koch Snowflake, Trees, Ferns, Hilbert Curve, etc.)
  2. - fibonacci
  3. - factorial
  4. - GCD
  5. - collatz sequence
  6. - towers of hanoi
  7. - eight queens problem
  8. - hadamard matrix
  9. - flood fill
  10. - palindrome detection
  11. - binary search
  12. - reversing a string/linked list
  13. - sum/multiply the numbers in a list
  14. - sum the digits of a number
  15. - binary tree traversal
  16. - maze backtracking
  17. - permutations
  18. - combinations
  19. - all subsets of a set
  20. - quick sort
  21. - merge sort
  22. - boggle
  23. - adding a child to a binary tree
  24. - validating a binary tree
  25. - making change with coins of various denominations
  26. - find out if two nodes are connected in a graph
  27. - editing distance/levenshtein distance
  28. - knapsack problem (where items have value and size/weight)
  29. - word ladders (least > last > lost > cost > coast > cast > cask > mask > mast > most)
  30. - file system directory traversal
  31. - number of paths through an N x N grid
  32. - how many ways to go up N steps if you can go 1, 2, and/or 3 steps at a time
  33. - find a magic index in a distinct (also, not distinct) sorted array, a magic index is i where A[i] == i
  34. - get the highest stack of boxes from a set of boxes with widths/depths/heights and each box's width & depth must be equal/smaller than the one below it
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