
Crock's Naruto Fanfic

Oct 20th, 2014
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  1. A roleplay to properly vent my growing frustrations with not being able to express my love for naruto through conventional means.
  3. The Roleplay is starting you all at the beginning of the anime as genin in a class of 12. It'll start with each of you taking your genin test and then being assigned to a squad with two of your fellow classmates and a sensei. You'll start relatively un-developed as far as fighting and technique wise and can get more into that as the rp progresses. hopefully.
  5. The canon original 12 classmates of this generation do not exist although their clans still do.
  7. Classmates:
  9. Name: I'm sure if you think super hard you can come up with an authentic weeaboo name
  11. Family: If you want to be in any of the main clans, put this here and make sure the rest of your character matches the clan. If you're from an independent family in the village just jot down what your family does if they're all not ninja and if they are, jot down any family techniques you'd want them to have.
  13. Appearance: You got this, I'm sure you do. Include typical ninja attire in here as well.
  15. Gear: Even though you're a genin, I'm sure you might've made the conscious decision to start with some minimal expertise as some form of a unique weapon. Everyone should/would carry a bag of kunai/shuriken with them though.
  17. Personality: Just to make sure that the way you play your character won't make me kill myself and will allow me to turn before I let you into the rp
  19. Backstory: Starting at the time part 1 of the anime takes off. You might have to do some background research via wiki or something to get this right. This should be pretty in-depth and interesting and not just "im the average genin" because that'll bore me 2 death.
  21. TradeMark Skill: The RP is starting from quite literally the beginning with you all showing off some form of your skill at the genin exam so you can have one unique/moderately cool skill to show off. Be it a low level ninjutsu, a taijutsu technique, or some kind of weapon expertise.
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