
Top 10 Hated/Favorite People

Dec 8th, 2013
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  1. Preston's Top 10 Most Hated Human-beings of All-Time, and their crimes:
  2. 1) Hammurabi, the 6th King of Babylon. Invented legislation (political law > common law).
  3. 2) Louis XIV, King of France and Navarre. Invented the modern nation-state (redirecting national pride towards the government + strong central government + bureaucracy).
  4. 3) Alexander Hamilton, 1st United States Secretary of the Treasury. Strong proponent of imperialism, mercantilism, and central banking. Influenced politicians and economists for generations in the United States, eventually transforming the most free country in world history into the most destructive and oppressive imperial government in world history.
  5. 4) Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Soviet Union. Ordered the torture, starvation, and direct murder of hundreds of millions of innocent people in Russia and surrounding states. Responsible for the greatest amount of human suffering and loss of life that has ever been perpetrated by a single man.
  6. 5) Mao Zedong, 1st Chairman of Communist China. Comes in a close second for human destruction. Additionally, wrote the Communist Manifesto, which is arguably the most influential political work of the 20th century, as every single modern government appears to be following these instructions word for word. You can find pictures/paintings of him on T-shirts and hanging on walls of liberals everywhere, world wide.
  7. 6) Che Guevara, Cuban Revolutionary. Everyone misunderstands this guy and his ideas. He was an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, marxist, and advocated extreme violence to achieve utopian ends. Just like Mao, you can find his face on anything, which is hilarious because he was anti-capitalist.
  8. 7) Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. Another misunderstood figure. Lincoln was first and foremost a politician, he was not against slavery nor did he have any moral convictions that guided him. This primary concern was keeping the union together because of republican federal policies that taxed and exploited the exporting southern states and enriched the manufacturing/importing north (especially Lincoln's politically connected friends in the north). Lincoln is responsible for the American Civil War which was the bloodiest war in United States history. The outcome of the war switched the relationship between the federal government and the state governments, leading to an ever stronger and centralized federal government. This path eventually fulfills everything that Alexander Hamilton wanted for the imperial United States, and it would not have been possible without President Lincoln.
  9. 8) Plato, ancient philosopher of Athens. Invented the idea of 'philosopher kings' in his book 'Republic'. Being a student of Socrates should have taught him something about questioning authority, engaging the world around him with a scientific attitude, and reserving judgement until sufficient evidence has been gathered. Unfortunately, Plato seemed to learn absolutely nothing from Socrates except how to be smug. He formed the first Academy and influenced intellectuals for 2,000 years. Its possible that he is responsible for all the other horrible philosophies as everyone seems to be inspired by him, but he's further down the list because people could have just ignored this guy like they ignored the hundreds of other ancient thinkers/writers/historians of the same time period.
  10. 9) Aristotle, student of Plato. Creating the first imperial monster, Alexander the Great, would have been enough to get him on the list but that's not his only contribution. Everyone credits him for being the first scientist and praising him for being the first step towards the accumulation of knowledge in many fields, but that's not even close to accurate. Everything in his publications is just a reflection of the backwards mythical ideas that were held commonly during that time period. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of philosophers/scientists/historians (especially in the east) who were far ahead of Aristotle, and most of these people published their works before he was born. Aristotle continues to influence western philosophy even today, which just shows how incredibly intellectually bankrupt the west has always been and apparently always will be.
  11. 10) Richard Buckminster Fuller, an American inventor and futurist. While its not entirely fair to put just him on this list, he is a perfect example of the group of people who should all be stuffed into this one spot. A majorly influencial intellectual without any intelligence, an inventor who invented nothing (geodesic domes were -constructed- before Fuller even talked about them), popularized 'spaceship earth' (horrible environmentalist idea), ephemeralization (contradicts spaceship earth hilariously), synergetic (which is just a restatement of Aristotelian formal and final causes, and possibly medieval mechanicalism), and repeatedly used invented words which mean absolutely nothing such as 'dymaxian'. Overall he is the embodiment of the mystical/inaccurate thinking as well as self-serving elitism which has plagued mankind since time immemorial.
  13. Preston's Top 10 Favorite Human-beings of All-Time, and their accomplishments (incomplete):
  14. 1) Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises, Austrian economist and philosopher.
  15. 2) Temujin, the Great Khan of Mongolia.
  16. 3) Murray Newton Rothbard, American economist of the Austrian School.
  17. 4) Ronald Ernest Paul, American congressman for the 14th district of Texas.
  18. 5) Robert Murphy, American economist of the Austrian School.
  19. 6) Norman Borlaug, agricultural scientist.
  20. 7) Gregor Johann Mendel, scientist and Augustinian friar.
  21. 8) Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir, Belgian engineer.
  22. 9) Cornelius Vanderbilt, American entrepreneur.
  23. 10) Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States.
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