
Jordan Freeman Chapter 1: Getting Ready

Aug 31st, 2012
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  1. Jordan Freeman
  2. (Not nice Gordon Freeman)
  3. Chapter 1: Getting ready
  4. 'Ugh, I hate the morning train ride,' you thought as you were riding the monorail to Black Mesa.
  5. This was not the kind job you thought you would have, but what other jobs are there for MIT physicists? These people were the only ones to hire you, so you joined them the first chance you got.
  6. The monorail stopped at your destination: the anomalous materials lab. Today is a big day. Your science team is going to be testing out the new material gathered from Xen with the power generator. You shiver just at the thought of the place. The last time you were there, you almost fell off the edge and plummeted to your doom.
  7. A security guard comes up to the train car. "Hey there Jordan, big day today, eh?" He said playfully.
  8. "Meh," You respond. "Shouldn't you be guarding a donut, Barney?"
  9. "Well, someone hasn't woken up completely yet, huh?" Barney said with an annoyed look.
  10. He escorted you to the two large metal doors that led to the lab. He opened the doors using the retinal scanner.
  11. "Have a good day Jordan," He said, "And good luck."
  12. "Yeah, ok," You say half-heartedly.
  13. As you walk in, the doors behind you close. You always wondered why the lab has such a high tech security system. It's not like Aperture or the military is going to find you so deep underground.
  14. You are greeted by the smell you've come to know so well: Sweaty scientists. They were everywhere, going around doing their own business.
  15. "Hello Jordan."
  16. "Big day today, eh Jordan?"
  17. "Good morning, Jordan"
  18. "Meh," was your reply to all of them.
  19. You pushed your way through all of them, and went to the locker room. Today was your first day to were an HEV suit. Not many people get to wear one of those.
  20. Well, you are going to be going into a possibly radioactive room with material that may be radioactive, so you might as well wear one.
  21. As you got the suit on, a little female voice started talking.
  22. "Suit power: 40%"
  23. "Okay, I got it."
  24. "Suit power: 60%"
  25. "Please, stop. It's annoying."
  26. "Suit power: 80%"
  27. "STOP IT!!!"
  28. "Suit power: 100%"
  29. "Finally!" You let out a sigh of relief as you said it.
  30. You walked over to the cafeteria to eat. You didn't have time to eat Breakfast before you came, because you slept late. As you walked in, you heard the microwave on, and you saw a scientist looking away. You started feeling a little playful, so you sneaked up and turned the power up on the microwave.
  31. The food exploded.
  32. "My god! What are you doing!?" Exclaimed Eli.
  33. "Just having a bit of fun." You said. You started laughing hysterically.
  34. "Yeah, yeah, very funny. Now I have nothing to eat." Eli looked annoyed.
  35. "Oh yeah? Well welcome to the club." You said as you marched out triumphantly.
  36. "Humph," Eli scoffed.
  37. Now that you'd done your usual prank of the day, you put on your helmet and started down the hallway. The faster the experiment is done, the faster you could go home. You got the feeling that today wasn't going to be a good day.
  38. 'No, today is normal, you are just being silly.' You think.
  39. 'Right?'
  40. End of Chapter 1
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